I'm sowt of bluwwy, cause I'm anxious to get out of the elevatow and into the snow outside
Daddi and I walked to my wun and luckily wewe able to get to the doow despite the oodles of snow in fwont of it
when I mentioned last time that I got lots of snow, cewtain of my fwiends fwom Canada Pohhpoohed it..the wewe insinooating I didn't have much compawed to them. Well, they'we pwobably wight, but i think it's a pwetty cool amount anyway.
evewything disappeaws undew it
but it suwe doesn't stop me fwom my womping
Two of my fwinds aso bwaved the deep, this sweetie is called Mauwice..he is soopew nice and fun and kind and I love playing wif him. My othew fwiend you'll see in my smilebox as we play chasey chase
hope you enjoy my snow fun day
A photo album by Smilebox |
sometimes you have to be a mountain climbew to get to youw ball
and sometimes you have to use youw tewwiew digging skills( so faw snow is the only thing I have evew gone digging in, so I'm not suwe I'm a vewy good tewwiew, but at least it's a stawt)
I know many of you have had enuff of the snow(mostly the two leggeds , I think , and of couwse my poow fwiends who awe bothewed by those wicked noisy snow eating machines), but i hope you can mostly just go out and ENJOY
smoochie kisses