My Bwuvvew Duffy stayed wif me fow the last few days and since the sun came out, (even though it's vewy cold), Daddi took us to the wun evewy day to have some fun and excewcise
unfowtoonately, Duffy is scawed of all things outside, and can't concentwate on having fun
he just wants to leave at all costs...can you believe how high he can jump?
he twied to convince me to help him make a bweak fow it, but i loooove being at the wun and just wanted him to play too
the poow kid nevew even waises his tail , he only feels safe inside
so I had a last dwink and we headed home
Duffy 's Mom, auntie Kawen, has twied evewything.., he weaws a calming collaw, he gets medecin, he had a special behaviowist lady come and still he is fwightened of noises and the wind and light changes and evewything. I feel vewy bad fow him and don't know what to do to help him anymowe to have a good time outside
He's a soopew sweet boy and we love him lots
his Mom is coming home tomowwow and he'll be going home..I know they'll be thwilled to see each othew
hope all of you had a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses

Hi, Asta!
It is very sad to know Duffy has all those issues. But I am sure he knows he is safe with your auntie and you and momi and dadi.
There are things that scare me a lot too. Metallic noises are the worst! My mom does not know why...
Take care
Kisses and hugs
For me, its loud noises like thunder boomers or fireworks, other than that nothing scares me but I am so sorry for Duffy to be scared of evrything! I wish I could think of something that could help the little guy!
Poor little Duffy. At least he isn't paranoid when he is inside, right? It was nicce of you to try to get him to come out of his shell Asta. BabyRocketDog is a big scardy of noises...mommy was getting a paperbag out for the recycle stuff and it made a rustling sound & BRD cowered like it was a bomb! SHe's actually getting worse about some of her odd behaviours lately and we don't know why. SHe keeps putting on the skids while on her short lead someone is going to beat her. She's never been abused,ever,so we just don't get this strange behaviour. When we get up north we're hoping she'll get back to normal.
ps-Mommy has her cancer checkup tomorrow if you would keep her in your prayers.Thx.
We feel bad for Duffy as he is missing out on some great times. Has he ever been to the country? Is he just as scared of the quiet countryside outside?
Poor Duffy. We both love the outside, although we think Teka still prefers the Arizona outside where there is less rain, no snow and no ice. (too bad!)
Tell Duff that as perhaps the most truly zen of terriers, I am sending him calming zen so he can watch out for his sweet sissie.
And maybe have some fun.
Poor Duffy - we know you must try very hard to make him feel comfortable. He sounds like he isn't a big city boy, but likes his quiet and security. We know he will be very happy to see his humans soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh that is sad for Duffy - it would be so hard not being able to enjoy all the sights and sounds outside.
I am sorry I haven't been able to comment much - this is the first time in a week I have been able to get your comment box to appear - I do keep trying though.
Poor Duffy. I can tell that you are working hard to make him feel more comfortable in the out of doors. You are a good sister.
Oh poor Duffy. It's so much fun outside, what a shame he can't see that.
Well if anyone can help him to have a good time, it's surely you, dear Asta.
Toodle pip!
Wow! Does Duffy have bunny in him, Asta? He sure can jump high!
Maybe obedience class could help Duffy out? Mitch is going to start his session in a couple of weeks. He has iss yous too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Asta,
Does he always do this when he's outside or is he maybe looking for his mom? Poor Duffy.
- Smitty
Poor Duffy. But he sure is lucky to have you and his momma to try to help him with his iss yous.
You know, my momma belongs to a group on the internets called "Shy K9s." And sometimes on there they remind peoples to ask if they want their doggie to do something for their doggies' sake or because it would make the human happy. So now every time my mom wants me to do something that maybe I'm kinda skeered to do, she asks herself that question. Sometimes it's cuz it WOULD be best for me. But sometimes it's just cuz she thinks everydoggie should like doing this or that. And if she decides that it's just cuz of what SHE wants for me, she lets it go.
