a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, March 21, 2011


When I fiwst stawted blogging, dogs wif Blogs was a vewy active community and I miss those days, it was a golden time .
Too many of my fwiends fwom that time have cwossed the bwidge ow stopped blogging.
Today , I heawd the sad news that one of my oldest and deewest fwiends Lenny Latshaw had to leave us and cwoss the Bwidge.  Lenny hasn't blogged fow a while now but I could still keep up wif him on his Mom's FB page

his smile lit up the wowld
most of ouw oldest blogging fwiends will wemembew the most pawsome PAWLIMPICS  that he owganised in the summew of 2008

It was the most amazing momf of events and so many of us pawticipated and shawed the joy

If you want to wemembew, ow just see if you awe new to blogging.
I have linkies to all the events

We wewe all so gwateful to Lenny, that we gave him a vewy special gold medal
hewe is a pictoowe of Molly and Taffy  awawding it to him 

Lenny was gobsmacked by the news..he had to sit down to catch his bweaf fwom the honow

he was such a happy woofie and so vewy handsome

wif the bwightest attitoode and the longest wiwy legs of any of us

in those days, we had many many fun adventoowes like this ski twip

ow this wollew skating pawty

and how about Willow and Puttew's combined Biwfday pawty in Ostwalia?

I'm getting quite teawy looking at these old pictoowes

too many of these fwiends awe gone but nevew fowgotten

I know life changes and we all will someday have to go, but my heawt will always tweasoowe these times and these fwiends, and someday We will all meet again fow the biggest pawty of them all , ovew the wainbow bwidge

Wun Fwee and owganise the pawty fow us  deew Lenny!
no goodbyes
just lasting smoochie kisses


Peanut said...

The Paw-Limpics were a good time. I was sorry to hear about Lenny. This is a lovely tribute to a great pal.

Duke said...

What a wonderful tribute to a great friend, Asta. We sure did love Lenny.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

rottrover said...

We're so new that we didn't have the pleasure of knowing Lenny. Your tribute made Mom teary, though. Thank you Miss Asta.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta Dear.. you have given your furend Lenny a wonderful send off tribute.
Just as I was able to finally get my paw into the DWB door.... it was sadly closed do to the Bridge crossing that effected everybuddy. SIGH
I long fur the old times butt rejoice in the fact that we were fortunate enough to SHARE in the magical furendships and adventures.

Run Free LENNY

Barbara said...

Oh Asta, we are so sorry to hear that Lenny went to the bridge. It's very hard to lose good friends. He certainly was handsome, and it looks like you had great fun with him!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So sorry to hear about Lenny. You gave him a wonderful tribute today.. Hugs GJ xx

Lacy said...

w00fs, me is sooo sad Lenny lefted us...and me does miss the "good ole days"...when we pawty and came together for stuff, and were there for each other when something bad happened...

b safe,

Unknown said...

I did not haves da pleasure of knowing Lenny here in Blogville, butt after reading your post, I can see what a Handsome and Happy and Fun Guy he was!!

We enjoyed looking back at some of the Pawlimpic events!! Good times fur sure!

Godspeed, Lenny!

Bocci said...

Thanks for this beautiful post, Asta. We didn't know Lenny, but now we feel we do! What a sweet and handsome fella he was! He looked very tall for a wirey boy:-)

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're sorry about your friend Lenny. It is hard to keep saying good-bye to so many dear friends, whether they leave for the bridge or stop blogging. Purrs and tail wags for you and all of Lenny's friends and family.

Oskar said...

Asta, leave it to you to pay such a beautiful tribute to your friend. I'm sorry that your heart is hurting.

Love & hugs,

Gus said...

Oh, the Pawlimpics, and the wonderful bandannnaannnas that his mom made for us, and learning about moosic when his dad conducted the orchestra. I have been so sad today, even Teka has been quiet with me.


pee sss...I am worried about Bussie too!

Lenny said...

Asta, thank you so much for such a beautiful tribute to Lenny. It really means a lot to us. He was really lucky to have a friend like you and everyone on DWB - thanks for posting those memories and the picture of him free at the Rainbow Bridge.

Lenny's mom Kelley

Lenny said...

If it's ok with you I am going to post the picture on his blog

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Por Lenny! Oh boy, yes I remember. I was thare, at wun ov thoze! Yu can see me in my red coat.

I am so sorry that yu hav lost so menny pawriffic frends. Wat an awsum pawlympiks he arraynged.

Big nose hugs...

Scooter said...

Hey Asta,
Wow, that's a super nice post about your furiend Lenny. I didn't know him, but I love the pix from the sporting events! Those are great! That's a beautiful pix of him with the rainbow. Sending you warm thoughts in your saddness.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh, Asta. What do we say? We've been putting our nose to the ground sniffing out all sorts of stuff in all sorts of places ... falling behind on our time blogging ... missing it a lot ... trying to figure out how to balance Life. With Family. And Friends. And then we read this.

We knew Lenny from our first days of blogging (about two years now), but after all the fun times you described. Still. We feel as if we knew him. And his Family. "Cause we are all Family, of sorts. We all truly get how important we are to each other ... near and far. And we understand the relationship that us dogs share with the people in our lives.

Now we're even sadder today. We wish we could wave a magic wand and create a magic slate and make everything coming up roses. But we know Life doesn't work that way. So. Instead. We'll learn from our sadness and our disappointments and our distractions. And know that in the end ... we are all here for each other. We ARE family. And we will be there for each other. It's gonna be a great party when we are all together. For reals.

Much love. To you. To Lenny and his Family
Your bruvver Jake and your sissie Fergi

♥ Sallie said...

Awww. That was beautiful.

