a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm so vewy excitewed about this weekends picnic in Blogville 
 my dawling kitteh sissies Momo and Gwacie came to join me.. we had a lovely pwefashion show picnic

All this natoowe made me vewy inspiwed and even though, I have no gawden ow even tewwace, I wan out and got some flowews fow the flowew show so I could pawticipate and look at this vewy bootiful  badge  I got fwom Fenwis and his kittehs
I'm so honowed, thank you !

I do looove Pee Oh Knees..they awe just so lush and fwagwant and bootiful

As you saw befowe, I also did my best to eat wwally melon, and dunk fow toobe steaks and GULP, I am even ( in the intewest of twying to waise money) Gulp, sitting in the dunk tank
    I am now quoting Mayow Fwankie Fuwtew:

"Get READY... It is ALMOST TIME...
Blogville is all SET and ready fur the FURST ANNUAL PICNIC IN THE BARK! EVERYBUDDY... is WELCOME and WANTED... Kitties Hammies Donkeys and Dawgs... we are ALL ALIKE... when it comes to grrrrrrreat get togethers, tons of foods, and lots of FUN.
We will be doing all of THAT and also helping Charlie.

Friday is the day/night fur you to start PLACING YOUR BETS ON THE SACK RACE!! EVERY BET YOU MAKE HELPS CHARLIE. $1.00 PER DUNK... I'm hoping to be sooooooo wet that I get furs rot... just go to Paws of Peace and check it out!!! "

OK don't be shy
come  and twy to dunk me it's only $1.00 pew dunk .. and I will be thewe all day!!!!!

my bandmate Sawge on dwums, Pepsi on lead geetaw, and Honey Buzz on acoostic geetaw and I (Asta on the Base) will be playing all weekend at the picnic!!!

Pleez come and wemembew all the links fow fwiday and satuwday

and to place your BETS on the SACK RACE and or to DUNK someone in the TANK go to

This is a message fwom ouw esteemed MAYOW:

I hope you have a WONDERFUL TIME at the PICNIC. SINCERELY, Frankie Furter.


rottrover said...

Your pre fashion show picnic looks beautiful. Thanks for the list of links. See you tomorrow, Miss Asta!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Wyatt said...

Now we have to rethink our outfits!! BOL
Asta, you are the queen of 'Summer Style'!!

See you at the picnic!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

houndstooth said...

You look fantastic in all those outfits! You'll be the belle of the picnic!


White Dog Blog said...

The excitement just keeps building! Your summery frocks just shimmer and whisper elegant picnic fun! Someone should remember to bring sunscreen!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Holy smokies..this is going to be one of the biggest partys ever....
flowers and everything are ready...
see you there for sure

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMG.. this is going to be one fun pawty!!! Wow.. there's even a live band.. awesome!!

Duke said...

You and your kitty sissies look beautiful in your summer frocks, Asta!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

WFT Nobby said...

What a beautiful picture of all you lovely girls at the pre fashion picnic. Well worth waiting the half hour it took for your post to upload on human Granny and Granddad's prehistoric computer...
Toodle pip!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

So happy to spend the day with you and Momo. The flowers at the flower show were beyond beautiful. The picnic food is delicious and I am stuffed way up to my ears. Thanks for sharing this day with us.

Mack said...

This is gonna be FUN!!

See ya at the picnic!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta... you look stunnin in that
Bee Keenie..
I suppose you will be the one who gets all the Dunks..beclaws all the guys will be wantin to see you with it WET!!!
You looke lovely in your Fashion Show outfit too!!
I'll talk with you later... I gotta go help with the Emerg. Med. tent fur a bit.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, this is just the best party ever........ there is so much to do.

The Daily Pip said...

Those are beautiful flowers! I am in the dunk tank right next to yours. Knock on the wall, if you want some snacks!

Your pal, Pip

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, you and your furiends have the most wonderful spot for your picnic blanket! Looks like you're all decked out in your nicest outfits for the day. Love your dunk tank pix!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh my!!!! All these going ons this weekend will keep us busy. So happy to have some girl time with my sissies.

Hollie and Janie said...

You look so perfect for a picnic!! I hope you have a wonderful time and eat lots of yummy food!

Barbara said...

You look lovely! I would HATE to dunk you in your pretty dress!

George The Lad said...

You look beautiful in your dress, and mom loves your pee oh knees, she is in the flower show.
Now don't get to wet and end up with fur rot!!! that wouldn't be nice.
Its going to be one heck of a party.
See you at the bark
Pucker up :) George xxx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta... there is a NEAR riot over at the Emerg. Med. Tent.. Fenris crashed into the side.. and there are Guy Dawgs lined up 87 deep.. wantin.. ATTENTION.

Could PawsBang take a break or have Sarge do a drum Solo or something. Maggie Mae will tell you what she needs. Mostly just hold a few Paws and hand out an Ice Bag or two.

Kari in Alaska said...

How fun. We wish we could have made it but this moving thing takes up a lot of time!


Eric said...

Dunkin? Boy oh boy! How many doughnuts in there with you Asta? Way too much temptation you and doughnuts...I'm on my way over....

Wiry love and tons of sugar lip kisses Eric xxxx

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh Asta! We wouldn't miss this for anything. Life has been so boring around here ... we're trying to be good dogs for Moma, but enough is enough. It's time to party (and pack ... Moma keeps reminding us!)

And ... just in time ... we got our summer wirey frocks. Polka dots, and all!

See you soon,
Your nearly invisible bruvver Jake and sissie Fergi

Anonymous said...

Oh the pre fashion show is pawsome I just love the dresses!

The music is wonderful!

Off to Pawty More! Tessa

Bocci said...

What a pawty/picnic it will be-we'll be dropping by for sure!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh gosh! Am I too layte? I luv a piknic!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Father's Day to your dad!

Hope you're having fun at the picnic.

Unknown said...

You look lovely, Asta!!

We are having soooooo much fun with the picnic.

.......and I must admit, that I did 'dunk' you over at Crossed Paws! Heeeeheheeeeeeeeeeeeee

Bobby said...

You look just gorgeous Asta in your pre picnick photo.
Its going to be a grand affair.
Licks Bobby

Oskar said...

You look beautiful at your picnic, and Pawsbang rocked!

Nubbin wiggles,

-- said...

I'm glad you had a fun time at the picnic!

By the way, stop by my blog because you've got an award to pick up! It's from a few posts back! :)