a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sinko de Mayo

Happy Sinko de Mayo
to all of you deew fwiends..it's not something that's celebwated hewe, but I'm detewmined to keep up wif all my oosual celebwations even though I'm at the othew end of the wowld now I am especially in a celebwation mood, cause guess what??????

 the POTP has wowked once again ! Thank you fow all yoow good wishes and pwayews fow Momo

 My sweet sissie MOMO has just witten me and hewe is what she said: "WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! A miracle!!!!!! Proves the power of global purrs. MoMo's biopsy result came back - the lesion is inflammatory and not cancerous!!!!!!!! We are doing happy dances. She needs to go back for injections every 2-4 weeks but that is minor. Cinco de Mayo, here we come!!!! The gang is on the party run again!!!" 

hew is a pictoowe of Momo and Gwacie sissies dancing wif me to celebwate

now it's time to eat and dwink and be mewwy! hope all of you have a most wondewful day smoochie kisses


tubby3pug said...

Cinco de Mayo is fun! Keep up all your traditions and that will help you feel a bit less home sick.

Urban Hounds

Winston said...

Señorita Asta,
Que Bueno!
Yoo wook Bootifull in dat lovely dwess, I wood lub to see yoo kick up yoo paws in a Mexican dance!
Hope yoo hab da most wondewful celebwation.

Yoo Macho furiend,

Sweet William The Scot said...

Cinco de Mayo is fun but I am going to the horse races. Kentucky Derby here in my part of the world.
Hope your day is a little cooler.
Sweet William The Scot

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, perhaps you could blaze a trail and introduce the Cinco de Mayo (is that how you spell it?) celebration to Europe. It does look lots of fun.
Toodle pip!

Bocci said...

We hope you and you family have a fabulous celebratory day, Asta! we're all for celebrations and we like Bertie's idea of you introducing Cinco de Mayo to Budapest! We're also going to watch the Kentucky Derby here today, so we'll have a double party

By th way, your header picture is priceless:-)

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Sinko de Mayo! We're cellybrating extra hard after hearing MoMo's good news!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Finn said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo Asta!

rottrover said...

Miss Asta! We'll toast you and Momo tonight when we have our margaritas!! Feliz cinqo de Mayo!!!

-Bart and Ruby

Duke said...

This is fabulous news, Asta, and we are so happy to hear it. yahoooooooooo

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo !!!!!
Asta, you look wonderful...you all do :)
We are SO happy about MoMo too!! Miracles do happen :)
See ya at the party!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Gus said...

Aqui Estoy Ahora! Que empiece la fiesta. Donde esta la bano? He tiendo mas mucho tequila y yo siento muy mal!

Perdoname por favor? Podría hacer que la sala de parada dando vueltas en círculos?

Puedo dormir en tu sofá esta noche?

te mantendrá a salvo de Lacie, ¿verdad?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Now that we have this wonderful news about MoMo... we can REALLY Celebrate!!!

Happy Sink O Dah Mayo.

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what wonderous news for MoMo! Let the MexiFestivities begin! OLE. Love your header pix and your dress is most gorgeous.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

GLOGIRLY said...

Whoa, Asta! Did you get carded for that margarita?!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Katie & Glogirly

Lorenza said...

Those are super news about MoMo!
A great reason to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with passion!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Wow, Asta - what an amazing celebration!! That's a great idea to celebrate festivals from other parts of the world. I am ashamed to say that I didn't even know about this one until I saw it on your blog! But now I have learnt something new! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Looks like you had a FUN celebration. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

So, I told Mumsie how the Sinko daaaaa Mayo is always on the same day every year and guess what she said....you will so not believe this...

She goes, Saturday???

It's hopeless, Asta. I mean she does ok with laundry and very very simple cooking, but seriously???

May I have MARG A RITA, dear? Have to pop over to Momo's before the Ipad goes dead...

XXOOOOO Beastie de Maya

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

So beyond happy to be with the gang celebrating Cico de Mayo! Let's continue through out the weekend!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am celebrating with you!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a party! I am just getting over that. SS can't wait to see you. She is leaving on Friday to go to Berlin.

White Dog Blog said...

Muy bueno! There is no better reason to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

I shall lift a tequila in Mommo's name. (just to be absolutely certain that the good news has been properly celebrated. Then perhaps, another for you, Asta...then I shall lay me down to snore in Spanish, with a right good will.)
Feliz Dias, todo el mundo!

Juno said...

We're glad to hear great news about our sissy. It's time for celbration!

The view from your building is beautiful! Beat the heat, Asta!

Momo & Pinot