a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Aftew  a whiwlwind flight on Butchy's Plane (piloted by hie kitteh bwuvvew Sylvestew so that Butchy can welax and not stwess), Gussie and I awwived in London fow the
Woyal wedding, along wif fwiends and tewwiew family

you can biggify all the pictoowes if you want to twy to figgowe out who we awe

we wewe met at the Aiwpawt by Miss Enid(of the House of Squawe)
 my coach fow all  the pwopew Eat a Cat
We awe in excellent paws, ummm, I mean wheels, she has been at evewy woyal wedding since Queen Victowia and has  given instwuction to the Woyals themselves

photo by Ewic Squawe

we wewe initially going to stay in a posh hotel, but my deew cousin Ewic Squawe dog convinced us that the way to go is to camp out in fwont of Buck House
he saved us a most pawfect spot to see all the action, and we've been hewe fow sevewal days now

Ewic is a most wondewful host and  awwanged evewything
we had comfowtabull sofas and shayz lunges and of couwse lovely tea  as soon as we awwived
I quite like the salmon paste samiches and the spotted dick

I had some concewns about the lack of bafwoom wif multi-pull sinks and gwanite countew tops like all a mewwy cans  pwefew, but Ewic assuwed me that  bathing in the fountain in fwont of the Palace was just the thing, ( I do think that Lacie could have shown a little westwaint)
Mango, who awwived unexpectadly seemed appalled

The Queen complained that the howsies  dwawing hew cawwiage wewe not  up to paaw, so my gwandson Scwuffy and bwuvvew Jake volunteewed to lead the  pawade

Natoowally, the Woyals insisted that we attend the wedding and all the festivities

I am undew the stwictest owdews not to weveal THE DWESS, so you'll just have to wait fow the delayed telebision covew age,
I can weveal that The house of Agatha has been sewing dog bones  on silk and tulle fow momfs   shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone

To ouw delight we saw the Beagle aunties Mawfa and Bailey on the steps of Westminstew Abbey(we have missed them tewwibully since they stopped blogging)

We wewe the fiwst to entew the Abbey and I can tell you thewe was a most wondewful hush when the assembulled guests saw us in all ouw magnificence

Awchie Played his Tuba and Accowdion  fow the pwocessional, and may I say, he was astounding

We waited at the Altaw fow the Bwide to Awwive
(the Queen kept asking Ewic Squawe fow advice the whole time)

photo couwtesy of Mumsie
We joined the happy Couple on the balcony to wave to  ouw ummm, I mean theiw loyal subjects ( I gave Wills and Kate, umm I mean theiw highnesess a smoochie kiss on behalf of all of us and wished them much happiness)
aftew that it was on to lunch and nap and then of couwse the dance, but Mommi's camewa was confiscated at that point and you'll just have to imagine the west

I hope all of you had fun joining us
isn't womance gweat????

My heawt goes out to a ll the victims of the howwibull townados. I pway that all my fwiends awe safe (thanks to the wondewful  zoolatwy giwls fow this lovely sign)

smoochie kisses

Monday, April 25, 2011

This was Eastew

I hope all of you had a most wondewful Weekend! wif lots of family, fwiends and yummabulls fwom the Eastew Bunny

I helped Mommi and Daddi get weady fow the Sunday  lunch at ouw house

We cleaned and cooked and decowated  and I was fowced to have a baf

I did a final inspection to make suwe that We had enuff tweats fow evewyone coming,   honest, that's all I was doing

Hewe is a smilebox to show you some decowations and how we made ouw favowitest Cheese cake

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We had to have the food set up in Mommi's "studio", since  that's the onliest place wif a big table

and hewe is a smilebox of the fun day we had wif family and fwiends
, it was suddenly all wawm and hoomid so we had to dwink extwa Pwo Secco to keep hydwated, hehehehe..and then eat extwa to absowb all the Pwo Secco , then dwink mowe pwosecco fow thiwst , then stawt all ovew again, you get the pictoowe
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We had a gweat time.... it lasted fwom 2-9 and then I fell asneep.
My Bwuvvew Duffy was hewe and he and I  wan awound and played and got so much hooman food (don't wowwy , only the stuff that's good fow us) that I didn't have my wegoolaw dinnew  and was xhausted.

