a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I wote Mango a lettew about my puzzlement,

Deew Mango,

I got a little confoosed about Sea Quest Hewding..
Fiwst I went and found the cast of Sea Quest..but I felt vewy out of place and didnt weally like them

They awe a vewy stiff and dated bunch in my opinion and not at all welcoming.

Then I went to the Aquawium in Boston like you suggested and
twied to hewd some fish..they wouldn't co-opewate

I twied to be nice and feed them, but honestly, I don't weally like fish that much

It was cold and slimy and stuff and I've decided  that the Sea was the most impawtant pawt of the sea quest hewding
so I went to the souf of Fwance..it's much mowe comfowtable  and welaxing.

I think it will put me in the wight fwame of mind to  do a gweat job of judging

I'm also tewwibly pwoud and pleased to have gotten this bootiful awawd fwom Zoolatwy!!!

thank you so vewy much deew Fwiends!!!  I'm showing it off to evewyone on the wiviewa

smoochie kisses

(witten fwom undisclosed secwet location on boawd a yacht)

Monday, January 25, 2010

A bweak fwom Mango Minstew

It was a quiet weekend.not much happening.

I wan home fwom Mango's Estate to twy to wefwesh myself and west up fwom the shocking goings on thewe
(make suwe you go and wead about it hewe)

latew this week , I will have to be Sea Quest Heawded so that thewe is no chance of foul play wif the final outcome of  Mango Minstew
 (thewe is vewy little time left to entew--the dead line is the 27th of this momf)

it was cold outside and we wewe waiting fow my hooman sissie and hew pawtnew to come to dinnew

I gweeted them like a good hostess weawing my peawls to  match Mommi

of couwse as official taste testew, I made shoowe the food was edible

I went awound the table asking evewyone if evewything was to theiw liking?

finally, it was time fow dessewt

and I was still at my post and weady to help the hoomans out
I have heawd Mommi say, she is fat, so of couwse, I am thewe to help hew eat less


it's a hawd job, but someone has to do it, hehehehehe

I like to do a vewy thouwough job..it's a mattew of pwide to lick evewything clean

then time fow a snooze in fwont of the fiwe befowe going back to the Mango estate and my difficult dooties as Judge fow the best in Show

such wesponsibility wests heavy on my little knuckle head...sighhhhhhh

smoochie kisses

Friday, January 22, 2010


Mommi ,Daddi and I decided to have a celebwatowy lunch at ouw local Pastis.
It's been a long time since we did this, but we felt pwetty good today and wanted to make it special

a pawfect buwgew and fwench fwies and a mawtooni
(wawning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!of couwse you can only do this on days you don't have to go wowk
and don't wowwy.I didn't have any mawtooni fow weal..I only pwetend)

we toasted all ouw fwiends who think of us and awe so vewy kind  and help us thwough the wough times
Thank you all fow being so wondewful

smoochie kisses

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my west distuwbed

I was home sneeping, and cwossing paws fow my Daddi
(we'll find out on thuwsday ow fwiday how he is)

when I weceived an uwgent message fwom Mango's estate, saying that  Khywa went missing and could i come help find hew?

I found hew neew my home in the most fashionable shopping distwict of the meat Mawket

honestly..I  am vewy puzzled, cause all I've known of Khywa and heawd of hew just doesn't fit this kind of behaviow

she was also not dwessed in hew usual ladylike way, and was sluwping a smoofie while she walked and twied to avoid the puppewatzi

I am totally confoozed and don't know what to do..of couwse i got hew in a cab and sent hew back to the estate, but this is vewy wowwying

smoochie kisses

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I spent most of the weekend cuddling wif Mommi

it felt gweat fow bof of us!

I hope all of you had a wondewful weekend wif youw loving families
Ouw heawts go out to Ziggy's family little Pedwo and all the hoomans
..wun wif the wind sweet Ziggy..see you someday ovew the bwidge

smoochie kisses

Friday, January 15, 2010

HAPPY BIWFDAY GWACIE!!! and a wequest

Sweet Gwacie has hew fiwst biwfday today!

As many of you might know, hew angel sissie Sassie was my sissie . 
She and I and all the gang (fwom the CCSI Adventoowes) had many wondewful times togethew,
Well, this is Gwacie's fiwst adventoowe wif us and I'd like to  announce at this time, that I would be honowed if she would officially become my sissie.


do not miss this party - you wouldn't believe the food she has dished out!

(she has special tweats fow woofie fwiends, so don't be shy about going)
and thewe is lots of fun stuff to do!!!!

photo by Gwacie
fwont caws l-w: asta, momo, mrs. Oz. bawney, gwacie, opus, & olive
back caw fwont l-w: edna, notty, & tintin

back caw top: kawl, coco, & wuis

we will see you thewe!


I also have a special wequest..please cwoss youw paws fow my Daddi who is going fow his checkup today

my sweet thoughtful fwiends Huskee and Hewshey and theiw sweet Mom made this bootiful cawd fow him
I went to visit them just now, and they have lost a good fwiend, so pleez go give them youw love
I am so vewy gwateful

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


smoochie kisses,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Awwiving fow Mango Minstew and an Invitation

MANGO, the consumate host and owganisew of Mango Minstew sent his special plane to pick up all the esteemed judges and take them to his estate

He had to equip the plane wif special skiis, but managed to land safely

Khywa is the judge fow all the cat dog contestants, but we all noticed that she has not been hewself evew since she awwived at the estate..I hope she's not ill..hew face is a tad peachy colowed, and she has totally lost hew fashion sense

..of couwse the west of us all behaved like wondewful, undemanding guests, and I'm suwe the Mango will enjoy entewtaining us fow the time leading up to the show

I will be at the estate most of the time until it's time fow my Sea Quest Hewding, except fow impawtant nuwsing dooties at Inky and Molly's
( Inky has had a big suwgewy and needs lots of love and nuwsing)
Pleez go and give Inky and Molly youw love!!!!!

I will have to leave the estate to attend my almost-sissie Gwacie's fiwst Biwfday pawty latew this week, and I uwge all of you to come along and pawty wif us and wish hew the vewy best!!!
she is vewy thoughtful and sweet and has pwovided special tweats and foods and dwinkables fow doggie fwiends!

smoochie kisses

Friday, January 8, 2010

MANGO Minstew

I have the Gweat honow to be the judge fow Best In show fow Mango Minstew this yeaw

I hope all of you awe entewing this Incwedibly impawtant event!
It's soo much bettew that that othew show that they have at Madison Squawe Gawden

This yeaw's exciting contest has now been launched! Click here to be magically twanspawted to the official Mango Minstew blog for 2010!

Hewe is the Mango Minstew descwiption the gwoups - you decide which categowy you awe in: Mango Minstew Gwoups

Forget that AKC crap, here are the proper categories;

Cat Dogs - Some doggies are, well, CATS. Right? So if you are a cat which is actually not a dog, never fear, you can enter here (hey, that's like a poem).

Hound Dogs - Do you bay at the moon? Become deaf when your snooter is engaged? Run fast on long legs? This is your category. (we would add even short legs!)

Herding Dogs - All you guys and gals who love to round things up enter here (yes, even Border Collie dogs which are not actual doggies, but alien beings from the planet Agility).

Sporty Dogs - If you do a sport or are basically a good sport about life, then you are a Sporty Dog.

Non-Sporty Dogs - Bad dog! Bad dog! Grouchy? Sore loser? You know who you are.

Hard Working Dogs - Have a job? This one is for you.

Cracker Dog Insane Terriers (CDIT) - Let's face it, first of all, we are Relentlessly Huge terrier fans here at the estate. Plus there just is nothing like a terrier. Show us what you got.

Now we know hounds are an unassuming modest group - just look at us! But now is not the time to be modest - get your pics put forward now!
Don't forget to send in your photos to backupdogATcomcastDOTnet including

Blog Link
Deadline is January 27th at midnight EST!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pawsylvania,Pencil Vaynia

My Pawents and I wented a caw and dwove to Pencil Vaynia ow as Gussie told me it's sposed to be called mowe cowwectly, Pawsylvania
My unkel Pete lives thewe(Daddi's bwuvvew) and we wanted to visit him and aunt Mimi

I kept a keen eye on the woad to help Daddi dwive
also to give encouwaging kissies along the way

You know how my baby bwuvvew Duffy has gowgeous wed haiw?????

Well, I guess it wuns in the family cause I found an old pictoowe of my Daddi and his two bwuvvews and unkel Pete (the one we wewe going to visit had the same colow haiw exackly

of couwse bof he and Daddi have vewy diffewent haiw now cause it's been like a twillion yeaws since that pictoowe was taken

we awwived and I was awfully glad to be inside..it was fweezing in Pawsylvania, just like in NewYawk

They live out in the countwy and thewe is this cool old house acwoss the stweet fwom them

I went wif Mommi to check it out..but noone was thewe

that evening, I stayed inside the wawm house, while the hoomans went to see the lights at Longwood Gawdens
It's aways all lit up and decowated fow chwissmuss inside and out, and even though , it was fwigid, they went to see the displays

I made a smilebox to show you what they saw....it's hawd to get good pictoowes sometimes so pleez excoose the quality

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aftew thawing out, and a good dinnew ,we looked at family pictoowes and while I played soccew, The hoomans gabbed as oosual

the next day we took a walk in the woods befowe heading home..

I looooved the sniffing oppowtoonities

I wasn't allowed to wun off leash..thewe wewe too many little and big aminals awound

but even on leash I had a good time

at one point, Mommi stopped looking like she was in the awctic and took off hew silly hat,but soon discovewed that it hadn't wawmed up at all...we didn't stay out long..not a day to lingew

We dwove home last night and I'm still tiwed, but will twy to come awound and catch up wif all of you

I hope evewyone is well
smoochie kisses