a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

almost Wordless Wednesday


Awe you coming??????????  Pack youw bags

smoochie kisses

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Gay Pwide Day

Yestewday was Gay Pwide Day and the city was celebwating..thewe was a big pawade and dancing in the stweets and on the piew that is neewest ouw apawtment, thewe was a hooge pawty ending wif fiwewowks at 10:30 

I am vewy lucky because I am totally not scawed of fiwewowks

I sit in my window and watch them and go oooh and ahhhhhhh!

they wewe doing them fwom a bawge wight outside my window

I was vewy happy fow evewybody's joy

see, that is the view fwom my window and you can see the Piew whewe the pawty was..I could heaw the moosic when the window was open

Mommi didn't do a vewy good job of photogwaphing(it would help if she didn't dance to the moosic while she's twying to hold the camewa, hehehe)
When they played the old song fwom the dawk ages when she was a puppy, titled"Going to the Chapel of Love"  she got all teawy and I had to lick hew face(she is a moosh)

and hewe is a shaky pictoowe of the Empiwe State Building being all wainbow colowed

I'm pwoud of NewYawk fow giving equality to all ouw citizens!!!!
let's celebwate

smoochie kisses

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Visiting my Bwuvvew Duffy

We have a twadition of having sunday night dinnew wif fwiends.
We altewnate  the location and last week it was auntie Kawen and my Bwuvvew Duffy's tuwn

Daddi and I awe waiting fow auntie Julie to come and in the meantime, I get to say hello to anyone by ouw fwont doow

Auntie Kawen't building is acwoss the village fwom us neaw NewYawk Oonivewsity and Washington Squawe Pawk
It has some bootiful awchitetoowal feetoowes and since it's not new, it has to be
fixed up fwom time to time. 

Thewe is cuwwently a stwuctoowe built up awound the building so the wowkews can we-point the bwick and stuff, natoowally, on the weekend they don't wowk,  so we pwetend the scaffolding is a deck..this is the view of some of the NYU buildings and the stweet leading to the pawk

we can climb out  the windows and wun awound on the deck Wooo Hooooo
Shake shake shake

hewe's  Duffy wunning towawds me

this is totally cool

we wunned zoomies all awound

auntie Kawen and unkel James came out to join us

They loved seeing us womping awound

I could get used to this..I hope they keep fixing the outside of the building so we have the pwetend deck fow a long time Pleez excoose my waggedy ,gweesie looking eaws..I'm still getting medecin in them)

we finally went inside and ate all the yummies auntie Kawen pwepawed fow us

NomNom Nom..Lasagna wif Betcha Mel sauce  (Auntie Kawen is a most faboolous cook)

cheese and fwesh figs fow dessewt yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

aftew dinnew cuddles fwom ouw Mommies

a last wun on the "deck" while Mommi sits in the window to keep an eye on me

and then walk home thwoo the village..

 (this pictoowe was taken about a momf ago when the twees wewe still in bloom)

a pawfect sunday night again
smoochie kisses

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Closew to Gussie

I was soo excited that I couldn't  stand still fow Mommi to take my pictoowe
My Dawling Gussie's Muzzew and Dad(aka the pwofessow)  as well as Flat Gussie and Flat Teka awe coming to visit me
(I was vewy disappointed that I didn't get to have the wound vewsions , but I'm hoping that next time they'll come)

I helped Mommi make a typical summew Hungawian meal.....it stawts wif a cold chewwy soop...mmmmmmmm, wefweshing

ummmm, Mommi should I test that?

awe you suwe you don't need help??????

I hope they like this..it's a little spicy, but I heawd that they like cajun food (specially the pwofessow) and this hungawian stuff is sowt of close in heat at least

I have to tell you all that Muzzew is the most genewoos hooman I have evew sat next to at dinnew..the yummie bites wewe coming constantly my way..and wif a sweet smile and a lovely scwitchie too
I gave Flat Gussie lots of smoochie kisses hoping that he would take them back to my weal Gussiekins

Flat Teka immediately came and guzzled a glass of pwosecco   (I'm hoping Muzzew has a photogwaph of that, cause I looked high and low, but couldn't find it)

Then muzzew gave me  amost faboolous pwessie..it looks like a Lei, but is ackshooly a squeecky/tug/thwow toy and it's mostly OWANGE!!!!!! (the blue bits awe the squeeckies)
Thank you so much Gussie and Teka..I LOOOOVE it!!!!!!

we all decided to go fow a walk along the wivew..it wained, and then the sun came out, then the wind, then wain again, but we had a gweat time anyway

Daddi, me ,Muzzew, and the pwofessow(Gussie'nTeka's Dad)

see, thewe was momentawily no wain, so Mommi quick took a photo

all too soon, the fiwst day was ovew

 The next day Muzzew and Mommi walked and walked and talked and talked and had a wondewful time.....this is a pictoowe in Washington Pawk..I'm suwpwised theiw feets didn't fall off by the time they got back to ouw apawtment

 they put theiw feet up fow a little while and then the Hoomans went out  fow a vewy special dinnew to have Vietnamese foods at a place called Indochine 
(it was Muzzew and Pwofessow's aminevewsawawy).

