a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sad days

I was going to do a diffewent post, but I'm too sad tonight.
Thewe awe too many of ouw fuwwfwiends and hoomans who awe huwting, ow lost .
We have to use all of ouw paw powew to help them.
At the vewy least, we can tell them we cawe and they awe in ouw thoughts.
Ouw bootiful fwiend Dakota had to leave us and cwoss the wainbow bwidge today,

and her family need your love and support now.

Bear is in dangew and needs to come home to his mommy, JB and Chester.

Laska is lost and needs to be found so that he can go home.

(ouw fwiend Deetz has a good (idea how to help missing doggies...go to his bloggie and see if you can do something to make it happen)

Huskee & Hershey's mom needs our paw power and support also. She is hospital and may again lose hew baby again.

This is just tewwible..they weally need ouw pwayews pleez! please send healing vibes to them.

thank you sweet fwiends
smoochie kisses


Martha said...

Hi Asta
We agree with every word of your post.
We are so very very sad about Dakota and know this is the most awful time for her humans.
We are also praying for all those other doggies, for their safe return.
We dont know Huskee & Herskey but will visit and remember their mom too.
Some times blogland is a sad place but we will help each other through.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Kess And Her Mama said...

It is a sad day indeed but as long as we bloggers support each other, there is still hope.

i said...

This has been a sad week indeed so far. But there's comfort in knowing that all paws (and humans fingers too) are crossed for better days as we give support to each other.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My beloved Asta! Please take heart in your sadness that I care so much...I will visit all of your sad friends and leave them buckets of love and hope. Knowing that others care so much can be the best support in times of trouble.
You are the most special doggie I know (well and Jackson too:) because you care do deeply for others. I will snuggle up next to you anytime you need a lift.
From the cozy cottage...all my love, Miss Peach

Clive said...

Oh Asta, very difficult days. We were so sad to learn about Dakota - it must have been so hard for her family. We have just been over to read Huskee and Herskey's blog - and what an absolutely horrible time for their Mom. To be going through such trauma a year later again. We are really hoping for a positive outcome for them.

- Clive's mum

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey little Asta,
We understand your sadness. So many families are hurting, it doesn't seem fair at all.
We're heading over to see what great idea Deetzie has.

take care Asta
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps. please give our mummy 4 big dale smooches

Dexter said...

So many sadnesses lately.

I told momma to cheer me by helping me enter Ike's summer photo contest (if it ever stops raining).


Huskee and Hershey said...

Thanks for spreading thhe word Asta sweetie.. Now we need all the prayers we can get to hope for that miracle.

huskee, hershey n mommy Shane

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We are so sad right now for everyone. Mama is reading this and the tears are coming. We will go visit everyone but our computer connection is slow as molasses right now. Here are some healing kisses and paw hugs for you.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Hansel said...

we too are very very sad. :(

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We are very sad and our thoughts and prayers are with these wonderful folks. We're so glad we got to share a snippet of life with them.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Abby said...

Hi, Sweet Asta...

Yes it's been a very sad week...

We are sending our love & prayers to our friends...

Abby xxxooo

Gus said...

Yes Asta, it is a sad day. We have paws crossed, but do not look as elegantly concerned as you do on your new header.

Recently, when we come to the computer looking for good news on these and other friends, and it seems there is only more bad stuff.

Then there is you. And your caring makes us move on, because we remember there is good out there somewhere.

gussie d and teka t

Daisy said...

I sure wish sad things never had to happen. I am sending my best purrs to all of our friends in need. And a special {{{hug}}} for you, Asta.

Deb Cushman said...

You look very sad indeed, Asta. We're so sorry that there are so many troubles for your friends. We will think happy thoughts for all of them and hope that their days become brighter.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo my furry pal!

We need all the paws khrossed and vibes sent!


Kelly said...

Thanks for spreading the word, Asta. I am feeling very sad right now too. I'll go pay my respects to everyone now...

The Oceanside Animals said...

It has been a sad several days in the dog blog world ...

Mack said...

So many sad things in DWB land.
We are saying a prawyer for Dakota's sweet family.

Fred said...

Thank you for the POP reminder. We see a lot of hurt in this world, and I hope each one of us can try to make things a little better. Take care.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thank you so much, Asta. Dakota was our beauty and our sweetheart - we truly miss her. There is so much sadness this week, we send our thoughts and prayers to all.

Woos, Kathie and the OP Pack

Pedro said...


You are so right - they all need our prayers. My mom's heart broke when she heard Huskee & Hershey's mom is in the hospital. We pray, pray, pray that this baby will be ok.


Jans Funny Farm said...

