a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



He and his family need all ouw stwength now..
Pleez go and give them youw love and  help at this  vewy difficult time

he is wondewful and bwave

I will be wif you and cwoss my paws and suppowt you and give you my stwength

You and Snickews wewe my fiwst wiwy fwiends and then I discovewed to my delight that we awe welated. I don't undewstand the unfaiwness of life..but I do undewstand that love is biggew than any monstew  attacking any of us.

smoochie kisses always


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your khomment on his blog made SO much sense!

It was one of the most pawesome things I've evFUR read!

My paws are khrossed and my FT is sending lots of Sibe Vibes to Ioway!


Wyatt said...

Poor Butchy, what a brave terrier he is. We continue to pray and cross our paws for him.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


We have no words for just how much.

Do you 'member the day Snickers went to the Bridge and Mumsie looked out and saw five cardinals in our pear tree???

When Mumsie called Auntie Linda today, she was just telling her about what the vet said when a cardinal flew right in front of our car. Miss Snickers is there waiting, Asta...when it's time. Thank you for posting this. So many thanks.



Jans Funny Farm said...

We went by Butchy's blog and read the post. We are stunned!

Agatha and Archie said...

We can only repeat what our dearest friends have said,..thankyou little one... every ounce of our love goes to our dearest friend Butcho... Love and with very heanvy litle hearts.. Agatha and Archie and Pl2

Diana Chiew said...

Oh no, we are saddened by another doggie's suffering. We are keeping our paws crossed for the best. We are going over to visit your cousin now.

rottrover said...

On our way. Thanks, Asta for letting us know.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We are all sending only da good vibes and lots of sunshine from Florida. Paws joined at our house.

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are praying hard!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh phooey. We love Butchy so much and will send our PawPower his way. Mommy will be in touch with Miss Linda.
BabyRD & HOotie

houndstooth said...

We will definitely have our paws crossed for your brother, Asta!


kissa-bull said...

oh no's asta, we had no idea
we will put our pibble power together on the speedy and send all our healin pibble vibes right away. shelby's special healin power is a great one and we just KNOW that it will help butchy we JUST KNOW IT!!!
we must keep positive those monsters are going to be defeated!!!
defeated we say !!!!

the pittie pack

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Such nice words Asta. We have all paws crossed.
Your pals, Morgan & Maisie

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

This just sucks on such a monumental scale Asta I cannot put it into words. Butchy and his family are in my thoughts , my heart and prayers and we are sending him our very best healing thoughts and vibes.
Now you and all of us need to be strong for him ok sweetness.
Big Hugs to you
Momma Tea
xxx x xxx

Sally said...

This was such sad news - our hearts are with Butchy and his family - we hope the preds work for him

Lovely post - we are sending you hugs as well,

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, we have been over to Butchy to leave our love. I have to tell you that Gail is looking so sad this morning, I think the news brought back memories of her dear old Hamish.
And Asta, it has not escaped our notice that your Mommi, who we know is not having an easy time at the moment either, found time to help you help your friends. She is the tops!
Best wishes to you all.
Bertie and Gail

Amber-Mae said...

I heard about his terrible news & I am so heartbroken. The poor guy goes through so much discomfort. I just hope he isn't suffering because that would be even more heartbreaking for me. I really hope to hear some good news in his next post.

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for Butchy and we are saying many many prayers, Asta.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

3 doxies said...

Oh dear Asta, I will head straight overs to Butchy's and give our support...anything fur you my dear and any furiend of yours IS special.
Thanks fur letting us know.


Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
Of course we are sending sweet Butchy all the good vibes we can. You are such a good pal to so many doggies.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Asta darling what dreadful news...We are so very sorry that Butchy is so sick. I know about cancer...I have had it and it is still growing slowly. I am old and have had a good life...I am happy with my days.
Please know how much we care...you are a good friend...soft purrrrs to you from the cozy cottage of Miss Peach

Gus said...

Dear Sweet Kroons...all of you!

We join you in your hopes and prayers for Butchy..he is such a sweet boy (he pust up with cats!) and we love him dearly.

We hope the prednisone works and he has many more happy times guarding the koi pond

gussie n teka

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Asta, When I read about this last night I did NOT know what to say. I am so very much glad that he and his family have such support right now.

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so sorry! This is so terrible for Butchy! He's in my puppy prayers!

Corbin said...

I don't know him, but I'm on my way over to lend some support and positive thoughts!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I'll head over there and add my support to everyone's.. Hugs GJ xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

So sorry about Butchy, Asta, we just read his blog, how very sad. :(

George The Lad said...

This is so sad, I have been over, got the news from Bertie.
George xxxx

Cinnamon said...

Thank you for taking time today for visiting my dog blog. It sure means a lot to my mom Linda.
Big prayers for Butchy from us here in Seattle.
♥ Cinnamon and Linda
P.S I think you are so cute!

Duke said...

We saw the birthday wishes that you left Putter on her blog, Asta, and we burst out laughing! That was one fun day :-)

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

Wow what a terrible blow. We will go send them our love.

Nubbin wiggles,

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta. We were just heartbroken when we saw how sick Butchy was - we had so hoped that they were going to find a good combo of meds to help him with the seizures, to hear the news that is is being caused by cancer is just so awful. We are keeping up hope though that his new medication might help to shrink the tumor so he can be here for a while still. We have been by sending him lots of purrs and prayers.

Scooter said...

Hey Asta.
I am sending my strongest vibes to your Butchy. We are all looking for a miracle and crossing our paws.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Remington said...

Butchy is in our thoughts and prayers.

Bobby said...

Our hearts go out to Butchy, our paws are crossed.
Licks Bobby

Eric said...

Asta sweetpea, my name for you is perfect. Cos you are. Sweet, kind caring,beautiful, when things are all topsy turvy for you and Mommi and Daddi too.

I hadn't heard about our poor dearest cousin Butchy. Our hearts are heavy. Pies are leaky.We love Butchy and this is beyond unfair.Did you hear that big dog up there? It stinks. But like you pawed, let's join paws together to support and help him.

Wiry love n oodles of kisses. Eric xxxx

Chloe and Cecil said...

Asta, tanks for da bisit, as you sees me has to shawe my bloggy with the Furr Balls, Chloe and Cecil!
Mom says when she's done wif hew Mawathon, me gets own bloggy.
Wees all so sowwy to heaw bout poor Butchy. Mom helps us wemembew him in our Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep pwayews!
Chloe and Cecil are sending purrs and purrayers,
Me, Winston, is cwossing my paws!

White Dog Blog said...

Sorry to hear that you are under gloomy weather and have the sickies, dear friend. The WDA is sending you healing energy and positive thoughts that smell like chicken soup and settle in your heart like a warm hug. Please be well. Tell mommi and daddi that we also send them woos of comfort and hope.

Martha said...

Asta we are so very sorry to read this - how we wish no doggie ever got sick. It is scary.
You are a kind dog doing all you can to help and we are sure Butchy and his family will feel the love.

the booker man said...

oh, miss asta, i am so sad to hear that that stoopid C monster is after your cousin butchy. it's just not right. :(
me and asa and mama are puttin' our paws together for him 'n his pack right now.

the booker man

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Asta!! We popped over to give some purrs to Butchy. It is very sad news indeed !!!
We hope you are keeping well and wish you a fun weekend :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Sally said...

Poor Butchy, I will cross my paws for him.

Nice woooh

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh, Asta. Sissie. We've been gone for a while. You know that. But we've known about Butchy and our hearts are breaking. Moma dreaded coming to read the details here on the blogs, 'cause it hurts so much.

We hope that Butchy and MamaLamb and Katie and all the catses and the dad can feel how much love and support and best wishes and hope for a miracle is headed their way.

So sad and very worried,
Jake and Fergi
(We miss you. And we love you. Please remember that)

Bocci said...

Oh Asta, we feel terrible that we missed this post. Our paws are crossed and we're sending out pawsitive, healing vibes to our friend Butchy. Thanks for letting us know-we're visiting right now.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...we just saw this post now, but the laptop use in JAIL has been a bit spotty...

We are constantly sending love and comfort to the Lambs....

Are you ok dear??? Get a bath yet? Lacie sniffs the air thoughtfully....hmm...guess not....oh, wait..that would be my cellmate Scruffy. An entire week of being way too close to him....yeesch.



Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We just read your post about Butchy and are so sad for you. We will go over and send some support for Butchy.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Juno said...

Hi Asta, we haven't been so active in the cyber world lately and have no idea what has happened to Butchy. We'll go over and give them our support now.

The photo of your daddi in the station is very nice. Our humans miss hanging out in Central Station. They said they had a glass of wine looking up the beautiful architect in the building and it was very nice.

Take care, sissy!

Momo & Pinot

Ruger said...

Hi Asta,

I am a new dog blog furiend, and my mumma & I just came over to your blog to say that we think you must be a very special lovely doggie because you have been so nice & caring for your good friend Butchy in this sad time he is having. Anydog would be glad to be furiends with you.

Woofs from Ruger