a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let the Games Begin!

Today's the Day The Offishull stawt of the Pawlympic games!!!! 

I (along wif all the athletes) have been twaining and looking fowawd to this day
fow Momfs..the excitement has been mounting and I coold hawdly contain myself

i've entewed many many events(some listed on my badge)
I am  wepwesenting Manhattan and Budapest  and (gulp) hope I don't embawwass those two gweat places by my pawfowmance,

but,Mayow Fwankie has aweady told us each and evewy one of us is a winnew and Sawge has kindly made us a bootiful badge that we can all take home

don't miss any of the excitement..make shoowe you check each day  on the Official PetBlogging Games Calendaw fow each day's events!

( you will be amazed!)
 Then, the Official Opening speech by Mayow Fwankie Fuwtew

And Finally, the Pawade of the Athletes on Posie Dowg's bloggie 

Thank you to all the hosts fow theiw tiweless wowk in making this the bestest pawlympics evew!

smoochie kisses


Unknown said...

Hi Asta we did our visitations and we must say we were so impressed. Have a lovely day.
Best wishes Molly

3 doxies said...

Hehehehe...I gotted my beer and nows I is gonna brings it to da Olympics so you and me can can has a toast!
Girl, you SOOOOO ain't gonna be an embarrassment. Manhatten and Bud-A-Pest will be most honored to has you represent them...before da beer...hehehehe.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good luck in all your events. You know you are always a winner with me.

Finn said...

Oh I just love your pride badges around you neck!!!

The Furry Kids said...

Good luck on your events, Asta! You will do a pawsome job!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Friday and first day of the Olympics to you my sweet Asta!!
I just came from visiting the opening ceremony, Frankie's speech and the parade...I'm stunned and nearly meowless at the amazing number of pawticipants...You are the pride of Manhattan and Budapest and hey NC since you were born here.
Hugs Madi your BFFF in NC, USA

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

{{{BLUSH}}} I could HEAR you over the CROWD... Clappin and Yell fur me during my speech. I think THAT is the ONLY reason I didn't FAINT... or pee down my leg.
THANKS GIRRRRRL... AND best of LUCK to YOU and ALL the Athletes.

Niamh said...

Looks like a great event. We will check it out. Good luck!

Your friends
Niamh & Ambrose

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are having a blast at the olympics!


Anonymous said...

It's just SO exciting, isn't it, Asta??? I'm not sure I even remember which events I entered now. Oh, well, I guess I'm just gonna have to check out ALL the events to see which ones I entered. Haha!

Wiggles & Wags,

Kwee Cats and Art said...

We so excited! We wish you lots of luck! You always a winner, Asta :-) We all got into several events too. This so much funs! We gonna enjoy the games with you :-)

Duke said...

We can tell that you're all set for the events to begin, Asta! Good luck!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Gus said...

Good luck sweetie, I hope we get the right cable channel so we can watch you.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Did Frankie Furter say he peed down his leggie??? Oh, wait he said he DIDN'T pee down his leg....you look simply marvelous, dear Girl...and how could you EM BARE ASS any country??? You will do a fine job, I'm surest!!

Gotta go catch Frankie's remarks!!!


Teacakes, Miss

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Did Frankie Furter say he peed down his leggie??? Oh, wait he said he DIDN'T pee down his leg....you look simply marvelous, dear Girl...and how could you EM BARE ASS any country??? You will do a fine job, I'm surest!!

Gotta go catch Frankie's remarks!!!


Teacakes, Miss

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OOPS....didn't mean to do that twice....


The Daily Pip said...

Miss Asta! Isn't this exciting! I'm not competing in any events, but I have a most important Olympic goal ...my goal is to visit all the food booths from around the world and taste everything! Cheers!

Your pal, Pip

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am looking for you on tv- right now