a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fwiends helping and what to do on a Fwiday Night

I am absolutely floowed by the genewous wesponse of my fwiends wanting to help find Mywna's baby boy.

My twoo love Stanley is financing Joe Stains while he is on the case. Jake and Just Hawwy's HewonCam( a total innocent, caught up in this contwovewsy) is on the lookout and putting out feelews wif his biwd netwowk.

I am totally confident that we will succeed vewy soon in welcoming the little wheeley baby back.

Now that I'm not so wowwied, I decided to have some fwiends ovew and tell you how to have a gweat fwiday night.

Have a sweet hooman tickle you

and let you give them kisses

make youw haiw into a mohawk

make suwe you have plenty of tennis balls

have youw hoomans owdew some food..this time, mexican,
and position youwself stwategically to get some

aftew dinnew, let youw Mommies go fow a walk to wowk off all the food, meanwhile stay wif youw Daddi and make him play games

(if you haven't seen what the High Line is, pleez look at the link.

The Mommis love the way this pwoject was done..it's so much bettew in pawson than you can imagine)
Click to play this Smilebox photobook: The High Line at night

when youw Mommies come back, act like you haven't seen them in a jillion yeaws

dwag youw Daddi wif all youw might

make suwe you all go in diffewent diwections

get tons of love fwom the Mommies who abandoned you

it's impowtant to tangle Daddi up weally thoughouwghly

and then stand like pawfect little innocents

this wesults in the hoomans shawing theiw ice cweam wif you

Duffy has gweat technique

I'm vewy ciwcumspect and delicate

Politeness gets you extwa

I nevew wealized that Petey's tongue is that long

I think he has the bestest weach of any of us

all in all, a pawfect Fwiday night...
now my fwiends have gone home, and I have my Owangutang to keep me company fow the west of the night

I hope these hints help you thwough youw weekend in case the weathew doesn't coopewate

love and smoochie kisses


Jake of Florida said...

We've been getting reports from H.C. Bird. He has flown up to Central Florida to see if he can learn anything there around the lakes where some of the other long-legged water birds like to roost and gossip.

Our Dogdad laughed and laughed to see your daddi all tangled up with three doggies. He knows the drill with just the two of us!!!''

Lots of wirey love!!!

Jake and Just Harry

doyle and mollie said...

lovin your take daddi for a walk technique arf arf and if there is anything i can do to help find mywna's baby boy let me know in the mean time i am searching the skys for you down here in the pacific...

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

HA! HA! HA! Mama had a good laugh at the pictures which she really needed. She especially liked enlarging the picture of the three of you acting like innocents with your Daddi. Petey looked like he had some scary eyes and one of you looked like your ears were flying.

Thank you for your comments about Bailey and Geoffrey. Mama has been keeping in contact with Geoffrey's family. Angel Bosco, Angel Lacylulu and a bunch of other pups have made Bailey and Geoffrey feel so welcome. Tomorrow we will talk with Grandpa and Grandma for Father's Day.

We love all the pictures but Petey's tongue shots were classic. We hope you are enjoying the weekend. At least it's not raining now.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

TwoSpecialWires said...

It's Saturday night, but ice cream is sounding like a really good way to enjoy this part of the weekend. We'll get on that right away. In the meantime, we didn't take our walkie tonight. That big scary bird that came flying out from under the bridge last night scared us. A lot. And then you said they are armed and dangerous. We're too afraid to walk over that bridge tonight, cuz we waited too long and it's dark now. You might want to tell H.C. Bird that he might get more information from the birds up in north Florida. He knows PCB, I think. That's where we saw the dastardly thing. We'll be glad when this is all over with and everyone is safe and not scared anymore. In the meantime, ice cream might help.

From your wirey friends (and our sneezy Moma)
Jake and Miss Fergi

Unknown said...

Hee hee, my nose may not be as long and slender as Duffy's but my bologna tongue sures makes up for it! I look like I'm attacking in that one photo but really, I'm just smiling because I'm so happy to see the Mommies.

I wish we could go up on the High Line too. It's so beautiful!

Your pal,


Lacy said...

w00fs, heehee, ur daddi iz very brave taking u all on at one time..cant believe ur mommi's went out and didnt take u all...but they all deserve a little bit of fun..hope joey and company can find the baby wheelie..

b safe,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...those pix of the Highline were so bootiful we thought they were fake...OMD you guys live in such a bootiful place!! And it's like right in your backyardie!!!!!

Oh Asta...I'm sorry I haven't updated our bloggie yet...Mumsie was 'hausted after workie yesterday so I had to do all the work around here...then today she had to do errands so I had to watch my stoopid brothers...that's just a ton of fun let me tell you....

It's pouring buckets outside now...thank dog we all went out and got back inside before the sky let loose!!!

My fur is TOTALLY ruined from the beach...that salt water is atrocious on it...will be conditioning for weeks...oh...and my nails turned bright yellow from slappin' on that fake tanning lotion...oh wait...those are Mumsie's nails...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA....

I've been busy under the covers with TMBTC...(too many birds to count)...honestly I had no idea I was allergic to feathers...and their choice of entrees at the best restaurants leaves loads to be desired...I just don't do raw fish and worms....this is truly a sacrifice...talk to ya soonest my sweet girlie...

Love and kisses...Lacie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was soooo furry khool woo got to hang out with Petey!

I'm sure woo were able to cheer him up too!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I am sure Joe will bring back the baby!
Thanks for the tips. Now I need some friends to come to my house and put them in practise!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

How nice to have an evening with friends.

We're hoping the baby is recovered soon.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We're trying to catchup now. We did not know about Myrna's baby going missing. What a horrible thing! Glad the team is on the job to find him now.
You are such an entertainer Asta dear! Our mommy is part hermit so we don't get that much company. We can barely wait 'til the rodeo next weekend. Finally some dog to dog contact!
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay i wil be shoor to keep this in mind the nekst time we hav a slow weekend owt this way!!! ok bye

Sassy Kat said...

Looks like you had the perfect evening with friends, food, & plenty of fun! You are such a little social bee!!

Duke said...

You certainly are keeping your daddi busy trying to keep the leashes untangled and stay on his feet!
Ice cream is always good to the last lick, right, Petey! We just love those pictures!
Happy father's day to your daddi, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

I keep telling my mom I need ice cream but she won't listen.

That high line sounds like a blast; it's even in the MEAT packing district! Yumm!

Hamish Westie said...

Thanks so much for all the hints on things to do at the weekend. With all these good ideas and also the advice from Martha and Bailey Basset on how to spend a relaxing weekend, no blogging dog could possibly complain of being bored!
Cheers, H.

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta,
You, Petey & Duffy all look so sweet eating your ice-cream. I bet it's nice and warm there in NYC. We don't much feel like eating ice-cream cause it's wet and cold here. We did get left over lamb ragu and pasta tonight. It was pretty good.
Friday night in New York is certainly more interesting and entertaining that Friday night in Leura.....sigh.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy x
ps. thanks for caring about the flying foxes.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

My mum was laughing out loud at the things on your post today. Mum said you are such a fun loving woofie and she loves reading and looking about you... I do too..

Sorry I missed you on my visit.. Next time I promise...

Hugs GJ xx

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Great tips...I really like going all different ways when the Mommies come back...

I'm sure the Baby will be back home soon with Joey on the job...

Great slide show of the High Line...

Abby xxxooo

Abby xxxooo

Martha said...

Hi Asta
What a great Friday night - and you told us you didn't know how to let your ears down!
Sure you do - ice cream, playing with humans and canines!!
We just loved you all getting your dad tied in knots - we frequently manage to tie our mum round trees!
The slideshow was beautiful!
Thanks for letting us see your lovely pictures.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What a great Friday night you all had! Mommy wishes she was with you!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Father's Day to Asta's great dad!
Love ya lots

Hansel said...

what a great friday night friend!
happy father's day to your dad!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sounds like a perfect recipe for a grand night. Especially the ice cream. Hope the baby shows up soon.

woos, the OP Pack

Joe Stains said...

That Hihgline looks very cool, nothing like that around here for sure! Glad you were able to relax with friends on a Friday, I am hard at work trying to find that wheely baby.

Moco said...

That tangling up daddi was quite the feat.

Princess Patches said...

We'll stay on the look-out in case that evil birdie flies over Georgia with Myrna's baby! If he drops the baby in our back yard, we will make sure he gets home safely!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Sophie Brador said...

I never noticed your halo before, even when I saw you in person. But it makes perfect sense. You are an angel.


Koobuss said...

Oh Asta,

What a wonderful way to spend a Friday night! My mom loved your mommi's slideshow. Such a great place to walk--so pretty and so colorful, especially at night with all the lights on. Great pictures!!

Tying up Daddi looked like fun, too. You and Duffy and Petey have to have that well coordinated to do a good job. I'm sure that you get lots of practice.

Ice cream is the absolute best way to end the evening. I usually get some, too, on Friday night.
Aren't Fridays the best!!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie