Ruby, that most wondewful pilot wif hew own aiweline,picked evewyone up in time and got us all to Salzbuwg Austwia fow my sissie Myrna' wedding to hew twoo love Gilbert

as oosoual, evewything was impeccable..thewe is no weduction of luxoowy ow sewvice on Aiw Wuby..if you want to see the incwedibly decowated inside of the plane fow this occasion pleez go to Ruby's bloggie
Thewe wewe fuwwfwiends fwom all ovew the globe, and I'm pwoud to say all the wheelies, catses and doggies had a gweat time togethew.
you can biggify all the pictoowes to see evewyone!

all the wheelies decided to stay at the Gasthof Maria Plein..it's just outside the city wif bootiful views of the hills and vewy close to the Chuwch whewe the cewemony will take place
Gilbert is on the balcony wif Dr.Pierre standing by, along wif Myrna's twin Bwuvvew Max in case he has anothew incident of Am Kneesia
Myrna is at an undisclosed location, although she is pining fow Gilbewt, she's not allowed to see him untill the wedding
A pawtial list: Nigel, Burt,Cyril, Opal Autumn,Hector,TripTrap, Bentley,Seymour,Brosky,GusGus Digby,Nick,Gertie, Blossom,Tam,Dunstan,Josephine, Roxy,Stan the Man, Fiona GertieLeurodale,
you may have noticed two familiar-looking wheelies standing in the corner looking preoccupied in the midst of all the celebrating. “Who are those intense looking fellows?” you might have wondered. Well, it seems they are Professsor Jacques E. Maigret and Justin Herkimer Clouseau, brothers of none other than two of the most famous detectives in the world. Originally from France, where they tried very hard to live up to the brilliant literary and cinematographic careers of their siblings, they decided to emigrate to Florida last year to start over. They found new homes with Jake and Just Harry (notice the eerie resemblance?) but somehow they’ve never been able to make a go of it as detectives. And learning the language seems to be beyond them. Feeling so disoriented, they jumped at the chance to hop on Aire Ruby and return to Europe for a few days. We hope they find themselves at this once-in-a-lifetime event!!
Look who's coming down the path! my dawling cat fwiendses. They awe my lifelong fwiends and fellow boawd membews fwom Little pwoductions..the makews of CCSI. I'm so happy they came. and have bwought theiw families wif them.

fwom left to wight Notty,Mrs.Oz,Luna,OliveAmelia and hew bwuvvew Opus,my sissie Sassy, that happily mawwied couple and an inspiwation to us all Karl and Ruis, my dawling ostwailian sissie Momo, and finally TinTin
because of Ruby's special anti-jet-lag dwinks, we all had loads of enewgy to wun awound Salzbuwg and do some sightseeing
of couwse we had to go to the house whewe Mozawt was bowned
(we sowt of got cawwied away pwetending we lived thewe and playing chasey chase up and down the staiws and thwoughout the place)
because of Ruby's special anti-jet-lag dwinks, we all had loads of enewgy to wun awound Salzbuwg and do some sightseeing
of couwse we had to go to the house whewe Mozawt was bowned
(we sowt of got cawwied away pwetending we lived thewe and playing chasey chase up and down the staiws and thwoughout the place)

On the fiwst floow Willow and Lucie managed to squeeze into one window, as did Gabbi and Agatha( I think they found some good gossip). Karl kept a safe distance on the doow fwame..it was such a cwush of us on the stweet.
left to wight on the stweet
Busterigo,Riley,Baxter,Ruby,Mitch,Archie,Hootie,Bailey,me-Asta and Lacie and Pedroall that sightseeing and shopping made us quite thiwsty, and to ouw delight we found a pawfectly bootiful beewgawden neawby

at this point, we wewe all dwessed vewy casooally, except fow Jake of the Bawkalotz boys..I think he wanted to get his outfit just wight and jumped the gun wif his timing, hehehehe
Karl,Sassy and Ruis took casooal to a new meaning by showing up in theiw pajamas.
