I had to paint some the Eastew Eggs ( the Eastew Bunny asked me fow help, he's so busy this yeaw)

but when she wolled ovew, she was in such a daze, she juwt stawed at the choklits----no help at all. Honestly, this wedding is making hew cwazy. I can't wait till it's ovew, hehehehe
Hope all of you have a love-filled tweatful Eastew!!!!!!
love and smoochie kisses

Oh Asta...your eggs are bootiful! You are so talented, my Mom eggs are so boring compared to yours!!!
And thank you so much for my barkday card! I hope to post about all my barkday adventures tomorrow!
have a wonderful easter!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You're such an artist, Asta! Those eggs are decorated colorfully.
Happy Easter to all of you.
Tank woo fur sharing the hardshelled fruits of your paws' labours!
Beautiful eggs Asta! And wishing you a very happy and treat filled Easter too :D
We gave you some roses for helping Myrna so much with her wedding preparations, come and pick them up if you get a break from your Easter prep!
Slobbers xx
Oooh, the eggs look more beautiful than ever! Mommy's already eyeing them to decide which one to go for on Sunday!!!
Happy Easter Jellybean Girl!
Your pal,
Petey Rabbit
Happy Easter to you and Myrna and Mommi and Daddi
gussie n teka
You Easter eggs are just gorgeous, Asta! Poor Myrna - we think you should cut her some slack! The poor wheelie girlie is overworked with all of her wedding preparations!
We love your new blog header! It's beautiful!
Happy Easter!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Asta...
My Goodness...I missed sooo much while my Mom was reading those books...You have been busy...
Your Easter Eggs are beautiful...I'm sure the Easter Bunny will be pleased...
Happy Easter.
Abby xxxooo
That's a very sweet little tongue peeking out in your banner, Miss Asta. We love it! AND you've inspired us to color Easter eggs this weekend. This'll be Fergi's first Easter! We're guessing she's gonna like it!
We'll try to take pics!
Hoppy Easter,
Jake and family
Happy Easter!! Don't eat too many jelly beans!!! Love and kisses A+A
Hi, Asta!
Your Easter Eggs are pawesome!
We don't have that tradition here. Maybe I should start it!
Have a Happy Easter!
Kisses and hugs
ms.asta... you look really good in bunny ears!!! very cute. glad you helped the easter bunny w/the eggs...he will have some really BEEuTEEfull ones from you to hide..
happy easter to you.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue
Happy Easter, Asta.
Your Easter eggs are very pretty!
You did a great job on those eggs, they are so pretty! Those twolips remind Mom of Amsterdam!!
I can't imagine what Myrna's brain and heart must be like, the wedding is so soon!
What beautiful eggs Asta!
Happy Easter to you and your lovely little family too! May all your easter bunnies be edible carob!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Hi Asta
Your easter eggs are so pretty, you are an artist through and through!
You look slightly bemused with your easter bunny ears but dont worry you look cute!!!
Have a lovely Easter Asta,
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Asta, we know where you got your artistic genes from! Those eggs are pawsome!
Have a great Easter and tell Myrna to RELAX!
Wow talent runs in your family Asta. The painted eggs are beautiful.
We hope you all have a wonderful Easter.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps. is it true, did Max win?
Your eggs are beautiful. There are no kiddies around to enjoyed colored eggs at our house so we will just have deviled egg - yum yum.
Happy Easter
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - Stop by our blog. Java posed in his bunny ears yesterday. He doesn't look as cute as you do!
You must take after your mummsi. Those eggs are lovely.
Oh Asta, you are the prettiest Easter bunny there could be! You're painting Easter eggs with nail polish? What a great idea! Maybe you can give Myrna a manicure. Have a wonderful Easter, Asta!
See ya!
wat great eggs you have dere! dem are fantastic!
Those are the very most prettiest Easter eggs I have ever seen! I hope you have a wonderful Easter, too.
Hi Asta!
Very good job you did on those eggs. Too bad Myrna couldn't help, I guess she be feeling very frazzled right now.
Faline was very impressed with all the bunny things at Auntie Karens. She says you be her favourite dog that visited her post because you said about spring greens which be her favourite. I personally is amazed she found a dog she likes!
Happy easter!
~lickies, Ludo
Those eggs are just too lovely to crack open.
How pretty spring is looking in New York Asta. Your painted eggs are lovely. Specially the orangey ones like those pretty tulips. Have a wonderful Easter and a cuddle with the Easter Bunny!!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
What a wonderful sight.. spring budded flowering trees, tulips and easter eggs! The easter bunny will be so thankful you helped. As fur Myrna, maybe you should color her wheels so she can join in the fun.
Happy Easter Asta,
Mom wants to know what do you use on your eggs? They are sooooooo lovely, a piece of art!
Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you!
Your Easter Eggs are gorgeous! You and Myrna sure did a great job. I hope you have a wonderful Easter filled with lots of treats!!!
Your pal,
Ciao dolce Asta!
Sigh ... those Easter eggs are perfezione, mia cara amica. I think the Easter Bunny will be a bit jellie ...!!
Buona Pasqua to you and your famiglia, Asta!
Tanti baci!
Ooh, your trees and flowers are SO pretty there!! We're still waiting for them here.
Those are gorgeous eggs. Did you paint them all yourself?
Have a happy easter!
What beautiful eggs! The chickens that laid them must have been very lovely.
Asta, your Mommi does wonderful work!
Happy Easter1
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Even a cracked egg turns pretty under your mom's paws, ooops, artistic hands!
Lookie, the tulips bloom your favorite color, Asta!
Hoppy Easter, lovely pal!
You are very good at that egg coloring! Thanks for stopping by our bloggie and followin us!
Happy Easter!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Hi Asta, Ami, and George
Thank you for writing. I am doing okay. Mommy took me out for a walk the other day when it was in the 60’s and we took beautiful pictures of all the spring colors, and a bunny. I just have to download them out of the camera and Photoshop them for my next blog post. Daddy has become a Flickr fanatic so he’s been hogging the computer lately. Are you going to Wirestock? I’m not sure but I think Mommy has to work at the hospital that day.
Happy Easter Wishes to you and your parents. Hope the Easter bunny brings you some yummy treats.
Luna Licks,
Happy Easter Asta! What a BEAUTIFUL new header your blog has! You truly are stealing the scene fomr the Easter bunny, hahahahahahahahaha!
You two did a great job with those beautiful eggs! Have a Happy Happy Easter Asta!
love Charlie
Happy easter Asta!
You must have been having a lot more warmer weather than at my place, our trees, flowers, etc aren't coming out yet. Keeping safe from the cold still.
As usual you are the best at getting ready for any special event or day.
Easter wishes to you and your folks!
You're such a talent, Asta, and a big help to your people! I'm trying to train Ollie to help Mom more, maybe painting eggs would be a useful skill to learn!
Happy Easter,
Your eggses are just beautimous! You are an artist...just like your mommi! We hope you and Myrna and your Mommi and Daddi all have a very happy Easter!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Happy Easter Asta..
What a bunch of goodies you have there..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
asta darling.. happy easter..
all this eggs are for you=??==??
tx to your answerd mail...
a big hug
Oh dear..this is Gilbert(or so I'm told; I've forgotten everything)...I've been unconscious since Thursday...Fiona ?? rather exhuberantly was tuggin' my pull cord and yanked me down the stairs(so they said)...and it all went black...I had to try on my tux or somethin'(dunno why)....who are you??? That ravishin' WFT...and that magnificent Wheelie? Oh that Wheelie...what is your name? Did I read Myrna??? She's beautiful...I think I'm in love...at FIRST SIGHT!
Dare I ask her out to dinner? I need to find someone to formally introduce us....what a beauty...this is the girl I've been looking for all my life...thank dog I've found her! She's getting MARRIED? OH NO! NO!...Just when I've found her...I may hafta go throw myself back down the stairs...or drink the Mother's coffee...(the closest thing to poison in this house; figured that out quickly...)
What should I do? This is a TRAGEDY! (Gilbert begins to weep...he's been a little moody since his konk on the head...it was his 4,398th concussion....)
Can anyone help?
In desperate straights,
Sir Gilbert
Um, Asta...er well...Happy Easter!
We're havin' a few problems with one of our weirder wheeled animals....yes, Gilbert has
AM KNEES YA...sorta like anesthesia...of his noggin.
He has cobwebs in his straw...
We may hafta contact Dr.Snitchy for a remedy...I've tried all of the appropriate nursing measures....
Your eggs are the most pawfect bootiful things ever!!!!!!! Oh Asta...did Mommi teach you that??? They are the essence of Easter and Spring! We're thinking of you all today and hope ur havin' a fabbers time....Mumsie never got a chance to call yesterday...day was nuts...
Thoughts for Gilbert?
Easter Barks!
Looks like you had a nice day! I love you in bunny ears in your header...hee hee
Happy Easter!
Happee Eestur, Asta! Yur eggz arr beewootiful!
Gus and Waldo
Asta, I see you have inherited your human's artistic talent. The eggs are a work of art! Too good too be eaten!
Hi Asta,
We think that your eggs are soooo beautiful... you are as talented as your mom! I guess we know whose creative genes you've got there :)
Our mom's easter eggs look like artwork done by six-year olds.. LOL!!
What beautiful easter eggs, Asta! And I love how the flowers are blooming and trees are budding at your house. You're way ahead of us, and I'm ready for some color!
Oh Asta, you did great work on those eggs! Poor Myrna... wedding planning can truly comsume you. I think she might need a day at the spa!
I hope you and your sweet family had a wonderful Easter! NY is looking lovely right now!
w00f's, me thinks u and ur mommi does those eggies sooo bute ti ful..and me wishes mama cood help u wiff the piksurs fur the wedding,,,buttt mama iz kinda dumb in that regard..where does u all find the suits that u put the pups in..she cood mayb help wiff a few..
b safe,
Asta.... your pretty eggs are so colorful and shiny and fancy! Myrna looks like she reaches and strains to see them, just like I did. ( I did that cuz I was scared, though.)
I'm flattered you liked the picture of me and my bonnet. Thank you for the nice compliment. I'm trying hard to like dressing up. Maybe someday I'll even be comfortable enough to go to a party or a wedding. :)
Miss Fergi (and Jake)
Loved your colorful, artsy eggs! Looks like you had a lovely Easter.
Smooches,BabyRD & Hootie
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