a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 11, 2012

Doggie Day at the Pawk

A few weeks ago, my pawents took me to one of the pawks in Boo da Pest to a tewwiew Meet that we heawd about on FB
It tuwns out, thewe wewe vewy few wiwy kids, mostly smoof ones (bootiful) and some welshies and some kids wif mixed up pawents , but  the nicest thing of all was that lots and lots of these doggies wewe wescoos and you should see the love they'we getting now!
Some of the hoomans awe involved in fostewing too and one and all wewe dedicated to loving and helping doggies .
Even though it was hot,(Not Mommi's favowite kind of weathew), we wewe glad we went..plus, I got to sniff, and walk and talk to all sowts of lovely well behaved (but full of spunk) hungawian doggies..we had no twouble undewstanding each othew 
hewe awe some photos fwom that day

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aftew walking and playing, Mommi , Daddi and I wewe tiwed, so we got on the metwo and came back to ouw neighbowhood and plopped down at a little baw acwoss the stweet fow a cool dwink and snack befowe going upstaiws fow a nap

 they just have samiches , hot and cold..ouw favowite is  toasted bwead wif cheese

 ummmm, did you fowget that I am hewe?
let me come closew to wemind you

 btw, you might notice some flowews on the table..they awe lily of the Valley
it's what I got fow Mommi (Mommi's Day is the fiwst week of Apwil hewe)
I got some fow hew thwee times cause they'we sold all ovew the stweets by little old ladies

hewe's some fow all of youw Mom's

Sowwy, it's taken me so long to post this.. love and smoochie kisses


Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what a fun event! That's a great collection of gorgeous pooches and I liked the one pulling on his leash. BOL. That bread has enough cheese on it to be super-yummy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

ShellePenn said...

The meet up sounds great! See now you can practice learning more languages by meeting with all the different dogs!

The bread with cheese!! OMD That looks so good... especially with a cold lager.

Have a great weekend!
Milo, Dixie and their mom, Shelle

Berts Blog said...

MMM good sandwhich and a cold drink. what a way to end the day of meet and greet with friends.


Bobby said...

Hi Asta, We like your smile box, all the dogs look nice and friendly. John said those big beers look good and we all like cheese on bread, he also said Pip is a pest, but I do not know if he is a Buda pest.
Licks Bobby

rottrover said...

WHAT a fun day! Your mommi and daddi are so smart to find you fun activities so that you can practice your language skillz. Our mom, on the other hand is just droooooling at that cheezy bread picture with chilled beers. YUMMERS!! Hope you had a nice nap. We're napping now.

-Bart and Ruby

George The Lad said...

Oh you met a Welshie I'm gald he has found a home. We never see that many dogs on our walks, so pleased you had a good time, mom says she likes the bluegrass :) well that's what she calls that kind of music.
We can smell that lilly of the valley its lovely :)
Smoochie kisses coming your way
Love George xxx

Duke said...

What a fun day for you, Asta! Your toasted bread with cheese sure looks yummy!
We have tons of Lily-of-the-Valley in our gardens now and they smell wonderful!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Gus said...

Everything looks wonderful and the Muzzer says thank you for the lily of the valley flowers, she had a great aunt who always smelled like those flowers, it was a most popular perfume with ladies of a "certain age" and now she remembers her Aunt Rosalie every time she smells those flowers or thinks of them.

We think Buda Pest must be a marvelous place, and we loved the pictures. We are sorry to be so late, but muzzer is having computer problems, and we had to take a number to use dad's.

with many kisses and smooshies.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta Dear, I have been meaning to ask... How is that teefs stuff workin fur you?

That looked like a grrrrreat time you had.. and darn girrrrrrl that toasted bread and cheese.. looks DELICIOUS.

Your mommy's Lily of the valley are so lovely.

Lorenza said...

