a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween at the West Village Wun

As evewy yeaw, auntie Twacey and unkel Wandy twansfowmed ouw wun into a spooky wondewland fow Halloween

my pals wewe all dwessed up and weady to pawty 

hewe is a smiley box wif some of the pictoowes Daddi managed to get
(Mommi couldn't come cause she's STILLL sick if you can believe it)

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thewe was chasey chase, and bum sniffing and lots of social games, hehehehe

of couwse  being nice to hoomans has it's wewawds, hehehehe

I came home wif a big Goody bag just like all the doggies who came

thewe was a wicked gween and black stwiped snake

A pawfect owange and black bouncy ball and a bag full ot tweats

It was fantaboolous and I thank evewyone at the West Village Dog wun fow giving us such a mawvelous halloween again..

I am now busy subdooing the snake

I hope all of you had a wickedly fun Halloween full of tweats too
smoochie kisses

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back in the nick of time

Fall is hewe 
(even wintew fwom the looks of the snow outside my window, but I have no pictoowes of that) 
and thewe awe a billion things to do.
Thank dog my pawents awe finally back fwom theiw big twip to Budapest

I've been weady and waiting..twied on my Owange Punkin costoome a bunch of times aweady in anticipation of the Pawty at my wun

but fiwst, fow those of you who have nothing bettew to do wif youw time and awe intewested, I have a smiley box of pictoowes fwom theiw twip

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They had a wollew coastew wide of emotions doowing theiw twip

they wode the twams and metwo and buses and walked all ovew the place..five days is too little time to decide youw whole life, and mommi had a mini-bweakdown  at the last minute

but aftew much thoughts and talks, my pawents have decided to move to Budapest in about Mawch  of this coming yeaw

Thewe awe pwoblems and povewty and joblessness like evewywhewe, but it's stilll the best option fow us all awound..evewyone was soopew nice to them, and they found an apawtment they love, so cwoss paws they get it

now back to the impawtant pawt


Mommi and Daddi misssed me soooo much, but I had a gweat time wif Gussie while they wewe gone and I even got to meet wif auntie Hilawy(Molly,Monty, Winnie and Taffy's Mum)

fow all of you who awe wowwied, thewe is NO QUAWANTINE in Hungawy
I can just move thewe and stawt my new life(I of couwse speek doggie, which as you know is oonivewsal, so I should have no pwoblems at all

Mommi and Daddi bof have wicked colds, but I just can't miss Halloween(specially since this is my last one) so I got dwessed as a punkin

I'm anxious to go to the wun fow the pawty to see my fwiends and wun awound like mad and have all the tweats

I hope al of you have a most wondewful and safe Halloweeny time wif lots of fun and tweats galowe

I missed all of you and hope you didn't fowget me
(This move means, I will not be always awound fow all the things I want to pawticipate in , but I nevew want to leave any of you  so pleez beaw wif me)

smoochie kisses

Friday, October 14, 2011

Time away and a sneeky plan

Dawling Fwiends, I will be away fow awhile because my secwetawy/Mommi has to go wif Daddi to find us a new place to live

they awe going fwom my beloved big bootiful Manhattan, to a much smallew , but pwetty Budapest to find out if living thewe would be a pawsibility fow us
They will be gone fow a week stawting next toosday, but thewe awe a jillion things to do befowe theiw twip, so I might not be able to visit much wif you

I am sad because I'll miss all of you and am cwossing my paws that all my fuwwiends stay healthy and happy until I can get back to my bloggie again

Mommi and Daddi wanted me to stay wif auntie Kawen and my bwuffuw Duffy, but Gussie and I have a bettew plan, hehehehe
Gussie will pick me up in the Gussiemobile and I will spend the week wif him, while we send Teka  wif my owange collaw on hew to auntie Kawen's house

If auntie Kawen asks why I look and act diffewent, we will simply tell hew that I had a vewy vewy showt haiwcut and took some pep pills....gweat plan no?

In the meantime, Monty,Molly ,Taffy and Winnie's Mummy will be staying in my apawtment in NewYawk
I know it all sounds confoosing, but twust me , it's a gweat plan

Cwoss youw paws that my pinkies find us a nice place to live that we can affowd, then all of you can come and visit me thewe aftew we move

Take cawe of youwselves and stay safe and know that I will miss you
smoochie kisses

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I was at my wun on this bootiful Fall Day and it occowuwed to me how lucky I am

It made me think of my dawling little fwiend GwacieLynn who has had hew second leggie suwgewy wecently and has to sit awound wif a big cast on hew leggie

This sweet fwiend who is one of the Slimmew Puggums, needs some mowe gween papews to help pay fow hew dogtow and if you go to the wight side of my bloggie, you will see a place you can click to go and donate alittle to help hew

I think if you have to have a cast, it's awfully nice to have all youw fwiendses signitoowes all ovew it..if you give a few gween papews, you too can sign hew cast
won't you pleez go and visit hew and help if you can?

 I'd be vewy gwateful..ow at least go and give hew youw love and bestest wishes

smoochie kisses

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pwesents fwom the White Dog Awmy

I've been in a tewwibull mood cause Mommi has had a cold/floo fow two weeks and she's absolutely no fun! She won't help me wif bloggie , ow play,  ow go fow walks,  ow nothin'
but then all of a sudden she had "enewgy" to cut off all my haiw????    WTF?
as my fwiend Joe Stains used to say

well as oosual one of my sweet fwiends came to the wescoo and totally changed my mood

I gots a hoomungoos pawcel fwom SikuMawie and the White Dog Awmy in the mail

thewe was something fow eveyone in my family!
Daddi and his sweet toof got this fantaboolous chocolate which not only tastes gweat , but helps fuwwkids while you'we munching away
(if you don't know about this, have youw pinkies look it up and owdew some wight away!!)
I got this most gowgeous banana fow wound my neck..it's appwopwiate fow all seasons and is a soopew happy colow
Mommi and Siku Mawie's Mom(auntie Sue) awe bof awtists and have commisewated about the difficulty of showing theiw wowk..This Gowgeous Tshiwt is fwom a show that auntie Sue had wif two othew awtists and Mommi wishes she could have been thewe, but weawing this is the next best thing

then came some pwesents fwom the most impawtant event that the White Dog Awmy owganised in theiw city and many of us suppowted wif all ouw heawts
The Puppy Up bandana was given to evewy dog who Walked to End Cancer at evewy 2MillionDogs Walk acwoss the countwy (thewe awe 32 this yeaw).
To get one, even though I couldn't be thewe is vewy vewy special

SikuMawie's Mom designed this pawfect image of us holding paw in hand to come togethew in this most impawtant fight to conquew Cancew

Mommi and I will weaw ouw wespective bandana and t-shiwt pwoudly and hope to spwead the wowd..this fight won't be ovew , till no hooman  ow fuwwkid  has to suffew fwom Cancew anymowe

as an extwa special bootiful giwlie pwesent, I got this wibbon necklace to weaw whnevew I want to dwess fow a pawty and feel like a pwinsess . Hewe is why it is soopew special:

the one  sent was handmade by the mom of one of SikuMawie's vewy fiwst blog fwiends who was an Eskie  called Hana...I knew and loved hew too and mouwned wif all ouw fwiends when she died of cancew.
Siku Mawie said:
"She asked that we share them with very special pups who were warriors against cancer and who fought to end the monster. We can think of no one more deserving that you because you do so much to raise awareness and spread the word that we must all fight together."
I am vewy much honowed and humbled and will twy always to help as much as I can

Thank you deew fwiends fow the tweats and bootiful pwesents
This was so vewy vewy special
I believe someday we will succeed in ouw fight.
I am thankful to have such giving and wondewful fwiends

smoochie kisses

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Asta hosts a dinnew

Yestewday was my hooman cousin Chwis' Biwfday and we made his favowitest dinnew

I had to go awound and check the apawtment and make suwe that evewything was weady

Table set, check!

now fow the living woom

all weady, check!

evewyone come to the tabull pleez

his favowite: Oh so Boo Co

and We Sotto Me La Nays

I was having a hawd time minding my mannews, I'm afwaid , I stawted dwooling

Thank Dog Mommi came to the wescoo befowe I dwopped fwom stawvation
(as you can see my haiw is getting longew and longew  because Mommi is still sick and hasn't had the enewgy to gwoom me, hehehehehe)

Chwis likes Twi-full, so that's what he gots instead of a Biwfdaycayke

he made a wish and blewed the candles out wif his bootiful giwlfwiend watching

his giwlfwiend and pwoud auntie Julie(his Mom) and my Daddi and Chwis' sissie  Cawina wewe all hewe to help celebwate

I made suwe the twi-full was not poisoned and evewyone could eat it
(I'm the offishull taste testew)

anothew gweat evening of being wif family and stuffing ouw faces, hehehehehe
wish you could all have joined me

smoochie kisses