a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back in the nick of time

Fall is hewe 
(even wintew fwom the looks of the snow outside my window, but I have no pictoowes of that) 
and thewe awe a billion things to do.
Thank dog my pawents awe finally back fwom theiw big twip to Budapest

I've been weady and waiting..twied on my Owange Punkin costoome a bunch of times aweady in anticipation of the Pawty at my wun

but fiwst, fow those of you who have nothing bettew to do wif youw time and awe intewested, I have a smiley box of pictoowes fwom theiw twip

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They had a wollew coastew wide of emotions doowing theiw twip

they wode the twams and metwo and buses and walked all ovew the place..five days is too little time to decide youw whole life, and mommi had a mini-bweakdown  at the last minute

but aftew much thoughts and talks, my pawents have decided to move to Budapest in about Mawch  of this coming yeaw

Thewe awe pwoblems and povewty and joblessness like evewywhewe, but it's stilll the best option fow us all awound..evewyone was soopew nice to them, and they found an apawtment they love, so cwoss paws they get it

now back to the impawtant pawt


Mommi and Daddi misssed me soooo much, but I had a gweat time wif Gussie while they wewe gone and I even got to meet wif auntie Hilawy(Molly,Monty, Winnie and Taffy's Mum)

fow all of you who awe wowwied, thewe is NO QUAWANTINE in Hungawy
I can just move thewe and stawt my new life(I of couwse speek doggie, which as you know is oonivewsal, so I should have no pwoblems at all

Mommi and Daddi bof have wicked colds, but I just can't miss Halloween(specially since this is my last one) so I got dwessed as a punkin

I'm anxious to go to the wun fow the pawty to see my fwiends and wun awound like mad and have all the tweats

I hope al of you have a most wondewful and safe Halloweeny time wif lots of fun and tweats galowe

I missed all of you and hope you didn't fowget me
(This move means, I will not be always awound fow all the things I want to pawticipate in , but I nevew want to leave any of you  so pleez beaw wif me)

smoochie kisses


Homer said...


Happy Howl roo een!!

So, it's settled? You guys are moving to Budapest! Are you looking forward to it? When I'm back to Europe, I'll be sure to look for you!


bbes tribe said...

Oh Asta, We will miss you a bunch. We hope you will continue to stay in touch with all of us. Budapest is a LONNNNG was away. We like your Punkin costume. The color looks good on you and NO it doesn't make you look like we don't think your costume makes you look shaped like a punkin. Under that costume you look spectacularly beooootiful.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Blogger is being difficult...testing one two three....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sheesh...it lets me text my stoopid comment and deletes my long witty one...

Which part of the Rhine is BOO DA PEST on? Oh never mind, I'll find it on my broom!!

Lacie Cakes

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, this is such momentous news! You are all coming to Europe. When can I come to visit??
We can imagine that you are all excited but also perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed. Gail once visited Budapest for a long weekend when she had friends who were working out there. She says she had great time, the old part of the city is beautiful and the trams were very cheap and there were lots and lots of flowers for sale everywhere. But that was in about 1992 and things will have changed.
But Asta you know, the wonderful thing about blogs is that we can stay in touch wherever in the world we end up.
Very best wishes to you and Mommi and Daddi.
Toodle pip!
PS The pumpkin outfit is amazing. The colours are just so you!

Anya said...

Hi sweet Asta

So nice to hear that your Mommy and Daddy are back home again !!!
We missed you VERY MUCH.

Let us now when you come to Europe :P
Nice shots from Boedapest :)

Hugs Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

Winston said...

Miss Asta,

Howl could we evew fowgets ju? No mattew whewe ju go wees will follow!
You look deelitefull in ju punkin costume and the color is so 2011!

Keep us posted on ju moving and maybe we should hab a packing pawty to make sur ALL ju toys go to Budapest!

Winston, Chloe and Cecil

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

YAY - you are back - we have missed you, Asta. And don't you make a darling punkin:)

We know you are going to miss NYC, but just think of all the fun parties you can have in Budapest for all your furry furiends. It will be so exciting.

We hope you can get the apartment your parents are hoping for and we hope life in Budapest will be happy for you and your family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

We have seen your smilebox and we think Budapest is just gorgeous! We are very excited for you, Asta, and our paws are crossed that you and your mommi and daddi get that perfect apartment!
You are such an adorable pumpkin girlie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Teddy said...

You look so cute as a pumpkin! :)

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Asta, how furry exciting to be moving to a whole other country. It looks like a great place! You make a wonderful pumpkin!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Miss Asta, what amazing news that you are moving to Budapest with your Mum and Dad. It sounds absolutely wonderful and exciting.

Mum says thank you so much for all your photos. Now we have had a little glimpse of Budapest. The Apartments were so huge and full of character. Are you having one with a little balcony. Now that would be fabulous.

Good luck with the move. We love your pumpkin outfit and as always, Miss Asta, you look glamorous whatever you wear.

No worries (for sure), and love, Stella and Rory.

P.S. Mum says your Mum and Dad look very much in love. Just perfect.

Finn said...

Oh Asta, what an exciting adventure to look forward to next year! We are very excited for you, and we think you look lovely as a pumpkin!

houndstooth said...

That move sounds so exciting! I hope you'll be really happy and have lots of fun there! Your costume is super cute, too!


Unknown said...

Happy Halloween Asta,

We love pumpkin costumes! They are soooooo cute. You are going to love Budapest. We visited in March/April & rode bikes, visited the parks & baths and make sure you go to the spice markets! You will have so much fun living there!

And tell Mommi to try dobosh- the best Hungarian cake on the planet!

Gypsy ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wowsers! You're moving to Budapest! That should be a BIG adventure and you'll have plenty to write about on your Bloggie!

Happy Halloweenie! We love your costume!

Elyse and Riley

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You make the cutest pumpkin ever sweet Asta. I am glad you are back and have missed you. It is a momentous decision that your mum and dad had to make and I am so keeping everything crossed that all goes ahead ok and that they get the apartment that they loved. Mum and dad are keeping you close in their thoughts and hey you will be nearer to us.. Hugs GJ xx

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi sweet Asta
You look so beautiful in your pumpkin outfit. I think you are the cutest pumkin I have ever seen, You look just perfect!
I missed you so much. I will never forget you no matter where you go.
Bloggie land is everywhere.
I am happy for you and your parents that they are going to follow their heart and go where it leads them..
You will have them and your toys and all of us, so life will be good!
Right Asta? The photos are so nice. Thank you for sharing them

Pandafur said...

Iz hated moving, it wuz horribulz but now I luvs mai noo howse so if you iz brave enuff to move it will be werth it wunss you gets therr.

I luvs teh pix of you in your pumpkin kostoom, you iz teh cutest pumpkin Iz evar saw! I bet you gets lotsa treetz looking like that. Hoppy Halloweenie!


Wyatt said...


We looked at all 222 pictures and all we can say is, "Can we come too?"

It looks wonderful, congrats on the big decision and you will always be just a mouse click away!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Gus said...

you are the cutest little pumpkin EVEr and I hope you have a wonderful time at the pawty at your run.

kisses and smooches

Sagira said...

You sure look cute in your costume. Looks like they had a wonderful trip, so pretty. :)

Eric said...

Gee wizz sweet pea I never thought I would bark this but you DO make a smashing pumpkin,......good enough to eat.....but perhaps you wouldn't mind lying down on a tasty pastry crust and pourimg some thick double cream over yourself......????

Sending spooky smackeroonies Eric xxxxxxx

Mickey's Musings said...

Welcome back Asta !!!!!!!
We love your costume,and NO you do not look big, you look amazing :)
That is a big move you and your folks are planning :o But at least we have you until March, so we will not worry about goodbyes just yet. It will be exciting though!!
Happy Halloween !!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

rottrover said...

Oh Asta! What a HOOGE decision this is for your mommi and daddi. But Budapest looks like a beautiful city and it looks very calm there. We will be here, always, friend!

-Bart and Ruby

Ruger said...

My dear Miss Asta, you look most boootiful in your punkin suit. I fink the orange brings out the bootiful colours in your fur fery nicely. I hope wooo hafed a fery fun time wif all your pals at the run.
Mumma & I is fery glad to hear that woooo can move right ofer to Budapest. It would be fery bad if woooo had to stay in a special kennel far away from your Mommi & Daddi.
I will haf my paws crossed that your hu-mans get the apartment that they want. Just make fery sure that you tell me where it is so if there be a time when woooo need a big strong handsome blue dawg again I will know where to fly to.

Lots of tail wags

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Asta - I'm happy your peeps are back - and there are moving adventures in your future. I hope you all will be very happy there (it sure looks beautiful).

You look great in you punkin costume - Happy Halloween!!!

PeeS: I love the way with the blogs and the interweb - we will never lose touch with you or your peeps!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

the many Bs said...

hey Asta, you are a beautiful pumpkin! we're sure that all of your friends at the run will love your costume!

we will miss you when you move to Hungary, but then it will probably be just the same as it is right now, except you are in a different time zone. we just want you and your mommi and daddi to be happy. we kind of wish that we had somewhere to go, but the human says we have to stay here in our little house and she has to go to her job. you know, you could always come and live with us (really) but it's not like Hungary here. it's more like Seattle. oh well...

have a happy halloween and don't eat chocolate, okay!

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Happy Halloween Asta! Boy, have I missed you! Looking good, girl! I hope your hoomans get the apartment they want, but I know that wherever they move to, as long as you're with them, it's home sweet home :)


Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Happy Halloweenie, sweet little cousin. I hope you have a good time at the wun and get lots of tweets.

Sorry to hear about your Mommi and Daddi's colds. Bummer.

And real sorry to hear that you are moving. Double bummer. : (

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We would NEVER forget you, Asta...It still be a few months before you move...then we hope we still hear bout your new adventures in a whole new country.


Cheyenne -Millie said...

You looks so pretty in your costume!

