a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, January 2, 2010

a Howwibull beginning to the yeaw, but then....hope

Aftew a delightful evening and night of Celebwating the NewYeaw, I was subjected to the most howwibull indignity

Quite a few of my wondewful fwiends showed up to help Lacie and me wing in the NewYeaw
and toast to absent fwiends...dance a bit, sing and celebwate . It was a faboolous night in the end...but,

well, it's not my fault that it was a wainy night and we got a bit dish eveled and diwty by the time I got home in the eawly houws of Janooawy fiwst

Hoomoms have an appeawant need to stawt the new yeaw all clean....... hwmpffffffffffff!

So I was tossed in the tub

Aftew my escape , I twied to wub myself on evewy suwface of ouw mini scoole bafwoom

but finally, I was captoowed and wapped in a towel......at least it was owange

I must say, I was quite depwessed to stawt the day this way, but my faith in Mommi was westowed..when she offewed me a lovely snack of Kielbasa and Cheesesticks sent by my dawling Kousin Koobie

Thank you wif all my heawt , Koobie and youw Mom and Gwammpa..now this is the way to stawt the yeaw!!!!
I hope it will be wondewful one fow all of us!!!

smoochie kisses


Daisy said...

Asta, I think it's a great idea to start the year all fresh and clean! I think 2010 is going to be a great year!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, I guess woo got kind of wrung out fur the new year?

Happy 2010 to ALL of WOO!

Yummy on those snakhkies!

Khywa & Khousin Mewdie

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorries that you had to have that baths! Monty here needs one and mom is planning on it soon!n Great snack!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy New Year!!!

The WriggleButts said...

We're hoping the bath was the low point of 2010 and that it's all joy and happiness from here on!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oooops, I'm closing my eyes.
I'm not supposed to look at a wet and nekkid Asta!
Oooh, the scent of a fresh bath always softens soothing my soul!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry you got tgo have a bath.. Shudder but it turned out well in the end.. I love your orange towel..Thanks for calling by to see our new arrival.. Hugs GJ xx

Persephone and Buster said...


You look quite distinguished in the orange scarf! Rather like Isadora Duncan driving a Bugatti Roadster.

Sorry 'bout the bath... White terriers should never be thrown in the tub--there are too many potential color combinations in Nature yet to explore!

Happy New Year,

Buster, Sephie & Bailey

Noah the Airedale said...

I'm afraid I'm in for the same fate as you Asta. D keeps looking at me and saying I smell like a sheep. I cant help having a thick coat.
I wish I had an orange towel. It might make the whole bath experience better.
Glad you enjoyed your lovely treats afterwards.


D & B wish your pinkies a very happy 2010

Inky and Molly said...

Oh no, not the evil wash!
You poor child...
Well, we're glad you survived the torturous start to the new year and had enough strength left to clean that plate of sausage.
Love, I & M

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

We're soooooooooooooooo sorry for you!!!
What a bad way to start your new year!!!!
Have a bath is like a terrific torture.....next time if you would need help to escape...CALL US!!!!!!!!
Luckily your mommy after torture you....gave you a delicious treats...!!!!!
Why our humans believe to buy our PARDON with treats???
Hope your next days could be much more better then the 1st!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Ohhhhhhh the cruelty...HOW DARE THEY???? We are just becoming a lovely gray and IT IS TOO COLD TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! HA!!! At least you got an orange towel and most importantly cheesesticks and kielbasa.........Love your very bored pals A+A

Unknown said...

I've been dashing in and out of the ocean so Mom's considering that my bath based on the notion "it's too cold to hose Petey down." Hee. I'm going to keep that rumor going for a long time. Maybe until June. Of course, it helps that I'm made of synthetics and most dirt just drops off me by the time we get home.

Yummmm, those sausages look delish. I got some scraps off the plates when Mom was cleaning up yesterday after our New Year's brunch but not a whole sausage like that!

Your pal,


Clive said...

Asta, I'm with you on baths! I hate them!

Sounds like you had a good New Year's Eve anyway!

Best wishes for 2010!

Clive & Co.

dw said...

Asta, I think being fresh and clean is a great way to start the new year! And you got the orange towel, too!! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think it looks more like you were sobering up??? Huh???

I think you had a bit too much bubbly???

That ok....we all have been there! BOL!

Either way it appears you had a fabulous night and I'm so happy you enjoyed yourself!

Much Love from Autumn

Duke said...

OMG, those kielbasa and cheese sticks sure do look yummy, Asta!
We somehow knew that you had orange towels at your house!
It was great chatting with you on new year's eve!
Happy New Year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Maybe you won't have to have another bath till 2011 ??

At least you are all clean and fluffy and ready for action!


Gus said...

Asta...you were a mawvelous hostess. Thank you for cheering up my New Year's eve. But, oh...I feel guilty about the bath. it must've been that last puddle we almost jumped.


Eric said...

Yummm those sausage do look exceedingly look good but are not a patch on you sweet Asta!!

Wiry love and a squillion kisses Eric xxx

Deborah said...

There's nothing like a nice warm bath to start the year off right :)

Martine said...

Oh Asta dear,

sorry to hear you had a bath... the kiddelts got a bath today too! They were NOT happy about it, not happy about it at all.... but on the bright side now you smell so good like a spa puppy!

xo martine & the kiddlets

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We don't know if we would have liked that bath idea at all, but if it meant treats like you got, we think we could have endured it. Here's to a wonderful year in 2010 for you and your family, Asta.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I wish I could had start my year getting a bath!!! But no... my mom says it is cold and I have to wait for warmer times!
You got delicious food after your bath!
I am drooling here looking that picture!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta. I have to say that I think a baff was prob'ly a good idea. I went to the German Christmas market with Sally and we had brats and ale, and Fergi and PJ could still smell it on me when I got home. It's not a very ladylike smell. I can just imagine you all fluffy and white and sweet smellin' now. I hope it was all worth it. I'm sure your Mommi was very gentle and kind.

It sounds like you had a fun time on New Year's Eve. We hope it rang in an unbelievably good year for you and Daddi and MommiAmi. Filled with love and joy and good health and many many happy days.

We love you, Sissie Asta.
Your BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Dear Asta,
Bath's aren't any fun. I'm sorry. Well, at least you got some sausages. Happy New Year.
Sally Ann

Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

What a terrible way to start a new year. But look at it this way. Your yearly bath is over with already! Hehe.

Glad you like the kielbasa and cheese sticks and I'm also glad that your Mommi and Daddi shared some with you. At least it makes the bath not seem so bad.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

The indignities we have to endure. Daddy gave us both a bath on Dec. 31st. Hootie is already back to his stinky self though. ha!
Happy New Year Sweetie!!
XXX-BabyRD and Hootie

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow things did start owt ruff for yoo this yeer but enny day wot ends with meet or cheez has to be konsiderd a gud day in the end!!! ok bye

Joe Stains said...

We got baths too, but NO kielbasa! That is so not fair. I think I need to take this up with Mom!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

But Asta! Baths are fun!!!!!!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Asta, I was hoping you had a good new year but a bath is terrible news! I hope the year gets better for you :)

Faya said...

UN BAIN ????? Quelle horreur !
Si tu veux venir chez moi te cacher, aucun problème. En plus avec Véronique on va manger des langos (ta Mamy doit connaître)....
Bisous, Faya

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

See Asta it was all worth it although we would much prefer a bath in the lake..
Have a great day....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

Oh Asta! I know it upset you, but I am loving those bathtime photos of your small self. All messed up and tossled.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

The food looked good, we are sorry about the bath, but we thinks the yummy food made up for it.

Happy New Year!!!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

If I know where the comment before me lives I will go there and scratch his legs. How rude to put spam stuff at your nice house.

