a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spwing is Twying and my wequest

Hello deew Fwiends, as you all know, it's sposed to be spwing....HAH!!!!!!
We get one day of sunshine and then ten days of wain and gloom, the sunny days awe widicoolously wawm, then you fweeze again and cathch colds and stuff, and the poow twees and flowews awe confoosed, but they awe twying

I'm going to show you what is going on in my neighbowhood, so come along wif me

the twees in some places awe flowewing, and in othews the bwanches awe still naked
see how gwey evewything is still?

see what I mean?

the aweas awound twees have pwetty flowews, cause individooals and block associations plant spwing flowews and it makes the stweets lots nicew

My Gwammami  Kwoon looooved Doggiewoods and I do too so I always stop and say hello to them(aftew all, they awe doggies, hehehehe)

of couwse the two lipses awe out all ovew and they help the gwey days be cheewy

and the bootiful magnolias that look like candy to eat

this nice Austwian Westauwant in ouw neighbowhood aways has nice cdecowations

the habit of hanging Eastew eggses off of pussy willows is vewy Austwian and Mommi wemembews it fwom hew little giwlhood and loves seeing it

I looove the fancy two lips

I guess cause we live in a city , we notice the flowews even mowe cause it's mowe unoosual, and each one is a nice suwpwise

thewe awe lots of little public gawdens fow  us to sit and welax

and these lovely puwple hi- a - sinths have the loveliest fwagwance and wewe my Gwammpapa deLendvay(Mommi's Daddi)'s favowites

I would cewtainly NEVEW step into any of the flowewbeds awound the twees! some hoomans awe woode and diwect theiw doggies to go leave peemail in thewe..It makes mommi weally angwy

The high line is such a lovely place, and it's next to ouw house(that's it iin the backgwound), BUT no doggies ow kittehs awe allowed up thewe.
I see that as a challenge . Sooooooo, I snuck up thewe(shshhhhhhh, don't tell anyone)

It's still pwetty bawe, and the sky is gwey, but I still love being thewe

now fow my last pictoowe, I dedicate this to my fwiend Puddles fow obvious weasons (if you know hew, hehehehe)

Hope youw Spwing is twying hawd to come too

And now I have a wequest! Pleez go to JD and Max  and wead theiw wondewful bloggie and then leave a message..Theiw Mom is going to donate gween papews fow evewy message toCwossed Paws so they can continoo to help fuwwkids, plus you'll also be eligabull fow a cool pwise so PLEEEZ go do it!

smoochie kisses


Stella said...

Lovely post, Ms. Asta! I really enjoyed looking at your neighborhood.

It just stays very chilly here, and tonight they are calling for MORE SNOW. They expect we will have another inch or more by morning. But as much as we wish for spring weather, we don't despair. It will come early some years and late another. However, a little sunshine goes a LONG way with me.


The Life of Riley said...

My spring is six months away, but I loved your tour and getting to see all those pretty flowers and doggie signs that you visit.

Sending you lots of woofs,

rottrover said...

Miss Asta! We loved seeing all the pretty flowers in your neighborhood. Do you have "invisibility fur" that you can put on to sneak into those off-limits places?? You're so clever :-) We had 90 degrees on Sunday with a lovely breeze (mom even got sunburned) and then yesterday it was 65 and cloudy. We're confused. But we did get BATHS on Sunday and we're all clean and shiney!! See you soon!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I have the SAME yucky gray weather here.. soooooo I really do appreciate you taking us through your beautiful areas fur DoggyWood trees and other pretty flowering spring thingys. SIGH... my favorite time of the year.

THANKS fur cheering us all up. We really needed it... fur a LOT of reasons.

Kiyi Kiyi said...

I like the funny sign in dog! That's cute :) A lot nicer than the usual 'stay off' signs around here. Wow! You have a lot of flowers - we don't have that many yet.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I spent a pawesome hour out in the rain and damp this afternoon -

Mom and The Doggy Nanny kept shaking their heads at me!

We are going to mention JD and Max's inkhredible post on Thursday!

Lovely tour and walk Asta! THANK WOO FURRY MUCH!

Siberian Sponge At Large

Dexter said...

Thank you for the garden tour. I see lots of signs of spring even if it is cold and rainy today. I love your little face with the two lips. Off to visit JD and Max.


Unknown said...

Oh what a beautiful post today! We love spring flowers!!!!

Honey the Great Dane (& human)

kissa-bull said...

dearest asta love
all those flowers in your postie made us warm wiff the spring fever . they are most bewootimous. we cant wait til spring finally comes to stay.thank you for brightening our day wiff all those gowgeous flowers and you of course tee hee
we're heading ofur to jd and max's bloggy. are'nt they the gweatest and most genewous woggies ever to be???

pibble sugars
the pittie pack and wee ones

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thanks for the lovely photos of spring. We went by to leave a comment to help Crossed Paws.

Teddy said...

You have such a pretty neighborhood, and that's really nice of you not to leave your peemails on those flowers. It's rainy and cold here, and our flowers are suffering. Hopefully they'll come out in a few weeks. Thanks for the tour through your city.


White Dog Blog said...

Asta, you have a lovely neighborhood and it seems like a special delight to turn a corner or cross a street and discover a bright spot of color...a bold message that Spring has left. The grey and rain just highlight the vivid flowers...and remind us that growth and renewal are occuring. In no time, you, mommi and daddi will be lunching at the cafe in warm smiling sunshine!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I tink da spring flowers are da best. We jus' don't have any here in da Sunshine State. We don't have spring, come to tink of it!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Of course we'll go over there and visit.

