a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, September 6, 2008

a Nicew Day, and pwayews fow Roscoe

This was NOT Today!!!
Today was dawk and wainy fwom The left ovew stowm that cwept it's way up hewe..I didn't get to go to the wun..I didn't get to go visit anyone..I stayed home and was boowed.......
I thought I'd show you a much bettew day, when I went to Petey's house to visit

Up on the" hooman only" tewwace
Awe they afwaid I might get it diwty ow something??
ow leap offf...sheeesh ...what a stoopid wule
anyway the pawents stayed up thewe fow awhile, Petey and Mica(his cat bwuvvew) and I played inside the apawtment
finally the hoomans came inside too and gave us some tweats..we wewe staaaawving of couwse by then, hehehehe

I twied to convince Mica to jump up on the countew and give us some yummies

he wasn't intewested
awww c'mon
no..I don't want to get into twouble when Mom comes home
let me sneep

he wouldn't even go into the kitchen
so I decided to chase him awound
he felt pwetty safe, once his Mom was back and he could use hew as covew

so we went diwectly to the souwce of the food...we've been little angels..honest!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a gweat time like always at Peteys..and Mica and I ackshually get along weally well..no hissing, no gwouwling..just fwiendly investigation on bof ouw pawts of a NOMSF
Now on a vewy sewious note!!!
I just heawd that my dawling good Fwiend Roscoe..who I visited this spwing in Italy is vewy ill!!!! this is Roscoe..isn't he bootiful?
he's a wondewful , sweet, bootiful cat, and his family awe tewwibly upset and wowwied...
Pleez use the powew of the paw and pway fow him and cwoss youw paws that he gets well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's impossible to be happy when fwiends awe sick...I'm thinking of you sweet fwiend!!!
smoochie kisses


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We had 3.5" of rain - lots of wind too - I've got lots of furesh stikhks if woo need any!

Sorry about Roscoe - paws khrossed from here -

As for the khat woo 'visited' - looked pretty tasty to me!


Anonymous said...

We hope you don't get to wet this weekend with all of the rain!

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Asta, we're keeping our paws crossed for Roscoe. We hope it isn't anything serious.

You & Petey are such good friends. You always have so much fun together. Gosh the view from Petey's apartment is fantastic.
Mica looks pretty comfortable around you too.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, dats cute sing u follow dat kitty around, she shoulda gived him a kissie....he woodnt b able to resist one of ur smoochie kissies....and me went to give roscoe my thoughts and prayers...me shure hopes he will b ok...

b safe,

pps, me not no y u and petey cant go to the hooman only terrace...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Asta. We loved the photos of your visit with Petey and Micah!

I will purr for Roscoe and Tom is crossing his paws.


Faya said...

Je vais croiser les pattes pour le petit Roscoe.
Tes amis sont vraiment formidables. Tu as toujours autant d'énergie ? Il m'en faudrait un peu pour m'occuper de Dyos....je suis épuisée....
Bisous à tous, Faya

Dandy Duke said...

We think Mica should have been more helpful about getting you and Petey some yummies!
Our paws are crossed for Roscoe!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

The circle of healing vibes will be done for Roscoe. As you know, I am very fond of felines.
I can't believe you would try to get Mica to do anything she did not want to do. They are very stubborn.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

The views from Petey's apartment are spectacular. You, Petey and Mica always seem to have a good time together. We will keep our paws crossed for Roscoe.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Mack said...

I think you get prettier every day! That last pic of you is da bomb!
Mica seems like a sweet kitty. I know he was glad to see you.

We are crossing our paws that Roscoe gets well quick!


Amber-Mae said...

What a loverly day it was! I agree with ya. I think that is the silliest rule I've ever heard in mah life! We doggies know what would happen if we leaped off. Duuuhhh! Anyway, I hope your dear friend Roscoe will get better soon. Some Golden healing thoughts are coming his way!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our paws are crossed for Roscoe. It was such sad news, we hope he gets well soon.

Your flamingo from Stan is cute. We think you should get the post it notes they are perfect for you. ~S,S & C

Stanley said...

Sweet Fuzzaroni Girl!

All of us in GooberStan are crossing everything we have & praying for Roscoe. He's been such a good buddy to you and I KNOW his mama and papa love him so much! Keep us posted.

As always, I love to see you and Petey and Mica together. Mica is a very daring cat to just sneep in your presence. I like the fact that he's got some moxie. Looks like the 3 of you always have a blast together.

I too am trying to train Merv to knock certain things off of bookshelves and counters for me, but he's having NONE of it.

Goober love & smooches,

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We will cross paws for Roscoe. We hope he gets better soon.
Those are some bautiful pics. The ones from the terrace and the ones of you and petey and mica. All great. I can believe Mica wouldn't help you. Cats are sooo stubborn.
Hope you don't get loadsof rain.
Have a great weekend.

Agatha and Archie said...