Sorry that you had to have a bath and all. That sure doesn't looks like a good idea to me. At least your mom was nice enough to give you some great food to make up for the terrible bath time.

I just noticed that we have the same taste in blog backgrounds, I have the same one as you. My header is different though. What wonderful taste we have.

Martha said...

Hi Asta
We had such a lovely time seeing in the New York in Times Square with you, Lacie and the girls.
We must meet up again next year - perhaps we could make it Edinburgh next year?
We are sorry about the bath - it is an outrage, especially at this time of year.
It is just as well your mom always has such great food - that goes some small way to make up for the indignity!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxx

Teddy said...

I'm sure that now you've dried up, you must look gorgeous and ready to start the new year in style!! Getting beautiful can be a drag, but it's always worth it!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Geez Scooter, back off already!!! (Poor boy is frothing to get a look at Asta in the bath, Told him it was pretty much the same cept you are wet. Geeeez.
If a bath is the worst that happens, we will be happy to take 5 for your one...okokok; I will. Those 2 boys are not as generous. And Shamus, you are too yuoung to be talking that way!!!(And Scooter will kill you)
Happy,Happy New Year to you all. Kielbasa yummers
cheese yummers.
Hugs from us all

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I see you had your own NYC Store Window for Christmas...You look beautiful as always...

Sorry about the bath...Just a price we have to pay to be beautiful, I guess...

Hope your Holidays were Wonderful...

Abby xxxooo

Cocorue said...

happy new year Asta

bathing is ok and i hate to admit that i really don't mind them....just don't tell mumster

i can smell you from here bol.....and your snacks, yuuum

here's to another great blogging year
chikisses to your wonderful hoomans too

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, what is it with these humans who want to make us clean and all funky smelling? i, Bailey, and Brody both got bathed and haircutted too! but them mom took us to the dog park spa! it's pure heavenly mud! and we walked in it and it squished between our toesies and it was wonderful! then i, Bailey, jumped into the river and got rid of that foofy stinky shampoo smell. ha!

we hope your 2010 is a pawtastic year for you and your mommi and daddi and your entire family, even the pupster.


River said...

Happy New Year! I hope it will be a great one for you and your family.

love & wags,

Moco said...

Nothing like cleaning off the old to welcome in the new. Who could not like that dinner!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We've heard mumblings of the dreaded bath at our house too - we don't know what humans think!! A little dirt never hurt any dog.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

houndstooth said...

You had to start the new year with a bath?! That is outrageous and unfair! At least you got good foodables out of it!


Princess Patches said...

What a great way to start the new year! I mean with kielbasi and cheese sticks...not the bath! All 3 of us need baths (according to our mom), but she doesn't know when she might have time to give them to us. We are hoping maybe July!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...ya had to start the New Year with a BATH? Sheesch...we didn't get THAT dirty New Year's Eve...I mean we couldn't help the fact that Mango shook his stoopid suds all over the place...

Wasn't that KEEL BOSSY amazing??? Did you make sauer kraut to go with??? Oh yum!!!

We all just got inside from helpin' Mumsie shovel the driveway...honestly...I so tried to help her lift the shovel with my tiny teeth and all she did was SCREECH at me...LETGO LETGO OFF THAT SHOVEL LACIE...YOU'RE MAKIN' THIS TWICE AS HARD...Hoomans...can't live with em or without em can ya?

I am very upset with Scruffy for slanderin' my name all over the inter nets...he posted that pic of that adorable pup on our bloggie...Stan told me...I'm not pleased...

Kisses dear girlie!!


Fred said...

How stinky to start off the new year with a bath! {Oh...I punned. hee}
Nice reward, though!
I'm just now catching up with everyone, but it's good to see you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year!

doyle and mollie said...

what a way to start the new decade, talk about a fresh start arf arf - lotsa loves and licks to you all!

doyle and mollie said...

what a way to start the new decade, talk about a fresh start arf arf - lotsa loves and licks to you all!