a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscaw Night

I wan home fwom the Banquet, and had just enuff time to showew

put on a soothing coocumbew mask and get dwessed

I made it in the nick of time fow the wed cawpet
my favowite Colin Fiwf stepped in as a substitoote fow Gussie, who was busy at home wif Muzzew celebwating E. Wabbit's Biwfday and couldn't make it to escowt me to the Oscaws .
I also twied calling Ewic(too busy getting weady fow the woyal wedding) Awchie(too busy cooking and weading and sweeping Boston. Jake , my bwofuw wanted to stay home wif my sissie Fewgie, Jake and Just Hawwy wewe busy looking fow stowms.
Mango couldn't fit in his tux(plus I'm sooing him fow defemation of something), Fwankie wanted to stay wif his wifies(and who could blame him?), Pepsi  was still jamming wif the band, Scootew insisted that if he comes he weaw his cowboy hat and they wouldn't allow it doo to ubstwucting the view, 
Bewtie was still hiking, and Geowge has just fallen in love
so thank dog Colin didn't have a date(his bootiful wife stayed home wif the childwen and said she was glad to lend him to me)

I had a most delightful evening
and now i'm home, it's dweawy and gwey and wainy Pawfect fow catching up on my sneep 
hope all of you had a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Puddles in hew new Pinto came to Pick me up to take me to the pawty, celebwating The Gwate Wace Between Pip and Bunny and theiw coaches!

Thewe was a little misundewstanding wif the doowman when all the woofie fwiends came in and talked at once..he finally figoowed out that they wanted him to buzz me to come down.

Once at the pawty, I made the lawgest , gooiest cheesiest pizza I could, of couwse it was gone in seconds , so I had to make mowe

then I quickly had to change fow the concewt
We wewe a twemendoos hit and Bono (who had been a pwisonew at Alien's house...it's a looong stowy, you had to be at Sallie's last pawty to undewstand) anyway, Bono showed up, but it seems Alien decided he would look bettew wif a gween face, hehehehe

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that Nowwood was one of my Gwoupies, COOOL!!!!!
and , well some gwoopies of Pepsi's got quite cawwied away and stawted thwowing theiw most lovely undew weaw on the stage towads him

doowing the bweak in moosic(the keyboawd awtists Chubbs and Fluffy took ovew)
I wan backstage to change fow the fashion show

Lacie, my BFF heawd about the fashion show and of couwse just HAD to be pawt of it(sheeesh, she just about bwoke hew ankle walking in hew La Boo Tans)
Shewwif Sawge of blogville was astounded by the chaos, and ouw ministew of Physical and mental stimoolations, MANGO, seemed to find it vewy intewesting
but fwankly given the pawticipants, it went quite well(if you don't count Puddles landing on hew bumbum..I did tell hew to leave hew cheetos and beew backstage, but nooooooooo)

by the way, if you don't know all the cabinetmembews of blogville, hewe is a list:
and a few of theiw badges( to see them all, go hewe!)

Blogville Cabinet...

Fwankie is the Mayow of blogville

and is in chawge of this wondewful fundwaisew fow ouw fwiends in need!!!

The following is a list of Cabinet Pawsitions ... In NO Pawticular order.

Secretaries of Veterans Affairs & Railroad Information= Ginger Chip Thai **

Secretaries of Badges and Signs= Ronnii & Richie **

Fashion Directors = Mollie Jo & Bobo

4-Paws Ambassadors = Sammy & Andy

Chief of Detectives= Mr. Pip

Secretary of Blogville Security= Levi Mac

Street and Sidewalk Inspector and Winter Appreciation= Khyra

Secretaries of Physical Education and Mentals Stimulations= Mango & Dexter

Secretary of Pawsitive Community Events= Mayzie Gal

Secretaries of Health and Safety= Ruby & Penny (sigh)

Official Mail Clerk of Blogville= Tessa the Maltese

Secretaries of Help and Humane Services= Slimmer Pugs & JD& Max

Welcome Wagon= Minna Krebs & Lucy

Aerial Defense= Alien

Minister of Art & Culture= Asta

Directors of Library= Sally Ann & Andy Stanley

Sec. of Squirrel Containment & Taco Procurement= Jazzi

Sec. of Parks and Recreation= Shawnee

Directors of Travel and Tourism= The Road Dogs ***

Blogville Judge= Remington

Social Networking= Shasta & Shiloh

Director of Nursing= Maggie Mae

Chief of Police= Sarge
Deputy= Zona

Official Barkaholic Counselor= Dr. Daisy

Gaming Commission= Lily & Benny

Secretary of Halloween Activities= Ruthie

Chairwoman of Seating Arrangements= Twix

Secretary of Tasty Treats and Paw Crafts= Sugar ***

Official Toy Tester= Tucker ***

Secretary of Agriculture= Wyatt

Please keep eating and dwinking and enjoy the moosic and entewtainment and go visit all the bloggies pawticipating and wemembew

Most importantly, we will be raising money for one of Blogville's favorite families - Richie, Ronnii, and Momma Tea A $5 donation at "the door" enters you into a drawing fow wondewful pwizes.

Please see Frankie's blog for details on how to buy tickets. We will also be kicking off a two week auction 
(thewe is a woomow that one of the items is a Lowenza owiginal dwess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- ALL funds raised will benefit Richie and his family. "

Also pleez go visit White dog's bloggie and wish Quinn a Happy gotcha day! Evewy comment gets a donation to his chawity!

smoochie kisses and a kajillion Thanks evewyone!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

PAWTY FOW A CAUSE! and a lost little wiwe


There is a little girl wire fox terrier who is LOST in Illinois and really, really needs help.  

Please join us for the Great Race Banquet & Celebration at Pip's

 (I'm aweady pwepawing my special NewYawk Pizza)
In the unlikely event that you don't know, the gweat Wace was a few weeks ago between that gowgeous giwl in pink Bunny the gweyhound wif hew most ingenoos and wondewful coach , Puddles (who made the discovewy that cheetos and beew awe actually health food)
and the wowlds fastest Yowkshiwe tewwiew,Pip who was coached by that intewnational man of mystewy Coach Woo
It was a most exciting wace wif incwedibull spowtsmanship shown by all pawticipants and now we awe going to celebwate them

In Pip's own wowds:
"There will be dancing, speeches, door prizes, and yes, there will be CHEESEBURGERS! Most importantly, we will be raising money for one of Blogville's favorite families - Richie, Ronnii, and Momma Tea A $5 donation at "the door" enters you into a drawing fow wondewful pwizes.

Please see Frankie's blog for details on how to buy tickets. We will also be kicking off a two week auction 
(thewe is a woomow that one of the items is a Lowenza owiginal dwess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- ALL funds raised will benefit Richie and his family. "
to help whet youw appetite, these awe some of the foods I will be bwinging along wif my secial cheesygoodness Pizza
chicken wings, pastwami and cheese and cheesebuwgews
natoowally, thewe will be evewy kind of dwinkie you desiwe to go wif it

 The pawty will stawt satuwday and  be on all weekend, so Pleez make suwe you come by and comment and enjoy the fun ovew and ovew again

Eawliew in the week, I heawd that Pepsi was holding auditions fow his band 
(PAWS BANG)and I applied . 
I nailed the audition( he had heawd my voice on my last post and even asked if I could occasionally sing backup as well as play the base gee taw)
 we've been jamming  all week to get weady fow the pawty
On the bass guitar, we have me, Asta
On the whythm guitar, we have Honeybuzzz!
On the dwums, we have Sawge!!
On the lead guitar, will be Pepsi
& of course.. doing the vocals will be Bono, Puddles' hostage!

We even have special pawfowmances by Pepsi's  cwitter fuwiends, Chubbs and Fluffy, on the keyboards.

So go to the pawty and EAT, DANCE, DWINK and make wondewful new fwiends while helping out Wonii and Wichie and theiw Mama, who weally need us now.
Thank you sweet fwiends
smoochie kisses

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Help is needed fwineds!!!!! and Snow is just a memowy

Deew Fwiends Fwankie Fuwtew has some vewy impawtant infowmations and a wequest fow helping one of ouw fwiends who weally weally needs help
Pleez go to Fwankie's bloggie to wead mowe about it and HELP!!!!!!
 this is what ouw bloggin is all about
to be thewe fow each othew..i know you all agwee!!!!
thank you so much fow going and looking and doing something to help


This is to wemind you what I do when I'm not sneeping ow pawtying, hehehe

chasey chase wif y fwiend Penny at the wun when we still had snow
now it's just gway and cold and not neawly as much fun

smoochie kisses

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Weilly "the cow spot dog"
is having a contest..it's all about sneeping.
This is pawfect fow me at the moment, cause between the icy weathew, and my wondewful pawty last weekend..Sneeping is pwetty much all I'm doing

when I'm on the sofa, i sometimes weaw Pajammies cause it's fweezing even in hewe
sometimes I fall asneep in middle of playing

ow collapse on top of the bed aftew going outside

I love taking naps wif my Daddi
and sometimes I have quite indescweet poses to welax my back and aiw out my pwivates, hehehehe
but best of all is sneeping late wif Mommi aftew Daddi has gotten up..she and I awe equally lazy and I sometimes have to be dwagged out at 10:00 AM fow my fiwst walk( my wecowd is 11:30 fow my fiwst walk)

I hope all of you awe westing and staying wawm(send youw pictoowes to Weilly hewe)
smoochie kisses

Sunday, February 20, 2011

today is Katie's Biwfday!!.day thwee of the celebwations

 Good mowning Katie-vewe, I hope you slept well.
Today you awe One yeaws old. Let's celebwate my sweet little cousin

Somehow, miwacoolously evewyone got down fwom the gweat cliff that Bewtie-lot thought would be an appwopwiate place to climb fow a little excewcise, and the jousting competition was completed wifout mishap.  Thewe was a close call when the mystewious black knight showed up and challenged Alien on his little pony, but Alien was bwave beyond belief and wif the help of Fenwis and Scootew defeated the evil one . The Ladies showewed them wif flowews and accompanied them back to the hall fow mowe  buwgews, umm I mean woast boaw, and lots of Mead to quench theiw thiwst.  The knights wewe twooly hewoic and much admiwed by the Ladies.

the day ended wif lots of dancing and fwolicking
Maggie Mae bwought a vewy special guest, Cowbin and joined in the dancing
(behind them fwom left to wight awe:Ciawa,Doyle,Mollie,Thundew, Katie-vewe and Bewtie-lot ,me(Asta) and my Gussie)

Some of ouw fwiends stawted the dance befowe they even got back to the Castle
Even the Wise Old Soul Winston  joined in
in the back fwom the left:Khywa,Awchie,Mango,Bentley and little Ambew the Weenie
in fwont fwom  the left:Lady Fewgie, Siw Butchy , Lady Lacie with Alien on hew awm(ofcouwse,hehehe...at the faw wight Lady Sallie watches calmly

photo by Doyle and Mollie
I ,Lady Asta am pwotecting the big cake while Lacie pwesents Katie-vewe and Bertie-lot's pawsonal cake to shawe

now I fow one am sick of weawing all these clotheses..the poow knights awe getting stiff and wusty and the Lady's awe twipping on theiw twains.
Let's all get nekkid and go fow a swim in the moat!
(I know, I know, Bewtie, you don
t like watew, but this is an exception. Aftew all that time in that stuffy awmouw it will feel good I pwomise. Besides Katie is in thewe too
(make suwe to biggify the pictoowes to see evewyone)
PLEEZ STAY AS LONG AS YOU LIKE, I love youw company!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bewtielot and Katievewe's Biwfday Celebwation day two

Yestewday the pawty  lasted well into the night wif Lady Puddles swinging fwom the chandeliew to the amazement of Katievewe and hew ladies in waiting and hew kitteh -sissie queen Wuby

I don't know why they wewe suwpwised, This is the nowm fow Puddles at some point at evewy pawty, hehehehe
speaking of nottiness,ummm
Lady Lacie was twying hew best to entice mowe than one Knight into hew bedchambew

while  Siw Doyle and Siw Phantom Wewe in the mood fow a Dwinking song
something fwom Phantom of the Opewa pawhaps?
photo by Doyle and Mollie
well you get the idea how the night ended wif evewyone finally passed out in theiw wooms ow on the table, heheehhe

eawly next mowning ouw late awwivals finally made it. Siw Monty and Lady Molly shawing a howse wif Siw Taffy(Siw Taffy's howse had to be left at the last village to have his shoe wepaiwed..at least that was theiw explanation fow theiw lateness)
Siw Wilf of Fwance cwossed the channel to take pawt in today's touwnament and delivew Biwfday wishes fwom the couwt of Fwance

As I walked in the fwesh mowning aiw I spotted Lady Mollie who looked like hew heawt was Thundewing fow hew handsome knight
photo by Doyle and Mollie
 and Looking past the twees I saw (gulp) Some lovews in embwace.
.(these youngstews cewtainly gwow up fast these days) 
I wondew whewe Siw Ewic is? I thought he was supposed to be instwucting young Bewtielot, hmmmmmmm
Photo by Lacie
When Lady Mollie saw them, she thought that pawhaps it was something in LadyLacie's special dwink that she had tasted fwom hew hown that caused hew to Hal Oo cinate

photo by Doyle and Mollie
 It must be in the watew because showtly theweaftew I saw Siw Doyle wooing the Bootiful Lady Ciawa

photo by Doyle and Mollie

Lady Mayzie,Lady Sally Ann and Lady Fewgie wewe shawing secwets in the gwove

 Siw Bewtielot mounted his howse and blew kisses to Katievewe

I saw hew begging him to be caweful just a moment befowe
The knights stawted to gathew fow the Jousting competition
Siw Bocci and Siw Butchy seem quite eagew
but Siw Fwankie,Siw Phantom,Siw Ewic and Siw Gustav awe a mowe non shalont gwoup
(it's just a game they said. Thewe awe pwotective tips on theiw lances, no one will get huwt)

and so the games begin

The excitement is palpable as the knights clash
ow awe they just discussing when to go taste the woast that is on the fiwe while they wide?
Today, Mistwess Khywa and hew twusty cooks awe enjoying the fwesh aiw along wif the west of us


We will all be pick nicking in the gwass on this most bootiful day

that is if we suwvive Bewtie-lot's "little " hike!!!!!!

so waise youw tankawds ow howns and dwink up....... the celebwation continoos
smoochie kisses
youw humble sewvant