We will keep our paws crossed for your pal Roscoe....and we think you are the nuts for playing so nicely with Mica...as you well know some of us wouldn't be able to do that...Love and kisses A+A

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi my sweet Asta! I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to come and visit you. I don't understand why they don't let woofies on the beautiful rooftop terrace....silly rule to me! I love the pictures of you playing with your friends! You are such a sweetie! I am praying very hard that Roscoe gets better!!!

Love and many smoochie kisses from me to you! Please tell your mommy and daddy "Hi!" for me!

Love, Auntie Deb

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Looks like you had a fun time!
I will go visit and meet Roscoe.....so sorry to hear he is not well.

Daisy said...

That sure is a beautiful view from the terrace! Maybe, since you and Mica got along so well, you could get your very own cat! That would be fun.

I am purring my best for Roscoe.

Chef said...

A day at Petey's playhouse is better than a rainy day at home, that's for sure! You two always have so much fun, even with a cat around! Hope you're having a great weekend. It's dawk and wainy hew in Montrweal ... oh my dog, I'm starting to bark like you, Asta!!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...we told all the cats we are purring for Roscoe...um...since we don't purr well, we're actually BARKING our full heads off, but we didn't want to scare any of our furry kitties...

You and Petey had soooo much fun!!! His brother kitty looks very disginguished...is that how ya spell that? Did you like the pic of Scuffy with the long tail...He um "borrowed" the look from Cassidy....Mumsie's gettin' better at it!

Petey's roof terrace looks amazing...he does have an excellent view...tell him I miss his harass...er loving compliments.....

Barkies my BFF...Laciegirl

BenTheRotti said...

Hi Asta,

What a wonderful view that is from Petey's terrace. You look like you had a whole bunch of fun over there. Sorry you have had stinky weather today, i hope tomorrow dawns beautiful for you.
What sad news about Roscoe, I will keep in my my thoughts and prayers and pop over there now to give my love


Ben xxxx

Joe Stains said...

Looks like you had a fun night even if you didn't get to go up on the roof, what a stupid rule. We will send healing vibes to your buddy Roscoe!!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

My Mom was watching that storm yesterday on the TV & I said, I bet Asta is getting rained on...

Looks like you had alot of fun with Petey & Mica...

I'm sending Good Lhasa Vibes to Roscoe...There are way too many of us getting sick lately...

Abby xxxooo

Dexter said...

Asta - That cat is not a very good host. If you were at my house I would get you anything you wanted.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I can see you had fun with Petey and Mica! Too bad Mica did not cooperate with the treats!
I have my paws crossed for Roscoe.
Kisses and hugs

Sassy Kat said...

I always enjoy seeing your beautiful city of NY. You always have such fun things to do there.
I appreciate you letting your friends know that sweet Roscoe is ill. I hope all the prayers and thoughts help him get better soon.

Tesla and Hansel said...

I went ta leaf nice comment on da bloggy of dat roscoe. I hopes he gits betteh real soons.

also, dat ISIS woofie, well, she no nice. She wanted to eet mez, fur reals. eet eet eet.

Mr. Hendrix said...

i'm sorry you were bored this weekend. mommy's old woofies hated when it rained cause they couldn't be outside lots.

i'm bummed Mica didn't want to get on the counter for you. i would have. i love an excuse to get up where i am NOT allowed.

we are sending many healing purrs and prayers to Roscoe. we hope he is already feeling better.

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, it's so cool that you have Petey to visit and to play with. even his kitty seems nice.

we will go visit Roscoe. we don't like it at all when our friends are sickie.


Unknown said...

Mica here, and believe you me, I am EXCELLENT at procuring snacks of human food! Once, Petey and I worked out a routine where I stood on the laundry bag and opened the cabinet where the snacks are stashed, then I'd toss the bag down to Petey who'd rip it open and we'd both indulge!

Just want to set the record straight...

Your pals,

Mica (and Petey)

Unknown said...

Everyone sent me SO many thoughts and prayers when I was sick and now I am just dandy the doctor says...so I'm sending all I have and all the extra left-overs I have too!

Here's to Roscoe!

Love, Herc

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i can't imagine that mica is such an obedient cat.... is frustrating yea

T-man's mom said...

We'll be thinking of Roscoe & praying for his recovery. I know how hard it is having a little one who's sick.

Thanks for your kind words about T-man. I miss him so much, and am touched that you miss him too.

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

Kirby said...


I've got my paws crossed for Roscoe. I stopped by his blog and saw that he had eaten a little, so that is a good thing. I'll keep cranking out as much Aire-zen as I can.

With all that rain NYC got, I can understand why you want to remember a great day at Petey's. I don't understand why some places don't allow dogs. You and Petey would be great pooches on the terrace. At least you had fun with him and Mica while you waited for the hoomans to return.

Your pal,

Emily and Ike said...

That is so not fair that you aren't allow on the terrace!

Thor and Jack said...

I am keeping my paws crossed for your friend Roscoe. I hope he gets better soon.
The views from Petey´s apartment are fantastic! Looks like you had a fun time with Petey and Mica!

Love and licks