a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pwesents fwom the White Dog Awmy

I've been in a tewwibull mood cause Mommi has had a cold/floo fow two weeks and she's absolutely no fun! She won't help me wif bloggie , ow play,  ow go fow walks,  ow nothin'
but then all of a sudden she had "enewgy" to cut off all my haiw????    WTF?
as my fwiend Joe Stains used to say

well as oosual one of my sweet fwiends came to the wescoo and totally changed my mood

I gots a hoomungoos pawcel fwom SikuMawie and the White Dog Awmy in the mail

thewe was something fow eveyone in my family!
Daddi and his sweet toof got this fantaboolous chocolate which not only tastes gweat , but helps fuwwkids while you'we munching away
(if you don't know about this, have youw pinkies look it up and owdew some wight away!!)
I got this most gowgeous banana fow wound my neck..it's appwopwiate fow all seasons and is a soopew happy colow
Mommi and Siku Mawie's Mom(auntie Sue) awe bof awtists and have commisewated about the difficulty of showing theiw wowk..This Gowgeous Tshiwt is fwom a show that auntie Sue had wif two othew awtists and Mommi wishes she could have been thewe, but weawing this is the next best thing

then came some pwesents fwom the most impawtant event that the White Dog Awmy owganised in theiw city and many of us suppowted wif all ouw heawts
The Puppy Up bandana was given to evewy dog who Walked to End Cancer at evewy 2MillionDogs Walk acwoss the countwy (thewe awe 32 this yeaw).
To get one, even though I couldn't be thewe is vewy vewy special

SikuMawie's Mom designed this pawfect image of us holding paw in hand to come togethew in this most impawtant fight to conquew Cancew

Mommi and I will weaw ouw wespective bandana and t-shiwt pwoudly and hope to spwead the wowd..this fight won't be ovew , till no hooman  ow fuwwkid  has to suffew fwom Cancew anymowe

as an extwa special bootiful giwlie pwesent, I got this wibbon necklace to weaw whnevew I want to dwess fow a pawty and feel like a pwinsess . Hewe is why it is soopew special:

the one  sent was handmade by the mom of one of SikuMawie's vewy fiwst blog fwiends who was an Eskie  called Hana...I knew and loved hew too and mouwned wif all ouw fwiends when she died of cancew.
Siku Mawie said:
"She asked that we share them with very special pups who were warriors against cancer and who fought to end the monster. We can think of no one more deserving that you because you do so much to raise awareness and spread the word that we must all fight together."
I am vewy much honowed and humbled and will twy always to help as much as I can

Thank you deew fwiends fow the tweats and bootiful pwesents
This was so vewy vewy special
I believe someday we will succeed in ouw fight.
I am thankful to have such giving and wondewful fwiends

smoochie kisses


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a very wonderful package you got from those very special friends. I love the White dog army so much and their mum and dad do so much to help. The walk was special and we were aall there in spirit with them. I am so glad that you and your mum and dad were honoured because they are special too. Magical.. Hugs GJ xx

Piappies World said...

Those are really pawesome pressies, Asta!

The bandanas and the tees are really pretty. =)

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie (Tabby, too)

Stewey said...

Great presents and bandanas, Asta!!

WFT Nobby said...

What lovely presents and thank you so much for telling us all about them and why they are so very special. That ribbon necklace is truly amazing on you.
Toodle pip!

doyle and mollie said...

aw we have tears tricling down our furry faces, how special and we cant think of a more deserving doggy to receive such a bootiful honor loves and licks xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The WDA are an awesome pack, humans included. They are so very giving and totally selfless. Great pressies for all.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Miss Asta, Firstly, we hope your mum feels fully recovered very soon. Your haircut looks fab so she did a marvellous job even after being so sick.

Your presents were all beautiful and all the family could share so that makes it great. Bandanas, T Shirts and Chocolate what a great combination. We keep our paws crossed too that nasty cancer is forever banished from everyones lives.

Have a great week. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

rottrover said...

Oh Asta! That ribbon necklace is to die for!! It looks wonderful on you!! We couldn't agree more with the WDA!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Duke said...

Your ribbon necklace looks fabulous on you, Asta!
What awesome gifts from the White Dog Army!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kwee Cats said...

Yay Asta! You sure deserve every bit of those wonderful presents! We so happy for you :-)
(((hugs))) dear friend.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What a wonder-fur pressie that was. We all have to stick together to fight the bad "C" monster.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a wonderfull gift. You look great! We think "C" is bad bad bad. That is what took my big brother, bad bad C. This is someting positive is fight it.
Sally Ann

Dexter said...

Miss Asta! Your furs look quite sleek and elegant and the splashy collar is the perfect final touch.


Unknown said...

Miss Asta
I 'm so glad that package came along to cheer u up from the home furdoo trim. I have to go thru that all the time. Momma saw that man from 2 million dog when he finished his last steps to Boston. Very moving. Woo look most beautiful in your new bandanas. You know I got a thing for a girl in them. Hubba hubba

White Dog Blog said...

Dearest friend...you do both Hana's mom's ribbon collar and the 2MillionDogs cause proud! We are glad that Mommi is feeling well enough to trim your furs (you look lovely, as usual) and hope she is finally out from under the sickies. Glad your entire family enjoyed our surprises. One thing, though, momma cannot take credit for the hand in paw logo--someone else did that based on a photo of a woman holding paws with her pup (who had cancer). It is a very masterful graphic and momma is glad for the opportunity to do design work that incorporates it.

We are honored to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with your family and so many of our community here as we fight the evil monster. At the Walk to End cancer people were amazed at the support and recognition of those from the blogworld who were there in spirit represented on our Tribute Wall. Many times we were told what an incredibly moving and motivating sight it was.

I know we share the dream that someday Cancer.Touches.NO ONE!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Awesome pressies, and a great cause! Although we're with you - what's up with deciding to cut your hairs? Shouldn't your Mom be getting better, rather than stressing herself over your grooming?!?

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Dear Asta! You look lovelys after your furcut! Monty here is always mortified when he gets a furcut!

That is sure a beautiful princess ribbon! You are so pretty in it!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi my furend,

Your box of pressies was fantastic..... and that ribbon one....EXCELLENT!! I loves it sooo much. You are wonderful for fighting the good cause....getting rid of that horrible disease!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Pippa said...

You look stunning in your bandeau and the ribbon necklace is beautiful. I remember Hana and those lovely necklaces, but I'm not sure if Iknew she had gone to the bridge. Oh dear I must be getting old.


Mack said...

The WDA are totally PAWSOME!
THat was a super duper fantastic box of goodies they sent you. And we think your new 'do looks beautimous!


PS: I do believe Lilly is working on another one of her "stories" for Halloween. YIKES!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Those are fabulous "cheer up" presents, Asta! You look beeyootiful in your pretty necklace and bandanna!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Remington said...

What an AWESOME present!

tubby3pug said...

What wonderful presents. The collar is lovely and mom and dad have had that tasty chocolate before, they love the packaging

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what wonderful pressies! I'm sending some healing vibes for your peep. I think your trim looks very good and I like your new header pix. Very pretty bandana and collar!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bobby said...

We hope your mum is better now, we are glad you got such great presents to cheer you both up.
We love the T shirt.
It would be great if cancer could be totaly cured.
Licks Bobby

George The Lad said...

Hi Asta
Lovely pressie's you got and that ribbon is so special. Hugs to your mom its not nice being poorly but I know you are taking good care of her.
Thanks for your visit, can you believe I have a sister, I've wanted one for sooo long and now shes here, we are getting on very well.
Have a good week
Pucker up for some kisses coming your way love George xxx

Anonymous said...

Asta! LOOK at your Most Beautiful pressies! Gosh! I bet you all just couldn't stop oooohing and ahhhhing over everything. I Most Especially luvs your pretty necklace. What a very special thing that is!

Wiggles & Wags,

ThePainterPack said...

Such a wonderful box of pressies woo have got! That White Army is something! Talented and beewootiful, just like woo and the mommie!


Duke said...

Hi Asta,
Your mommi's comment about the witch's green face has us all hooting and rolling on the floor laughing out loud! Thank you! You made our day :-)

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch