a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, February 12, 2011

HAPPY VALENTINE'S WEEKEND(you can nevew have to much love going awound)

 I am so gwateful to all you woofie fwiends who extended youw paws of fwiendship and helped get my Sissie cat Momo in austwalia bettew!!! She is still not completely well, but eating a little and dwinking, so pleez keep Woofing fow hew.
She asked me to pleez Thank all of you who helped hew get this faw!!!

I'm off to Celebwate Valentine's day at the womance Puppy's bloggie
It will go on all weekend!!!!
Pleez come and join us in Alien's Castle fow the pawty!

They wewe kind enuff to give me the job of bawtendew, so just give me youw owdew. As you can see I can do thwee dwinks at a time

my speciality is an owange colowed mawtooni, but can whip up anything and can always call on my BFF Lacie to do  blended dwinkies hehehe
we'll be hew thwoo Valentine's day, so make suwe you stops  by
Thewe awe yummie foodable and a DJ fow dancing and tons of fun!

hope all of you see youw wowld thwoo wose colowed glasses full of love
smoochie kisses


♥ Sallie said...

Best bartender ever! Woohoo!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We stopped by the party and we have to say that you are definitely the most beautiful bartender we have ever seen, not to mention the delicious martinis. Happy Valentine's Day, sweet Asta.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Asta! Looks like you are going to have a very busy weekend.....the Valentine's Party is filling up quickly with all our furrends!

Hope you get a break to enjoy the grotto and hottub!

Anonymous said...

Dem martinis are most yummy Asta mee likes dem lots, mee will makes sure yoo gets a break to come and have some funs. Mee will sends Richie ova to takes ova fur a while


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta... you are looking Lovely, as always!!!
Ummmm watch out for little Ronnii. The last time she went drinking.. she tired to use her LIBRARY CARD.
Right now... I'm going to go introduce myself to Alien's Mum. She is the Queen you know. I hope I have the proper.. protocol.

Gus said...

Asta: you look bootiful. I will stop by and try one of those lovely orange mawtoonis


Bocci said...

Oh Asta, thanks so much for the invitation-we will be there-with bells and our hearts on our sleeve!

A very Happy Valentines Day to you! You certainly look like you're ready to pawty straight through the weekend and Valentines Day:-)

Barbara said...

Yay for MoMo and have fun at the party!!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

It's sooo much fun having you as the bartender, Asta!!! What a great pawty at Sallie and Alien's!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Oskar said...

You look stunning as always!

I'll have an orange martini, please!

Nubbin wiggles & Valentines hugs,

The Daily Pip said...

Psst Asta, I am down here under Roo's bar stool hiding from a couple of overly friendly Alien ladies. Can you pass me a drink down here? Thanks

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

You look adorable in your heart-shaped glasses, Asta, and we love your header picture!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

I am happy to know Momo is feeling better!
You look gorgeous in those pictures!
The best bartender I have ever seen!
Happy Valentine's Weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Eric said...

Sweet Peas Asta. Happy Happy Valentine Day to you gorgeous girlie. May the Valentine fairy visit and give you the key to the everlasting love 'n happiness cupboard. (And mebbe a key to an never empty fridge too. With a bit of luck there might even be FRESH wabbit)

Raising my orange margarita to you.Chin Chin.

Wiry loves with super dooper special valentine kisses and cuddles. Eric xxxxxxx

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Happy Valentines Day weekend my furiend! See you at da pawty!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Dexter said...

That is some fancy bartending there. Happy Valentine day to you and extra smoochies.


Juno said...

Sissy sweet Asta! You look absolutely lovely. We're so happy to know that our sissy Momo feels much better now! Pawtastic news before Valentine's day!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

With you bartending, Asta, it's bound to be a fabulous party!


AFSocksScylla said...

I will try an owange colowed mawtooni and Artemisia wants a Strawberry Daiquiri. This party is great Asta thanks for inviting us. ~Fenris

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I knew if I headed over to your place there would be lots of love waiting for me! You are the best sissie I know! I see you are so ready for Valentine's Day celebration fun, way to go. You look absoutly beautiful, but you are that way every day. I love the photo of Momo and wondering if I could take a copy home with me. Still sending her my purrrs to her each and every day.
Love to all at your place and I an not sure your mommie and daddie would like a headbutt for Valentine's Day from me so could you just give them a big lick and tell them that it is from me wishing them too a Happy Valentine's Day!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...this weekend is exhausting...I did miss my own Broom to get to Eric's...and Aggie was furious I flew commercial Broom and got there late...um...she's like sleeping now...can you cover for me for a second so I can stop over to the pawty??? You look divine, BTW...

New lippie stick huh?? For any dog special???



Daisy said...

Oh Asta, I love your furry legs sticking out of that flirty Valentine's skirt. You made me smile real big! I wish you lots of love and kisses on Valentine's day.

The Thuglets said...

We love your header photo Asta

You will make a fortune in bar tips..definately the cutest bartender.

Happy valentines day to you!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

rottrover said...

Asta, you make a mean martooni! Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for including Bart in the dancing photo with Bone-o at the pawty. Lots of Rottie kisses!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Wyatt said...

Happy Valentines Day, Asta! Can we have 2 Martinis? Better put them in a paper cup, we can't be trusted with good stemware!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Homer said...

My dear Asta,

Wishing you a Hppy Valentine's Day!

Sending you lots of love and kisses from Italy.


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Asta! We're both so beezee at the pawty. When you finally have a break from bartending, let's dance!


TwoSpecialWires said...

ASTASissie! We LOVE a party ... and seein' as how we are FINALLY getting out of the seclusion it seems we've been in FUREVER, we are heading right over. We KNEW this was a good place to begin our return.

Happy Valentine's Day, Asta! Our hearts are bursting with love ... we are so happy you are in them and we are in yours.

Much love
Your SissieFergi and BruvverJake

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we hope you have a very love-ful valentines day. even though we have lots of love in our house, we're not feeling too romantic this year. i guess we're just kind of cynical dogs. but don't worry, we are full of love too.


Maxmom said...

Sending lotsa sweet Valentines licks to you, dear Asta.

Bella the Boxer said...

I love your Valentine's Day outfit, Asta. Very cheeky!

Bella the Boxer

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Valentine's Day. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Rushed right over to wish you wonderful sissie the bestest of the best Valentine's Day ever!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...



bbes tribe said...

Happy Valentine's Day Asta!! You are truly butiful!!!! and you do a great job of bartending. Glad your kitty furend is feeling better. Nice pic of Momo with that butiful flower!!

Anonymous said...

Did somebody say pawty?

Have a happy Valentine's Day!!!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, that looks like a super great pawty! I'm sorry I didn't get to go. My mom went out of town and I had to stay home and take care of my daddy. I'm sure you understand how that goes.

Happy, happy Valentine's day to you and your whole family, Asta! I'm so very much glad we're furends and I luvs you lots!

Wiggles & Wags,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...it's a lovely pawty isn't it...even Mango said so....

We just came home to bark at the postman and Stan just got right into my pawsonal space and I um bit him and we just had a hooooge fight in the yard and Mumsie's afraid to bring us in to see if there's blood, but I don't care; he shouldn't have crowded me...

Happy Valentine's Day dear Girlie!!!

Your BFF,


Sally said...

Happy Valentines Day, Asta.

Nice woooh

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Valentines Day!!!! That mawtooni looks great, we'll each have one (or two!) please.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We are so happy to hear that Momo is feeling better. It is the best Valentine's day present we could hope for!

We love you, miss you, and hope you and your humans are well!

Kitty kisses from Italy!
Buon san valenino!
Opus & Ollie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too Asta. Great post..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Valentine's Day Asta!!!
We just know you will have a marvelous time :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Asta!

You look fabulous as always!

Honey the Great Dane

Piappies World said...

Happy Hearts Day, Asta!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

George The Lad said...

Oh this is late in the day, but Happy Valentine's to you Asta.
Close your eyes and pucker up, for a big welshie kiss;)
Love and Hugs George xxx