I think a gweat time was had by all..we dwank beew, ate snausages and pwetzels and sang and smooched.
I was mostly busy kissing Stanley my Goobew boy, but I did notice some of my fwiends who wewe thewe:
Sophie and Joe Stains,The fouw bootiful Doughalmoow Beagles, Eric and Toffee, Hootie and Aggie,Ludo bwinging a flowew to some lucky giwl,, Butchy,Lucia, Merv my Stanny's cat bwo,ouw new fwiend Paddy the WFT wif a delicious sausage in his mouf. my BFF Lacie stawing at Archie who was sneeping soundly, Scooter looking like he aweady had a few of those beews, Chubs licking his lipses and Ximui,Scruffy and babyStan,Mica Peteys Bwuvvewcat, Momo sissie next to Sally that bootiful english wiwy giwl
We all fell into bed, happy and exhausted and weady fow the wedding in the mowning..some of us wewe having some Salzbuwgew Nockewnl on the tewwace fow bweakfast..thewe was still a chill in the aiw and we sowt of got lost in convewsation, when Poppy, all dwessed to the nines and Noah looking vewy dashing and handsome in his mowning suit showed up and weminded us that we only had a few minutes to get to the chuwch
Oh MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was still in my polka dotted jacket, and was now beginning to panick.
don't wowwy sweet weadews..the west of the pictoowes awe being developed and you will get to see all of us in ouw finewy and the Happy couple at the altaw
all I can say it was MAGIC!
sweet dweams evewyone and Happy May fiwst!
smoochie kisses

For once I am early. What a party!!!! Good to see you all. Love the Catses in Pyjamas, don't you?
I know it's all about Myrna and Gilbert but crikey I look handsome in that suit hehe.
Everyone so hyped up Asta. We're having a ball so far. Cant wait until tomorrow.
Noah x
Wow....what a day! It's been exhilarating and there's still more to come, thank you for being such awesome hosts....and...
Your photographer has outdone herself as usual....could we have her card?
Slobbers xx
This has been an event to remember!!
Asta, your momma is the best photog ever!!
Woah! What a wedding this is going to be! The photo's are FABBIE Asta, I biggified them all, what an amazing job. Though I'm wagging worried bout Myrna standing on her back wheels by Aire Ruby...tell her take care not to roll away...
Wasn't that fun in in the gardens..though I only had eyes for my pupcake. Paddy eating the snausage,he,hee!! Mica make a regal appearance. Then Ruby looking so pretty in her dress balancing on the balcony...gulp ...hope she's got all nine lives left. Thank dog Noah is on the ball (haaaa!!!) and gets everybloggie to the church on time and the cats have time to change their pj's...can't wait!!
Thank you squillions Asta. What a pawfect start to the day!
Wiry wags n a million kissies, Eric xxxx
It looks like everyone is having a great time. We're so sorry we didn't make it. We look forward to the wedding pictures.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
This is so pawtastic. Now we are sad because we aren't there enjoying this with everyone. Can't wait to see all the pictures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. It's raining in Connecticut.
What beautiful pictures! This is going to be the WEDDING OF THE CENTURY!!!
What fantastic pictures - your photographer is capturing it all. The style, romance and most of all fun!
Well done. Cant wait to see the wedding dress!!!!
We will have to catch up when we get back.
Martha & Bailey xxx
You all look so beautiful!! What a wonderful city to explore with all your friends!! I wish I could have gone!! I hope you do lots of shopping!!
We are having an absolute BALL! Salzburg is just fabulous! We can't wait for Myrna to wheel down the aisle!
Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Autumn
Awww. We are so sad we couldn't make it. I think I'm going to demand that the other one of us gets some serious work on "the anxiety issue". The photographs are absolutely PAWSOME! Everyone looks so happy and so beautiful. What a grand time you are having.
And wait till our humine sis sees everyone at Mozart's house. She will drool with envy. She, herself, hung out those windows (and snuck a touch at Mozart's piano -- we hope no one got in trouble inside that house). She really wanted us to go to the wedding.
