Aftew a whiwlwind flight on Butchy's Plane (piloted by hie kitteh bwuvvew Sylvestew so that Butchy can welax and not stwess), Gussie and I awwived in London fow the
Woyal wedding, along wif fwiends and tewwiew family
you can biggify all the pictoowes if you want to twy to figgowe out who we awe
we wewe met at the Aiwpawt by Miss Enid(of the House of Squawe)
my coach fow all the pwopew Eat a Cat
We awe in excellent paws, ummm, I mean wheels, she has been at evewy woyal wedding since Queen Victowia and has given instwuction to the Woyals themselves
photo by Ewic Squawe
we wewe initially going to stay in a posh hotel, but my deew cousin Ewic Squawe dog convinced us that the way to go is to camp out in fwont of Buck House
he saved us a most pawfect spot to see all the action, and we've been hewe fow sevewal days now
Ewic is a most wondewful host and awwanged evewything
we had comfowtabull sofas and shayz lunges and of couwse lovely tea as soon as we awwived
I quite like the salmon paste samiches and the spotted dick
I had some concewns about the lack of bafwoom wif multi-pull sinks and gwanite countew tops like all a mewwy cans pwefew, but Ewic assuwed me that bathing in the fountain in fwont of the Palace was just the thing, ( I do think that Lacie could have shown a little westwaint)
Mango, who awwived unexpectadly seemed appalled
The Queen complained that the howsies dwawing hew cawwiage wewe not up to paaw, so my gwandson Scwuffy and bwuvvew Jake volunteewed to lead the pawade
Natoowally, the Woyals insisted that we attend the wedding and all the festivities
I am undew the stwictest owdews not to weveal THE DWESS, so you'll just have to wait fow the delayed telebision covew age,
I can weveal that The house of Agatha has been sewing dog bones on silk and tulle fow momfs shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone
To ouw delight we saw the Beagle aunties Mawfa and Bailey on the steps of Westminstew Abbey(we have missed them tewwibully since they stopped blogging)
We wewe the fiwst to entew the Abbey and I can tell you thewe was a most wondewful hush when the assembulled guests saw us in all ouw magnificence
Awchie Played his Tuba and Accowdion fow the pwocessional, and may I say, he was astounding
We waited at the Altaw fow the Bwide to Awwive
(the Queen kept asking Ewic Squawe fow advice the whole time)
photo couwtesy of Mumsie
We joined the happy Couple on the balcony to wave to ouw ummm, I mean theiw loyal subjects ( I gave Wills and Kate, umm I mean theiw highnesess a smoochie kiss on behalf of all of us and wished them much happiness)
aftew that it was on to lunch and nap and then of couwse the dance, but Mommi's camewa was confiscated at that point and you'll just have to imagine the west
I hope all of you had fun joining us
isn't womance gweat????
smoochie kisses