a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wheeley Wednesday Myrna's being Mystewious

Hello evewyone..this is ASTA speaking..I'll xplain why

I got home fwom New Hampstew(the twip pictoowes will continue tomowwow)
and found Myrna in a dead faint!
I was weally wowwied, and put hew to bed..I couldn't figoowe out what happened while we wewe gone...I found champagne glasses and wemains of a feast.. but othewise all the things in the house wewe nowmal
I haven't been able to get a wowd out of hew..she just stawes at this pictoowe all day and sighs

and stuffed in a dwawew, I found this pawtwait of hew..blushing wildly and having a gweat big diamond awound hew neck

I am vewy concewned and puzzled.......... if any of you know what is going on..please let me know..

Myrna just spluttews and blushes evewytime I ask hew


i said...

Ooh looks like someone has been naughty naughty...Blushes? Hmmm...is Myrna in love?

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I sense that love is in the air! Awwwwww! J x

Kyanite said...

Could a wheelie engagement be announced shortly!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. Looks like Myrna have been busy while you're all away

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

What has been going on?

Simba x

Princess Patches said...

Asta, you might want to see if Gilbert can shed any light on this. I think he might know exactly what is going on!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Goofy said...

What is happening???? but i smelt love air~


BrandytheGreat said...

Hmm. verry sus-pi-cious! You definitely should observe her for a few days!

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta Girl!

I think the wheelie you need to be asking is Gilbert. We only called Myrna & left that message about cleaning the house up before you all got home just in case she had had a wild party. I'm guessing it was just a party for 2.

Hope you get to the bottom of the mystery. Maybe you need to employ Mr. Joe Stains and get him on the case.

Goober love & smooches,

Agatha and Archie said...

Myrna my darling,COuld this be true??Have I been pining in naught??? Love Sullivan( this A+A house is HOT.......they have the best places to go eat and the kitchen is CONSTANTLY stocked.....There is a nice TV and there is this thing called a bomb shelter.I AM NOT allowed in it per Agatha but I hear it has GREAT stuff in it) Please RECONSIDER....... Your dearest Sullivan PL2 mutters alot about how her food bill has dramatically increased since I have arrived and she keeps swearing when she trips on me as I roll around the joint)

Gus said...

If you want, I can send Joe and Butcho your way when they are finished with their undercover work. Myrna looks pretty happy...
Hope he is a deserving guy.


Toffee said...

...I can barely type because I am blinded by the brilliance of that GIANT diamond!!...wow!...

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

Oooo Oooo a diamond!! Mommy says diamonds are girls best friends, next to puppies and kitties of course! But I don't know why they make you blush!

slobber kisses

the many Bs said...

it sounds like someone is in love.


Petra said...

Woo! With a diamond THAT size, I'd say something very serious and mysterious is going on...

Amber-Mae said...

I'm guessing she has a crush...Oh Myrna, tell us your secret!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Unknown said...

Question...has Myrna been watching a lot of Meg Ryan/Julia Roberts romantic comedies whilst perusing the Victoria's Secret catalog?

Sounds like the squeaky wheelie got the oil!
(I don't know what this means.)

Your pal,


P.S. Hope your ear feels better soon. Do you need me to send you some earmuffins?

Daisy said...

Oh my goodness, Myrna! This sounds like something very romantic...

Moco said...

Look at that rock Myrna has on. I hope you have your wedding planning skills honed. This could be the social event of the year.

Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, Mryna is sweet on Gilbert! Young love is so sweet!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

Uh Oh....she must be in true love...it doesn't happen very often, but when it does...my mum says it is the greatest thing besides apple pie or atleast thats what she has heard. She says she is truly in love with me and I am the greatest, but I haven't gotten no diamond or anything like that.

Stanislaw said...

Hey Asta! I've added you to my links list. I hope you don't mind!

Clover said...

I don't know why Myrna is acting so weird...
But I LOVED your new hampster pictures! Looks like such a beautiful place - and I bet you had fun!
Love Clover xo

Mack said...

I think she's in LUV!!

I think I just may hear wedding bells!!

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, cood dwb's b havin another weddin soon...myrna must b in LOVE!!!!

b safe,

Dewey Dewster said...


Did Myrna get engaged ta another wheelie???? From the looks of the heart on her chest there....I think she's smitten fer sure.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Jans Funny Farm said...

What was Myrna doing while you were gone?

Thanks for straightening out our confusion over Auntie Karen. Guess we just assumed she was your mom's sister. They do look so pretty together. They could have been sisters. :)

Rudy said...

Those wheelies -- they get around, don't they? I never see any, they must be hiding from me.

Hey I finally got Mom to post an agility video of me from last weekend. That little brown dirt-ball is me! I was being baaaaad for Mom, she knows I can be better than that. I was still high from the weekend before, diving into tunnels looking for rats!


Koobuss said...

I think that Myrna had more fun when you were away than you did. Hehe.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Myeo said...

We think Myrna is in love. Do let us know if you find out more,

Boy n Baby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
do you think Myrna had an engagement party while you were at New Hamster?
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Myrna...You will??????????? Oh Myrna...really??? I.....

Gilbert passes out cold on floor clunking his head...Large goose egg beginning to form.

Lacie rushes in with ice and completes neurological testing.

Gilbert appears to have concussion. He will have to be awakened every 2 hours tonight.

Unsigned wheelie barks as he's down for the count....G.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi Asta sissy! No, SS is still in China but Hong Kong is as close to normal life style as she knows it -internet and ATMs that let her get cash. The latter is very important as she was totally out of cash. OK what's up with Myrna??????? Must be the first wheelie wedding.

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

All I can say is a quote from the movie Princess Bride.....

Twwwwwoooo lub.

Joe Stains said...

Uh oh sounds like some serious romancing was going on when you were gone!! I hope Myrna spills the beans, I cannot wait to find out what happened!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Looks like Myrna is in love!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Deefor said...

Hi Asta
I guess Myrna can get into a lot of trouble alone in the Big Apple. Having a wild time with someone special. I say next time you go somewhere, put Myrna is Wheelie Daycare.
