a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to meet youw Neighbows at night

I was hanging out on the bed watching TV wif my pawents when the fiwe alawm stawted making noise

we sowt of ignowed it, till one of ouw fwiends in the building called us on the phone and said "thewe's a fiwe , get out"

so Mommi and Daddi gwabbed me and thwew on some clothes and we walked down the staiws
We live on the seventh floow and thewe was nothing thewe, but by the time we got to the fifth, thewe was lots of smoke and it was stinky

ouw family is all togethew

Thewe wewe tons of fiweguys on the stweet

about twelve big twucks

Daddi  took pictoowes wif his phone while talking to one of ouw nice neighbows wif a baby and I talked to theiw doggie Pipew , who 
i know fwom my wun

it was all bwight and evewyone was out

some of the hoomans wif babies went into the building acwoss the stweet and sat in that lobby cause it was cold and windy

but many of us just hung out outside

evewyone got comfy and fwiendly
thewe wewe cats and doggies and bunnies and lots of hooman pups

this little kid was shaking a little (I don't know if it was the cold ow being scawed but his Mom held him tight)

as wecouwceful NewYawkews, many got wawm dwinks fwom the cownew delli
and took it in stwide

it was a good chance to catch up wif neighbows and gossip

It appeaws that style was not fowemost in hoomans minds as they left theiw apawtments

the fuwwkids looked lots bettew than the hoomans

of couwse , you can't go wong wif a oonifowm

they finally let us back into ouw lobby, but not upstaiws

those laddews awe weally tall..they went up to the woof to make soowe nothing was buwning up thewe

Mommi got hew pants sopping wet by getting too close to the watew, hehehe

mowe neighbow fuwwkids

a bwand new baby fuwwgiwl

some of the stuff the fiweguys wewe cawying  looked pwetty scaiwy, like hooks and chainsaws and hatchets and stuff

one of the fiwemen asked if it was a wequiwement to have a doggie in owdew to live in this building, hehehehehehe

ouw fwinds little Chawlie had a fwont wow seat on his Dad's shouldews

and of couwse Mommi cwadled me when I got sneepy and I was totally safe

No one was huwt, and aftew about two houws out of the building , we wewe allowed back in a little aftew midnight.
Mommi was angwy that she once again missed an evening of answewing fwiends on the blog..that was hew big gwumble, that , and the fact that Mywna and Womy wewe left behind and she was wowwied they would get smoke in theiw wheelie lungs.  Ouw apawtment was fine, and we only had a slight smoky smell that came thwough the vents in the kitchen and bafwoom.
Mommi put vinegaw mixed wif watew in bowls awound the apt. and it was almost clear by this mowning.

photo by Lacie

As a side effect to this event, Lacie is now dating this fiwefightew

(Unfowtoonately, I sent a photo of this buff hot fiwefightew to my BFF Lacie
well, befowe I could finish the convewsation, she was on hew way..she made a date wif him immediately and awwanged to meet him by the wivew..
sometimes i despaiw........)

The fiwe was stawted by a homeless man  making a fiwe next to the building on the highway side whewe no one sees..I think some of the spawks went into the vent and caught something..the damage was on the fiwst and second floow mostly smoke and the fiwefightews smashing things to pwevent  the fiwe.

at least that's what we've heawd fwom the doowman today.
My fwiend Kawen told me that a fiwefightew told hew it could have spwead up the side of the building in anothew ten minutes if they hadn't gotten thewe.

We'we vewy gwateful that evewyone is safe..NO ONE GOT HUWT!

but once again we have to apologize fow not coming awound to answew youw bloggies..we'll twy today and tomowwow.
smoochie kisses


Amy & the house of cats said...

Asta you have an excellent reason for not getting around - we are just happy to read that no one was hurt and that the building is pretty much ok. It is very lucky that someone called when they did!

Pandafur said...

Omaigoodness grayshush! I iz so happy that you iz safe an your howse din't bern down. Iz nice you haz so many anipal naybors too.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Asta darling how terrible frightening for you and your family to go through this on a dark cold night...and all those pups and furkiddens too! Gosh there are lots of doggie lovers in your big building!! I am just so glad you are safe and you can go back into your cozy feathered nest together and dream of the days to come...we love you so much!!!!

Gus said...

Asta Sweetie, we are so glad you and Mommi and Daddi are OK, and hope that Mommi doesn't get sick because she was playing with the fire hose and got her pantses wet!

We also think it is wonderful that all you doggies were civil and polite. Me and Teka would've made a fuss. Yes we would. No matter what muzzer tries to say


Kelly said...

Oh Asta! How scary!!!

I am so glad you and everyone in your building are ok! The last thing you need to worry about is visiting bloggies. Take your time, sweet girl!

I am not surprised about Lacie and that cute fireman. It might actually be GOOD for her to have someone around who can put out flames!!! ;)



Wow! Now that was an exciting evening for sure!

Your mommy got some wonderful photos of the whole episode! It made us feel like we were actually there. Yikes!

She should be a Camerawoman for CBS! And you could be the Reporter, it was that good! "NIGHTLY NEWS" with: ASTA AND MOMMY.

We are so glad that the firemen got there in time and you are all safe. Fires are scary!

Luv you and your mommy!

Riley and Star.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Asta, you had a fire in your building and had to evacuate. Why are you apologizing? We're so glad no one was hurt and all the tenant - including you and your family -- are safe.

Jake of Florida said...

You were so brave and philosphical!!!

We can imagine the haute couture of the evening.

At least you weren't alll sound asleep.

We're just so glad it wasn't worse!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Oh My...I'm glad no one was hurt...

It was nice to have a meet & greet, but what a way to do it...

I hope the Wheelies are OK...

Abby xxxooo

kissa-bull said...

oh we got a case of the shivewy fears again weading your most worrysome stowy
we are furry fury glad everyfurry is ok and no one was huit
at least you got to catch up on the juicy gossip in the building would'nt wanna mish on who's dating who
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack

Inky and Molly said...

It's just lucky that you are ALWAYS dressed in your Sunday Bests so that at anytime during the day, or night, you look your hot fexy (cwoss between sexy and foxy) self. Not like some disheveled hoomans in pants that aren't pants (leggings) etc.
We are so pleased to hear that no one got hurt. Not even the people dressed like plebs.
What an adventure, really. We're sure it has brought you closer to a lot of the faces you might see every day but not woof to an awful lot.
Have a sneep now, you all need a rest...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What an exciting and scary night you had!!! So glad that everything was OK in the end. But it could have been so much worse. At least you got to catch up on some of the news.

Take care and hugs to you and Mommy.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

Thank goodness no one was hurt!
At least you got to chat with your doggie neighbors as you waited to go back upstairs, Asta!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Awwwwwwww sweet Asta...........Paco would be honored getting your sweet attention as his special nurse!!!!!!
When you would be here???

We're soooo worried for him....and knowinfìg he's feeling pain is sooooooooooooo hard for us!!!!
But we have special friends like you and that is a great relieved for us!!!!!
We know your love and thoughts would be a great teraphy for my boy!!!!!!!
Even if I bet he would prefer to have you and your sweet family here!!!!!!!!!!
We'll give you news soon!!!!

Are you all ok dear friends???
Mommy is sooooooooooo sorry haven't wrote to your mommy the last days...but remember she and us love you a lot!!!!!!!

And we're soooooooooooo happy reading all is went well the night with fire problems!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee...take care of you dear friends!!!!
You're very very very important and special for us!!!
WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!
And we love you tons!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!

doyle and mollie said...

oh asta how furry exciting for you, you are so fierce keeping all those hoomans under control - loves and licks!

houndstooth said...

I'm glad you're all okay and not homeless!


the magic sleigh said...

Woooos Asta! we are so relieved that neither, woo, your family or anyone was hurt! Nice to see all of those brave firefighters! I am sure Scampi would have been very scared, but you would be brave of course!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Agatha and Archie said...

Geesh we were glad you are all ok as well...That firefighter was really cute..and so muscular....Love A+A

Bocci said...

Glad everyone's O.K. Asta! But ya know, it looks like you all still had a good time-good that you could catch up with your neighbors!
And you got a great post out of it!

