a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going to Snickers' Birfday Pawty

We'we all set..Petey finally decided to bwing a pwechewed Tennis Ball as a pwesent..saying that it was mowe pawsonal that way.....whatevew..sheeesh ...boyz.........

Petey and I decided to meet on the stoop halfway between ouw two apawtments to wait fow AIW WUBY
this way we won't waste any time and can get going immediately to Butchy and Snickerw's house and stawt the celebwations!! I can hawdly wait to see all of you!!!



Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Asta. This is our first visit to your blog. We heard about you from Petey. We enjoyed looking at your blog, especially the Bastille Day celebrations!

Amber-Mae said...

You sure look soooper excited! See you there Asta!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kyanite said...

Pawty time again - see you later today.

And, don't forget I've given you two awards - one for photo's the other for words!

Love, pats & pets

Duke said...

We're waiting for AireRuby too, Asta! See you at the pawty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

oh yeah. Absolutely.
Pre-chewed is the only way to go.

See you at the pawty!

Faya said...

Hello ! Amuse-toi bien et n'oublie pas la crème solaire !
Bisous, Faya

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Have fun at the pawty...

I think Petey chose the right thing...A personal gift is always best...

Abby xxxooo

Unknown said...

"Gently chewed," Asta, with "special recipe Petey Flavoring" is how I'm going to describe my gift of a "vintage tennis ball" to Snickers!

Will there be a movie on the flight or shall I grab a copy of pUpS Weekly?

Your pal,


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Asta! We hope that you have a wonderful time at the party!!!

Daisy said...

Have a wonderful time, Asta!

Peanut said...

see you at the party we are going to have a blast

Goofy said...

Wow.. That looks fun..!!! Enjoy!!


BrandytheGreat said...

Enjoy yourself! Before i furget, i tagged ya! Check out ma bloggie!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
You and Petey sure are ready to go!
Petey chose the best present for Snickers!
See you there!
Kisses and hugs

Ruby Bleu said...

boys!!! Aire Ruby is about to touchdown...get ready Asta!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Deefor said...

Have a grrreat time and sniff all my friends for me. Any doggie would love Petey's gift. So personal and he made it himself.


Joe Stains said...

Petey had a tough choice. We are SO excited about the party!!!

Snowball said...

See you there, Asta. Its gonna be fun!


Noah the Airedale said...

See you on aire-ruby Asta & Petey. It's going to be a blast.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Koobuss said...

That's a wery good idea, Kousin Asta, to be outside and waiting with Petey for Aire Ruby. Petey is cute, but he seems to be clueless about girls. Hehehe.

See you at the pawty.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Petra said...

I hope Ruby is on time today! Have fun celebrating at the party.

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we're so happy that you are bringing Petey to the party for miss Snickers. we are going to wear our bandanas from Switzerland so we will look extra fancy. we can't wait to see your little fuzzy-butt again. will you save a dance for Bailey?


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You have a great time at the party.
Thanks for the well wishes for Callie. We are hoping she gets to come homes soon too. The house is way to quiet..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Yo Asta...you and Petey look FAB there on the steps waitin' for Ruby...we tried to take a pic today of us waitin', but it stormed and Lacie ran inside and shook...silly girl...Storms are Pawsome!!!

Bruvver is SUPPOSED to be doin' a little editin' for us on some of our pics at the pawty, but he's takin' his own sweet time. Mumsie bought a book bout editin'...now we just have to get her to read it!!!

See ya there...Lacie left a little early; she had tons to carry!


Juno said...

Hello sissy Asta! Snicker's barkday pawty will be fun!!

You look fab. in your orange bikini!!! We all have to enjoy summer!

Momo & Pinot

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I gave you an Award...

Stop by my Blog when you get back from the pawty...

Abby xxxooo

Eric said...

Asta, Can't wait to meet up with you and Petey on Aire Ruby and then pawty pawty pawty!! Save a fox trot for me. Woofs you lots.

Wagging my wig for you. Ewic x x x x x

Myeo said...

Hey Asta

We are going too. We will see you there.

Happy Birthday to Snickers!

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

I am going to SNicker's party with my Baby too! See ya there!

Randi said...

Awww! SEE YOU THERE Asta & Petey!

Love & Licks,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i'm sure u gonna have a grea time...

i said...

Isn't it exciting?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

You go on the best trips ever! You should be like an events planner, or a travel agent! You would be famous!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, Petey is so thoughtful with his pre-chewed tennis ball gift! Pawty on down! J x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah you 2 sure are cute.... Can't wait to get to the pawty

~ Girl girl

George the Pup said...

Looks like you're both ready for a great trip!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hope you had fun at the party. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis