a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What to do when you have no Fwiends at the Wun

These days, it's so cold that most of my fwiends awe not showing up at my wun

but if it isn't pawsitively fweezing, Daddi twies to take me so i get some excewcise

Sometimes you have to shake youw ball to make it do what you want..this time it was being vewy stubbown , so I had to shake it a lot

Daddi gets fwustwated when i just stand thewe like a ninny

so I twied and twied and nowI know how to thwow the ball finally, hehehehehehe

tewwiews nevew give up and know that whewe thewe is a will, thewe is a way, hehehehe.
I hope all of you awe having a most wondewful day and eithew playing ow staying nice and wawm inside
smoochie kisses


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are SO Clever, Asta!!!! I don't know how to throw the ball back. I just bring it back.


Dexter said...

That was a super toss! Maybe when the weather improves you can throw the ball for the other dogs to chase.


WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, I don't like to think of you all friendless at that run. I wish I could bounce right over the Pond and come and play. I don't mind the cold, really.
At least you have your wonderful Daddi to keep you company.
Toodle pip!

Barbara said...

Your friends must be very cold sensitive! I'm glad you and your daddy can play, but it makes me sad that you have to play without your friends!

Elaine Pritchard said...

I'm glad you are still having fun.

I'm also glad that the naughty ball behaved after you gave it a good shaking.

I shake all my toys too to make them behave.

Love and licks, Winnie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, you are just too cute bouncing up and down with your ball. And great toss you made there. Hope Daddi returned the throw too.

We have snow coming down fast and furious - and you know how excited that makes all of us. Wish we could come join you in your run.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Martha said...

Oh Asta, we wish we could come and play with you at your run - we don't mind the cold!
You did have fun with your Dad though and we were very impressed that you could toss the ball back - you terriers are very smart!
Martha and Bailey xxxx

3 doxies said...

Oh tham stoopid balls are very stubborn at times. Sometimes yo has to just put them in theirs place.
And dat was one dang awesome thro girlfuriend.
You has a super daddy to takes you out in da freezing cold to gets excercise. Furs da furst time , Iis glad my dad ain't likes dat....heheheheehe!
Even your ball is orange...hehehe!

PS: I wished I could come makes you happy and has somebuddy to plays with.

The Florida Furkids said...

You're a very smart woofie!! Mom says the sounds of the City in the background make her a little homesick.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

rottrover said...

Oh Asta, we're sad none of your friends came out to the run to play today. You are so lucky to have your daddi to take you, and you're a really good thrower!

We're sending you some warm air!

-Gizmo, Bart & Ruby

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Far too cold to be out. Go home and warm your toeies, Sissy Asta!

KB said...

You learned to throw the ball back. Way to go, Asta!

I once had a dog whose hind end was paralyzed. Before her paralysis, she loved to retrieve balls. So, when she couldn't run anymore, she and I would lie on the floor, rolling the ball back and forth between us. She learned fast, just like you!

Thanks for suggesting that speech by Robert Kennedy in your post the other day. I enjoyed it immensely.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

EXCELLENT ball toss!!! You are very much SMART to finally find a way to play fun stuffs all by yourself.
Your dad thinks you are a Ninny? Shame on him... I think you are brighter than the SUN in JULY.

Duke said...

You and your daddi are having a great time together, Asta! You are so clever to toss the ball back!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I come up and play with you. I love the snow.

Gus said...

You are so talented! Just think, when Petey comes back from South Cawolina, you can toss the ball for him!


Agatha and Archie said...

Geesh that is REALLY talented. I a afraid that Archie has been practicing this ALL DAY AND NIGHT down the hall..Paws crossed for tommorow..Love nad kisses A+A

Wyatt said...

That's the terrier way...shake those toys real good and show them whose the boss!!

Lorenza said...

Good job throwing the ball!
Looks like you had a great time there in the snow playing-shaking-throwing your ball!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, that sure is nice of your Daddi to take you to the run, even when none of your friends are there. you're really talented to learn how to throw the ball yourself. you're also really good at shaking it! good job.


TwoSpecialWires said...

OK. We'll admit to being sorta extra sensitive. But we don't like that someone (your daddi?) referred to you as a ninny. That is so wrong. And we know better.

In a bit of a frump,
Your Bruvver Jake and Sissie Fergi

(We wish we could be there to play with you. We love the cold and snow)

Sally said...

Dear Asta - I am glad you showed your Dad you are not a Ninny! That was a great ball throw - we also like the ball shaking - very sweet!

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Looks like you had a good time throwing your ball! Hope it warms up some, so all your furiends will be back at the run!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hehehe. We just loved seeing you jumping all around with your ball. ThEn when we saw you actually TOSS the ball we went wild with laughter!! SOOooooo happy to hear your daddy's check up went well. Yippee!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

ps-We're doing a side event for MM2011. If you get time, come join in!

Daisy said...

Whoa! Now you two can play catch together!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD....now my nails are wet, so this could be a short comment...so hard to type you know...

Those orange tennis balls are so feisty! I see you have that pretty well skinned...are you gonna cook it for dinner???

As for you tossing it back? Asta...you are in the DIVA RING...not the Good Old Girlie...just remember those judges are everywhere...but I hafta admit, that was a most impressive showing of Good Old Girlie skills!!

Now I simply must go use the fur dryer on my nails...sheesch...


White Dog Blog said...

Now that you have the basics, Asta, I see a summer filled with playing catch in the green grass and maybe even getting up a softball game with some of your friends...you are sure to become one heck of a pitcher! Great job!

Kenneth Copeland said...

You are one clever dog Asta! I'm glad you and your daddy can play even though it's cold outside.

Neeko said...

Hello Miss Asta ♥

Wow! You are super talented! And so brave in this frigid weather :o)
I like to play outside too but my little paws freeze up pretty quickly and my Mommy has to bring Meee back into the house :o(

Neeko :o)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! What a great job you do! You knows how to throw that ball back! I have never played catch before! It looks like a fun game!

The Animal Doctor said...

Dearest Asta,
It amazes me how you can remain so cheery, like a ray of sunshine, in a freezing weather like you have right now!

Warm hugs to you my friend!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, you just have to make your own fun. You know what they say -- to be bored is an insult to oneself!
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