a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Awwival in Iowa & Calling my bootiful , single Giwlfwiends

sent fwom my eye-fone fwom IOWA

I've awwived at Snickers' house and she is comfowtable..
we awe awaiting the wesults of hew tests fwom the dogtow..meantime , we awe making suwe she is comfowtable and entewtained

now anothew topic.....
it has come to my attention that my good fwiend and pwotege, Petey,has placed a pawsonal add in the hopes that bootiful , pupgiwls will wespond, and see what a gweat guy he is......

and guess what..he's hawdly gotten any giwls wesponding..I can't believe this..he is fantastic, and any pupgiwl would be lucky to have him as a boyfwiend..so what's going on Giwls??

I hope all of you awe well..I have to go plug in my fone now..my battewy is going


Lizzy said...


I'm sure Snicker's appreciates your love and support!

Petey doesn't have any girls yet? Well! If I were a girl, I'd be after him right away! But I'm not a girl, so I guess that won't work, eh? Oh well.


Dewey Dewster said...


I did meet a few cairn girlies at earthdog practice that I can possibly introduce to Petey but ya know then there's my Mom out there and she's a ball player too so maybe they would get along great.....'n then she would be outta the ballfield when I'm in it too....just a thought there.....

Hope all is well with Snickers.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

andrahyb said...

Hello Asta!

We hope all is well with Snickers.

Petey doesnt have a GF now but soon! Keep it up & we have faith in you!

Rudolf & Goofy

Joe Stains said...

I think all the girls are taken!?! whats a dog to do?? I hope he finds true love.

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, tell Petey me not has a girl friend either...hmm me just wuz thinkin watts up wiff dat...hope ur patients iz doing well girlie...i nos wiff ur and lacie's help they will b soon...

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's so pawsome of you to help take care of Snickers. I hope Petey gets a cute girlfriend..

~ Girl girl

Patience-please said...

We hadn't heard abou Jackson or Snickers, and we're going to run and see how they are.

worried wags from the whippet

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I am sure Snickers will be so happy to see you and she will recover nicely under your care!
I saw Petey's ad and Moosie was soo soo keen (oops, sorry Moosie), but Petey only wanted to date within his species, which I totally understand...

The Cat Realm said...

If I'd fancy dogs I would definitely answer Petey! He should find someone in no time, one would think...
Meanwhile I am pondering why Karl and Ruis never even asked me to join them on the safari.... they just left me at home. Say bye bye snuggle, Karl, you'll not get that one back ever!
Mrs. OZ

Koobuss said...

Kousin Asta,

I just went over to Pete's blog and introduced myself. I hope he likes me. I really didn't mean to make him feel bad when I said that he doesn't know much about girls (He really doesn't, does he?) But that can be a good thing. It means that he's sweet and innocent, and we all like sweet and innocent. Do you think that I should apologize to him? Now I feel bad.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

i said...

Hi Asta, it's so nice of you to help to care for Snicker. Hope she's doing fine.

Petey looking for a gf? He's such a hunk, I'm sure he'll have tonnes in no time at all!

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, me toldid petey to ask u to introduce him to maya and kena, or moxie and izzie...dontcha think they cood b his new girlfriends...

b safe,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, Pawsonally, I think Petey is a bit of a catch. I'm sure he'll be snapped up in no time! J x

Myeo said...

Hey, i would if i am still single..

Boy wanted to try but i told him that Petey wont like HIM..haha


Amber-Mae said...

Oh no! What happened to Jackson & Snickers? I must head over their blogs & check them out.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

If I was a younger girl, I'd sure go after him! He's a cutie!
Give Snickers our best, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Lilly's available...

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I'll go visit Petey right away...

I hope all is well with Snickers...

Abby xxxooo

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Asta. Mommy just about fainted when she saw that painting of you!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi Asta sissy!!!!! How are things going? Haven't been able to log in for a while. All is well now that SS is back in Hong Kong. Internet as per normal. Yaaaayyyy!

SS is having fun shopping. Would be better if she had more funds but well, that's life. So many nice things here.

Did Mommi do that painting? It's gorgeous.

Deetz said...

I am so relieved to know you are there taking care of Snickers. I so worry about Snickers.

Harry said...

We have everything crossed that Snicker's seizures are soon under control, we can imagine how worried her mum and dad are.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Unknown said...

Ahem, Asta? While you're over in the UK, perhaps you could let Lacie take a shift and go out for dinner with another handsome wiry boy over there, oh I don't know who, maybe....ERIC?

Suave, shy, handsome, Hugh Grant with a wiry butt ERIC???

Just a suggestion...

Your pal,


Jake of Florida said...


Perhaps you could start an e-harmony program for lonesome batchelors like us. Just Harry and I have tried several times to find sweet girls to love us -- to no avail as yet. Do you think there would be hope for us, as well as for Petey???

Jake and Just Harry

Eric said...

