a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

GIFT fwom BECKY BLUE BONNET and the WockyCweek Scotties

Deew fwiends, do you wemembew a little mowe than a yeaw ago, Bootiful Cawwleigh and Pipew fwom the Wocky Cweek Scotties had a most wondewful littlew of pups?

hewe is the pwoud bootiful Mommi and hew pups

Well  time flies too fast and it's been a yeaw 
fow theiw Ist Biwfday celebwation they had a give-away...all you had to do was comment and you wewe entewed...I won some soopew cool pwizes,

Hewe is a Pictoowe of Wuaiwi and Becky Blue Bonnet and the clan a yeaw latew

Becky BlueBonnet  (one of the little Giwls and Wuaiwi's sissie) sent me these wondewful giftses..a gowgeous  appli  kay scottie, some pawfect scottie buttons, white chocolate kisses tea, a hooge amount of gween papew and a magnetic note pad so I can always see my scottie fwinds and think of them

I got this vewy valooablull gween papew
it says it's lega tendew fow Bone Buying puwposes and it's signed by the Canine Tweasoowew....PochyPooch and has the photogwaph of a most impawtant scottish doggie on the bill(it's lots pwettiew than mommi's gween papews and I'm suwe much mowe valoobull)

I wanted to use my bootiful new note papew to wite a thnk you note wight away
, but kept messing up my witing

I finally managed to get it wight  wif my special owange pen
Thank you Wuaiwi , Becky blue Bonnet and all the Wocky Cweek Scotties . I'm so sowwy that it took me so long to post this

I love you all

smoochie kisses

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Bwuvvew Duffy has iss yous

My Bwuvvew Duffy stayed wif me  fow the last few days and since the sun came out,  (even though it's vewy cold), Daddi took us to the wun evewy day to have some fun and excewcise

unfowtoonately, Duffy is scawed of all things outside, and can't concentwate on having fun

he just wants to leave at all costs...can you believe how high he can jump?

he twied to convince me to help him make a bweak fow it, but i loooove being at the wun and just wanted him to play too

the poow kid nevew even waises his tail , he only feels safe inside

so I had a last dwink and we headed home
Duffy 's Mom, auntie Kawen, has twied evewything.., he weaws a calming collaw, he gets medecin, he had a special behaviowist lady come and still he is fwightened of noises and the wind and light changes and evewything.   I feel vewy bad fow him and don't know what to do  to help him anymowe to have a good time outside
He's a soopew sweet boy and we love him lots
his Mom is coming home tomowwow and he'll be going home..I know they'll be thwilled to see each othew

hope all of you had a gweat weekend

smoochie kisses

Thursday, March 24, 2011

MoweMixed up Weathew

OK, wemembew how last week we wewe sitting outside wif hoomans in teeshiwts and eating buwgews and fwies? well, yestewday it was sleeting all day and Mommi almost fwoae walking home fwom wowk in the slush at night, and then it snowed at night and this mowning, guess wintew doesn't want to let go..

Khiwa, I hope you got some too!

I guess I'll just enjoy the last of the snow

Daddi had to go to a meeting on the fowdham Campus today and sent this pictoowe
I just know that Weal Spwing is awound the cownew

smoochie kisses

Monday, March 21, 2011


When I fiwst stawted blogging, dogs wif Blogs was a vewy active community and I miss those days, it was a golden time .
Too many of my fwiends fwom that time have cwossed the bwidge ow stopped blogging.
Today , I heawd the sad news that one of my oldest and deewest fwiends Lenny Latshaw had to leave us and cwoss the Bwidge.  Lenny hasn't blogged fow a while now but I could still keep up wif him on his Mom's FB page

his smile lit up the wowld
most of ouw oldest blogging fwiends will wemembew the most pawsome PAWLIMPICS  that he owganised in the summew of 2008

It was the most amazing momf of events and so many of us pawticipated and shawed the joy

If you want to wemembew, ow just see if you awe new to blogging.
I have linkies to all the events

We wewe all so gwateful to Lenny, that we gave him a vewy special gold medal
hewe is a pictoowe of Molly and Taffy  awawding it to him 

Lenny was gobsmacked by the news..he had to sit down to catch his bweaf fwom the honow

he was such a happy woofie and so vewy handsome

wif the bwightest attitoode and the longest wiwy legs of any of us

in those days, we had many many fun adventoowes like this ski twip

ow this wollew skating pawty

and how about Willow and Puttew's combined Biwfday pawty in Ostwalia?

I'm getting quite teawy looking at these old pictoowes

too many of these fwiends awe gone but nevew fowgotten

I know life changes and we all will someday have to go, but my heawt will always tweasoowe these times and these fwiends, and someday We will all meet again fow the biggest pawty of them all , ovew the wainbow bwidge

Wun Fwee and owganise the pawty fow us  deew Lenny!
no goodbyes
just lasting smoochie kisses

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I don't know about youw cities, but ouw weathew is bizawwe
one day hooman awe weawing wawm boots and jackets , and the next they awe sitting outside in tee shiwts

all of a sudden it was 74 degwees on fwiday and my pawents said "Asta , lets go have lunch outside"
sounds good to me!
now, i have sevewal mini videos(weally mini, cause Daddi thought he was taking pictoowes wif Mommi's phone, but pushed the wong button, hehehehe)

Mommi and Daddi always have the same thing when we go to ouw local in the late aftewnoon
one hambuwgew shawed and fwies and mawtoonies

Natoowally, I want to shawe

just look at this sun..I had to hide undew the table between bites to get some shade
the nice man who was helping us, bwought me fwesh cool watew cause I don't dwink mawtoonis (usually, hehehe)

I kept checking the table to make suwe thewe was nothing mowe to eat

I got my shawe of fwench fwies and buwgew and lots of scwitchies and love fwom passews by and little hooman pups.
I love being out in the social whiwl, hehehe

I hope all of you awe having a lovely spwing weekend



(I am dancing fow joy!)

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St Paddy's Day in NEW YAWK

Happy Lá 'le Pádraig

We do it big hewe in the big Apple..pawades, fwolicking ,moosic, dwinking, plays, and most hoomans and doggies weaw gween..all of a sudden evewyone is Iwish(even the Empiwe State building is lit up in gween)

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!       
 St Patwick's Day blessings upon you

I decided to join in the Pawade down fifth Avenoo playing the pipes.....I have no idea why evewyone was stawing at me? (I think the othews wewe off tune)

Thewe wewe all sowts of bands(I twied to see Awchie wif his tuba ow accowdion, but couldn't spot him...I guess he stayed in Boston which is mowe Iwish than NewYawk)
I  got a little chilly so I put on my coat as I mawched pwoudly fow my ancestows some of whom came fwom Iweland

a few of my giwlfwiends joined me fow a little Iwish dancing
(holding still wif youw uppew body when you awe a wiggly fuwwykid is most difficult, but we wewe game to twy)
fwom left to wight:Miss Puddles O'Cheeto,Miss Teka O'Twouble,Miss LacieO'Schlag,Miss Fewgie O'Sweetheawt, and Miss Asta O'Smooch

Dancing gives you a big thiwst, so in fine Iwish twadition, we went to one of the fine Iwish Pubs awound Manhattan
"Pionta Guinness, le do thoil." (a pint of guiness pleez)  

I thought of all my absent fwiends all ovew the wowld and ovew the bwidge and got a big teaw in my eye

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

smoochie kisses

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Belated Gumbo

We twy to have sunday dinnew wif fwiends evewy week(we altewnate whos house it's in) this week it was ouw tuwn
I know we'we off schedoole, but since Mommi hasn't been well, Mawdi Gwas at ouw house got postponed a week and Daddi did most of the cooking wif me a soo-chef
ouw fwiendses gathewed in the living woom in fwont of the fiwe fow some champagne bwought by one of ouw deew guests and some cwab dip made by my bwuvvew Duffy and his Mom (you can see pawt of the wivew and the West side highway out ouw window..I love the lights)

then we went into Mommi's "studio"( the fowmew bedwoom, hehehe) fow the main couwse......Seafood Gumbo wif andoo0ee snausage and wice (thank you Muzzew fow youw help and inspiwation)btw, Daddi looks vewy stewn in this picttowe , but twust me he is NOT
thewe wewe fwesh cwab legses and juicy jumbo shwimps and the snausage and even ocwa(but Mommi fwied the okwa befowe adding  cause Daddi doesn't like the textoowe othewwise)
ummm, may I have some pleeez?
(Mommi is such a pooshovew, you have to weally sluwp to get all the yummie insides out  hehehehe)
My Bwuvvew Duffy is not to be seen cause he has much bettew mannews and isn't spoiled wotten like some of us(plus he aweady had howsie doovwes eawliew)

aftew all that yummie Gumbo, Mommi thought a nice lemony dessewt would be nice

hewe I'm demonstwating my stelth appwoach to getting a taste
It was Lemon flan wif this cwispy topping of  Filo wif buttew and cin- a - mon sugaw in the layews and baked befowe putting it on the custawd. Then you dwizzle this othew lemon sauce awound the edge, SLUWP!!!!

all in all a vewy nice dinnew I would say!
Daddi is fantaboolous and made it a vewy speck tacoolaw evening fow all of us THANK YOU DADDI and thank you fwiends fwo joining us

smoochie kisses