a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, April 30, 2012

Still cwossin Paws and dweaded Baf time

Thank you deew fwiends fow youw wowds of concewn fow my sissie Momo
and special thanks fow those of you who went to visit hew
she came back fwom the vetses,
 it seems hew toomow is spweading..
not the news I wanted to heaw, 
but at least she is home and she gots a shot to make hew not have pain and be able to eats and dwink, and she will get all the love in the wowld and spend the bestest time wif hew SS, as long as pawsibull

mommi says it's nevew enuff and I agwee, but I will continoo to cwoss my paws that she has mowe time than expected and that it will be wondewful , loving , snuggly times

hewe in Boo da Pest meantime, it got widicoolously hot...just look at the stwong sun on the stweet outside ouw apawtment
we'we lucky that the sun doesn't come diwectly in, so we stay cool
(see the shadow ouw building makes?)

unfowtoonately, Mommi got the bwight idea to give me a baf

I am NOT happy about this, but have to gwin and beaw it(not so much gwinning)

Can I come out now?

finally, some help

I gots wapped in some towels and shook and shook the watew off ..I didn't want the haiw dwyew..didn't I just say it was a wawm day?

I won that battle..no haiwdwyew, but I'm still miffed

Hewe's a video of me twying to avoid Daddi and his stoopid camewa
I even wun into the bedwoom wif the unmade bed in hopes that he won't follow, but he's paw sistant, gotta give him that..just like a tewwiew
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hopes you don't get a dweaded baf
smoochie kisses

Saturday, April 28, 2012

POTP fow my sissie Momo

pleez keep my sissie momo in youw thoughts, she's not well 

as many of you might know, she's pawt of my gang who have adoptewed me despite my doggieness, and we've had many wondewful adventoowes togethew in bloggieland ovew the yeaws..

most wecently , they helped me move fwom NewYawk to Boo da Pest
these pictoowes wewe done by my othew sissie kitteh Gwacie

 and then helped me welax in my new and weewd bafwoom and have some fun to stawt off my new life

sadly many of ouw gang have cwossed the bwidge, and I'm so vewy wowwied about Momo
pleez visit hew and give hew youw love and encouwagement hewe

Sank yoo vewy much
smoochie kisses

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Anothew Boo da Pest weekend

deewsweet fwiends

I hope all of you had a wondewful weekend

on satoowday, I got dwessed to go pawty in FB notty tewwiews annoal meeting..I thought I would do an intewpwetive dance as Isadow Dunkin
i used the Stanislowski method of acting to get into chawactew

The pawty on FB was a ball, and I had a gweat time , eating, dwinking , Danicng and getting wides in my fwiends' caws, but by sunday, I thousght i'd bettew make shoowe Mommi got some fwesh aiw

Thank you fow all yoow good wishes and advice on how to get Mommi out of hew black hoIe, I dwagged hew ouside again today and I  hope you can see this smileybox showing you ouw sunday adventoowe

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 this is one of ouw statoos fwom Matzon Frigyes, the wondewful sculptow who's house we found on ouw walkies today..Mommi and Daddi tweasoowe theiw times spent wif him all those jillions of yeaws ago

smoochie kisses

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hawd Wowk

Hewo sweet Fwiendses

this has been a most fwustwating and boowing week.  I hope youws was lots bettew!

Mommi and Daddi awe still waiting fow the pwomised papews fwom NewYawk so they can get theiw wesidence pawmits
(I of couwse aweady have my EuwoPaspawt, but if they get thwown out, it won't do me any good)
anyway, the wesult is Mommi gots all down hew black hole again, and then gots a my Gwaine, and all she did was stay in bed and moan

this made my life vewy vewy boawing

hewe is a pictoowe she tooks fwom bed of me on my pillow  boawed out of my mind (meantime Daddi was in the same woom wif me wowking on the stoopid US taxes which we still have to pay)

I twied evewything, but only gots mini walks and a little indoow soccew wif Daddi

of couwse I snuggled mommi to make hew less misewabull and finally today, I gots hew to come out wif me fow a walk

as yoo can see, it was a most bootiful day when we set off to the Duna- pawt (banks of the Danoobe to you)

thewe is a nice walkway along thewe and I aways meet new woggies to talk to and sniff..some of them awe off leash, but all of them have been fwiendly

this one was awfully stony though, hehehe(I cwack myself up)

I stopped to see some flowews and petals on the gwass and saw some biwdies

as oosual, we sat down fow a coffee at some point

I like to see the wowld walk by

I asked Mommi if she would hold me so that I would get a bettew view

on the way home, thewe was a vewy scaiwy snake monstew on the stweet

he lunged at me, but I was vewy bwave and went closew and closew to investigate..tuwns out, he wa a papew snake and only playing wif me

one of my sweet fwiends on FB Molly Bwown, cwossed the bwidge last night, and hew pawents and fwiends awe sad and miss hew lots, but when I looked up at the sky, i saw hew happily waving to me fwom the poofy , soft clouds, so I know she is awight and waiting wif all ouw othew angels to someday meet again.

This got mommi to smile
now if only I could get hew to come and visit all of you

smoochie kisses

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday walkies

Hewo Fwiendses
I hope all of you had a most wondewful weekend!

we went fow a lovely walk on Sunday
old ladies fwom the countwy awe on stweet cownews selling lilacs fow pennies..they smell divine

thewe was a stweet faiw (it's held evewy othew sunday till Octobew and we loved seeing it)
hewe is a smileboxy showing you some of the sights

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as you can see, I met up wif lots of woggies along the way, this little cutie waited patiently fow me to come ovew

one of ouw fwiends has a chaiw made out of cawdboawd that he makes and is selling..soopew stwong and comfowtable and folds up  to cawwy

but my favowitest things was meeting new fwiends

aftew walking fow houws, we stopped fow a late lunch on the way home neew ouw apawtment

we love the gweat big twee covewing the tewwace

the nice mistew bwought me a big bowl of fwesh watew wight away

then I waited fow ouw food to come

checked out the scenewy while i waited

I was hoping to see a squiwwel, but haven't spotted one yet

is the food hewe yet?

a woggie could stawve awound hewe waiting

but I gotta tell you, it was cewtainly wowf the wait..mowe livew!!!!!!!
they have lots of it in all sowts of ways and luckily fow me, mommi and daddi love owdewing it

a little stwoodel fow dessewt and then home fow a nap
my idea of a pawfect sunday walk

smoochie kisses

Friday, April 13, 2012

Eventful Week pawt two

deew Fwiends, so sowwy that it took me so long to post pawt two of my Eastew and annivewsawawy week adventoowes, but in between the fun, Mommi and Daddi had to wun awound to a whole bunch of vewy unpictoowesque Boo wo Cwatic offices to get theiw wesidency papews..no fun at all

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Mommi gots vewy tiwed doing all the stoopid official stuff, so she went to bed, but Daddi went to anothew concewt that they wewe invited to
the instwooment is called a Cimbalom  it's vewy hungawian and cool
Daddi made this smilebox fwom that evening

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I hope you can see the smileyboxes and enjoy the pictoowes,
I pwomise to come awound and visit you soonest pawsibull

smoochie kisses