a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the Excitement continoos

I have not posted since satoowday when I was in the swimming event at Blogville's Pawlympis cause even when I'm not pawticipating, I'm wunning awound all the awenas and cheewing fow all my fwiends..and then thewe is the food sampling at the food couwts, well, it's a vewy busy time, you can imagine

 the excitement in Blogville Stadium is palpabull 
All the pawticipants have come wif theiw vewy best effowts and skill and have amazed all of us wif theiw dedicashun and spowtsmanship 

 Since my last post, I have Pawticipated in Cwazy Sleeping Singles hosted by Oskaw 

Beach Ball hosted by Benny and Lilly 

(as you can see, sadly the Beach Ball was defective, but I cawwied on) 

 Today's competition(one of the biggest wif ovew 116 entwies was Couch PotatoPeeling sponsowed by LillyBelle and Muffin and assisted by theiw Mom and Gwammpa who led us all in the Olympic Oaf 
 this was my entwy 

(as you can see, I've pwacticed fow ages fow this event the sheew numbew of pawsitions and Skill involved by all the contestants was dazzling.)

 Good thing I am so good at westing cause I needed all my enewgies fow the second even of the day GYMNASTICS sponsowed by my good fwiend Maddie fwom my biwf State of Nowf Cawolina 

I am cwossing my paws that I do well in this event cause my speshul coach was Mommi , who did this move in hew apawtment in Boo da Pest when she was a little giwl she was able to help me wif my twaining and I don't want to dissapoint hew

I have to go west up fow all the west of the events I've entewed but please go and check out all of them and make shoowe you know what else is coming by looking at the CALENDAW OF EVENTS (thewe is a pictoowe on my sidebaw and all you have to do is click on it to get all the infowmashun)

 All ouw sponsows have wowked so vewy hawd..they desewve a standing ovashun and ouw vewy big thank you 

  smoochie kisses


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pawlympics day 2 - SWIMMING

If any of you watched the Pawade of afletes , and the Opening Cewemonies  that the hoomans had at theiw Olympics , I think you'll agwee, that thewe is no compawison

we had bettew speeches, nicew outfits and mowe fun at ouw Pawlympic Opening yestewday

Ouw deew Fwiends Mona and Weenie and the Mommy have made a most wondewful smilebox and have genewoosly shawed the code fow all of us to enjoy

so sit back and watch and get into the Pawlympic Spiwit wif us all
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On this day two of ouw Pawlympics, the twoo competishun is stawting
wif faiwness and Faiw Play and wespect fow each othew being fowemost

Today's impawtant eventses awe:
 Click the link to check out her competition! 






I saved all my enewgy fow only one event today

 I stawted my swimming caweew on a small scale at my old NewYawk City wun in the small pool

it was fwightening at fiwst(too much like a baf), but once I wealized the wefweshing coolness of watew on a summew's day, thewe was no stopping me

I swam in lakes and the Ocean and anywhewe I coold

 I would jump wight in

 I even pawticipated in welay swimming events in the past

 and twied my paws at suwfing wif gweat success

but since moving to Outew Space Boo da Pest
my swimming has been sadly cuwtailed

stwange fow a city that pwides itself on all its natoowal hot spwings and many outdoow pools, as well as the Danoobe and the neawby hooge Lake Balaton,
thewe awe vewy few places fow woofies to do theiw twaining fow this event

 I know the competishun will be fiewce wif many vewy talented fuwwkids swimming theiw heawts out
I am just thwilled I qualified to pawticipate

Thank you Sawge fow hosting this event

smoochie kisses


Friday, July 27, 2012

Let the Games Begin!

Today's the Day The Offishull stawt of the Pawlympic games!!!! 

I (along wif all the athletes) have been twaining and looking fowawd to this day
fow Momfs..the excitement has been mounting and I coold hawdly contain myself

i've entewed many many events(some listed on my badge)
I am  wepwesenting Manhattan and Budapest  and (gulp) hope I don't embawwass those two gweat places by my pawfowmance,

but,Mayow Fwankie has aweady told us each and evewy one of us is a winnew and Sawge has kindly made us a bootiful badge that we can all take home

don't miss any of the excitement..make shoowe you check each day  on the Official PetBlogging Games Calendaw fow each day's events!

( you will be amazed!)
 Then, the Official Opening speech by Mayow Fwankie Fuwtew

And Finally, the Pawade of the Athletes on Posie Dowg's bloggie 

Thank you to all the hosts fow theiw tiweless wowk in making this the bestest pawlympics evew!

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hewo sweet fwiends,

This past weekend, my Pawents and I went to spend the weekend visiting fwiends at Lake Balaton
 It's the lawgest fwesh watew lake in Centwal Oowope and Mommi used to spend evewy summew thewe when she was a little giwl

The nowf showe is hew favowite, wif many bootiful towns and vineyawds all along the showe, so that was ouw destination

We took the twain fwom Boo da Pest (it's kind of old , so it takes fuwwevew)
I had to buy a ticket and so did Mommi, but Daddi gets to go fow fwee(Mommi will in about a yeaw too,  cause they'we old, hehehehe)

we spent ouw time walking lots

Hewe I am wif Daddi on some steps in Tihany

and Mommi having a lovely day

visiting wif fwiends

tasting wine fwom theiw cellaw

shawing some yummie food

making some new fwiends

seeing bootiful sights

 finding places to eat

and finally, Mommi got to go and swim in the silky watews of the lake

Pleez look at my smileybox..it's kind of long, but I think you might enjoy it
(pleez note that I call lots of hoomans auntie ow unkel..this is just a polite way to wefew to a hooman you love who is oldew than you, not necessawaly a welation)

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I hope you had fun looking at my pictoowes 
I wish you could all have joined me 

 smoochie kisses


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Soopew Happy Suwpwise

I have a most happy Post today

 It's vewy excitewing when the Post man buzzes fwom downstaiws hewe in Boo da Pest 
you let him in wif youw fwont doow phone, and then he comes upstaiws in the lift. 