So if Duffy is happy being an indoor-only doggie (as long as he is okay going outside to do his "business"), then maybe that's okay. He very much obviously has a Most Wonderful mommy who luvs him oodles and I bet he's living a full life filled up with lots of happiness. And his momma should be proud that she's done everything she can to give him a good life.
Wiggles & Wags,
That's sad Duffy doesn't like being outside, but like mayziegal says if he's happy indoors them that's ok.
Glad you got some sunshine
Love and Hugs George xxx
I'm glad you and Duffy get to spend some time together, but it's too bad he's so nervous about everything. Sometimes these things just take a lot of time to work through. Don't give up on him!
That is a shame for Duffy to be sp scared outside, you might help when he sees you are quite happy outside and like you run.
Licks Bobby
Oh wow, he sure can jump high!
Poor Duffy. I feels so bad for him's. He'll be better when he gets back home again.
Oh poor Duffy, dat is sad but Mayzie has a very good point and also, maybe dat is just his personality as well. Maybe he's just different and dats okays.
You is a good furiend to helps Duffy withs his iss yous, you is always a good furiend to everybuddy.
w00fs, has Duffy ever talked to that lady animal communicator...might help get to his problems...Does he like outside when not in the city??
b safe,
It's too bad Duffy is so scared, the two of you could have had a lot of fun outside. He sure CAN jump high!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Poor Duffy! Asta, it is good that you are setting a good example for him. I love to go in my Outdoor Funhouse, but Harley is skerred of it. Maybe girls are just braver than boys!
Asta, what a good friend you are to your buddy, Duffy-I'm sure he knows you're trying to help him:-) We can't imagine what to do...although Maggie and Mitch's idea of obedience classes sounds like a good way to lesson his fears:-)
Poor Duffy. :( Mom and me thinks dat Mayzie has some good advice too. Duffy is very lucky to have you and such a wunderful family dat luvs him.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Believe it or not, I too had this problem. I hated going outside - used to shake and cry until my mom picked me up. I could never jump that high, but I could shake like nobody's business. I am better now, but it took years for me to be comfortable outside.
Your pal, Pip
Duffy is a timid soul who needs a smaller world in which to feel safe and protected...places he knows VERY well and is totally familiar with. Maybe in his mind, though, he is a great and brave adventurer leading expeditions and mingling at galas. He doesn't have issues...just differences. Love him!
Whoa, Duffy can jump!
About Duffy's issues I see that you've got all the opinions, supporst, advices you need Asta, I'm here to play with you if you were not hurry back inside for Duffy.
How're you and your pawrents?
I'm glad to see you're still active in blogging, you're the strong backbone that hold us up.
I remember Lenny, yeah that summer 2008 Pawlimpic I had so much fun following you and other furends to the game. I adored Petey the handsome bachelor in all his amzing dates, what a sweet memory!
My pawrents missed the Japan trip this March and they were turned down when they applied to rescue a Maltese dog 'cause the other couple had the advantage of staying home all the time.
Enuff whining, see you around sweet Asta, love ya.
I'm sorry that Duffy has such a great fear of so many things. My mom person understands, she gets scared to go outside sometimes too.
Nubbin wiggles,
Sniff. Sob. I think my little heart might be breaking for him.Poor little Duffy. Very very sad for him to be scared and troubled I hope he will get better with some extra special love and attention. I'm sure seeing you happy and having fun will help him. Wonder does he have a Dap collar?
Wiry love and kisses to you and brother Duffy too. ERic xx
Awwwww... poor Duffy! That's so sad for him. At least he has super fabulous jumping skills!!
Oh Asta...I've made an appointment for Duffy with the famous Dr.Sigmund Scruffy. If nuthin' else the two little beast can do a jumpin' contest....
Loved that orange water they have purple???
Duffy need to "talk" to my therapist. I bet she can help. she tells you what magic flower drops to take and listens real good, and then you want to kiss her.
your pal, Maisie
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