a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I hope all of you know by now about the most wondewfullest Blogville Picnic that is happening June 17 and 18

Thewe awe  bunches of fun events scheduled, so bwing your tweat baskets, blankets, fwiends and family.
  Thewe awe going to be so many fun things to do and events to entew
I bowwowed this list fwom Sawge!

Pawsbang and High Rollers Jazz Band will be rockin' the bark.
Fenris is hosting a Flower Show (ossoATcableoneDOTnet).
Oskar is hosting a Bug House (hoeraufATcomcastDOTcom).
Mollie Jo is hosting a Fashion Show (dogearedATbellsouthDOTnet).
Sarge is hosting the Bobbing for Tube Steaks (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom)
There will be a Dunk Tank & Sack Race (justdogandmaxATgmailDOTcom).
We will also have a Raffle and a Grand Prize Drawing.
For all the details, visit Mayor Frankie Furter's blog with this link.
(his June thiwd postie has all the info on the waffles and stuff too!)

Our Wonderful furends Ronnii and Ujio are gonna Host the WALLY MELON EATIN thingy!!!! SOOOOOOOO get your pictures taken and sent to them... speedy quick... coyote(dot)ugly2010(at)gmail.com (DEADLINE= JUNE 13th)

I also entewed the bug house, but as some of you might know, I'm not that comfowtabull awound bugses so ....I twy to be a little cautious

of couwse when I'm inside the house  if a giant fly comes in, I aways have my Ostwalian cowk hat to pwotect me

and fow the gweat outdoows..I feel it is impawtant to be bof fashionabull and safe at all times

One of the events that I was way mowe happy about was the Toobe Steak Dunking

I went out on my woof top
(illegally, but I know since I'm fwiends wif Sawge COP and Mayow Fwankie, I'm pwetty safe fwom awwest)
..anyway, I checked out the toobe steaks in the watew fow the best angle fow my appwoach...it's a vewy deep ice coobe holdew

then I went in fow the dunk

and finally successs!!!!!!

Natoowally, I will be in the Fashion show , and the  Flowew show

and playing wif my bandmates in
PAWS BANG fow evewyone's entewtainment
I also plan to be in the Dunk Tank, so that all of you can twy youw luck in wuining my haiwdo by dunking me, hehehehe

so PLEEEZ evewyone come suppowt us in twying to have fun while we do some good and help ouw fwiend Chawlie

Now time is running out fuw you to get youw Waffle Ticket money sent to Mollie Jo. They have to have it by June 13th..


Koobuss said...

Wow!! Looks like lots of fun! You'll be very busy, little Kousin Asta.

Love those wallymellon pictures! It looks sooo good. Tomorrow I'll get some. I can't wait.

Stay cool, sweetie!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

rottrover said...

Miss Asta you look so bootiful in your bug-proog wrapper with that big BEE! And your watermellon looks delish. See you at the party!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

White Dog Blog said...

This is going to be a GRAND event! Everyone is already so excited. Since momma is a bug collector, we were very thrilled to see your bug photos...very nice! You are an expert Watermelon eater...all that deliciousness and not a drop of pink stickiness on your furs!

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, only you could turn insect protection wear into a fashion statement. Marvellous!
Toodle pip!
PS I do hope you will find time to visit my Amazing Science Demonstration, a side attraction at the Picnic.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I loved your Australian cork hat...very practical. You are already an expert wally melon eater and great at the bobbin' for tubesteaks too! You will rock the picnic!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Duke said...

Your watermelon pictures are making us want some right now, Asta!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Miss Asta! You look lovely in your bug hat. Not like some humans I know. Try to stay cool today. The sidewalks will be super duper hot.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH ASTA... LOOK at all that Wally Melon that you ate!!! DELICIOUS isn't it??? AND... you have turned Bobbin fur Tube STEAKS into a pure ART FORM!!
Wowie... you look LOVELY in your ... Don't Bug Me.. wear.
Are you thinkin of starting a line of specialty DawgWear??? I'm thinkin you could sell a BUNCH of stuffs at the entrance to the BUG HOUSE at the picnic.
I hear that SARGE has been BANGin on his pots and pans.. gettin ready fur PawsBang's upcoming GIG!!!

The Daily Pip said...

Dear Miss Asta,

Thank you SO MUCH for your donation in support of my walk-a-thon. I promise to walk my heart out on Sunday and I will think of all my bloggie friends while I walk.

Thanks again. I am sending you lots of yorkie love!

Your pal, Pip

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I'll bring the Foleytinis

Gus said...

Okey Dokey...I will see you on Sunday for Paree then?


Gus said...

Okey Dokey...I will see you on Sunday for Paree then?


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh, dat looks like it gonna be so much fun's. Gotta go check all dat out!

Cowspotdog said...

Yeah - I can post a comment finally -been having trouble getting on the comments section again. I love you eating the water melon - you look like you really enjoy it
Woofitty Woofs

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Mee dids gets yor photys Asta Fank yoo so much dem is most pawesome, dem bugs look reel Oooky mee not sure bouts bugs yet dem givs mee shivvers.


3 doxies said...

How in da world did you not suffocate dunking your head in dat thing? Girl, you impress me ALL da time withs your skills!
I thinks my mum just thre up in her mouf afters seeing them bugs...hehehehe...her is such a wuss!


Barbara said...

Asta, you are so talented in so many things! I don't know how anyone keeps up with you!

Oskar said...

Is there anything you can't do Asta? You're going to be exhausted after the picnic.

Nubbin wiggles,

Bocci said...

Asta, you are so darn funny-we love ya! Looks like you're and expert at the Tube Steak dunk...and always so fashionable!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Mamaa loves the picture of you dunking you head to get the hot dogs! You are so funny.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

The Thuglets said...

Corr...Atsta your water melon lookes so cool!

Have a great weekend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Mack said...

You are the cutest thing ever eating that wallymelon!

TGIF Sugars,

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

It sounds like it will be a great event! I will try and get Mum to let me take part!
~lickies, Ludo

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so looking forward to this. Fenris tagged you for a meme today.

Juno said...

Ohhh sissy Asta, wallymelon! Summer has arrived!

Have a great weekend!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Hollie and Janie said...

Fabulous pics, Asta!!! That watermelon looks divine on a hot, summer day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta! I've missed you! Have you missed me?

I hope that mom will let me go to the picnic. She still feels kinda sad with everything that's been going on so it's kinda hard to gets her moe-toe-vated to do anything right now. But it sure does look like it's gonna be lots of fun!

Wiggles & wags,

Eric said...

Asta I know you'll have a super dooper time at the picnic and side shows. Um. You're quite some side show yourself (blush**)

Now I'd offer to get the hot doggies out of that bucket for you but M Square says I can't be trusted not to eat them up myself. Okey dokey. I admit it. I would. But I could help you with the watermelon.....

Wagging tons of wishes for a well wicked weekend for you Asta sweet pea (if they have a flower contest I know you'll win it) Wiry love and squillions of kisses Eric xxx

Wyatt said...

We will see you there, Asta!! Can't wait to see PawsBang perform.

Wyatt and Stanzie

p.s. we like your bug suit :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I just love that cork hat of yours sissy. Hilarious!

See you at the picnic and flower show.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...first of all somedog BLABBED bout my little surgical experience. Now do you have ANY DOG IDEA who that might have been??????????

Mumsie is on the warpath...force feeding me Schlag and crumpets...it has been such a struggle. I've eaten four cakes, 12 pans of brownies, 3 bowls of frosting and 12 cups of hot carob with Schlag...with extra sugar.

I am as fat as a cow.

About that lipofat that um seems to have been sold...when you um BLABBED ABOUT THE SURGERY, did you at least keep you jaws shut on that?? I'm pretty sure I saw it on Craig's List...

Wally mellon? Tube steaks??? BUGS? Asta...I've never known you to WANT to be outside for this length of time to hang out with those creepy crawly things.

Can you save me some of those tube steaks...one of my fangs is feeling a little tingly with all this sugar and I might have to switch over to savory.


Miss Lacie Lipo Cakes

Pee ess...Stan flushed out a four foot snake on our walk last night. Nuff said on that one.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

OMC, you are getting all set for the picnic in the bark! I know they are looking for someone to host the watermelon eating contest and I think you should sign up to do that. Do you mind if I borrow your sign and post at my place and link to the picnic? Also, would it be OK to post on CB and see if we could get some kitties to come along too??? Oh what fun this will be. Again, give your mommie a big lick for doing our fashion photo.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We can't wait!! This picnic is going to be SUCH fun!!!

Hope you're planning on coming to the Luau this year too!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Bocci said...

Hey Asta,
Please stop on by Bocci's Beefs-we've got a really cool give-a-way going on until Thursday evening and we'd love you to take part!


Hoke said...

How much fun!!! Enjoy your picnic!!

White Dog Blog said...

Just stopped by to say "hi" and to let you know we were thinking of you as we enjoyed a mocha latte on the porch and watched a ruby throated hummingbird. Hope you day is filled with jewel like color!