Budapest! We hopes that it all works out like your mom and dad wants it too!

We are sending get well wishes to your mom and dad!

White Dog Blog said...

Life is all about adventure and changes and wonderful new opportunities. You will all be together and you will always be connected to each of us. The photos were lovely and speak of a gentle elegant future filled with wonder and happiness...and that makes us happy for you, too.

You are a most magical pumpkin, Asta and you will be a hit tomorrow at the Dog Run. Happy Halloween

The Thuglets said...

Asta you look fabulous as a Pumpkin Princess!
Budapest looks lovely (parts of it reminded the hoomans of Paris). Where ever in the world you live we will all be there for you. Pawscrossed you soon have a lovely apartment.

Happy Halloween

Big Nose pokes
The Thugletsx

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, I'm so super glad to see you! I missed you something fierce. I'm glad your peeps have worked out this move, and luckily you speak dawg and blogger will work anywhere! I really think your punkin outfit is adorable and I'm hoping you have a ton of fun for howloween!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bocci said...

Asta, you look absolutely fab in that pumpkin costume-you'll be the hit of the run!
Thanks so much to your Mom and Dad for posting that Smile Box with all they've been going through-Budapest is a gorgeous city from what we've seen (in pictures) and heard, and we hope you all will be wonderfully happy there. We think you are all just terrific, whether in New York or Budapest!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Asta, you are just the cutest little pumpkin that ever, ever was! I hope you have fun in the run and you get lots and lots of treatsies.

I know your mommi and daddi must be nervous abouts that big of a change. I do NOT like change myself so I can sure understand how they feel. But my momma always says things happen for a reason and this will prolly turn out to be a big, wonderful, exciting adventure for all of you! And I'm pawsitive that you'll do a Most Excellent job of snoopervising the move!

Wiggles & Wags,

Tosca said...

Wow! What an exciting adventure you have ahead of you! (My homie and I just moved out to near your current corner of the world.)

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, I am so filled with mixed emotions. So happy, that your parents have found an apartment they like and will be happy in. The pictures are beautiful and my mom's best friend still talks about her time in Budapest years ago.

On the other hand, I am sad that you will be leaving New York. You know how my mom feels about New York ...it is kind of the dream that got away for her. Your posts always bring it back for her. But no worries, because now we will get to learn more about Budapest! Hurray!

Will your mom have any time to do painting before she leaves? I imagine there is so much to do before March so I completely understand if she doesn't have time, but let me know if there might be time for one of her pet portraits. Again, we completely understand if there's no time.

Your pal, Pip

Kwee Cats said...

Hey, this might not be so bad after all! Those pictures looked really neat. And wif no quarter-tines, that does not sound so horrible. And, you can still bloggy from there...so, okay. We keep our paws crossed you gets the apartment your Mumsy and Daddy like so muches.

Hugs sweet Asta! You look so cute in your Halloween costume! We so glad you got to have some funs. We'll see you later :-)

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I has missed you girlfuriend! I am sure you is so happy dat your sweet momma and dad is back wif you. Da fotos of your soon to be new home of Budapest are luverly. I will have all my paws crossed dat you gets da apartment. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Anonymous said...

Asta, Budapest looks so enchanting! Did see the photos of the apartment your pawrents hope to buy. Looks like home even when empty! Mom could spend days in the cozy library room :D Paws crossed you win the bid! You know that Cinderella's carriage was a giant pumpkin? So...I'm thinkin you're the princess Cinderella in the carriage :D Happy Howl-o-ween Asta dear and your wonderful pawrents too!!!

Waggin at ya,

Ruisje said...

Glad your parents were back in time to go with you to that marvelous halloween party at the run!!

Asta, i am sort of exited you moving to Europe. You're maybe not (yet) but i am sure you will make many new friends there - you're just the doggie girl every dog and cat wants to be friends with! :-)

And maybe, maybe... we can meet in real. The typist already looked at the possibilities to visit budapest with 2 dogs (PLUS ME Marlene!!) ;-) I think you and my doggie sister Lily will be friends in no-time...

headbumpies & love

Smoochie kisses from Buzzer & Lily :-)

Oskar said...

Oh Asta & Miss Ami,

This must be such a turbulent time in your lives, but we are here sending you love & good wishes every step of the way.

I hope this upcoming move is a wonderful new adventure.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

roughseasinthemed said...

Pippa is asleep so I snuck over to have a look at your blog and read up about your mommi and daddi's hungarian trip.

It looks fabulous, your mommi took some wonderful photos and I really enjoyed looking at that smilebox. Please tell her and thank her for putting it together.

I was going to try and watch it through again, but it seems I have to wash up :(

Chef said...

Budapest is so beautiful!! I don't blame your pawrents for moving there, Asta.You're going to make all kinds of new Hungarian doggiefriends and you'll discover new smells and new parks and new treats! How exciting!! Remember - there will always be a handsome Boxer (*me!) very far away in Canada, thinking of you and my mommi will be thinking of you and your parents with love an our best wishes! xo