a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, May 9, 2011

An Outing to see Fwiends

Hewe I am wif Daddi in bootiful Gwand Centwal Station getting weady to go to see my good fwiends Smitty,Jennie and Ozzie and of couwse theiw Moms

you should see all the hoomans stawing at me and coming ovew to tell me how nice it was to have a "Thin Man Doggie"  hewe at the station...

Metwo Nowf Wailwoad lets doggies on wifout a bag..evil Amtwack won't let you on even in a bag,  jewks...luckily, going up the Hudson Wivew you can use Metwo Nowf

the scenewy is lovely all along the wivew wif lots of fwesh gween to look at

Daddi and I had a love fest

I got vewy excited knowing we wewe almost thewe

Smitty and his bootiful sissie wif the silky haiw and long cuwly eaws (Jessie) yanked theiw Mom to come welcome me

hewe I am telling Smitty how nice it is hewe in Beacon NewYawk

 fwom thewe his Mom Joanne dwove us to Hyde Pawk to meet up wif Ozzy and his Mom Jen and take a big walk on the gwounds of the Vandewbilt Mansion  wif them
(Mommi and Daddi went in to toow the mansion while I got to hang out wif my fwiends)

hewe is a smile box wif some mowe pictoowes fow you to see if you want

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we got caught in a hooge dundew dowm and sat on benches undew a pawtico and waited fow it to pass so we could get back to the caw..luckily, all of us awe tewwibully bwave and not scawed of the noise
When the sun came back out, we found a vewy nice dinew whewe we could sit outside and have a yummie lunch

befowe I knew it, it was time to catch the twain home

while we waited fow the twain, we walked out towawds the watew to see the bootiful views acwoss the Hudson wivew and to the nowf the Catskill Mountains..

the sky kept changing fwom light  to dawk wif the most wondewful  clouds  and lots of fwesh aiw

Daddi spotted this lovely biwdie sunning himself and made me look

It was time to say goobye and thank them fow a most wondewful day

back on the twain I took one last look and then cuwled up and snept on the west of the twip

We got back to the city and it was still light..it was a gowgeous day all ovew NewYawk

we waited fow a cab and then wode home..in just a few minutes
...I loved my twip, but thewe is no place like home
(Mommi an dDaddi awe twying vewy hawd to figoowe out how we can stay hewe to live and that is why she is not helping me to visit all of you..pleez be patient wif me)

smoochie kisses


The Daily Pip said...

What a fun day trip, Asta! You did look very excited in Grand Central Station! That's pretty nice that Metra lets doggies ride on the train. I am not sure they do out here. I am allowed on city buses as long as I am in a carrier and I have made several bus trips in my day.

Looks like a perfect day and I am so glad you had fun with your friends!

Your pal, Pip

White Dog Blog said...

A beautiful day spent in a lovely setting with wonderful friends...isn't it great to be part of the Universe?

We know how much mommi and daddi love where you live (we understand and feel the same). We are sending LOTS of new and expanded White Dog energy that positivity will out and that a solution makes itself clear. But remember, always, home is where the heart (and your loved ones) is.

Charlie said...

What a wonderful outing you had!
- Charlie

WFT Nobby said...

Thank you for this lovely post and showing us your beautiful friends and your splendid day out in Beacon New York. But thank you especially for reminding Gail that I have not yet been taken on a train! (As you know, Hamish used to go on long train rides down to Nottingham with Gail, but I heard hear saying something about 'not risking it with Bertie just yet....'. Perhaps if you could send Daddi over? If I had a Daddi who I could have a love fest with, I am sure I would be well behaved!
Toodle pip!
PS Gail and I are both wishing Mommi and Daddi best of luck in their efforts to figure things out. They are so clever and creative and altogether lovely, we can't imagine that they won't work out a good plan.

Duke said...

I've been to Hyde Park before, Asta, when my sissy used to live in NY! It's a beautiful place to visit!
We are thinking of you and hoping that you can stay right where you are.
We love you!

Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

It looks like a lovely day. If you have to move, could you come live with me?

many kisses

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I will keep my paws crossed that your mom and dad can get stuffs worked out.

THAT was one fangtastical day trip. I LOVE train travel. It is soooooo soothing. I can understand why you would be rocked to sleep on your way home.
Beautiful furends you have there.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful trip Asta. You are soooo brave to go thru Grand Central Station .... I would be full of da nervousness!

Many hugs and good wishes to your mommi....we are keeping paws crossed fur you all that things will work out and soon be okie-dokie

Fred said...

What an exciting adventure! We had seen that about Amtrak, too. Poo on them. :P

Bocci said...

Many thanks for taking us your fabulous trip with you and your friends. New Yawk is beautiful from one end to the other!

We "feel your pain" so to speak, and wish the best for you! PU simply has not been able to find additional employment-not even an interview. Please keep us updated-maybe we can all put our heads together and come up with ideas...

Your buddy,

Bocci... and family

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh what a wonderful day you had Asta. Meeting friends and eating is the bestest.

We do so hope that your Mummy and Daddy can work out a good plan that will enable you to be able to stay in your gorgeous home.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Hollie and Janie said...

wow! what a fun day! Riding the train looks like so much fun! It looks like you and your friends had the best time, and Hyde Park is so pretty!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Man......What a terrorific day trip dat was. How I wish I could wide da twain but dere no twains here. Mom said maybe some day I can goes on an airboat ride!

rottrover said...

Thank you Miss Asta for taking us along on your lovely day trip! It's so fun to 'visit' other parts of the country. Our paws are crossed, too that mommi and daddi can come up with a plan to keep you where you belong!!

Rottie Kisses!

Kari in Alaska said...

Looks to me like you had lots of fun!


Corbin said...

If you stayed on the train a little while longer, you could have visited me! I'm about an hour and a half from Hyde Park :o)

Cowspotdog said...

There you are - we were wondering where the pretty little Asta was hiding. Looks like you had a pawsome day visiting and I bet you had fun with your buddies.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, Asta, what a great trip you had!!! We would love to go on a train - you looked so much at ease there with your Dad. And what a beautiful train station - how fun to have everyone admiring you - and you ARE beautiful!

It looks like it was such a pretty day there. We hope you and Mommi and Daddi can get it all figured out.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a lovely day out you had and how nice to see your friends. Asta I am so praying and hoping that your mum and dad can find an answer. I purr so loudly. Hugs GJ x

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Glad you had a great time with your friends!
Going there in train sure was pawesome, right?
I really hope everything goes well so you can stay there where you love!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sir Chance-Lot said...

I miss and Love you Asta~ My Momma keeps saying she has to go visit your Momma....We just have to make it happend.
<3 You Asta Beautiful
Sir Love ;)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Cat's Kill??? What did they kill and why did they name mountains about it??? Weird...

Your mom looks like a teenager in that pic on the twain....are you sure she's legal???

And, Asta...you look so tiny!! I heard you couldn't fit into your carryon, but that must have been an evil rumor...

We're having a storm...I'm freaking out...


Lacie Cakes

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh, and it's Stanley's barkday tomorrow...four...

I'm thinking about taking him bunny hunting...just for fun...no bunnies can be hurt...

DO NOT MAKE HIM A CARD. Just show up here at midnight...

You can jump outta the cake....



Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! A furry nice journey! You are so brave! I haves nevers been on a train! I of course would be hiding under the seat not looking out the window!

Kapitein Haakje said...

we love the station photo
thats really cool!

Happy sunny Kissslobbers
El'bow & Hauwii

Mack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mack said...

That looks like SO much fun!
My mom is CRAZY about trains and she wants so bad to find one where we live that will accept doggies (not an easy task).

Mack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber-Mae said...

What a super fun trip you had, Asta! How cool you got to ride in that train too. Hope you had a superb time!

Christina said...

I came across your blog and I wanted to invite you to join DogTime Media’s Blog Network. We have the largest blog network dedicated to pets with over 525 bloggers. Being part of our blog network means you have the opportunity to grow your traffic, monetize your blog, and be a blog champion and review pet products. It is free to join our blog network, all we need is your RSS feed. If you’re interested in joining or would like more information, please feel free to contact me – christina@dogtimemedia.com.

I am happy to answer any questions that you may have about our blog network and I look forward to having you in our blog network.


Christina Kwan
Senior Product & Marketing Manager
DogTime Media, Inc

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you had a great train trip to visit your friends. that looks like so much fun. you get to do the best things with your mommi and daddi.

we're sorry to hear that your parents are still struggling. it's still tough for us too. our human just can't get her act together. we don't know what will become of us. maybe we can all live together in a tent somewhere.


Sally said...

What a great trip.
And beautiful pictures.
Happy weekend.

Nice woooh

Eric said...

Coooeee Asta sweetpea. Wow you had a smashing time meeting up with Smitty and Ozzy and your Daddi love fest and stuffie. I had to wash off my union jacks and paint myself green. Then blue when I saw Mommi and Daddi need to figure out a plan. When they do let's all paint ourselves orange?

Ooodles of wiry loves and kisses. Happy weekend too. Eric xxxx

The Florida Furkids said...

What a fun adventure you had!!

Were hoping your Mom and Dad can figure out a plan that makes you all happy.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Neeko said...

Hello Miss Asta :o)

What a Pawsome outing...
I was never on a train before; it looks like so much fun.

Paws together for your Pawrents to figure things out!
We will be thinking of you and do not worry about not visiting us in the mean time. We will be here waiting patiently for your return.

Neeko ♥

Persephone and Buster said...

Asta, didja find any CATS in those Catskills? Hope you handled 'em with a ferocity worthy of a terrier!

Nice photos! We love all of them, especially the one in Grand Central!

Buster, Persephone, Bailey & Gracie

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you. Sending warm, furiendly vibes to you and your pack.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Asta,
After hearing about you from Frankie, we're heading here right away.
It's never enough words to express our love to you and your pawrents.
We don't know how to comfort you either, just let you know that we are always there for you.
You're the lovely sweet friend that we adore, it saddens us deeply when you're not happy.
Be strong sweety.
Love y'all.

Southbaygirl said...

Asta, you got to travel on a train? How exciting!! I'm so jealous! I cant go on a train here because it's amtrak...stoopid amtrak!!

It looked like you had a wonderful day!!

Kisses to you and hugs to your mommie and daddy from my mom!!


Unknown said...

I know your momma is furry busy. Tell her we know you think about your blog pals all the time -no worries.
love norwood

PS- that was a fabby trip!

Anonymous said...

Wowee, Asta! That was a Most Wonderful trip! I've never been on a train before. It sure looks like fun. And your furends were such super great hosts to show you around where they live.

My paws are crossed for your mommi and daddi to figure out how to say in New York City. They are both super smart and special peoples so I bet they'll come up with a great plan. And if they don't, you could come live with me in Collie-rado. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind.

Wiggles & Wags,

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

What a fantastic trip. How nice that you all got to go away together. I don't think is was nice that the folks wouldn't let you on the train, of all the nerve. Even if your folks had a bag for you. I say to put them in the bag.
If you are rested up head over to Barney's place. He is having a birthday party today He is two, you can get to his place from mine if you need his address. Momo is there, hope to see you!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring that your parents figure out a way for you to stay in your home. We knows this must be a very stressful time for all of you.

Loving purrs and Fenris licks,

the booker man said...

hihi miss asta!

how totally coolio that you got to ride on that metro train! i would have looooved to look out the window, too! teehee. i'm glad you got to see your friendz smitty and miss jessie and ozzie and their mamas! ya'll had a grrreat time togethers...except for the boomy storm! you really are brave cuz those loud boomies scare me!
anywho, i didn't know that your mommi 'n daddi were tryin' to figure out how to stay at your home in the city. me and asa and mama are crossin' our paws and fingers that everythingie will work out so you can stay, okie dokie?

the booker man

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a great trip Asta, everything looked so fun and exciting! Meeting with friends, going on a train and kisses! What could be better.

Wyatt said...

What a day!! AmTrack doesn't know what they are missing, by not allowing the famous Asta aboard!

Wyatt and Stanzie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sweet Asta. We hope you have not given up on us. We see these pictures and realize what a good doggie you are, what a good friend to everyone, and what a wonderful family you have. Your day must've been very very special. It sure was nice for us to see all the pictures and to imagine you.

We sure hope that AuntieAmi and Daddi are doing okay with their creative problem solving. We have lots and lots of confidence in them both. And we imagine nothing but good outcomes. (But we still miss you. And we worry sometimes. And we hope you can feel our love, even in our absence)

With all our love
your 'doptive sissieFergi and bruvverJake