Asta, you are doing a superb job looking after Miss Snickers and Jackson, you nursies are all brave and very kind. I'm wagging them both huge get well wishes.

I saw you message bout Petey to your girlfriends. he deserves someone very special, he is the pawfect chap.

Talking of dates um ere.. cough, er.. w..w ..would you considering going out and painting the town orange again with me Asta when you are nursing Jackson? But only if Jackson is well and happy for you to go of course and give us his blessing.

I' wagging that you can...we could go to the Tea Dance at the Cafe Royal, sit amongst the palm trees, sip tea out of bone china cups, nibble delicate cakes off siver platters and then foxtrot to our hearts content. The on to the theatre to see Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat ( I hear it's mostly orange)followed by a moonlit picnic by the riverside where we can gaze at the dogstar and howl at the moon...

If you want to that is...Wistful Wags , Eric x x x

Simba and Jazzi said...

I think we boys out number the girls. Good luck to Petey in his search for miss right.

Simba x

Daisy said...

Petey is such a handsome and charming fellow, I hope he can find a girlfriend soon!

Petra said...

I think Jake might have the answer; Petey should check out e-harmony and see what happens!

I'm so glad you were able to find your way to Iowa and Snicker's house! I'm waiting to hear a good report.

Moco said...

Lovely pictures at dawn.
Don't work so hard that you become sick also. Take care of yourself as much as you do others.

Princess Patches said...

Asta, it is very sweet of you to hop between continents to take care of Snickers and Jackson. All our paws are crossed for them! As for Petey, I think we are all a little too old for him, but he sure is a cutie! We're sure he will find the pawfect girlfriend soon!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Deefor said...

Hi Asta
You have a big heart. And a busy life. I don't meet many girls around here. Hope Petey finds someone special. I think Arrow scares them off.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I know how does it feel when someone close is in pain or ill all the time. My hu-mom is always ill, and there is better days and then there is worse days. But I know that I'm the best therapy for her.Together we are happy and my hu-mom keeps going. Today is good day for her. Hopefully tomorrow too because we are going to travel to see our hu-mom grandma. Well no I need my good long night sleep! Check out my blog too!

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hi Asta
Thank you so much fow youw sympathetic comments about my sad caweew as a food cwit. It meant a lot to me. And I will bwush up the movie.

I don't know what Petey's pwob is with the giwlfwiends. I have lost a few and gained a few mowe, and by and lawge I hope they awe all happy with me.

I haven't wwitten about them fow a while so pewhaps I should. Best not to fowget about them.

My next post pewhaps.

Sending good vibes to Snickers.

Pippa xx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Baby Callie is home. We are so excited..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Baby Callie

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Blogger is being REAL BAD for Mama right now. This is the third time we are trying to post this comment. We went to visit Petey and his Mom does NOT need surgery. Isn't that great news?

We also saw his ad. Do you think that he might want us as girlfriends? If not, then maybe we should see if Jake and Just Harry and/or Rocky would like to be our boyfriends.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...and Petey suggested I pick up an extra shift so you can go DANCIN' WITH ERIC?? When Agatha gets here, my sweet Dunny and I have a date though I have to admit I didn't hear anything bout tea in bone china cups...um are bone china cups rawhide in the shape of a cup with tea in it? Sounds sorta disgusting.

Hey...the peeps rented UNDERDOG tonight. I'm sure there are toothie marks on the TV where I bit it....Oh My, what an excitin' movie! I had to teleport home for a quick peek at one of Gilbert's Wheels. He was limping,but he just needed his tire inflated a bit...I'll be back for the 11-7 shift...ya know I love the night shifts....

Barkin' at ya Asta Girl....


Chef said...

Asta, do you think Petey will go out with a catgirl? I have two single catsisters. Beauty is an older girl and Rugrat is a little dumpy - nice personality, tho. Please take good care of Miss Snickers.

I am blushing too! You are so booootiful.


Noah the Airedale said...

Asta you are the bestest friend a girl can have. I bet Snickers is feeling better since you arrived.
Poor Petey, he must be wondering where all the girls are. He is such a great doggy. We think he'll have a girl in no time.

Hugs and tail wags
ps. we might need you here next week...I'll keep you posted.

Agatha and Archie said...

OMG we are behind in our reading and we didn't know she had another sezure I am on my way..Love Aggie and Archie

Snowball said...

I am still keeping my paws crossed for Snickers. I hope the test results come back to be ok.

Petey is a very handsome boy but he is too young and seems very active. I am afraid with him around, I won't be able to get my much needed naps and without the naps, I will get body aches.


Jans Funny Farm said...

You are such a loyal and helpful friend, Asta. We're sure Snickers appreciates your help and concern.

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta,
We hope Snickers feels better in no time!
And sorry we haven't been blogging lately. We just found out from Rocky about Petey and we went to his bloggy to check it out. We've always thought he was a cutie!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena