a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 18, 2012


Pweeze excoose the long times between posts, but Mommi and Daddi awe wunning awound wif mowe offishul stuff all the time, pluse Daddi is doing the tax stuff, and is hogging the pootew all the time Anyway we awe having a few nice fwiends who come visit us occasionally and the vewy nice fwiend who was hewe awound Eastew time, has just sent us some pictoowes fwom that visit, so I thought I would show you

We went to a westauwant togethew(she tweated us)

Mommi told me since wew wewe inside, I had to be espeshully well behaved Sheeesh, awen't I aways? 
I said, of couwse I'll be tewwibully good Mommi 

 aftew, we went fow walkies to show ouw fwiend a little of the awea awoung the pawk and westauwant

 Ouw fwiend wanted to go to the bafs, and we went home and said see you latew

 She was a most wondewful houseguest and we hope she comes again
Wight now, I have to go cause we'we expecting a new batch of visitows fwom NEwYAwk any minoote

hope all of you have a most faboolous weekend
smoochie kisses


Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, sounds like a great time with your furiends and those are wonderful pix of you and your peeps! Everyone looks healthy and happy together. That's perfect. :)
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Declan said...

Have a good weekend yourself Asta! Deccy x

Gus said...

We love the pictures of Mommi and Daddi and you! Not too often we get to see all of you in the same photo!

We hope that you all have a great time with your friends, even though we are most jealous.


WFT Nobby said...

Asta, it does look like you had fun with your visitors. And of course you were well behaved inside the restaurant, I mean, surely Mommi should know by now that she doesn't need to remind you.
And how lovely to see several photos of Mommi and Daddi together, they look such a fine pair, you really are lucky to have them.
Have a great time with your next batch of visiting friends.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

What great pictures of the three of you, Asta! Have fun with your company!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Visitors coming all the way from New York! How exciting for you. I loved the pictures of all three of you together. Have a great weekend entertaining your guests.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Visitors from the BIG APPLE??? THAT is gonna be grrrrreat... They will bring you so many Familiar Smells and stuffs. Can't wait to see who it is!

Lorenza said...

Sure you are super well behaved!
I hope you will have a great time with your visitors!
Kisses and hugs

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta I am so happy to see you my sweet pal. The pictures are wonderful, I wish I could go into restaurants with my Peeps. The last picture of you is so pretty. I hope you have fun with your guests.

Loveys Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Asta
Wow - companys were there! And more companys coming!
Happy Days!
I love the photos!

George The Lad said...

Hi Asta's
Your friend took some lovely photos of mom, dad and you. So happy you all look. I see that the restaurant had your favorite colour as table cloths :)

You have a good time with your visitors, we will look forward to seeing the photos. I can see you are going to have a busy year :) so don't worry about visiting. Pucker up sweetie hugs and kisses coming your way.
Love George xxx

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Asta, sounds like your visitor was lovely and we think the photo of you and your mum and dad should be framed and put up on the wall cause you all look so happy! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Leigh said...

We love the photos of you and your peeps :-) Have a great weekend with your furiends from NY. Woofs and licks from Magic xx

Cowspotdog said...

My dogness that is one busy little life you have there and how wonderful you are making so many new friends and that old ones are coming to visit.

Bocci said...

So glad you had a good time with your friend (and that you were a good gal, Asta)

We'll look forward to seeing pictures from your New Yawk friends' visit!

Teddy said...

You all look so happy in your new home. And we're impressed that doggies are allowed inside the restaurants...wow!! What a great place!!


Martha said...

Hi Asta
We have never been inside a restaurant - occasionally when there are tables outside we are allowed to sit under the table!
That can be quite handy for catching any falling goodies!
You are such a lucky doggie but then again you have such impeccable manners!
We loved the pics of you with your mommy & daddy. Everyone looks well and happy in Budapest even though we know there are still times you are all missing the Big Apple!
Take care
Martha & Bailey xxx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta....did you specifically request to have an ORANGE tablecloth JUST for your sweet little head to serve as a scarf????? You looked fabulous in it. May I borrow it? For once it's an item that won't need drycleaning.

Mumsie took us to the kennel yesterday and well um she took Scruffy and me in first. He was SO EXCITED to be going in the direction of the CATS (OK, so I was too a bit; there was this hot male there the last time, but...) so we pulled and pulled and yanked Mumsie's thumb RIGHT into the door and she said bad words and then noticed she was bleeding. Sheesh. Ya woulda thought we'd just amputated her finger. So when she wasn't looking I crawled back into the car and got in her purse. Now I'm in NC with the Little Kitten. The boyz will be flying down tonight. Scruffy went to RentABroom.com...do you want them to come over and pick you up so you can pop by? Maybe get Enid and Eric and the A Team? This kid needs a lot of help. You should see the laundry she generates. Oh, grab the Prozi Proti er whatever lady for menial chores ....and bring the cow too. I need cream for Kitten's milk What? I don't care if Bessie doesn't have a passport...

Now I must go heat a bottle for the little darling. I'm wondering if Mumsie is going to get a shower any time soonest.

XXOO Nurse Teacakes

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta, it's your third cousin twice removed from your father's side. Stan and I have the Broom. They had one available that had been purchased from the Air Force. We will be by in an hour flat. Please wait on roof. No idea how to stop tthis thing.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh we are delighted that you are having company from home!
I adore the picture of all three of you...you radiate happiness!!!
I met someone you might be interested in seeing http://www.flickr.com/photos/37578663@N02/
her name is Elinor and lives in Budapest! I find her life amazing...maybe you can browse her pictures on a rainy day...
we love and adore you...karla

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, the pictures of you and your parents are just BEAUTIFUL! All three of you look SO HAPPY!

Your pal, Pip

Bobby said...

Great to see everything is going well Asta.
Licks Bobby.

Posie said...

Asta, whot loverly piktyoors owf yoor fureends vizitt!!! YEAH eetz troo! wowsies! N thatt lasht piktyoor owf yoo is simperly stunninn!! Yoo is soo prettiy n fluffery faced Asta! I loves eet! love n likkers, pdidlydorgdog xoxx

Oskar said...

Asta you look marvelous, really happy in your pictures. It looks like the move has worked out okay for your family.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

The Daily Pip said...

Don't you worry, Miss Asta, the cheeseburgers are safe and sound!

Your pal, Pip