a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to nowmal and DWB announcement!!!!!!

Thank you fow all youw cwossed paws and good thoughts..we wewe safe fwom stoopid IWENE, I'm still cwossing pawsfow all those fwiends like my deewest Gussie and Muzzew and Teka wifout powew in Viw Geena and any othew fwiends stwuggling in the dawk

(I was packed and weady to evacooate, but nevew had to and evewything is fine and back to nowmal hewe)

Listen up dawling fwiends, I have a most impawtant announcement to make!

When I was a mewe pup and decided that I needed to meet fwiends evewywhewe a billion yeaws ago (well ackshooly 4 1/2 yeaws) , I founfd a most wondewful home on the blog

This was a most wondewful place that I joined and met the whole wowld

I became a pawt of a community of fwiends

This place was founded by Chawlie the most wondewful dog fwom Ostwalia wif the help of his pawents Bwooke and Gweg and sissie Opie the gwuffpuppie

It was fun and let us meet sooooo many fwiends all ovew the wowld that I can't even tell you

Sadly Chawlie aftew a loooong battle wif his heawt, left us fow the bwidge and his Dad didn't have the heawt to keep going anymowe wif DWB

BUT............... along came Benson and Ping and  angel Chawlie and Opie all encouwaged him and now they'we BACK!


The Internets Dog Blog Directory and one stop shop for K9 Wackiness!

Many of you who stawted bloggies in the intewim, have nevew heawd of this, but those of you fwom yeaws ago, know what i'm talking about.

Last summew, we had a meeting(as it tuwned out at my house, hehehe) of many of the pawents fwom all ovew the wowld along wif the flat vewsions of theiw woofies and it was the most pawsomest time any of us evew had

this pictoowe was taken in the lobby of my apt building of these fwiends fwom all ovew the USA and England and Canada and Ostwalia(ouw doowman must have thought we wewe nuts, hehehehe)

hewe I am gweeting some of the Flatpuppies who wewe at my house

and a couple of the ones who came in pawson
(even Miss Stella Latifah of Goobewstan wif hew back to us)

We had a whole weekend fow all the fun, even a boat wide  on a sailbouat on the Hudson wif laughs galowe (fwom left Stanley of goobewstan's Giwl , auntie Mumsie fwom Holitewwiews, Mommi, Daddi and auntie Hilawy who came fwom Gweat Bwitain and has Taffy,MollyMonty and Winnie)

hewe awe some of the peeps on ouw woof(by no means evewyone who was hewe)
(Alett(Toffee and Wiley), Kawen(Duffy), Joan(skye),Claudette(Wocky&Jodee) and),Gweg(Benson&Ping),Shewwy,,Mommi in fwont,Hilawy(Monty,Molly,Taffy,Winnie),Claiw(,Fewndoggle Mom, and Diana(Aggie and Awchie)

Mommi wif auntie Bwooke and Gweg who awe the foundews of DWB
some of the flats on ouw woof enjoying the view even Ewic squawe dog was thewe wepwesenting the UK

I weceived this most pwestigoos awawd fwom my fellow DWB fwiends in septembew of 2007  I was just one yeaw old and awed and gwateful beyond belief

So you might be wondewing what this whole bwagging is all about?

Well, DWB is back and I would uwge all of you to go and join!!!!!
It won't intewfewe wif all the wondewfullness of Blogville it is just a biggew umbwella to be undew fow all of us

Pleez go check it out and join   (click on the link)
even if you wewe a membew befowe, you have to join up again cause it's an all bwand new site
auntie Bwooke and especially unkel Gweg has wowked vewy hawd to bwing this back

I will fuwwevew be gwateful to Dogs Wif Blogs fow all the suppowt and love and many many fwiends that Mommi , Daddi and I have made since I fiwst stawted blogging.
The fwiendships have been an incwedibull souwce of suppowt and love fow us
and we will love them always

smoochie kisses

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dweaded Iwene

Hewo Evewyone!!!!!

I'm hewe to wepawt on ouw time wif Iwene

This is how the view looked fwom ouw window yestewday evening

lots and lots of wain, then nothing then the whole thing all ovew again..weally weeeewd

thewe wewe no hoomans ow pups outside and it was eeewie..NewYawk wifout anyone thewe is unimaginabull

some hoomans questioned why the subways had to be shut down..wellllll, hewe is the weason..if thewe is a powew outage, you could get stuck down thewe fuwwevew, plus watew wuns into the stations if thewe is flooding

my BFF Lacie came to town wif a moneymaking skeem (see hew bloggie fow details) and was most paw tuwbed that she couldn't get any shopping done while hewe

meantime, Daddi did the laundwy and washed all my stuffies so I'd have a whole "new" batch to wediscovew and play wif

all mine????weally??????

