a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween at the West Village Wun

As evewy yeaw, auntie Twacey and unkel Wandy twansfowmed ouw wun into a spooky wondewland fow Halloween

my pals wewe all dwessed up and weady to pawty 

hewe is a smiley box wif some of the pictoowes Daddi managed to get
(Mommi couldn't come cause she's STILLL sick if you can believe it)

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thewe was chasey chase, and bum sniffing and lots of social games, hehehehe

of couwse  being nice to hoomans has it's wewawds, hehehehe

I came home wif a big Goody bag just like all the doggies who came

thewe was a wicked gween and black stwiped snake

A pawfect owange and black bouncy ball and a bag full ot tweats

It was fantaboolous and I thank evewyone at the West Village Dog wun fow giving us such a mawvelous halloween again..

I am now busy subdooing the snake

I hope all of you had a wickedly fun Halloween full of tweats too
smoochie kisses


Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Halloween

Stop on by for a visit

Neeko said...

Hellooooo Miss Asta :o)

Looooong time no bark :o(
It sure looks like you had a Pawsome Halloween celebration :o) Did you bag a lot of goodies?

Neeko ♥

White Dog Blog said...

What a great party! You have such interesting and creative friends; what fun costumes! Thanks to daddi's photos we felt like we were there! Hope mommi feels better soon! Happy Howl-a-ween!

Gus said...

Great costumes at your wun. We can tell you are having a wonderful time, and Daddi did an AWESOME job with the Camera! (but we aren't telling Mommi that, right? Cause she might feel left out)

Wish I could be there to sniff your sweet bum


Fiona said...

Happy Halloween from Clive and Murray!

Looks like you had a great Halloween!

Winston said...

Dat wooked wike a Gweat pawty, Miss Asta! Tell ju Daddy he did a pawsome job on taking picshurs oh da pawty, cuz it felt like me wite der wiff ju!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta you looked just Smashing!! What a super duper HOWL O WEEN PAWty you all had.

You keep that SNAKE Well Under Control. THEY can be really sneaky!!!

Bocci said...

Happy Halloween, Asta! Looks like you had a marvelous time! And great job "subdooing" that snake-be careful, young lady...

P.S. Your Smilebox was just wonderful-how do you do it all?

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Miss Asta, what a great celebration with your friends. You have some great treats. Have fun. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Unknown said...

We sure missed your Mom at the party! My mom has had that awful cold too, but got some good anti-biotics that seem to be working! Plus she'd hate to miss a party after sewing all those "feathers" on my One-Eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater costume!

Feel better! Eat some Halloween candy - that works!

Your pal,


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

What a blast for Halloween Asta! So glad your peeps were back in time for that! Sorry your mom missed the pawty but at least she got to dress you up and stuff!

Looks like that snake needed subdooing!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Looks like funs for all! Made getting into the costumes worth it!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You always have so much fun at the run,Asta. And that snake - wow, it is so long. Glad you were able to join in the Halloween celebration. Tell Mom to feel better soon.

Happy Howloween to you.

Boos and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Stewey said...

Happy Halloween, Asta!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy Halloween. Looks like you had great fun at the party and got some pretty fab goodies too. I am sorry your mum missed it and hope she is feeling better real soon. Hugs GJ xx

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what a pawesome, spooky party! You look so great in your punkin suit and everyone is really dressed up perfectly! Looks like tons of fun and great treats. The snake is really fun.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Sagira said...

You all look cute in the costumes and wow, you got your very own snake? how cool!

♥ Sallie said...

Happy Halloween!

The Florida Furkids said...

That looks like a fun day! We loved your smilebox!

Happy Halloween!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta. One day OurMoma is gonna learn to sign in before she helps us leave a long comment. Grrr.

So ... to test this system ... here comes a short one:

Happy Halloween!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Good. That worked. Yay.

So. What we TRIED to say the first time: You always have the BEST parties at your run. We're glad Daddi was able to take you (but sad that your Mommi was home with the sickies. We're sure you brought a smile to her face when you got home.)

That's an amazing snake you're playing with. Right now Jake is tackling a big green spider, while he waits for trick-or-treaters to come to our door. I watch. And sometimes I even go to the door ... I'm getting braver and braver. Those ghosts and goblins can't scare me.