NOW...you've given me a fabbers idea...

Meet you on the Highline at midnight. I've invited all the dogs from your building and run. I have the food ordered (lobster) and Scruffy and Stan are bringing the grills...

And of course my blender is available. A small donation per smoothie for Shelter Dogs of New York is welcomed.

For entertainment purposes, I am giving free Broom Rides.



Oh...bring a bag for cleanup in case any dog needs to um well, you know.

HoundDogMom said...

This is the first time that we have toured the neighbhor hood. It is beautiful. We made it by JD & Max early, that is cool what they are doing. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Amber-Mae said...

Those poor trees & flowers. I can imagine how confused they are right now. The weather over there seems terribly confused too! Those flowers are very pretty. Bet they smell lovely!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta! Quick! Look out the window! Can you see the moon? We can. It's lovely. And it's the same moon that is shining over the beautiful spring neighborhood of the West Village. We LOVED your tour of colors and flowers ... it was almost as good as being there. And ... just so you know ... Fergi is still giggling about having a cell phone and being able to talk to you. I'll let her enjoy her glee for now ... we're still sorta enjoying her birthday. But one of these days I'm gonna get a phone of my own, so I can talk to you. In the meantime, I'll remember sitting on your window seat and looking out at all the city scenes.

We're headed over to JD and Max's ... and maybe we'll see you on the HighLine on our way over.

Much love, Asta. Please give Daddi and AuntieAmi a snuggle and kiss from us.
Jake (and SoundAsleepFergi)

Wyatt said...

Spring looks good with you in it, Asta....Luv your twolips!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Sally said...

I love sprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring. :-)
nice woooh

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Such beautiful flowers, Asta. You live in a lovely neighbourhood!

We're off to JD & Max's.


Duke said...

Your flowers in your neighborhood are just fabulous, Asta - so beautiful! Mom says she's never seen so many hyacinths in one spot before. Those are her favorite spring flowers too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

3 doxies said...

Hahahahahahaha...oh girl, you so knows how to cheer me up! Looooooooove da foto...hehehe, just what I need...cheetos IN my beer.
Ya'll sure do haves lots of purty flowers in da City. Ya'll haves more than me and we ain't in da Big City. Sumptin' wrong theres.
And I promise, I won't breath a word bout you going up to da high line...hehehe!


Gus said...

sweet Asta:

The weather here is unpredictable also, but our trees and flowers are blooming...they have decreed spring is here! Even muzzer has moved her winter clothes downstairs - so it must be official


Remington said...

Thank you for taking me with you....it was most enjoyable!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta! Wow thanks for the fun tour around your neighborhood! It is so pretty to see all the blooms waiting to come up. We have had weather like you - really hot then bitter cold again. WE just don't understand it and hope spring shows up for real soon for all of us!

Hollie and Janie said...

thanks for the awesome tour of your neighborhood. the tulips are just beautiful!! I hope you have a sun-filled week!

Kari in Alaska said...

mmmm Autrian food is so good!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I loved seeing around your city and all the lovely flowers and trees. It will be spring real soon Asta for you I am sure. My muym and dad are comming to your city in early June all being well. Hugs GJ x

MarketsNYC said...

Hi Asta! LOVED the tour of our old neighborhood. We miss you and the trees and the High Line every day.
XO, Pants

Bocci said...

Thanks for taking us on your walk-it's gray here, too, but the flowers help!
We shall visit your friend's blog to help support the very generous promotion they're doing- we're going there right now!

Clive said...

Asta, we really loved all your gorgerous spring photos of New York - Murray was really thrilled looking at them all.

He particularly loved seeing the Highline again - we loved visiting that last year and of course, Clive and Murray's photo there is our all time favourite photo! We can't wait to go back over to visit again!

We also loved seeing the willow branches with the little easter eggs - it's a tradition we have taken from our years living in Belgium and we only decorated our willow branches earlier today!

Have a lovely Easter and we hope the weather is good for you.

take care
Clive and Murray

Lacy said...

w00fs, bute ti ful flowers ms asta...

b safe,

Anakin Man said...

Me sissy Josie wants some of 'dem flowers(eyes rolling)
dem are beauTeefuls! Tanks for 'da tour-

Yous facial expressions are cutes-

Anakin Man

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We enjoyed the tour of the neighborhood and all the flowers nice people planted. We read about the Highline in the National Geographic this month. How neat that it is near your house. We hopes one day they will let doggies us there.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, look at all that SPRING where you live!! I wish I could come visit. We hardly have any spring here at all yet.

Thank you for telling me abouts JD and Max. I hadn't been around to visit them yet but I went right over. What a Most Wonderful thing they're doing.

Wiggles & Wags,

Bobby said...

Asta The blossom on the trees looks lovely. The weather is going all wrong, we always have April showers but we have had no rain for a about 5 weeks.
You sound like you are getting 4 seasons in a day, stay happy.
Licks Bobby.

Pippa said...

What lovely lovely photos Asta darling.

Hope I am not too late when I visit JD and Max's to help more furries.

Pippa x

Oskar said...

My mom person has some beautiful purple hyacinths on her windowsill next to her computer so she can always smell them.

I think all of the flowers pale in comparison to your beautiful spirit!

Nubbin wiggles,

Pee ess - my mom person said your smoochie kisses helped her ankle feel better!