a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, January 8, 2010

MANGO Minstew

I have the Gweat honow to be the judge fow Best In show fow Mango Minstew this yeaw

I hope all of you awe entewing this Incwedibly impawtant event!
It's soo much bettew that that othew show that they have at Madison Squawe Gawden

This yeaw's exciting contest has now been launched! Click here to be magically twanspawted to the official Mango Minstew blog for 2010!

Hewe is the Mango Minstew descwiption the gwoups - you decide which categowy you awe in: Mango Minstew Gwoups

Forget that AKC crap, here are the proper categories;

Cat Dogs - Some doggies are, well, CATS. Right? So if you are a cat which is actually not a dog, never fear, you can enter here (hey, that's like a poem).

Hound Dogs - Do you bay at the moon? Become deaf when your snooter is engaged? Run fast on long legs? This is your category. (we would add even short legs!)

Herding Dogs - All you guys and gals who love to round things up enter here (yes, even Border Collie dogs which are not actual doggies, but alien beings from the planet Agility).

Sporty Dogs - If you do a sport or are basically a good sport about life, then you are a Sporty Dog.

Non-Sporty Dogs - Bad dog! Bad dog! Grouchy? Sore loser? You know who you are.

Hard Working Dogs - Have a job? This one is for you.

Cracker Dog Insane Terriers (CDIT) - Let's face it, first of all, we are Relentlessly Huge terrier fans here at the estate. Plus there just is nothing like a terrier. Show us what you got.

Now we know hounds are an unassuming modest group - just look at us! But now is not the time to be modest - get your pics put forward now!
Don't forget to send in your photos to backupdogATcomcastDOTnet including

Blog Link
Deadline is January 27th at midnight EST!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a great contest. We are sure that Mom can find something for the bad dog category for the Pest..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

Miss Asta! You said crap on your bloggy (well, OK, I said crap, but then when you quoted me, you kind of said it, and, you see what I mean, right)


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Today, we watched the movie, "Best in Show" which we think should be required watching for all of the judges.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

First, have we congratulated you on your appointment to judgeship? Congrats!!You are very important and official looking! Second, our mommy can't find any suitable pictures of us. Not sure if we'll get entered.:>(
Third, Inky (from Molly & Inky)had major surgery and needs some special nursing. Ya think you might be able to send some help her way? Just a thought.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
ps-What?! No Bwibes?! hehehe

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Asta said khrap?

It has to be Lacie rubbing off on her!

I'm looking furward to hanging with woo and the judges!

Judge Nom Nom Group
Mango Minster 2010

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow congrats on being selected to judge - it is a big honor!

Hansel said...

oh boy we all entered! thanks asta!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

PeeEssWoo: Make that, Asta paw'ed khrap...she didn't bark it!


It is all Mango's fault...AGAIN!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

What's this krapp about krapp? Er hmm...I'm soooooo confoosed...

Ahh...Mangominster...I'm practicin' my prancin' and dancin' and I soooooooooo can't wait...Mumsie and I are gonna sit down this weekend and pic our pix out...tra la la la la la...

Baylee just came over and I just bit her on the $%& TWICE and she mighta gone SQUEEEEEEEEEE like really loudly...Bruvver placed me none to gently in my crate...sheesch...that girl just needs to be reminded who's boss...EACH AND EVERY TIME SHE VISITS...

Gross biscuits...


Oh...we just caught up on your bloggie and left other khomments...you can't get could help around here....

The Black and Tans. said...


What an honour has been bestowed upon you. We know you will be an excellent judge.

Happy New Year.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Koobuss said...

Wow!! That sounds like lots of fun. I think I'll enter as soon as I figure out what category I'm in.

Love and Koobuss Kisses.
Kousin Koobie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

WE just know this is going to be another fun contest - last year's was a blast. You will make a most honorable judge.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Noah the Airedale said...

Hmmm Lucy should enter the insane dog terrier category....
I Noah will enter the hard working dog category.

Noah xx

Deborah said...

This looks like so much fun. I'm going to the site next.
I love your blog and your pictures. I tried to leave a comment yesterday and I couldn't. My computer sometimes acts up! I love all your photo's that you post! Your header is pawesome!
Have a nice weekend!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Have fun judging the entries. I'm sure you'll do a great job! Great header photo!

Duke said...