That olympics sounds awesome! We will check out the links.

((((((((((Big Hug)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend, Asta! Thank you so much for stopping by our blog on Friday and wishing Riley a happy birthday!! Nice to meet you!!

Elyse and Riley

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I am sad for his family. I never knew him. Mommy and I know what it is to lose a fur -body who is loved.
Sally Ann

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Asta, I am sorry about your special friend. I didn't know Lenny, but I sure wish I had - he looks like an amazing dog with a zest for life.

Your pal, Pip

The Florida Furkids said...

We didn't know Lenny but that was a beautiful tribute to him. That last picture was pawsome and gave Mom leaky eyes. We know our Sniffie will seek Lenny out at the Bridge and they will be friends.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Zona said...

What a beautiful post, Asta. I wish I had a chance to know Lenny. Sending you and his family lots of Zona snuggles.

Sad wags,

White Dog Blog said...

What a beautiful collection of memories you have of your dear friend! Although we never knew him, it is clear he is loved and will be remembered always. Our old friends are golden threads in the tapestry of our lives but remember, too, new ones are silver. Peace to Lenny and his humans.

Wyatt said...

That is a lovely tribute to Lenny!
What fun events, maybe we should have an event this summer :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a ver beautiful and loving tribute to Lenny! We didn't know your pal but it is easy to see why you cared so much for him. It is always so hard to lose a good pal. That last shot with the rainbow is awesome, Asta. So very sorry for your loss.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling girl, we are writing with very very heavy little hearts on learning about our dearest pal Lenny... You have captured it all very very well and for once in our lives we may be speechless..... It is nice to know that Lenny will be waiting for all of us along with our other dearest pals and we will all have a grand time.. Run free dear little pal and roll away in all that green green grass... Love A+A+PL2

Mack said...

What a super tribute to Lenny.
It feels good to remember the fun times we had with our friends.
See you later Lenny.


Cocorue said...

you are such a good furiend to Lenny and that's such a beautiful and loving tribute....

we know Lenny and all your other furiends will be watching over you for your kind heart

coco and tiffy

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend leaving. But Lenny will always be safe in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Bravo Asta!

Woo have given Lenny a furry special gift!

Thanks fur sharing it with us!


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

That was a furry bootiful tribute fur your special furiend, Lenny. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting him sooner, but he sure sounds like a most pawsome furiend.

Thanks fur sharing the lovely memories you guys had together. So sorry fur your loss.

Keeping his furmaily in our thoughts too.


Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute to Lenny.
He will be always in my heart.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Noodles About said...

A lovely tribute to a very special little dog indeed. We too miss the golden days of blogging but know that nothing lasts forever except our happy memories. RIP dear pal.

Sally said...

What a lovely tribute to a very dear friend - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We remember Lenny since seeing your tribute dear Asta. Thank you for bringing us these memories. We love you.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh Asta this post brought tears to all our eyes. We remember so well the Pawlympics and all those marvellous parties Lenny came to.

It is just so unfair our friends have to leave us but your tributes always help us remember all the wonderful times we have shared with our pals around the world.

Thank you Asta.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Martha said...

Asta, what a lovely tribute to Lenny.
What wonderful memories of those earlier DWB days too.
We particularly liked the picture of Lenny at Rainbow Bridge.
One day we will all meet up there we are sure.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We love the tribute to Lenny. Mama is getting a little teary-eyed reading this to us.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Fred said...

So sorry to hear about Lenny!

the booker man said...

oh, miss asta, i'm so sorry to hear that your awesome friend lenny had to leave for the bridge! i wish i had gotten to meet him cuz he sounds like he was a super fun lovin' and special dude. you pawed a beautimous post for him -- bunches 'n tons of grrreat memories of your dear friend!

the booker man

pee s -- i'm sorry the icky cold weathers came back to your house, too. :(

Amber-Mae said...

I remember all those great events we used to have together! Lenny will be missed by many. RIP buddy.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...I had to break out my Pawolympics mug and have a hoooge cup of carob with Schlag...he was a darling boy....and those legs...I have never ever seen a foxy with such bootiful legs...

That picture of him at the Bridge is so bootiful....

You did a wonderful fabulous job giving him a georgous sendoff...and think of the Welcome he had...

We love you!!!



mayziegal said...

Oh, dear, sweet Asta. I am SO very sorry to hear abouts your darling furend going to the Bridge. It's so very much hard when we have to lets them make that trip. But this was a Most Beautiful tribute to a Most Wonderful and Special furend. Run free, Lenny.

Gentle wiggles & wags,

doyle and mollie said...

ah your post is almost as beautiful as you asta... you are most special and its furry cool you can share some of those special memories... we are playing a new game today cos we have been such bad bloggers - you should come over and check out mollies eye lashes they are ssooooo long! loves and licks xxxx

Jake of Florida said...


We just got back from a trip and saw the news about Lenny. Your post with all those amazing memories had mom in tears -- Lenny was one of our oldest bloggie pals too and we will miss him. Thank you for putting such a beautiful tribute together.

Jake and Just Harry

Pippen said...


What a lovely tribute! We wish we had started blogging alot earlier so that we could have met all these pawesome pups that we only hear about too late.

Sam and Pippen

Dexter said...

It is always so sad to say goodbye to our pals even though we know they are running free and getting noms and funballs over the bridge. The last photo says it all.


Those Elgin Pugs said...

What a beautiful posty~
Lenny will always live on in yous heart and memories~

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Moco said...

Gone, but never forgotten.

Kari in Alaska said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind words. I can't believe we weren't following you before but we are now!!!!


George said...

I didn't know Lenny, but a lovely post in his memory, run free Lenny we will meet up one day.
