a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, August 10, 2007

The day stawted off all gwey and wainy..it was kind of cool though..all the flowers were vewy happy
Just look at those hooge waindwopses
The wain was weally pwetty, and then it stopped and the sun came out again
Daddi and I discussed the wisdom of twying to go swimming again, and decided to give it a twy
Daddi and I sealed our agweement with a kiss

I hung out at the dock dwying off and waiting fow evewybody to stop swimming

Mommi went to "wead", heheeh suwe ,i believe her
Another wefweshing swim befowe we go to the house fow dinner
I thought the Lei, Gussie sent me fwom Snickers' birfday pawty was just the wight outfit fow dinner
It's dinner time again, miammmm, miammmm, slurp
Another pawfect day had come to and end as Mommi says, "a tiwed puppy is a vewy good puppy"


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, do you always eat like kings? Your food photos always make me hungry! You look a bit happier swimming in this video. Was it because you'd had more practice? The photo of you wearing the Lei is pawsome! J x

Duke said...

OMG I think I see oonies for dinner! Did you get any? Your lei was the PERFECT outfit for dinner!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Yes, your food always looks delicious! Did you have some??
Great photo of your mom "reading"!
Have fun

Putter said...

Asta! Asta!

WOW! What a greatest day that was!!!! You are a natural swimmer Asta! I am so impressed ... Super Duper Impressed ... When are we gonna swimmies together???? Wouldn't that be funnest!!!!! Talk to you soonest, K and Mom and Dad are gonna SEE you on Sunday!!!! OMG! It is excitingest!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Joe Stains said...

your food always looks so good it gets Mom and I both drooling. Is that a caprese salad with the tomato and cheeeese????

Stanley said...

Hey, Sweetpea!

It is now obvious that you are addicted to the water, as am I! You look like you've been swimming all your life, and you're such a strong swimmer too. You could be a rescue dog!

Now I see where you learned your fabulous smoochie kiss technique! Your daddy just puckers right up, doesn't he? Thank him for teaching you how important smoochies are. (He's a very cute smoocher - he should start all of his classes off showing that photo to his students - they would be putty in his hands after that).

Your mommi reads just like my girl. Did you get some time in the hammock with her? (They're fun for swinging in - in case you didn't know, hoomans like to be swung when they are trying to read).

Again with the FOOD! Those photos are OBSCENELY tasty looking. You always know how to accessorize. Your lei was the perfect touch.

More vacation photos please! I hope that's not the end.

Goober love & kisses,

Gus said...

MMMMM yummy. Fresh mozarella is yummy, though I can take or leave most tomatoes. And the lei looks charming, glad it had your favorite color in it!

jaffeboy said...

U look like a pro now, Asta. Isn't it nice to be able to swim around to cool down?

Oh & that dinner. What can I say. Kaylie is created a puddle with her drool now.

Oh, do come join us at the chat room this Sunday ok?! It's at 9am Buster time.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo of you and your dad having a conversation!!!

the many Bs said...

ASTA! You're the swimming girl! Good for you. You look like a natural! Yay!

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


What a beautiful vacation spot. You are quite the little water dog. Sounds like you are having a super vacation. Looking forward to more vacation adventures.


Ben & Darling said...

Oh Asta, we like your blog coz you always show us those nice vacation pic & yummy FOOD which really make me hungry of vacation & FOOD !!! and gal, you are really bootifol with the Lei on your neck. * muak muak*

Agatha and Archie said...

Well the lei was a smashing dinner outfit(we would expect no less)the food looked fabulous and you ,overnight became an Olympic swimmer!!You go girl!!!! Looked like sooooooo much fun! A+A

Agatha and Archie said...

We seem to be missing our picture....Archie was fooling around with the computer too much...........

Cairo The Boxer said...

You can swim??? And you're not even a year old. I am impressed!

I am back at home with my parents now because my g-parents are going to look at a pug tomorrow. I think they will come home with a puppy.

Faya said...

Oui maintenant j'en suis certaine, tu étais bien au Paradis sur terre... Ca reste un endroit magnifique même sous la pluie..Bisous, Faya

Gwyn Valentine said...

YOur mum looks realy chill on the hammock!
And what a nice kiss that was with your daddy! It looks like a wonderful day! I love the water!


Boo Casanova said...

errr... asta, i wonder if i can get a kiss from you like how u kiss your daddy...

wet wet licks


Kien said...

oh wow.. asta..u can swim pretty well.. how i wish i can swim like u.. i still can't find a place where i can swim!.. and those food.. OMG!.. makes me drool..

Golden Rossi

wally said...

Your vacation looks so fun! And my mom reads like your mom does! I love the picture of you swimming. Did you get to share in that tasty dinner for being such a brave dog?


Hana said...

Ohhhh Asta! I am getting caught up once again on the bloggies. Wow, you got to meet Maggie and Mitch and Putter! Looks like you guys had a grand time together. And, it looks like you are truly enjoying your vacation. What a life!! :-)

Koobuss said...

Looks like you had a great time. Glad the rain didn't spoil your day.

Vacations are wonderful things.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Your friend,

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You took to swimming like a lil duckie !!!
That food looked so good.Always makes my tummy happy!

Casper said...

Glad you had a great vacation. Welcome back!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi Asta!! What a great vacation ur having! Kisses and splashies; what more could a pup want! Do u get to sit at the table for those deelish meals your mom makes? U looked simply charming in your lei. It's the accesories that make s a girl happy! Lakie kisses..Lacie (& Scruffy, but he doesn't do accessories...)

Juno said...

Hi Asta, I am glad to see you're having a great vacation. You're very good swimmer!! I need to learn how to do it. As usual we were looking at the dinner picture for a long time. Everything on the table looks great!

Momo xoxo

fee said...

i am so impressed with you, asta! i went swimming with my wft parents on friday and i just kept coughing and spluttering and my butt kept going down!!! mom made me watch your video several times so that i can learn to do it better next time but i'm still not sure... how did you do it? you're really cool!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Can't stop you swimming now!

Bussie Kissies

Huskee and Hershey said...

Asta, Asta... I am SO envious of your holiday by the lake.. you get to swim, hang out with your pawrents, eat, sleep.. ah... such bliss! Enjoy every minute of it!