well, let me get them out

the whole day was pwetty xaustewing (did I mention that Lacie, my BFF invited a bunch of fwiends ovew fow a pokew game? we played late into the night even Woogew flew ovew fwom NewZeeeeland and Pippa fwom Spain..it was a gweat way to wait out the stowm)
but aftew a while , I had to get a little snooz in

we wew't suwe if we would have flooding ow wind damage ow powew outages, but we wewe vewy vewy lucky and none of that happened to us

This mowning I decided to see what had happened while i was asneep

thewe wewe stweets wif lots of flooding and twees down but no loss of life thank dog

some hoomans wewe not vewy smawt, and despite being told not to dwive ow go out, they did wif not vewy pleasant ciwcumstances  sewves them wight I say..we had plenty of wawning and nothing was open so whewe wewe they going?

the ones who wewe in an evacooation zone and didn't have fwiends ow family to go to ow places out of town, had sheltews that they wewe taken to by the city..( about 9000 people) The weason so many had to be evacooated was cause wif tall buildings if you have no lectwicity, the elevatows don't wowk and it's impawsibull to get up and down and what if you have a dogtow emewgency??no one can get to you, so that's why you had to leave, plus in some buildings thewe was a big chance of flooding...I was wowwied about many of my fwiends, but all awe OK that I have heawd fwom so faw

This is the view fwom ouw apt today
gwey and ugly, but all dwy

Eawliew today, I went out fow a walk wif Daddi and saw a bunch of my fwiends out and about, inclooding Petey and his Mom..evewyone was fine!!!YEAH!!!!!

The watew has weceeded but now thewe awe some vewy stwong winds and it's still dangewoos ..thewe awe some down twees and powew lines in places and it's still not safe to go out

I finally picked a flamingo out of my stuffie batch and will stay in fow the west of the day(xept fow a quick peepee latew)

I hope and pway that all of you in the paf of Iwene awe safe and dwy 
smoochie kisses

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Go Away Iwene

My good pal and soopew weathew dog Jake of the Bawkalot Boyz has been pwedicting Huwwicane Iwene fow days now, and it seems it's coming up the coast to hit my city, NewYawk

we aweady had towwential wains fow a while today, but then the sun came out and I got to go to my wun and see fwiends and play ,thank dog, cause the big stuff
is coming satuwday and sunday

I decided to make suwe my family is safe, so I bowwowed a tall laddew and put up owange safety shuttews on ouw apawtment windows..thewe, that should do it, unless of couwse the watew fwom the Hudson wivew comes in and washes away the foundation...hmmm, hadn't made any plans fow that, I hope that doesn't happen

Pleez stay safe all my fwiends!!!!!!! make suwe you have all the essentials(you know, like tweats and peamut buttew, and pwosecco and gelato and lots of toys
and my smoochie kisses)

we've aweady had a eawfquake this week, mommi says we'll pwobably have locust next, hehehe

love and safe smoochies to all of you

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fawewell Miss Peach, till we meet again

pictoowe by Jan's Funny Farm

My sweetest fwiend Miss Peach left us fow the bwidge and my heawt is vewy vewy sad. she was a delicate and bootiful and a supew sweet fwiend and i will miss hew so vewy much.
I'm sending hew deew family, Kawla,  Lapdaddy and Hunny Bunny all my  healing smoochie kisses fow theiw heawts. Pleez  keep youw sweet memowies of the many wondewful yeaws wif youw beloved Miss Peach
Miss Peach is safe and westing in hew twoo love,Mickey's paws aftew hew twip to heaven.

Fawewell my deew fwiend ,I'll see you someday ovew the bwidge and in the meantime will hold you in my heawt


Sunday, August 21, 2011


I have been getting some lettews fwom sweet fwiends wif twepidations and questions about mattews of the heawt and specifically about theiw wowwies about the upcoming Pawm 

I thought I would shawe a few of them wif you, hoping that it will make all of you see that we all have feews about mattews of confidence when it comes to dating
, and I hope that it will make you bwave about jumping into that love pond


?? I am a mixed breed... do you think that I could dare to ask.. a Pure Bred Girrrrrrl???

Awe you kidding me???????evewyone knows that doggies fwom many diffewent bweeds mixed all up make chawming and gowgeous woofies..anyone would be lucky to go out wif you, so don't be shy , just ask wif a big smile

?? I don't know HOW to DANCE. No boys will ask me to go.. I just know it. What am I gonna do???

Just tap youw paws sweetie, the moosic will take you along and I'm suwe you will be dancing in no time, plus , a little wiggle of youw bum bum will do just as well

?? Where will I even LOOK fur a Date???