I stayed home wif Flat Gussie and Flat Teka..(we owdewed pizza...I just love that delivewy is so easy in NewYAwk...it's a good thing, because they didn't bwing anything home to shawe fwom the westauwant)

They loved the food and had a gweat time

Thank you fow visiting me ..We all loved having you hewe  and spending a little time togethew

(I hope Muzzew doesn't tell Gussie how awful I looked..my head was mostly tilted and my eaws all gweasy looking fwom medicin fow yet anothew eaw infection..I am getting vewy tiwed of having these)

I will tweasoowe my pwessie and dweam of next time when maybe Gussiekins will be hewe in his wound  and cuwly self

smoochie kisses

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm so vewy excitewed about this weekends picnic in Blogville 
 my dawling kitteh sissies Momo and Gwacie came to join me.. we had a lovely pwefashion show picnic

All this natoowe made me vewy inspiwed and even though, I have no gawden ow even tewwace, I wan out and got some flowews fow the flowew show so I could pawticipate and look at this vewy bootiful  badge  I got fwom Fenwis and his kittehs
I'm so honowed, thank you !

I do looove Pee Oh Knees..they awe just so lush and fwagwant and bootiful

As you saw befowe, I also did my best to eat wwally melon, and dunk fow toobe steaks and GULP, I am even ( in the intewest of twying to waise money) Gulp, sitting in the dunk tank
    I am now quoting Mayow Fwankie Fuwtew:

"Get READY... It is ALMOST TIME...
Blogville is all SET and ready fur the FURST ANNUAL PICNIC IN THE BARK! EVERYBUDDY... is WELCOME and WANTED... Kitties Hammies Donkeys and Dawgs... we are ALL ALIKE... when it comes to grrrrrrreat get togethers, tons of foods, and lots of FUN.
We will be doing all of THAT and also helping Charlie.

Friday is the day/night fur you to start PLACING YOUR BETS ON THE SACK RACE!! EVERY BET YOU MAKE HELPS CHARLIE. $1.00 PER DUNK... I'm hoping to be sooooooo wet that I get furs rot... just go to Paws of Peace and check it out!!! "

OK don't be shy
come  and twy to dunk me it's only $1.00 pew dunk .. and I will be thewe all day!!!!!

my bandmate Sawge on dwums, Pepsi on lead geetaw, and Honey Buzz on acoostic geetaw and I (Asta on the Base) will be playing all weekend at the picnic!!!

Pleez come and wemembew all the links fow fwiday and satuwday

and to place your BETS on the SACK RACE and or to DUNK someone in the TANK go to

This is a message fwom ouw esteemed MAYOW:

I hope you have a WONDERFUL TIME at the PICNIC. SINCERELY, Frankie Furter.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I hope all of you know by now about the most wondewfullest Blogville Picnic that is happening June 17 and 18

Thewe awe  bunches of fun events scheduled, so bwing your tweat baskets, blankets, fwiends and family.
  Thewe awe going to be so many fun things to do and events to entew
I bowwowed this list fwom Sawge!

Pawsbang and High Rollers Jazz Band will be rockin' the bark.
Fenris is hosting a Flower Show (ossoATcableoneDOTnet).
Oskar is hosting a Bug House (hoeraufATcomcastDOTcom).
Mollie Jo is hosting a Fashion Show (dogearedATbellsouthDOTnet).
Sarge is hosting the Bobbing for Tube Steaks (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom)
There will be a Dunk Tank & Sack Race (justdogandmaxATgmailDOTcom).
We will also have a Raffle and a Grand Prize Drawing.
For all the details, visit Mayor Frankie Furter's blog with this link.
(his June thiwd postie has all the info on the waffles and stuff too!)

Our Wonderful furends Ronnii and Ujio are gonna Host the WALLY MELON EATIN thingy!!!! SOOOOOOOO get your pictures taken and sent to them... speedy quick... coyote(dot)ugly2010(at)gmail.com (DEADLINE= JUNE 13th)

I also entewed the bug house, but as some of you might know, I'm not that comfowtabull awound bugses so ....I twy to be a little cautious

of couwse when I'm inside the house  if a giant fly comes in, I aways have my Ostwalian cowk hat to pwotect me

and fow the gweat outdoows..I feel it is impawtant to be bof fashionabull and safe at all times

One of the events that I was way mowe happy about was the Toobe Steak Dunking

I went out on my woof top
(illegally, but I know since I'm fwiends wif Sawge COP and Mayow Fwankie, I'm pwetty safe fwom awwest)
..anyway, I checked out the toobe steaks in the watew fow the best angle fow my appwoach...it's a vewy deep ice coobe holdew

then I went in fow the dunk

and finally successs!!!!!!

Natoowally, I will be in the Fashion show , and the  Flowew show

and playing wif my bandmates in
PAWS BANG fow evewyone's entewtainment
I also plan to be in the Dunk Tank, so that all of you can twy youw luck in wuining my haiwdo by dunking me, hehehehe

so PLEEEZ evewyone come suppowt us in twying to have fun while we do some good and help ouw fwiend Chawlie

Now time is running out fuw you to get youw Waffle Ticket money sent to Mollie Jo. They have to have it by June 13th..