Your buddy,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh...that DOLL MAY SHUN is totally HOT HOT HOT!!

Did ya see his um


Honestly, Asta...one needs to be quick about these things...you have so many furkids in your building somedog SO coulda got him first...

Totally sorry bout that pesky frayed blender cord...I just replaced that thing with the last fire...

Oh...can you check your bathroom and see if I unplugged my magnifyin' mirror? Had to pluck my brows...

Sooooooooooooooo glad you all are ok...

Kisses, Laciegirlie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Myrna...ARE YOU OK?

Gilbert faints.

I mean I know you're tryin' to get the pawfect pic for Scruffs, but you wheelin' down that ladder is JUST TOO MUCH...!!!

And you let Romy go first?

Gilbert faints again...

He's actually totally jelly.

Nuff said!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We were sooooo skhared and relieved when we saw your FB post and felt much better when we got your email!

It made fur a furry khool kind of doggie park!

Thanks fur sharing!


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dearest Asta,

I am so happy you and your family are okay and your home to. Sounds like you had quite the exciting night but you sure have some nice neighbors there. Glad everything turned out okay.

Luna Licks,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
sure you know how to spend an "exciting" night!
I am so happy that no one got hurt and everything is in order now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

Wow!! That was close!! There is never a dull moment around you, Kousin Asta, your Mommi, and your Dadd there in NYC.

Glad that everyone is okay. It's a shame that you had to go through that ordeal, but at least you were able to visit with your neighbors, no one was hurt, and the damage was minimal.

The next time you are looking for some excitement in your building, please try to do something a little less spectacular.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Lacy said...

w00fs, me is sure glad u all iz ok too...u just had ur own kinda meet n greet...me new that Lacie wood go fur a man pup in a uniform..

b safe,

Persephone and Buster said...

oh my... that all sounds like a scary time was had by all... that's a long time to stand out in the cold...poor asta and family and familieeez. all that excitement in one night, firefighters are very brave. we like them because our human uncle is one...
glad you are all safe.
take care,
theBUSTER, Ms. Blue & Ms.Persephone

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my, thank goodness you are all ok.
We were going to say there sure are a lot of dogs living in your building. That is awesome

Noah xx

Sally said...

Oh no Asta - how scary! We are so happy everyone got out ok - and boy, there sure are a lot of fur kids in your building. Glad all is well - if a little smoky.

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

PS We kind of liked the snakeskin leggings - a strange thing to bewearing at that hour - but we are not to question why....

D.K. Wall said...

Somehow, we think that qualifies as a good excuse for not getting caught up on blogs. Glad everyone is ok.

The Musketeers said...

*phew* I am just glad you guys are alright !

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

As a rule, that is the kind of excitement most of us don't need in our lives... But it looks like you all handled it very well. We are very glad no one was hurt!

Daisy said...

Whoa, what an adventure you had! I am so glad that everybuddy is safe. It could have been a terrible disaster!

Dexter said...

Leave it to Lacie. Sigh.

What an exciting night. There sure are a lot of doggies in your building. So glad nobody got hurt and the stinkies are out of your house.


Mack said...

How Scawy!! We are just so thankful you guys didn't get hurt! But what a way to meet the neighbors!


Maxmom said...

Wow Asta...that was quite a night!!! I am so thankful that nobody was hurt and that you are all safe. It just goes to show...one never knows what is around the next corner.
Hope you got some sleep and that there wasn't any damage to your own apartment.
Please look after yourselves...you are very important to us all! We love you lots!


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Asta, that sure was a lot of excitement for one night! We are so glad that you and everyone else weren't hurt and the building wasn't damaged badly!! Thank doG!

Woofs and Kisses!

Fred said...

How scary! But glad everyone was OK! Your New York life just stays exciting, huh? ;P

Deetz said...

Asta my dear, it sounds like your neighborhood has gone to Madness, just like mine has!!!! What is going on...could it be Springs arrival? I am sooo thankful you and all those other humans and doggies and bunnies and kitties are safe and a great big High paw to the fireguys. I hope that homeless man is okay too

Unknown said...

Excuses, excuses! Come by our blogs now! (joking, duh). So glad you weren't hurt and thank you for the trip! Now I know what happens when a fire breaks out. You get out of bed, meet your neighbors, get your pants wet, and then fall in love with a fireman. Got it.

Clive said...

Asta, what an eventful and scary night for you all. We are very glad that you were all alright and didn't have to vacate the building for too long.

We were amazed too at all the dogs in the photos! Lots of canine company there for you!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

Sally Ann and Andy said...

OH Asta,
I am so glad you are safe. It looks like it was quite a social event, it would have been better under different circumstances. I hope your wheelies aren't smoke smelly now.
Sally Ann

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Hi Asta! Wow, I'm so glad no one was hurt!!! So much excitement, I would have wanted my mom to hold me, too.


PS. Thank woo fur the compliment! My mom loves your mom's work... she has such a fun style!!!

Life With Dogs said...

Damn what a scare. I'm glad you're all safe!

Marvin and Jeannie said...

Dear Asta

I am so sorry to be late in barking on your Blog, I have been away and it is taking us time to catch up.

I am also so happy you and your lovely family are ok after the terrible fire.

I was going to leave a comment yesterday when we read your post but my Pa came home and Jeannie had to stop with the computer.

love and licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxx

oh and love from Jeannie too. What a fright that must have been for you all!!

Cocorue said...

oh Asta,we are so glad that you and your hoomans are safe.....that was a real scare!

please please take care of yourself and your mumster and dadster as we would be very 'angry' if something bad happens to you and your family.

it is so nice to live among so many canine furiends and their dawg loving hoomans.


Hollie and Janie said...

OMG!! How scary! I'm so happy that everything is okay!! At least there were lots of other furkids to hang out with!! I'm so relieved that you are all safe!!

McGillicutty said...

Oh Asta, me sweet, seet, lass!

You have had so much drama!! I am so glad that all is well now, that everyone is okay, and that you didn't have damage.

You know that I'm master Firehouse Dog... noo wonder me Laciecakes fell head over heels for that firefighter.

You know what I just discovered? I haven't been a follower of your blog, dear girl. How did THAT happen? I mean you're one of me favorite lasses!!!!
I have now corrected that so I can keep up with you better.

Irish Love,

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow that is kwite a way to git to no yore naybors!!! i hope they wil keep a better eye owt for homeless peepul kerrying matches nekst time!!! ok bye

Kess And Her Mama said...

Wow! So much excitement for 1 night! Glad all worked out well and you had a chance to socialize with the neighbours. I have to agree with the fireman. It really does look like everyone has a dog in your apartment. What a great place to live!

Sophie Brador said...

ASTA! That is scary stuff. We are really happy your building didn't start on fire in a big way. But it kind of looks like you had fun. All those doggies? Did you get to sniff some rabbit bum? What about kitties? I would have tried to pick up those kitties.


Deborah said...

OMD, I am so thankful you are all OK and nobody was hurt. I was nervous just reading your post...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

So glad everyone is safe and your home is OK. ~AFSS

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

OMD we are SSSSOOOOooooo happy that you are alright and that no one was hurt, or worse. That must have been quite an experience. Thank God for the firefighters and whoever it was that alerted them. Leave it to Lacie to get a date out of this whole thing! Hahaha.
We are just so glad that you and the family are all okay.
Smooches &extra hugs of gratitude,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

PS-That is very cool that there are so many dogs in your building.Young hooman pups and canines...lovely! You would think that there'd be a lot here too, but there is a faction of old fuddies that hate dogs(& people for that matter)so they scare off the young and the canine.Phooey

Oskar said...

I'm so very thankful that you & your people are safe, along with other families in the building!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

OMD Thank goodness all are ok!!! (Scooter said"that pooter iz werkin. I godda seeses mi asta firsterest.) then he mumbled something about calling"his frenz" That usually means trying to get a plane.... Then he asked me to get his map out. oh dear.
we are glad all was well. An Adventure! AND some nice lookingfiremen too!
That Lacie girl. She is a hoot.