Sure it was great to meet all those doggie friends there!
I know you all had a super duper time!
Yummy lunch!
Happy Mother's Day to your mom!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I would love a little bite of that cheese bread, and would love to be able to sit with you for awhiles and watch your world.
All those doggies sounded nice and loved.
And, we love the lilly of the valley flowers. We have some growing in our yard that we transplanted from an old farm homestead in the woods. The flowers are very happy living in my yard.
Happy Moms Day to your momma!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Asta what a wonderful adventure you shared with us again! Sorry it was so hot for your mommy...we would not have been happy in the heat either...mommy still has a heat rash she brought back from Maui last month...
thank you for showing us the beauty of people who care for furries in your wonderful new old country!
We love you and think about you all the time because you are special heart friends!
Love Karla

Martha said...

Hi Asta
You picked the perfect flowers for your mom for Mother's Day - they were simply beautiful.
We enjoyed your Smilebox, so many wiry friends!
We are always reassured that there are more good humans in the world than bad and glad you are getting to meet them.
Is't Facebook wonderful for letting you know what is going on all over the world.
Well done reminding your pawrents you were there when they were relaxing with the cool beer and sandwich!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Martha said...

Oh no, we hate having thirteen comments so here is another!!!!

tubby3pug said...

Sounds like fun and that bread with cheese looks amazing, yum!

Also love those flowers, lilly's of the valley are our mom

urban hounds

WFT Nobby said...

What fun to see all the Hungarian terriers. But Asta, you are so sweet, buying lily of the valley three times for Mommi. But no more than she deserves.
Toodle pip!

houndstooth said...

You had such a lovely day! I always think of you when we pass a place with outdoor dining. You are such a cosmopolitan girl! And I adore those flowers! We have a bunch growing outside right now. I might have to have Mom bring some in for us!


Cowspotdog said...

How cool you got to meet all those other doggies and of coarse you could speak their language - doggie is universal after all. Those are some lovely flowers for your Mom and I bet they smell wonderful

Posie said...

hey asta,

those are summ pretti sheshul flowers u gott yooz mum fur muthers day!! SHe musta loverd dem! love n liks pdorg xox

Bocci said...

Looks like you all had a great time at your terrier meet-up-cool! (Or in your case, a bit too hot).
A happy belated Mom's Day to your Mom, Asta!

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
Happy mother's day to your wonderful mommi.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta, you are a lucky girl. What a nice group of doggies you got to meet. We loved your photos. That toasted cheese sandwich had us drooling for sure and thanks for the flowers too for mum. She loved them. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

Happy Mom's Day to your Mom Asta! :) That's a beautiful vase of lilys! Oh and the bread and cheese? To DROOL For Oh Yeah! :D Those tall glasses of suds looked very refreshing :) Great doggy park you found!

Waggin at ya,

White Dog Blog said...

It is good to know that even in your new country pups in need have lots of caring loving humans looking after their interests. Everydog looked well taken care of and happy!

Sounds like you had a great time despite the heat and isn't always the "cool down" snack at the end that makes the day perfect?

Lilies of the valley are one of my momma's favorite flowers. She smiled at the photo and told me as a child her house had beds of them all around the house foundation.

Hope you and Mommi spent some special time together yesterday... she is one very special mom!

Keith Andrea said...

Hi Asta! That was a great adventure huh! Looks you had lot of fun..

Stopping for a visit...

Dog Fence Systems and Electronic Fences
Pet Solutions

The Black and Tans. said...

What a fabulous day you had Asta. Are there regular meetings of all your new friends in Boo da pest?
Toasted cheese sandwich... yum. We adore cheese.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh that bread and cheese...(Lacie begins to drool) oh, I WANT SOME NOW NOW NOW....

Lacie begins to beat her little fists against the computer angry that Mumsie made her return to do chores...

I'm gassing up the broom...hey, Asta, I just took a BOO KAY of those Valley Lillies for Mumsie cuz she's gonna be mad I'm gone again...


Miss Toasted Bread Cakes

Teddy said...

Those are beautiful flowers you gave your mom! Wish her a Happy Mother's Day from us!

The Thuglets said...

Asta what a lovely day you had. Your cheesie bread looks yummy.

we love your new header.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Glad you got out and met some doggies. I bet somehow you are related to them. I am thinking the favorite part of the day for my mommie, if she were with you, would have been that nice drink at the end of the day. The food looked good too. Love to all at your place.