Mommi discovewed that she is lots oldew than she used to be and it's going to take hew a while to not be tiwed,
so Pleeez be patient wif me cause I doubt that she will be of much help to me in visiting all of you. She pwomised that  I will get awound to all my fwiends eventooally

smoochie kisses

Thursday, April 21, 2011


THE BIG BIRFDAY BASH... Celebwation of Life will be on SATUWDAY... you will want to attend the pawty at Ronnii's Blog.. Pee Ess you can take snacks and plan to make a speech even.
Whatevew you want... just so you are thewe!!!!!!
We Blogvillians NEVER want to miss a gwwwweat pawty. hehehe

Glitter Photos
by the way, I'm going to be playing my base Geetaw wif my fellow Wockews
fwom PAWS BANG  at the pawty, so make suwe you come!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you wemembew what a gweat concewt we had last time
Hewe's a pictoowe to wemind you


It's also getting vewy close to EASTEW so Pleez wemembew and wemind fwiends not to buy bunnies unless you want them as fwiends fuw life!
I get vewy sad when I heaw how many on them wind up homeless just cause hoomans think they'we just fow  a fun pawty and then don't want them anymowe..
no fuwwkid should be in that sitooation

I have been vewy busy helping Mommi paint Eastew Eggses..What fun!!!!
I love to get messy

Daddi poked holes on opposite sides of each egg and blew them out, then Mommi and I painted them all ovew.  We have them on Eastew to give to ouw guests as sooveneews of the day, plus they decowate the house all up

hope all of you awe well and I'll seee you at the pawty!!!! SATUWDAY AT WONNIIS!!

Happy Eastew my deew fwiends
smoochie kisses

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spwing is Twying and my wequest

Hello deew Fwiends, as you all know, it's sposed to be spwing....HAH!!!!!!
We get one day of sunshine and then ten days of wain and gloom, the sunny days awe widicoolously wawm, then you fweeze again and cathch colds and stuff, and the poow twees and flowews awe confoosed, but they awe twying

I'm going to show you what is going on in my neighbowhood, so come along wif me

the twees in some places awe flowewing, and in othews the bwanches awe still naked
see how gwey evewything is still?

see what I mean?

the aweas awound twees have pwetty flowews, cause individooals and block associations plant spwing flowews and it makes the stweets lots nicew

My Gwammami  Kwoon looooved Doggiewoods and I do too so I always stop and say hello to them(aftew all, they awe doggies, hehehehe)

of couwse the two lipses awe out all ovew and they help the gwey days be cheewy

and the bootiful magnolias that look like candy to eat

this nice Austwian Westauwant in ouw neighbowhood aways has nice cdecowations

the habit of hanging Eastew eggses off of pussy willows is vewy Austwian and Mommi wemembews it fwom hew little giwlhood and loves seeing it

I looove the fancy two lips

I guess cause we live in a city , we notice the flowews even mowe cause it's mowe unoosual, and each one is a nice suwpwise

thewe awe lots of little public gawdens fow  us to sit and welax

and these lovely puwple hi- a - sinths have the loveliest fwagwance and wewe my Gwammpapa deLendvay(Mommi's Daddi)'s favowites

I would cewtainly NEVEW step into any of the flowewbeds awound the twees! some hoomans awe woode and diwect theiw doggies to go leave peemail in thewe..It makes mommi weally angwy

The high line is such a lovely place, and it's next to ouw house(that's it iin the backgwound), BUT no doggies ow kittehs awe allowed up thewe.
I see that as a challenge . Sooooooo, I snuck up thewe(shshhhhhhh, don't tell anyone)

It's still pwetty bawe, and the sky is gwey, but I still love being thewe

now fow my last pictoowe, I dedicate this to my fwiend Puddles fow obvious weasons (if you know hew, hehehehe)

Hope youw Spwing is twying hawd to come too

And now I have a wequest! Pleez go to JD and Max  and wead theiw wondewful bloggie and then leave a message..Theiw Mom is going to donate gween papews fow evewy message toCwossed Paws so they can continoo to help fuwwkids, plus you'll also be eligabull fow a cool pwise so PLEEEZ go do it!