Enjoy what's left of your Halloween night. Tomorrow is November! That's another special month!

We love you, sweet sissie
Fergi (and my obsessed brother, Jake)

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, there you are! I have missed you so much. I am sorry your mommy is sick - I am sending her all my yorkie love and good wishes.

Do be careful with that snake! You know they can be sneaky and wrap themselves around you when you least expect it!

Your pal, Pip

Tweedles -- that's me said...

did I scare you!
Happy Halloween!!
It looks to me like you had a barrel of fun!

Sally said...

What a spooktacular party! We love parties - and treats! Hope you had a good Halloween and I am sure you are a perfect snake charmer - that snake would be subdued in seconds!

Hope your Mom is feeling better real soon

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Halloween !!!!
Looks like you had a pawsome time!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Mack said...

I think you had the best Howloween ever!
PeeS: I think that might be a poisonous snake so be careful!!!


bbes tribe said...

Hi Asta, Looks like a great party and fun costumes. Not sure about that green snake tho. Be careful of it.

Kwee Cats said...

We like how you subdued that snake, Asta! That's so neat how your pawrents fix up the run for everyone like that! We so sorry your Mum is still sick. At least your Daddi is feeling better. It looks like you guys had lots of funs! And Evfurryone so cute. We be purring your Mums feel all better soon.

The Black and Tans. said...

How fabulous you had a Howl'oween party with all your friends. You looked the bestest Asta.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Sally said...

I hope you have had a wonderful Halloween day.

Nice woooh

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Looks like a blast, you look great! Happy Howlween from your newest followers,
Miley and Maggie

Remington said...

Looks like a fun time! Glad you had a Happy Halloween!

Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

I just lost my brilliant comment somewhere is cyberspace, so I'll try to remember it and do it over again.

(Every time I try to write like you in New Yorkese my puter corrects my spelling.)

Glad you had a nice Halloween. You sure made out good.

Grampa made up a Halloween joke. Do you want to hear it?

What do you call an empty hot dog? A hollow wiener! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Grampa's so funny.

Looks like you had lots of fun at the run. It's a fun wun. Hehehe

I better stop now.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Koobuss said...

pee ess Love the snake. Glad you got him under control.

the many Bs said...

hey Asta, that was so cool that you got a real halloween party! and you got lots of treats without the tricks! we love your cool snake. that looks like a really fun tug toy.


Anonymous said...

I just luv luv luv your Howl-o-ween Header photo! So crazy cool! Pawsome! Glad you had a fun time at your pawty :D

Waggin at ya,

Daisy said...

Asta, you are the cutest little pumpkin, ever!

Martha said...

Hi Asta
Happy Belated Halloween! Your humans at the dog run are very creative!
We thought you made the cutest pumpkin ever.
We are sorry to read that your mom is not well - sending much slobber and drool, a well known basset rememdy for humans.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx
(the absent bassets!)

Anonymous said...

Wowee! What a super spooktacular time you had, Asta! And I likes your pressies. Good job on subdooing that snake. Gotta protect your mommi and daddi!

Wiggles & Wags,

Duke said...

You are so adorable, Asta! You sure had fun with all of your friends!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Glad that your folks got home in time to take you out for trick or treat time! Hope your mommie is feeling better!!

River said...

Thank you for stopping by with kind words bout our Georgia.

Very nice pumpkin costume. Looks like you had a lot of fun. I esp. like the snakey thing.

love & wags,

Anonymous said...

Well nuts. Just got your message about the apartment :( Take heart though. I've found that means it wasn't the pawfect one fur you and another one will turn up that is JUST RIGHT! :D

The Roo Family

Ruisje said...

Ow Asta you looked so beautiful as pumpkin!! As all the other doggies at the run :-) Orange is really your color, girl!

And how great that the people of the doggy run organize a real halloween party for all!!

headbumpies & love

The Fiesty Three said...

It looks like you all had a frighteningly good time on Halloween!! We just love all the picture!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

The Thuglets said...

Looks like you had a really spooky time!

Love all your pictures..absolutely fabulous pumpkin costume.

Big Nose Pokes
The THugletsx

Oskar said...

That looks like great fun! I wish I had a pawty to go to.

You do make the cutest pumpkin.

Nubbin wiggles,