a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bussie got his Wings

My deewest fwiend Bustew W. Smith (also known s foxtewwowist) left fow the Wainbow Bwidge last Thuwsday

fow those of you who nevew knew him,(lately, he was mostly on FB), may I intwodooce Bussie the fliwtiest, funniest, nottiest, lovingest little tewwow awound

Bussie was one of my fiwstest Blogging fwiends when I was just a little pup in NewYawk City
 I wemembew him welcoming me to the bloggie wowld
 one day in Mawch 2007 on his blog http://foxterrorist.blogspot.com he called me "Asta the little Uwbanista", and I was smitten immediately.
 I had to get in line, cause his ladyfwiends wewe legion aweady then, hehehehe He had a gweat zest fow life as his Mom said "...Bustew did evewything 10,000% and he did evewything HIS way...he had a heawt biggew than anything and he dedicated his life to loving us...."

Today, I had a little twip down memowy lane, to those golden days of my bloggie life (not the best idea fow Mommi , who is still cwying..she kept looking fow all my pictoowes and listing all my fwiends who have left fow the bwidge..needless to say, she was about to have a stwoke, so I sent hew to bed and I will do this on my own) ,

the point is Bussie was a BIG pawt of my life and I will miss him mowe than I can say.

This pictoowe was fwom the  fiwst big Pawty I went to..it was a shawed Biwfday pawty  fow Bailey of the fouw Bs and me..
we had cwazy fun  and pawties galowe in those days and Bussie was at evewy one of them in the middle of the fun

 I once was lucky enuff to be sowwounded by all the gweat boyz I knew in those days..you can see Bustew wight on top of Mango

ahhhh, those wewe the days!
I felt like the luckiest giwl in the wowld, and I still think I am to have known them all

Cleawly, thewe will be a gigantic pawty ovew the bwidge today..so many of ouw fwiends awe aweady thewe to welcome Bussie

he is leaping happily , cloud to cloud , his yoof- ful body westowed to match his spiwit which he nevew lost fow a minute, even when his little body got tiwed hewe on eawf

no goobyes hewe Bussie, just fawewell till we meet again.
Boo da Pest is just a hop skip and a jump fwom the wainbow bwidge, and I know you will be thewe to gweet me when my time to go comes
In the meantime, I will look fow you in the clouds

Thank you fow all the good times my deew fwiend
smoochie kisses



Unknown said...

So sad to hear about Bussie but what a lovely tribute.
Best wishes Molly

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, such a beautiful post. I did not know Bussie, but of course, he was a fox terrier so must have been special. The old pictures are special too. What a time you all had.
Toodle pip!
PS But looking forward, I am bouncing with excitement at the prospect of our Blogville Olympics (even if Gail has only found time to enter me for a few events)....

Anonymous said...

Twansformed...twanscended, twansfixed in Glowy...Ride High, deaw Bussie; fly gently.

Unknown said...

Hi Asta
Are you really in Budapest, if so you are in one of my humans most fav places in the world.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Love to your parents and guess what my human's mum was from Gyor hence love of all things Hungarian. Post your email if you wish as a comment (I won't publish it) as I would like to hear how things are over there. Fancy that I am thrilled to meet someone in dear Budapest.
Best wishes Molly

Autumn Lakeland Terrier said...

Oh Asta this post made Ma start tearing again. It never gets any easier to lose our dear friends. Bussie was SUPER and we're gonna miss him terribly :(

Ma says it leaves her tummy sick because she knows she's gonna have to go through more pain but she tries hard not to think about those days acomin' and I guess that's why it's always so shocking to get the sad news.

Thanks for the lovely tribute to Buster. He was one of my first FB friends...I don't blog much these days 'cuz of FB so thanks for sharing this! xoxo
Love Autumn

Gus said...

Thank you sweetie...this is a lovely tribute to Buster who has touched so many hearts. Muzzer has been off and on weepy, I have tried to help her by cuddling lots. Sending kisses for you and Mommi.


Jake of Florida said...

Us too, Bussie was one of the first to welcome us, and we were on chat together. We remember those parties (and mom started to tear up when she spied us in the corner of those two amazing photos). That was a beautiful tribute, Asta, sweetie, and said just what we're all feeling. Tell your mommi not to cry -- this awful pain is the gut-wrenching price we have to pay for all the love and fun and laughter.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry and our mom

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta, dear Buster was one of our first blogging pals too.

We used to chat in the DWB chat room on Sunday afternoons. Those were the days, we remember them well.

We are having difficulty coming to terms that the one and only Buster has gone. it just doesn't seem right!

Thank you for your lovely tribute to Buster.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Finn said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Looks Ike you had some great times!

Duke said...

Bussie was one of our first friends too. He was the best! I spied me and angel Maggie at that birthday pawty. That was sure a fun time. What a beautiful tribute to our dear friend, Asta.

Love ya lots,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am so sorry to hear about Bussie.

Run FREE and FAST... til we meet again.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We is so very sorry fur da loss of your sweet furiend Buster. We will go visit his blog now and leaves a message.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Ruby said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Bussie. If he is a terror (sorry terrier), then he had to be one special pup. It is a lovely post, and made Ma's eyes water...



The Cat Realm said...

we are so sorry to hear about buster having had to leave.... he sounds like a wonderful dog! he sounds as if he and anastasia will go along just beautifully up at that bridge party...
a very nice tribute, asta!
the cat realm

Winston said...

My Dear Miss Asta,
Your post, and picshuwes, was a beautiful twibute fow Angel Bussie. We only knew him through Faciebook butt we grew to love him and enjoyed seeing his happy face.
Mom's eyes have been leaking since hearing this sad news and she holds me a little tighter cuz she nose that we won't have tons of years together since I was 7when we found each other!

Ziggy Stardust said...

What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful friend. Bussie is running free.

Loveys Sasha

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, I am so very sorry about your dear friend Bussie. I know he was very special to you. He will always be with you, watching over you with all our other dear friends who have crossed the bridge.

Your pal, Pip

Bocci said...

What a beautiful tribute to your dear friend , Bussie. Parental Unit just burst into tears. We're sorry for the loss of your friend...

Keith Andrea said...

.,this was a lovely tribute to Buster., we like it.

Dog Fence
Dog Gate

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This is a very beautiful tribute to Bussy.
Now that he has wings,, he will be over your shoulder always and forever.

White Dog Blog said...

Bussie sounds like one special guy! Your tribute is so warm and loving and full of life...things that we bet Bussie will cherish reading. We send White Dog woos of comfort to his family and know that in their wonderfl memories and through your words and photos that they will find peace. Run with eternal vigor and unbounded joy, Bussie.

Leigh said...

What a wonderful tribute. Run free Buster! woofs and licks from Magic xx

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh darling girl Pl2 is all weepy again Bussie was our first bloggie friend as well.The only thing that helps is thinking of Bussie running the show up there and eating hambergers with Joey Stains and playing with all our other friends God speed our darling boy you will always be in our hearts A very sad PL2 and A+A

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Awwww Asta, we so sorry. Those are such beautiful memories. Our Mumsy has been having a real hard time with memories and missing those who have gone on to the Bridge too. But, we jus know, they having funs there and we will too with them again some day :-)
Hugs and kitty kisses to you sweet Asta.