We know how you feel, Asta. We've been sad about those same furries and humans.

We can't bring Dakota back to her family, but we're hopeful the other problems will have a happy ending!

TwoSpecialWires said...

It makes us feel sad to know that so many others are feeling sad. We don't like anyone to hurt. Anywhere. For any reason. We'll be keeping everyone tucked in our thoughts and prayers - hoping everyone can see a bit of joy today.

Thank your for keeping us posted,
Jake and Miss Fergi

Tee said...

hello asta,

Thanks for sharing in your post. We're awfully sad about Dakota ... we will miss her.

We'd definitely scuttle down to all the blogs you listed to send them our hope.

Licks and wags

Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Duke said...

We agree, Asta! There is just too much sadness in our community right now! We need to try and stay positive and send lots of healing vibes!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dakota's family.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said...

You are right; there is lots of sad news right now. I'm praying with you, Asta.

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, there is a lot of sadness going around right now. we are especially sad for Dakota's family. today it Baxter's birthday and we have to be happy for Baxter too. we are sending lot of paw power to all of our friends who need it.


Deefor said...

Hi Asta
It is sooo sad thinking about all that. I have to hope a lot that it will come out ok. Even Arrow is sad-- and usually a dirty sock cheers him up.


Lacy said...

w00fs, me iz sad too...to much bad things is happening..

b safe,

Princess Patches said...

We are very sad too, Asta! We are crossing all our paws for all of them and for all doggies, kitties and peeple who need our prayers!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

It has been very sad for a lot of us lately. Thank you for writing about all those in need. I am sure Bear can feel all the support, and he appreciates it so much as we do.
--JB, Chester and mom Deb

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

It has indeed been a terribly sad week.. All we can do is keep our friends in our thoughts and prayers..

Hugs GJ xx

Rosie said...

Hi Asta,
This has been a very terrible week all around. I will be crossing paws and sending good vibes off everywhere - we need to break this bad streak and let the good times roll again.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It is really a sad day all over the world when our friends are missing or crossed the bridge.. We love all our blogger families so much we just hate to hear this news..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said...

Good on you Asta for raisng the awarness. My paws are cossed for a happy outcome for all.

Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xx

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I see you have your paws crossed Asta, my lovely friend with a golden heart!
Again, sad news just pouring in that make my heart sank and weakened.
Lets toast a champagne for Myrna's baby boy happy return with us.
We continue to stand guard just in case those bad guys planning another kidnapping.
Love ya lot

Joe Stains said...

What a rough few days for sure :(

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...this is all terrible news...we know that the Paw Solidarity will help in some way...

The boyz and I are boxing zen like mad and sending it where it's needed...

Now Asta...I think you should go and take a bubble bathie and relax a little bit...I know you've been worrying yourself sick and you hafta take care of yourself so you have strength to mash up your mommi's foodie for her...

Barkin' at ya sweet girl!!!

Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


I has been a very hard week for DWB and Mommy's eyes have been leaking a lot. We pray that everything works out for everybody.
Wish there was something more we could do to help but right now I guess prayers and positive thoughts are needed the most.


Lorenza said...

we are very sad too.
we have been praying for all our friends.
take care

Golden Samantha said...

Dear Asta,
Beautiful post about so many friends. We are praying for all, including Kaiser down under who crossed the rainbow bridge too. Sigh. Leaking. Thank you for sharing such lovely thoughts.
Hugs xo from Sammie and family

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!

We are all feeling the sadness, but I have hope that some good, somewhere, will come out of all this sadness. I just saw on Huskee's blog (in the comments) where Helio said that baby Chloe was delivered Friday morning (Singapore time) and is fighting for her life. We're sending all the healing smooches and AireZen we can muster to that baby girl right now!

We're also praying for Bear, Laska, and also for Dakota's family (did you know they live really close to us - the next town over from where my girl works).

What's this about having to mash food for your mommi? Is she have her dental problem fixed? Give her a big juicy smooch from me, okay!

I love you with all my goober heart and wish I could snuggle with you on you couch.

Goober love & smooches,

Hollie and Janie said...

Missing doggies is the most terrible thing in the world. My mama still cries b/c her Sadie girl has been missing for almost 2 years. We feel your pain. We pray that your mommi's friend gets better and doesn't lose her baby.... uncomprenendable...and that all the lost doggies find their way home, and for Dakota's family, too.
Love you.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sweet Asta....we will send our very strongest PURRS AND PRAYERS to all your friends!!!

Please don't be sad!!

Love, uSSSSS

William Tell said...

Asta, you have a very caring heart. Thank you for telling us about those in need, and we very much pray for everything to turn out well for them.

Happy Tails,
William Tell