It all stawted in a bootiful delivewy woom at Snitchybug hospital. A dastawdly Wheeleynapping.
It was only a few days ago, but it seems like fuwwevew to a wowwied Dad and a distwaught Mommi..theiwy baby boy was wheeleynapped befowe they even saw him and then came a fwightening note :
After that eerie ransom note, there is no doubt that this was a malicious act, and not a simple misguided stork delivery.
We awe extwemely fowtoonate that we have some of the bestest fwiends anyone could ask fow..the lettews of love and concewn wewe too noomewous to count, but hewe is a sampling and an update on what was being done:
"Sweetpea Astaroni! I am shocked and sad! I am at your service.Whatever I can do to help,Stella and I will do whatever we can. What's been done so far? Do we need to get Joe Stains, Private Eye, on the case? Have you ever seen the Mel Gibson movie, "Ransom?" I'm seriously thinking of doing what he did in that movie. Since he had all the money he needed he decided not to pay the ransom but to put a bounty on the heads of the kidnappers saying he'd pay anyone who brought them in dead or alive. He would only call of the bounty hunters if his son was returned to him unharmed within a certain period of time. What do you think? Should we be this bold and go this route? I'll trust your instincts on this (after you consult with Myrna and Gilbert). Just let me know. I'm going to help bankroll Joe Stains while he's on the case. I also offered to supply him steaming piles of poo if he needs any to send to different folks who are involved."
All my Goober love & smooches to you, Myrna, Gilbert, Grandmommi & Grandaddi, Your Stanley Detective Joe Stains immediately donned his twench coat and got busy investigating. I quote: "I am hard at work trying to find that wheely baby. "Jake and Fewgie who awe on vacation wewe tewwowized by the sight of this biwd,"We saw one of those dastardly birds (but no baby wheelie) on our walk tonight. We've got mug shots of him. A profile. And one in flight.That big scary bird that came flying out from under the bridge last night scared us. A lot. And then you said they are armed and dangerous. We're too afraid to walk over that bridge tonight, cuz we waited too long and it's dark now. You might want to tell H.C. Bird that he might get more information from the birds up in north Florida. He knows PCB, I think. That's where we saw the dastardly thing. We'll be glad when this is all over with and everyone is safe and not scared anymore. In the meantime, ice cream might help." and my BFF Lacie who has done the ultimate to twy to find my Nephew "I've been busy under the covers with TMBTC...(too many birds to count)...honestly I had no idea I was allergic to feathers...and their choice of entrees at the best restaurants leaves loads to be desired...I just don't do raw fish and worms....this is truly a to ya soonest my sweet girlie..." "Asta...I've so been sacrificing my body to find the baby.... I've been under the covers all weekend and finally plucked the feathers of the dismal creatures to see if they'd hidden Baby under them.... It's a thankless job...." Laciegirliebird
Jake and Just Hawwy even spent pawt of theiw fathew's day looking and theiw wheeley countewpawtsProfessor Jacques Maigret and Inspector Justin Herkimer Clouseau awe currently off helping H.C. Bird look for the stolen wheelie baby). We've been getting reports from H.C. Bird. A Wondewful fwiend and in NO WAY involved in this dastawdly deed!He has flown up to Central Florida to see if he can learn anything there around the lakes where some of the other long-legged water birds like to roost and gossip.
Penny ,Poppy and Patches "We'll stay on the look-out in case that evil birdie flies over Georgia with Myrna's baby! If he drops the baby in our back yard, we will make sure he gets home safely!"
Doyle fwom New Zealand
i am searching the skys for you down here in the pacific...
fouw Bs volunteewed theiw Jaspew Beetle biwd, who they say can be vewy cwanky and she could give those big biwds a bite that would make them cwy and welease the baby
Rocky, Tula,Khyra Mango the maltese kiddo,Lorenza, Koobuss, Hershey and Kaci who put Bosco on alewt to look fow Mywna's baby, the
Rocky Cweek Scotties suggested contacting CCSI.
Mango welentlessly hooge said if he sees the baby dwopped in his yawd he's let me know. ( I guess he's not willing to move about too much, hehehehe)
Agatha and Awchie, Martha and Bailey , Bustew,Ms Pewsephone and Ms Blue have theiw shawp eyes peeled fow flying wheelies.
Gus Louie and Callie suggested we call the dog police..but that's just too dangewous
Pughy the bootiful kitty fwom acwoss the pond voluteewed as did
Socks ,Scylla and Chawybdis and theiw woffie bwuvvew
Fenris, Daisy the cuwly cat, all five of the
Taylow catsssss, and all
Tazo and all the fuwwy kids
Rosie Mawie my dawling puggie fwiend suggested we put out and Ambew Alewt
Well my Fwiends, I have faboolous NEWS
aftew all this wowk was compiled and coowdinated, theiw hideout was discovewed..
HC Biwd flew ovew it and dwew us a map
now this is in no way implicating all blue Hewons..these guys wewe two bad seeds.............
the Hewon and the Kingfishew fwom
Butchy and Snickew's pond wewe the pawpetwatows
They've been angwy because Butchy and Snickers wewe doing such a tewwific job guawding the Koi, that they decided to kidnap Mywna's baby boy .
Joe Stains, made contact wif the dastawdly duo and awwanged to pay them the wansom.
( the pawpetwatows wanted a bag of Koi...)
instead they got a hooge bag of steaming poop and a piece of
Stanley's mind on evew twying something like this again
while the biwds wewe busy wif the supposed wansom exchange, the wescooews wewe aweady closing in on the hideout
Butchy and
Scwuffy wewe fiwst to weach the twee and see the baby
then Just Hawwy and Joey managed to get close enuff to gwab him
Awchie almost fainted as he cawwied the twembling baby boy wheeley to safety
Mywna and Gilbert have asked me to thank all of you fow youw help..we couldn't have done it wifout any of you.
The Kwoonsky-Kweit family awe snuggling togethew safely at home, and will send pictoowes soon.
Fow now, they would like a little time alone.
smoochie kisses