The fuwstest place I would look is on the bloggies of couwse..maybe a sibling of one of youw pals? ow someone you wead about and wanted to get to know mowe? ow  sometimes, all it takes is one look and KA POW like a thundewbolt you just get hit by love a dappled fuw, a big smile, shiny long floof, bootiful come hithew eyes, the gloss of a bwindle haiw
any of those can gwab you by the tail befowe you know it..just follow youw nose

Dear Miss Asta ~
Oh, I so much want to go to Bloggie Vill Pawn.  Miss Jazzi is hinting that she needs a date and I don't know what to do.  See I don't have my own bloggie, but I have hosted Flat George twice and have been on Rocky Creek Scotties and Scottish Terrier News as Harry Potter's look-a-like.  The Honorable Mayor Frankie is my friend ~ please help me.

I know I look kind of like a nurd and I am an undergraduate, but I have potential.

Miss Asta with all your worldly knowledge and expertise in the LOVE department can you help me take Miss Jazz to the Bloggie Vill Pawn please.

My picture is attached.

Sweet William The Scot

 Dawling Sweet William 

I think you awe a most handsome lad
(I especially love youw glasses, they awe most becoming and show youw intellectooal side)
Youw Miss Jazz must be anxious fow you to ask hew to the Pawm
Sometimes giwls get shy and want the boyz to ask and tell them how much they would love to go wif them
I know that you wewe a gweat host to Flat Geowge  and the Wocky Cweek Scotties would only have nice fwiends, so you have  excellent wecomendations.
I have dwessed you and Miss Jazz up and taken a pictoowe just to show you how wondewful you two will look togethew
I'm absolutely pawsitive that if you take youw heawt in youw hands and offew it to hew, she will blush wif joy and accept gladly.


Now this party, you know me and Stanize are an item ;)well I'm a bit shy I would love to go, but what if she dosen't can I still go, my heart is with her so I don't think I could dance with another girl.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Miss Stanzie loves you just as much as you hew, (I have it on good authowity) and I'm suwe if she can go she cewtainly will  BUT, if fow some weason she can't I'm pawsitive she would still want you to be wif fwiends and not stand in the cownew pining fow hew
I think she would want you to twiwl awound the dance floow and join in the fun..

Sagiwa asks:
Frankie sent me your way...see there is this BIG boy that I like...but I don't know if he likes me back. How do I get him to ask me on a date?

Dew Sagiwa,
I would go visit that Big Boy and whispew in his eaw(maybe nibble a bit) and tell him about youw hopes and dweams while looking ovew youw shouldew in a come hithew way
I'm suwe he'll get the message and won't be able to wesist you but if he doesn't, pawhaps he is not the one fow you

Now, as to this advice column. Would you give me some advice on how to maintain a long distance romance with the world's most popular pup? When my muzzer is not cooperating.

many kisses

BLUSHBLUSH BLUSH, ummm, I so hope you'we talking about me(although it's pwes umptious of me to think so), you know that I wun awound to pawties, and dance wif anyone who asks, but my heawt is twoo thwoo good times and bad and I know all about non-co-opewating Mommis

 Sally and PAddy: I think Paddy might write to you - he is quite shy and would like to date but would not know how to go about it.

Deew Sally, youw Bwuvvew Paddy is such a sweet boy and vewy desiwabull, I think he should just tell giwls he likes why he likes them and then if they weply, ask them in a most stwaighfowawd mannew...tell him nevew be afwaid , some giwl won't wespond, but that's not to be taken fow wejection..it oosually involves a neglectful secwetawy

Good luck sweet Paddy


Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

heheheheheh Sawge, sillly boy..
Tuxs don't have tails. tails do, and thewe awe vewy few occasions fowmal enuff fow tails So no need to woowy about having too many of them  IS that cleaw? hehehe

I don't know what to do. I know Ciara already has a boyfriend so I do not know if I should ask her to the pawm? If  I don't ask Ciara I guesses I will go stag and look for a girl there. How would I find one who is unattached?  Also Artemisia insist that this is what I should wear, do you thinks I look OK in this monkey suit? And why am I wearing a monkey suit? And why does Socks call it a monkey suit when Artemisia insist it is a tux? ~Fenris
WOWZA!  You look most handsome
Some boyz hate to get dwessed nicely, that explains Sock's dewogatowy tewm(although I pawsonally have seen him dwessed to the nines at mowe than one gwand occasion when he was accompanying my sissie Momo, but I die gwess)
That is indeed a Tux, showt fow Tuxedo and a most pwopew attiwe fow a PAwm

Go wif you heawt Fenwis, and ask Ciawa..some giwls have mowe than one boyfwiend and that's OK, s long as you'we not mawwied thewe is no weason not to play the field
smoochie kisses,


Dear Asta,

This is Lacie Teacakes. What does one do when one has tooooooo many boyz and soooooooooooo little time. I'm just sayin'....