With love and best wishes,
Jake and the other one
salzburg is a beeUteefull place...and it's springtime in europe!!!with flowered trees & lots of gardens in the parks and everywhere... i'm having some lovely runs through the park with my dolce LUciAhhhhh... so much to see. can't wait to see myrna and gilbert wheeling down the aisle.
more later,
theBUSTER Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too
I cannot wait to see the wedding photos!!!
Oh Asta, this all looks fabulous! You and your Mommi are doing a great job getting all the photos developed! I can't wait to see how stunning miss Myrna looks!
Dog I'm tired, but this has to be the most wonderful event we've had yet. Asta, as usual, your attention to detail is amazing! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I am here and so is the rest of the gang! How nice to see all. You my dear sweet sissie have outdone yourself again! You always know how to put on a great planned gathering of family and friends. I am looking forward to the rest of the weekend events. I know the wedding will be the most beautiful!
Magical sounds like the best word to describe this glorious event!
Wow! That's some wedding party!
Licks and Wags
The Dog Woods Pack
Sounds like a smashingly good time Asta! You are so lucky to have gone to the wedding party of the year!!
Woofs and wags,
Benson and Gibson
This is magic, music in Mozart's birthplace!
I have been busy counting the guests, over 1000 for sure and still counting!
I'm overjoy as if it's my own wedding! Ooops, my brudders Chubs and Ximui are there too, I thought I paid for their sightseeing tours.
They tell me they have to attend the wedding of the century! Me too!!!
Love ya.
this is indeed the wedding of the year and includes a cast of thousands. it looks like everydog, wheelie and cat is in attendance.
Tanner was so worried we were being left behind but then I had to remind him, we are outta here buddy!!! We are off to Myrna's wedding woo! I am sorry Tanner climbed on the table, he can't be trusted to be taken anywhere!!!
wow what a group! What a wedding!
We are having a blast! Asta you take the greatest photos!!!! Paddy enjoyed the sausage and now he is with his nose in lovely Beer - we hope he doesn't embarrass himself at the wedding. We are all excited - can't wait...
This is the best ever ....you are one fab event organiser...
Licks, licks and more sausage scented licks
Sally and Paddy
Wow Asta!
This is so very exciting! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
:) Tibby
How embarrassing -- what was I thinking? I was so excited at seeing my Gabbi that I forgot to bring a change of clothes.
Oh dear.
What will Gabbi think?
But it was wonderful seeing everybody and having such a delicious Salzbuwgew Nockewnl. Never had one of those before!!!!
Ciao bella Asta!
My dolce Busterigo and I are having the MOST fantastico time, and it's all because you are such a megagalattica hostess! We can't wait to see bellissima Myrna wheel down the aisle to her sweet Gilbert. Ahh, amore!! Could there be anything more wonderful? (Well, maybe these splendido Austrian snausages .... mmmmm .... )
And to darling Ruby, our pilot, big bundles of mwahs!! The flight was superb!
Tanti baci!
PeeEss from la mia ragazza: Ami, you outdid yourself!! Brava!!
I am so sorry I could not be there!
This nasty swine flu is making everyone here going crazy!
Please tell Myrna my heart is there with her!
Kisses and hugs
Best wishes to the bride and groom.
Have a wonderful time and have a safe flight home.
Hey Asta and Asta's mommy,
My humans had a great time at Venice. Especially Missus, she's been drooling at the gondola men. They stayed at Saturnia hotel which is directly opposite to Hotel Flora which was tuck in a small street. They went there to have a look. Missus thought of your parents, trying to imagine them walking down the same streets as them. They love the resturant at La Caravella (at Saturnia).
Venice is a booti-ful place but very pricey. They were surprised to see many dogs there because there were no parks for them to run freely. Most of them had to be leashed.
Anyway, have your parents been to Prague or Vienna? What are their thoughts of these places?
Wow what a turn out it is. =) congratulations to the happy couple.
Mein Gott in der Himmel, aber Salzberg ist ganz schoen!!!!! Und das Bier....Lacie begin to hum....
Bierher, Bierher,oder ich fall um...
