a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, April 25, 2011

This was Eastew

I hope all of you had a most wondewful Weekend! wif lots of family, fwiends and yummabulls fwom the Eastew Bunny

I helped Mommi and Daddi get weady fow the Sunday  lunch at ouw house

We cleaned and cooked and decowated  and I was fowced to have a baf

I did a final inspection to make suwe that We had enuff tweats fow evewyone coming,   honest, that's all I was doing

Hewe is a smilebox to show you some decowations and how we made ouw favowitest Cheese cake

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We had to have the food set up in Mommi's "studio", since  that's the onliest place wif a big table

and hewe is a smilebox of the fun day we had wif family and fwiends
, it was suddenly all wawm and hoomid so we had to dwink extwa Pwo Secco to keep hydwated, hehehehe..and then eat extwa to absowb all the Pwo Secco , then dwink mowe pwosecco fow thiwst , then stawt all ovew again, you get the pictoowe
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We had a gweat time.... it lasted fwom 2-9 and then I fell asneep.
My Bwuvvew Duffy was hewe and he and I  wan awound and played and got so much hooman food (don't wowwy , only the stuff that's good fow us) that I didn't have my wegoolaw dinnew  and was xhausted.

Mommi discovewed that she is lots oldew than she used to be and it's going to take hew a while to not be tiwed,
so Pleeez be patient wif me cause I doubt that she will be of much help to me in visiting all of you. She pwomised that  I will get awound to all my fwiends eventooally

smoochie kisses


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Boy oh boy! I have said it once, and I am saying it again, and will probably say it in the future. You all sure know how to throw a fantastic party at your place. The flowers were lovely and everything was decorated beautifuly. I just love the last photo of you. I am thinking that you need an agent and could go into the modeling. You could earn lots of $$$$ doing this. Love to all at your place!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What pawesome and beaWOOtiful pikhs!

As fur the prosekhkho...Mom hasn't had any since her khonsumption NYE (two of them) -


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

ASTA Dahling I have NEVER seen you looking more lovely. That Neckribbon and nosegay were PERFECT fur an Easter Get together.

I LOVE your Pawties.. sooooo elegant and welcoming.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta and family -

Happy Belated Easter! You sure know how to throw a party!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

houndstooth said...

Your Easter sounds so lovely! I love that last picture of you with the flowers, too. Ours wasn't nearly as exciting as yours!


tweedles said...

Your are so beautiful, and I love your fluffyness, and I think your accent is precious.
Your party looked like so much fun,,
ohh,,,,, I wish I could have come..
Your so beautiful

Pippen said...

Golly! We are all tuckered outs just from reading about your pawty and looking at all the pictures!

Sam and Pippen

White Dog Blog said...

You have a beautiful home, Asta, and set a most gracious table. Everything looks so inviting and divine. I bet your friends consider your house THE gathering place. Although momma says someday she would like to challenge your mommi to a cheesecake bakeoff...yours looks fab.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, what a time you had! We love that last picture of you, all xhausted, with the pretty flowers and ribbon. From a strictly scientific viewpoint, I might question the strategy of using prosecco for rehydration. Hmm. Perhaps a subject for a future lecture..
Meanwhile, you go and cuddle up to Mommi - I'm sure she'll liven up after a few special smoochie kisses.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

You are just the most perfect hostess, Asta, and certainly the prettiest! We smiled when we saw your orange tulips!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

3 doxies said...

Oh Asta, da flower bouquet in your furs is just gorgeous!!!!
I tis very important to stay hydrated and not to over heat you knows. I am proud dat you is so knowledgable and remembers dat.


Faya said...

Oh Asta comme c'est beau ! Je suis contente que tu as eu une joyeuse fête de Pâques ! Bisous chez toi et félicitations à ta mamy qui est vraiment une grande artiste !
Faya & Dyos

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!

In my dreams, I have curled up with you and your bouquet of flowers for a snuggly nap. I KNEW you would enjoy your Easter since your mommi & daddi were hosting, and they only ever have the best food and the best kinds of hoomans over. Glad you and Duffy had some frolicking time together. (Stella still talks about him. Tell him hi from her.)

Goober love & smooches,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Were dos jelly beanies dat I saw? Yum!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, another fantastic dinner party at Asta's!!! We would love to sink our teeth into that cheesecake. Yummers.

We are still catching up from that wowzer weekedn. Between the big celebration for Richie and Ronnii,and then the big family gathering here on Sunday, we think we might need to snooze all week.

Have a good one, Asta.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pedro said...