No way would we miss this!
Awwwwwwww, you're the prettiest judge, Asta!*wink wink*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Very exciting!!! I am planning to enter, under "sporting" of course!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mommy says you are missing the catagory I belong in ...........CLOWN. ~Fenris

Chef said...

Asta, you missed mine too: crappy dogs.

Golden Samantha said...

Congrats Asta! I will enter too, so I guess I better send you some of our pawesome cookies heheh!!! I'm sposed to be a sporty doggie, but I might enter either the hard working category or bad dog!!! I'm not particularly grouchy, so won't do that one. The "crap" thing is all Mango's fault. We love you!
Hugs xo

Unknown said...

Can't tell you how excited Mica is that there is now a cat-egory for Catdogs. Do you think he could win a Lifetime Achievement Award like they give the really old actors at the Academy Awards? I'm down here training, getting my hair extra-scruffy with a bit of sea spray!

Your pal,


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns on yore noo judjship!!! ummmmm say can yoo as a judj now do ennything abowt unpayd parking tikkits??? thanks ok bye

Duffy said...

I'm sure you will be the fairest judge. And you won't be swayed by my sweet brotherly affection for you and all the treats I will be bringing to your house in the next few weeks. Hehehe.
BTW, Didn'y you mean cwap???

Unknown said...

Hi Asta,

Happy New Year!

Sorry I have not been visiting for ages - we have been really busy doing the "moving overseas" thing and then settling in in Brisbane...

Anyway, hope you had a great time over the holiday season! And ooh, I'm so excited about Mango Minster - I missed it last year as I had not gotten to know Mango yet - so I'm so happy to be able to participate this year!

Honey the Great Dane


Oh my Asta,

What a beautiful judge you make. Judge Judy has nothing on you!

Good luck with your new appointment, Your Honor.

Luv your header!

Riley and Star.

Unknown said...

Hi Asta
I am so honored to be judge aside you! Just looking at the photos so far I may need some insight from you on this terrier group. I saw your mommy in her Arctic gear! Geez... you'd think she went to Antarctica!!! It's only Pennsylvania... Smoochie kisses Sweet Asta Girl
PS those Xmas trees were worth the trip

tula monstah said...

Asta, you are the perfect pick to be Best in Show judge.. with your tres bonne fashionista style & judge of character.. can't wait to see who wins.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...I just read the thingie on ur sidebar bout Mangominster....did ya really say NO BWIBES...those must be different from bribes.

Do you need any more of those stinky fishie egg thingies ya put on crackers?? Let me know...

Kisses, Laciegirlie

Joe Stains said...

I am not judging this year so I can totally enter, I am so excited! Tanner entered too.

Eric said...

Asta Sweetie pea! It's wagging to see you safe and back home from Pencil Vania. I was worried you might go to Transyl Vania to visit Lacie. Looks like you had a wicked time with your Uncle Peter. Daddy looks cute in his sailor outfit.

Perhaps you could dye that old grey wig Mango gave you? To match Uncle Peter and Duffy red locks. Would be most becoming to your fair foxy face.

Wiry love n kisses Eric xxx

ScrapsofMe said...

Hi Asta! You look so official in yer robes yer Honor. You sure about that BWIBE thingy?? I was just thinking I could send you a nice single malt to keep you company in yer chambers. All the best judges drink Scotch after all. Think about it...get back with me later. I won't tell.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta Sissie. We are so proud that our sissie has such an honorable position as Judge for Best in Show. ( Will you have your own TV show someday? Judge Foxy?) We know that you will uphold the position and be a fair and honest magistrate.

We will probably not enter the contest, feeling it inappropriate because our sweet sissie has the important position that she does. Besides. We don't know what category we'd fit in. We are certainly not CDITs. And no one would believe that Fergi would qualify as a herding dog. (I know it to be true, as she pushes me along on our walkies. But Moma has never been able to capture it on film, let alone videotape.) So. If you need to consult us from the sidelines (we can bring you treats and smoothies) we'd be honored.

Your (hooman sissie-less once again) bruvver and sissie, Jake and Fergi

Deb Cushman said...

That looks like a great contest. They should have a Bunny Dog category =;-)

Princess Patches said...

Hi Asta! We entered this morning! We hope your weather has warmed up at least a little. It was 17 here this morning. NOT funny!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Jans Funny Farm said...

We recognized Buddy's group right away. The hound. Nose to ground, in a world of his own.

Sounds like you'll be very busy, as usual. Have a fun time.