Eins, Zwei...gsuffa!!!!!!
Ein Proseit, ein Proseit, sehr gemutlichkeit....
Aber Asta...Myrna ist ein bissel krank....ja...Ich weiss nicht, ich glaube das...nein...das ist nicht moglich...aber sie und Gilbert...nach den Bridalshower....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Nein....nein...Ich glaube das nicht....
Lacie giggles...her german is truly awful.....and her spelling even worse!
I'll make her a smoothie for her upset tummy...probably just nerves...I just hope she doesn't faint at the alter......
The pictures are totally amazing....you have COMPLETELY OUTDONE YOURSELF....I loved it when we were singin' all the german folksongs while we were drinkin' bier!!!!...
Muss I denn, Muss I denn
Zum statele hinaus...statele hinaus...
Und du, mein Schatz, bleibst hier....
Wenn i komm, etc...
Lacie drank a few too many of her biersmoothies at the Biergarten....
Um Asta...the Wheelies are talkin' bout doing the Stations of the Cross at the Kirke...somethin' bout there being a hooge hill to zoom down to the bottom of the mountain....I hope they don't get in trouble...
And they want to go the the salt mines in Hallein....and go zoomie down the slides...OMD, this is sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!
Thank you my best friend forever, for plannin such a totally cool and fabbers wedding!!!!!
Gotta run and get dressed!!!
Love you buckets...
"Wann und wo...
Wann und wo...
Seh' uns wir und wieder...
Und sind froh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ich liebe dich...Schatzie!!!
We are having the time of our life! Can hardly wait to see Myrna's gown.Excitement hangs in the air and everyone is so happy. Just love it!
Smooches, BabyRocketDog
This is so much fun! Agatha is such a great companion.Tomorrow I get to dance with Aggie AND Lacie has me signed up for like 52 dances on HER card!! 2 gorgeous gals to play twinkle toes with!!Sure glad I got a good bath so I smell nice for the ladies! Gilbert is quite excited.He was a little crazy at his bachelor party.hehe.Who knew an old guy could be so funny!
WelshieHugs, Hootie
Oh, sweetie, this IS the wedding of the year!! We are so happy to see so many cat- and doggy friends and never ever we have met so many wheelies!
Asta, you and your mommie have done the bestest job ever -- the wedding organization, the photos... SUPERB!!
Myrna and Gilbert are the luckiest ever! And we wish them all the love and happiness in the whole wide wheely world!!
Let's party further!!!
Karl & Ruis
ps -- OMC, of course pajamas are too casual. We don't know what went through our minds...? ;-)
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is an amayzing party!!! i am sorry i cud not attend but ever sinse the insident with agents mulder and scully i hav ben on the no fly list it reely krimps my style!!! ok bye
WE are speechless( and exhausted... Love Aggie and Arch
I told the boys they shouldn't wear PJs! Do they ever listen.....
Asta - this is the most beautiful occasion ever, we so love to be here with all your wonderful dog friends, and the CCSI gang, and in the beer garden - I can't wait for the wedding!!!!!
Mrs. OZ
And Tintin, Notty and Luna
The most wonderful time!!! And, Aunty Ami, the pictures are stupendous!!!!! Ahhhh, thank you, thank you. Hugs
hay hay asta! ok anok. boy o boy wuz that sum gud beer!! *hick*
i did not no u hadded a twinnerer. but thar she iz rite besidez u! *hick* sooter
I am SO STINKIN' EXCITED to be with you and all our friends in Austria for Myrna's wedding! Glad we got a photo of us smoochin'! I will cherish it forever!
I'm going now to sign the guestbook since I have a few free minutes in between dances (while Gussie & your other buds whisked you away across the dance floor)!
Goober love & smooches,
Asta! What a huge event. I bet it is on the front page of the newspaper today for sure. We almost missed the whole thing because Momma was off in Boston for the WHOLE DAY yesterday.
Wow! Thanks for the magnificent tour of Mozart's birth house it was pawsome - almost as pawsome as those Mozart chocolates...yummy!
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