Oh,,,,and can you fix the motor on my broom? Didn't know if your advice in womance of the heart extended to mechanical adventures...but my love life IS affected my my broom's performance or lack thereof.

Miss Teacakes...XXOO

Miss Lacieteacakes
You have gotten youwself quite a wepootation fow bweaking heawts..I would be a little mowe twoo bloo and stop pwomising the moon and concentwate on one boy at a time at least
and ummm, pawhaps it's time to upgwade youw mode of twanspawtation..not the best image to awwive on a bwoom...just sayin.....


I am not going to the big labor day party because momma is too busy at the work place, but I hope you will help me nevertheless. You see, the Mango has so many lady admirerers for sure and I think sometimes there is just not enough Mango to go around. And then my dates always seem to go horribly wrong. How does this happen? I try so hard to be charming, but perhaps there is a problem with my approach? What do you suggest as a fool proof strategy for a successful date? Because, frankly, it discourages my large and loving the ladies self that none of my dates have ever come back for seconds. Well, except, of course, Beastie, who, honestly, frightens me.

Deewest Mango
A pawty just won't be a pawty wifout you!
As faw as those fickle ladies..I have seen videos of youw most wondewful dates.  you have always been tons of fun, and a weal gentledog , so I can only ass oome that those giwlies wewe eithew fwightened off by youw exoobewant baby Bwuvvew ow the Beaasty has bwivbed them to stay away.
It must be hawd to be as iwwesistabull as you, but don't wowwy, I don't think you'we old enuff to settle down anyway, so just play the field and have fun...thewe awe many woofs in the sea as they say


That is all fow now deew fwiends
i hope i was able to help you a little wif my advises
now go out thewe and love youw heawts out
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Soggy LonGisland and ASTA 's Advice column

We've been invited all summew by ouw fwiends to come fow a couple of days to theiw summew house on Lon Gisland and had to cancel about thwee times, so when they kindly asked again, we didn't have the guts to wefoose even though the weathew fowecast said it was going to be pouwing towwential wain all weekend

As pwedicted, it was wet and soggy , BUT, thewe wewe sometimes a few minutes when it stopped and I managed to escape out the doow (neawly giving Mommi a heawt atttack cause thewe is no fence)
finally, she said that I could go out as long as she and Daddi wewe thewe to catch me if I twied to go awound to the stweet

I fiwst went out all tied up..it was OK, but I wanted to wun like the wind

the fiwst day, it just didn't happen(xept the bwief heawt stopping) escapes,
cause the wain WEALLY stawtedto come down in buckets
so I decided to eat evewything in sight instead

thewe wewe yummie clams


and fwesh cwisp salad      
(can you believe it? I love salad even)

some pasta

and I got some of all of those things

 (guilt wowks..you just have to look pitiful being locked in a house in the wain when thewe is all that gweat place to sniff the aiw and wun and play)

and hewe is the video of me wunning wild, hehehehe

in the end, I lept off into the sand and then evew so clevewly dove into the watew..Mommi wolled up hew pantses to come aftew me (silly woman got sopping wet fow no weason ) of couwse it stawted waining again doowing all this , so we got wet fwom the top and the bottom hehehehe

I just wanted to swim, and swim I did fow about fifteen minutes..glowious!!!!!!!
(no pictoowes of the swimming cause Mommi had to come in the watew and didn't want the camewa to dwown)

natoowally aftew my swim, I was subjected to towtoowe a baf, wif the excoose that I would be too itchy wif salt watew dwying on me, sheeeesh

then I took one last look and said goobye to the sea
(natoowally , just as we wewe leaving, the sun came out)

when I got home, thewe was a message fwom ouw beloved Mayow, Fwankie Fuwtew  fwom Blogville asking if I could be any help to all the woggies getting weady to go to the PAWM  (he is owganising it fow back to school days)
It seems many woofies awe having issues about getting dates, ow wanting to go alone and pawhaps meeting someone thewe

They cleewly need advice.......SO.............
I have decided to be an advice columnist and answew all those pesky pwoblems if I can
Fwankie thinks I can do this cause I live in NEWYAWK CITY and am in the pwime pawty section of town whewe any night of the week the stweets awe full of young giwls going out to dinnew and dancing ow simply teetewing along the cobble stones on theiw 8"platfowm heels while holding on to theiw date

I hope he's wight in his twust in me and I can answew youw questions
if you want to peemail me, my addwess is astawire@gmail.com

smoochie kisses