smoochie kisses

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How I got My Name

My Fwiend Weilly  ( I mean Reilly), a bootiful White Shetland Sheepdog  who does agility amongst many othew things, is having a give-away. 
To entew ,you must tell evewyone "How I got my name"..natoowally, I'm getting hewe at the last minute,
the deadline is Monday 18th April 2011 and they will dwaw the winnew using Wandom.Owg.
Any fuwbaby can entew - doggies, kitties, bunny's what evew :)

Most of you have aweady heawd this so many times , you'we pwobably sick of it..but just in case you've been in a cave ow sneeping and don't know this stowy
Hewe's how I got my name

Mommi and Daddi awe "ThinMan" movie fanatics and basically wish they lived back in the fowties (given how ancient they awe, it's no wondew they awe stuck in that ewa, hehehe (the above pictoowe could be Daddi and me  looking at Mommi aftew a  mawtooni)

These wewe the staws of  the "Thin Man " movies
Mywna Loy, Asta, and William Powell
(they played Nick and Nowa Chawles and theiw doggie Asta)

and hewe awe the wannabes, hehehehehe
Mommi , me and Daddi

Mommi and Daddi couldn't have any woofies when they lived in Califownia, so they moved to NewYawk and finally got a baby wiwe and named him Nikki

My Pawents wewe not as ancient yet and they went to Oowope a lot to visit welatives and stuff and of couwse took NIKKI wif them

Hewe they awe in St Mowitz
Nikki got to twavel to Fwance, Italy, Switzewland, Austwia and lots to Hungawy whewe my Gwammpapa  was

and this is on a boat on the Danoobe Wivew on the Austwian side
He made them fall in love wif Doggies fuw evew!!!!

Nikki was extwemely handsome and lived to be 14 yeaws old even though he was fwom a puppy Mill

when NIKKI was about 10 yeaws old, Mommi convinced Daddi that she absolutely had to have anothew little wiwe and that's when NOWA came into ouw family

NIKKI didn't see vewy well by then, but put up wif the little  "monstew" lovingly

Daddi cewtainly didn't wegwet the decision

then, they wewe asked if they could adopt NOWA's baby bwuvvew  cause no one wanted him...he was totally adowabull and of couwse Mommi said YES and named him CHAWLIE
most hoomans thought we wewe cwazy,  but it was totally wondewful and fine fow the fiwst two yeaws....evewyone got along and now Mommi and Daddi had used up all the hooman names fwom the Thin Man

this is a pwint of a painting Mommi did of all of us in theiw caw(they still had one in those days)

Chawlie gwew up to be a vewy big boy and aftew he tuwned two, he decided that he had had enuff of Nowa's pushy  ways and stawted to weact to hew taunts..she was always the instigatow, but he was so much stwongew, that in the fights she aways got huwt..
Mommi had to make the hawdest decision of hew life and found Chawlie a home wif a fwiend who had just lost theiw Wiwe( Chawlie had the easiew pawsonality and we knew he would be a pawfect fit fow the mistew, but it still bwoke Mommi's heawt to have to give him up)

By then, NIKKI had cwossed the bwidge too and now only NOWA was left..
she was a pawfect only child and now got to go to OOwope hewself

Nowa had been to Pawis, and Amstewdam and Budapest
she was adowed  by my pawents.She was spunky and sweet and healthy, but
when she was eleven, she developed kidney disease , and despite evewy effowt, cwossed the bwidge in a few momfs

Mommi decided she could nevew evew go thwoo that pain again so NO MOWE DOGGIES she said

That lasted just a few momfs, and fow hew next Biwfday they got me

sowwy fow the long pweambull, but FINALLLY, this is how I got my name

aftew NIKKI,NOWA, and CHAWLIE, it was sowt of obvious
hewe I am wif Daddi on the steps of a chuwch in WOME(my one and only twip to OOwope)
now my pawents awe ancient , as I said, and bwoke too, so no mattew how much Mommi would love anothew doggie, they just wouldn't be able to affowd the vettie bills.
So I guess I bettew live a long time, cause they'we out of names too

hope you wewen't too boowed by my long winded stowy
smoochie kisses