Oosually, you just open the little window on yoow fwont doow wif the iwon cage doow closed and he hands you the mail thwoo the baws and then you tip him 

BUT, if you get an enowmoos package like I did, you have to open the whole fwont doow, iwon safety doow and all,
 like this 

then you go bewsewk wif excitement and Mommi has to body block you so you don't wun out into the hall and down the staiws and into the stweet and nevew to be seen again oh, and then you tip him biggew, hehehehe 

Agatha and Awchie and theiw PLs sent me the biggest, most wondewfullest box full of tweats and toys and books fow Mommi and mowe giftses like bootiful bags and a tewwiew notebook fwom forever foxed 
 well, I will stop talking and just let you gaze in wondew at my smilebox and see it all 

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 smoochie kisses


Monday, July 23, 2012

Bussie got his Wings

My deewest fwiend Bustew W. Smith (also known s foxtewwowist) left fow the Wainbow Bwidge last Thuwsday

fow those of you who nevew knew him,(lately, he was mostly on FB), may I intwodooce Bussie the fliwtiest, funniest, nottiest, lovingest little tewwow awound

Bussie was one of my fiwstest Blogging fwiends when I was just a little pup in NewYawk City
 I wemembew him welcoming me to the bloggie wowld
 one day in Mawch 2007 on his blog http://foxterrorist.blogspot.com he called me "Asta the little Uwbanista", and I was smitten immediately.
 I had to get in line, cause his ladyfwiends wewe legion aweady then, hehehehe He had a gweat zest fow life as his Mom said "...Bustew did evewything 10,000% and he did evewything HIS way...he had a heawt biggew than anything and he dedicated his life to loving us...."

Today, I had a little twip down memowy lane, to those golden days of my bloggie life (not the best idea fow Mommi , who is still cwying..she kept looking fow all my pictoowes and listing all my fwiends who have left fow the bwidge..needless to say, she was about to have a stwoke, so I sent hew to bed and I will do this on my own) ,

the point is Bussie was a BIG pawt of my life and I will miss him mowe than I can say.

This pictoowe was fwom the  fiwst big Pawty I went to..it was a shawed Biwfday pawty  fow Bailey of the fouw Bs and me..
we had cwazy fun  and pawties galowe in those days and Bussie was at evewy one of them in the middle of the fun

 I once was lucky enuff to be sowwounded by all the gweat boyz I knew in those days..you can see Bustew wight on top of Mango

ahhhh, those wewe the days!
I felt like the luckiest giwl in the wowld, and I still think I am to have known them all

Cleawly, thewe will be a gigantic pawty ovew the bwidge today..so many of ouw fwiends awe aweady thewe to welcome Bussie

he is leaping happily , cloud to cloud , his yoof- ful body westowed to match his spiwit which he nevew lost fow a minute, even when his little body got tiwed hewe on eawf

no goobyes hewe Bussie, just fawewell till we meet again.
Boo da Pest is just a hop skip and a jump fwom the wainbow bwidge, and I know you will be thewe to gweet me when my time to go comes
In the meantime, I will look fow you in the clouds

Thank you fow all the good times my deew fwiend
smoochie kisses


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Busy Busy, Busy

Hewo deew Fwiends,

 I have been vewy busy, between my awdo-us twaining fow the upcoming pawlympics

I've been helping Mommi wif painting some pictoowes so she will have enuff fow hew show in the wintew,

 and entewtaining fwiends who awe visiting,

hewe I am checking the table fow lunch

 yessss, it's weady, .....snausages yeahhhhhhhhh!

but, back to my day

Come along an I'll show you 

This is how my bedwoom looks fiwst thing in the mowning..we have outside blinds and they awe down, so the sun doesn't wake us up at five ow something 

This day we stawted by going to a cwaft faiw neew us

The weathew has been bootiful, sunny and bweezy, but once in a while, it wains fow about ten minutes, then it's all sunny again..
 I wan into my gweat fwiend Mawci, a Westie  fwiend who lives neew me
( you can just see a tiny bit of him in the pictoowe and Mommi is talking to his pawentses)
of couwse, the wain came, just as we wewe walking awound the faiw, hehehehe but look at this funny bag we saw

I guess tewwiewists don't qualify

we wan into the Metwo to get away fwom the wain and went to my auntie Julie's new apawtment (she just moved to Boo da Pest) and we wanted to see hew new place

She has the best little balcony 
(see the sun is out again)

Auntie Julie and Mommi had to twy it out fow dwinkies 
even though evewything is still in boxes, you have to take time to smell the wine, hehehehe

I pawsonally like to stick my head out and look at the view..
she ovewlooks the end of a doggie pawk and the Danoobe 

I liked it so much, I hated to come inside , but thewe wewe boxes to unpack and pictoowes to hang and blah , blah, blah

 as you can see a little tewwiew's wowk is nevew done

smoochie kisses