Looks like you and your people had a great Easter. I like your bow!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Lovely pics of you (Lacie's face is a bit contorted and a low growl can be heard...) Lovely floral sprig around your neck...(Lacie sighs,lookin at her own bare neck, only adorned by a dirty collar.

Don't they make you sneeze?

As for the food...OMD...it looked amazing....

Mumsie can't find the pic of the "special" horses...did your mom send it????


Lacie Girlie

Gus said...

Another wonderful day..with photos to share with friends, We hope you have many, many more and your happiness never ends.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Looks like you had a great Easter. The cheesecake looks yummy. Loved your card and your header!

Remington said...

Awesome pics, my friend!

Amber-Mae said...

MMMM cheese cake...my favourite! Your cheesecake looked REALLY good!

Amber-Mae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kari in Alaska said...

looks like it was a great Easter!


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

ah Asta, your pawrents throw the best pawties!
Happy Easter!

rottrover said...

Oh Asta! That last piture of you is adorable!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sounds like a very fun day and that last picture is just adorable. Hugs GJ x

Cowspotdog said...

Yeah - 7 tries and I finally get the post message to come up ! Thank goodness I am a persistent pup! It looks like you had a wonderful eater Aster - so many pawsome photos!

Bobby said...

ASTA,What a great party with scrumpsious food. It all looks so good.No wonder your mum can not pull herself together it might have be a little to much Secco.
We are glad you had a guest to play with. We love the picture of you with the flowers.
Licks Bobby and Bald Pip.

Barbara said...

Wow, you sure did it up fine! You look so beautiful with your flowers! What a lovely day!

Charlie said...

As much as I hate baths, I think a day like yours might be worth one! :)
- Charlie

Bocci said...

We just finished your Smileboxes, Asta-and what an afternoon and evening it must have been! You are the classiest hostess we've seen in a long time:-) Love those flowers around your neck-I would have eaten them!

And that cheesecake! PU is swooning....

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Asta,

Want to hear a funny story? When my mama was a little girl, she dreamed of living in New York and being a writer or an artist. She moved there after college and lived there for a few years and let's just say things didn't go as planned - that's how she ended up back in Chicago. Long story short, we love reading your stories about living in New York and all the wonderful pictures - makes Mama remember all her childhood dreams! How's that for a mushy comment!

Your pal, Pip and Pip's mama

Oskar said...

It looks like a great time & you look stunning in your beautiful corsage!

You help your mommi rest.

Nubbin wiggles,

-- said...

What a helpful little dog you are, Asta.

And what a wonderful collection of books your parents have! I can't wait until we buy a house and can have a whole wall of books...it looks beautiful!

The Black and Tans. said...

Our Mum is drooling all over the keyboard (the cheescake made her do it apparently). It really isn't very pleasant...we don't drool.

Anyway we loved all the photos of your very busy Easter and Asta you looked absolutely gorgeous.

MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Hollie and Janie said...

Your house looks fabulous and you are so beautiful with your lovely flowers and ribbon! and cheesecake.... yummy!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Asta! What a most Wonderful and Joyous Easter you had! And that last picture of you is super precious, all decked out in those pretty flowers and ribbon. You really ARE the hostess with the mostest, my furend!

Wiggles & Wags,

Juno said...

Asta, we were thinking of you and your mommi and daddi during Easter weekend. OMD, we always love to see 'so much love' at your place and your humans. Thank you for sharing many beautiful photos. Very very nice post!!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Eric said...

Delish...delightful and delovely..all of it!! You look sooper dooper special with your pretty nosegay.M Square wants me to ask how you get your furs so white but I won't of course. And for you to tell Mommi she made a smashing job of everything right down to the very last painted egg and the very special new painted lady painting and oh her lovely green top made her green. Honestly Asta can you blogging believe the cheek of it when it's my comment?

Bunny hop kisses for you sweet pea Asta xxxx

the booker man said...

miss asta!

what a grrreat easter you had! your mommi 'n daddi sure know how to host a super duper nice pawty! you look so pretty wearin' your flowers 'n bow necklace! i saw all those foodables in your pics...the ham 'n the cheesecake were especially givin' my tummy the rumblies! heehee. i'm glad that you got lots of nibbles of the good stuffs!! :D

the booker man

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wowzer! What a beautiful post! Those pictures were crystal clear and the colors were amazing! It was just like being there, which we wish we were. You've got a very elegant and luxurious lifestyle Asta. We're so glad you've shared it with us.

Basking in the gorgeous lavish moments with you,
Jake and Fergi (sending hugs and kisses)

♥ Sallie said...

We hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Love the decorations!
