a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

See YA Joey!!!!! I wefoose to say goobye

One of my fiwstest fwiends on the Blog Joe Stains left fow the Wainbow Bwidge..he took his Yankees Blanket wif him fow the twip
the blogosphewe will nevew be the same again.

This has been such a howwibull time on the blogosphewe.  Mowe and mowe of my fwiends awe cwouding the Bwidge these days.

I'm still weeling ovew losing Butchy love  and then Deacon of the Key West Collies left wifout wawning, and now Joe Stains..............................

I am mad, I am sad

Joey was Oonique in evewy way, iwweplacabull!
I knew that evewy time I would go visit, I would come away wif a laugh and mowe often than not, mommi squiwted hew coffee out of hew nose when she wead his posts to me
His twiboolations wif Tannew aka the Doofus, his devotion to his Yankees and Steelews
his dislike of the cold and legendawy Stains made him endeawing(he would hate that) and unfowgettabull

Joey nevew just had a Biwfday..it was aways a week of Joeypalooza

he was a pal to all of us and I was aweady missing him since he stopped blogging so much wecently, but just knowing he was thewe cheewed me up


I will leave you wif a pictoowe of Joe on ouw Afwican adventoowe, it gives you an idea of the havoc he must be causing ovew the bwidge.


I will nevew fowget you, I will think of you evewy time life is cwummy and I will say WTF?  We will continue youw legacy of stains and continoo all the fun when we meet  again
..in the meantime, I know heaven will be a lot mowe fun because you awe thewe

smoochie kisses


Barbara said...

It certainly has been a bad month in Blogville. I hope this month is better!

Zona said...

Well said, Asta.

::sniff sniff::

Sad wags,

3 doxies said...

Oh dear Asta, I heard bout Joe Stains dis mornin'. How much more can Blogville take? Even though I didn't knows Joey, I so very much wish I had da oppurtunity to haves been his furiend.

Girl, you knows you can count on me to makes you laugh when you is down...I is hers fur you girlfuriend.
I am sending you and your mom hugs and kissies to helps ya'll through all dis.

Godspeed Joey!


doyle and mollie said...

oh asta we knew you would put all the right words and pics together - we are up at the farm so can't make a palooza of Joey bailing on us all - thank god we still have tanner to keep us laughing- loves and licks xxxx

Cowspotdog said...

I agree 100% with you Asta - WTF with all the buddies heading over the Rainbow bridge this year (do they know something we don't?) why are they all leaving us?

The Fiesty Three said...

Oh Asta,
We are so furry sorry to read about your furiend, Joey! We just know that he's free and happy now!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Stella said...

Asta! You hit the nail on the head with this blog about Joseph Stains!

Every Boston Terrier seems to have a quirky personality (they are their own dogs!) but it seems like Joe got a double dose of quirky, maybe triple!

I feel like Tanner (Doofuss) will have a hard time with this, he might have to go to doggy daycare or something for a while. But I want to wish him well, too.

Cheers and hugs,

Stella, Mom and Zkhat

Gus said...

We are having such a sad blog-month. I think the muzzer is stuck on leacky and sniffly.


rottrover said...

Oh Asta, you are such a beautiful furiend. You write so eloquently. Like Puddles, we didn't know Joe, but we know you and are very glad of that! We are very sorry for the loss of your furiend. You are a very special girl.

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta I am so very much sorry that another of your dear furends has gone to the bridge. I'm thinkin that we need to put a gate up there.. at least fur a while.. so that we can recover a bit.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...

We are just so sad...his "Joeyisms" will live on forever in our hearts...



White Dog Blog said...

Asta, dear friend, feel our paws around you are you try to find reason in the madness of losing a loved one. It seems so unfair and hurts alot...but your tribute is beautiful and full of life. Read it over out loud...how can you not smile at those incredible memories? Cling to them now and know those who have left are not gone...they live forever.

Anonymous said...

It has been a bad month for Blogville lately. :(

We didn't know Joey, but he looked and sounded like one heck of a guy!

We're thinking about you and Joe's family.

Elyse and Riley

Unknown said...

What sad news about Joey. We don't know him but you made him so real to us:(

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Duke said...

You are absolutely right, Asta! Joey was a one of a kind and he sure did make us smile and laugh every time we visited his blog! We sure miss him!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sweet Asta, you said it all so very well. That Joey was one very special guy - we all loved hime and now we will all miss him. But as we have said to others, can you just imagine the celebration on the other side of that bridge when he got there.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

kissa-bull said...

we were full of the sadness to hear these horrible news. we will always remember the fun joeypaloozas and his adorabull face and great sense of humor. but your right until we meet again its never goodbye. we are sure our angel brofur chico will enjoy his company they boff like to pawty

pibble sniffles
the pittie pack


You may be mad and sad, but your kindness has meant so much to us. You are doing the Great Danes work, God Bless you Asta

Wyatt said...

What a fun loving dog, so full of life, just like you, Asta.
So sorry to hear of his crossing over the rainbow bridge....

Hugs and Kisses,
Wyatt and Stanzie

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Asta, I am so sorry about your friend. I didn't know Joey, but I sure wish I had. He looks like a wonderful and fun-loving dog! Run free, Joey.

Your pal,Pip

Lorenza said...

Pawesome tribute for Joey!
He will be always in my heart.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

My dearest Asta
I did nor know Joey,, and I wish I did. But I can tell he was so loved by all.
I am so sad with all of you, that Joey had to leave.
So many hearts are broken. I will sit beside all of you. We can hold hands in a circle around his parents.
Your words and your tribute are beautiful

Amber-Mae said...

I am still sad today...

Sally said...

We also say goodbye Joey.
Joey, we wish you a nice time in the rainbow country.

Nice woooh

Mack said...

There is a big old pawty up in heaven now that the Stains is there!!
We all miss him so much.
Luv ya pretty Asta,


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We'll miss you Joe Stains, but as Miss Asta said, we'll be seeing you someday again.

Thanks Asta for this wonderful tribute.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Hollie and Janie said...

It has been so sad to see so many friends leave us. Your pal Joe was truly a special guy!!

Oskar said...

What a hard time for Blogville. Asta I hope that you and your Mommi can get your hearts healed.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Bocci said...

Dear Asta, what a beautiful tribute to your dear friend Joey. We so wish we had known him!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta. Sissie! We're back! It may be only for a bit ... but we're BACK! And we want you to know we are trying our VERY best to pull Moma up and straighten her out and ... yes ... dry her eyes. It seems all those tears she's been shedding have made it even harder to help us at the computer ... we have a feeling you know what we mean.

Too many losses. Too many trials. Too many tribulations. Too many minimized birthdays (Jake told me to say that ... I told him it was rude. Plus, he doesn't even really mean it. He just has heard Moma talking about it a lot.) What we know is ... with every loss and challenge and distraction, we're reminded of how much this blogging family means to us. It's 'cause we care so much that it hurts so much.

We love you. We love everything you bring to this huge family. And we are soooo glad you are our 'doptive sissie. (And we so wish we could be there with you right about now. We could play, and AuntieAmi could console Moma about the new hole in her mouth ... with a silly flipper ... is that a dolphin of some sort? ... on its way.) People! It's so much easier being a dog. (Speaking of which ... I've crossed new milestones! We'll tell you about them soon!)

We miss you and love you.
Fergi (and the others)

Eric said...

Sweet Pea. Heavy hearts. Leaky mince pies. You said it all so wagging well. Wondering WTF is it all about but I'm trying to smile like Joey wanted us to.Hope you are too.

Wiry love and a squillion kisses Eric xxxx

Deefor said...

Nice tribute to our pal. I will really miss him.


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry for you loss! We remember that picture of you with Joey in Africa! You looked so happy with him!

The Black and Tans. said...

A unique character has left us but he will always be remembered. Thank you ASta for your lovely tribute to Joe.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Juno said...

Sissy Asta... so many sad news in the blogger world lately. We're sure all of our friends are saying thank you to you. You're sweet girl.

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling girl You always say it the best. We are heart broken and like you still reeling from Butchy. Our biggest consolation is knowing they are PARTYING over there...... WE send you a thousand kisses Love A+A

Mrs Mac said...

Oh Asta, I am sooo sorry that you have lost another friend. Well, not lost, but been parted from. It is so painful when this happens. I am still sad for Fluffy, and that has been nearly 6 months now.

Asta, do you know Butchy and Snickers? They are wire fox terriers in Ohio and their blog is http://butchyandsnickers.blogspot.com/

I wondered if meeting a new friend would help, you see.....

Lots of hugs and under-chin scrunchies (they are Scooter's favourite at the moment)
Helena, Bob and Dilly.

Niamh said...

Very sad to lose such good friends. We just have to treasure the great memories.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Scooter said...

Oh Asta, I am so sorry to hear about your furiend Joe. I'm sure he was super-special. I heard that Bambi from Animal lover quilt lover has also crossed the bridge. I am sending you warm, loving thoughts.
Mournful Howls,
Sarge, COP

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Asta, Mommy was so sad yesterday when we found out about our Joey. Your tribute to him is very special. WE just hope Tanner will continue Joey's blog becuase we need him it would be awful to loss hium too.

Mona, Weenie & Mommy

Farfel said...

So sad to hear about Joey :( Such a very nice tribute to him!




Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Asta, what a nice tribute to our pal Joey. You always know the right things to say to make us feel better.
Morgan & Maisie

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Oh noooooooo! First Butchy now Joey? You are right WTF!

We love the tribute to your friend. Here are some healing kisses and paw hugs for you and your family.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci