Yestewday the pawty lasted well into the night wif Lady Puddles swinging fwom the chandeliew to the amazement of Katievewe and hew ladies in waiting and hew kitteh -sissie queen Wuby
I don't know why they wewe suwpwised, This is the nowm fow Puddles at some point at evewy pawty, hehehehe
speaking of nottiness,ummm
Lady Lacie was twying hew best to entice mowe than one Knight into hew bedchambew
while Siw Doyle and Siw Phantom Wewe in the mood fow a Dwinking song
something fwom Phantom of the Opewa pawhaps?
photo by Doyle and Mollie
well you get the idea how the night ended wif evewyone finally passed out in theiw wooms ow on the table, heheehhe
eawly next mowning ouw late awwivals finally made it. Siw Monty and Lady Molly shawing a howse wif Siw Taffy(Siw Taffy's howse had to be left at the last village to have his shoe least that was theiw explanation fow theiw lateness)
Siw Wilf of Fwance cwossed the channel to take pawt in today's touwnament and delivew Biwfday wishes fwom the couwt of Fwance
As I walked in the fwesh mowning aiw I spotted Lady Mollie who looked like hew heawt was Thundewing fow hew handsome knight
photo by Doyle and Mollie
and Looking past the twees I saw (gulp) Some lovews in embwace.
.(these youngstews cewtainly gwow up fast these days)
I wondew whewe Siw Ewic is? I thought he was supposed to be instwucting young Bewtielot, hmmmmmmm
Photo by Lacie
When Lady Mollie saw them, she thought that pawhaps it was something in LadyLacie's special dwink that she had tasted fwom hew hown that caused hew to Hal Oo cinate
photo by Doyle and Mollie
It must be in the watew because showtly theweaftew I saw Siw Doyle wooing the Bootiful Lady Ciawa
photo by Doyle and Mollie
Lady Mayzie,Lady Sally Ann and Lady Fewgie wewe shawing secwets in the gwove
Siw Bewtielot mounted his howse and blew kisses to Katievewe
I saw hew begging him to be caweful just a moment befowe
The knights stawted to gathew fow the Jousting competition
Siw Bocci and Siw Butchy seem quite eagew
but Siw Fwankie,Siw Phantom,Siw Ewic and Siw Gustav awe a mowe non shalont gwoup
(it's just a game they said. Thewe awe pwotective tips on theiw lances, no one will get huwt)
and so the games begin
The excitement is palpable as the knights clash
ow awe they just discussing when to go taste the woast that is on the fiwe while they wide?
Today, Mistwess Khywa and hew twusty cooks awe enjoying the fwesh aiw along wif the west of us
We will all be pick nicking in the gwass on this most bootiful day
that is if we suwvive Bewtie-lot's "little " hike!!!!!!
so waise youw tankawds ow howns and dwink up....... the celebwation continoos
smoochie kisses
youw humble sewvant