I was soo excited that I couldn't stand still fow Mommi to take my pictoowe
My Dawling Gussie's Muzzew and Dad(aka the pwofessow) as well as Flat Gussie and Flat Teka awe coming to visit me
(I was vewy disappointed that I didn't get to have the wound vewsions , but I'm hoping that next time they'll come)
I helped Mommi make a typical summew Hungawian meal.....it stawts wif a cold chewwy soop...mmmmmmmm, wefweshing
ummmm, Mommi should I test that?
awe you suwe you don't need help??????
I hope they like this..it's a little spicy, but I heawd that they like cajun food (specially the pwofessow) and this hungawian stuff is sowt of close in heat at least
I have to tell you all that Muzzew is the most genewoos hooman I have evew sat next to at dinnew..the yummie bites wewe coming constantly my way..and wif a sweet smile and a lovely scwitchie too
I gave Flat Gussie lots of smoochie kisses hoping that he would take them back to my weal Gussiekins
Flat Teka immediately came and guzzled a glass of pwosecco (I'm hoping Muzzew has a photogwaph of that, cause I looked high and low, but couldn't find it)
Then muzzew gave me amost faboolous pwessie..it looks like a Lei, but is ackshooly a squeecky/tug/thwow toy and it's mostly OWANGE!!!!!! (the blue bits awe the squeeckies)
Thank you so much Gussie and Teka..I LOOOOVE it!!!!!!
we all decided to go fow a walk along the wivew..it wained, and then the sun came out, then the wind, then wain again, but we had a gweat time anyway
Daddi, me ,Muzzew, and the pwofessow(Gussie'nTeka's Dad)
see, thewe was momentawily no wain, so Mommi quick took a photo
all too soon, the fiwst day was ovew
The next day Muzzew and Mommi walked and walked and talked and talked and had a wondewful time.....this is a pictoowe in Washington Pawk..I'm suwpwised theiw feets didn't fall off by the time they got back to ouw apawtment
they put theiw feet up fow a little while and then the Hoomans went out fow a vewy special dinnew to have Vietnamese foods at a place called Indochine
(it was Muzzew and Pwofessow's aminevewsawawy).
I stayed home wif Flat Gussie and Flat Teka..(we owdewed pizza...I just love that delivewy is so easy in NewYAwk...it's a good thing, because they didn't bwing anything home to shawe fwom the westauwant)
They loved the food and had a gweat time
Thank you fow visiting me ..We all loved having you hewe and spending a little time togethew
(I hope Muzzew doesn't tell Gussie how awful I looked..my head was mostly tilted and my eaws all gweasy looking fwom medicin fow yet anothew eaw infection..I am getting vewy tiwed of having these)
I will tweasoowe my pwessie and dweam of next time when maybe Gussiekins will be hewe in his wound and cuwly self
smoochie kisses