a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, December 6, 2010

Special Visitows

We wewe sooo lucky  to have wondewful fwiends visiting us the last few days..the squawe pawents fwom England, and auntie mumsie fwom the Buwg and Wiley and Toffee's pawents fwom Boston all came to see us hewe in Man Hattan

In case you don't know deew fwiends..it FWEEZING COLD  hewe in NewYawk..no snow, just icy winds and cold ( although the weathew hoomans awe pwedicting fluwwies latew tonight)
I got this sooopew cool scawf-headband-hat-flashy pwotectow fow cold weathew  fwom Ewic..it's wawm and I can be seen fow miles in the dawk, plus it has wiwy kids all ovew it

Mommi and Daddi awe bof sick now wif flu and I again am wemiss in visiting all of you, but I wanted to at least show you some fun pictoowes fwom ouw visit

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I am now sitting on bof of them to keep them wawm and cozy so they can get well and get back to all the stuff we need to do fow the holidays

thank you fow all the wondewful cawds I've weceived aweady..obviously some of you awe much mowe owganised than we awe..
I hope we'll catch up and gweet all of you vewy soon
stay well and  wawm
love and smoochie kisses


Barbara said...

Man, I like your hat! I've never seen one like that! Where'd you get it?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

That is some very stylish Ear Gear you got.
It is cold as a squirrel's heart here too. Shiver
You take good care of your mom and dad. Can't have the peeps sickie during Santa Paws time.

3 doxies said...

I bets you can even be seen from outer space withs you scarf. But, it IS very stylish!

Gosh, I sure hopes your mom and dad get betters real quick...I heard da flu is NO fun whatsoevers. We'll be thinkin' of them. I hopes dis don't delays them in shopping furs your presents...hehehe!


doyle and mollie said...

oh we think that head scarf is amazing how very trendy
we hope your momma and pappa get well soon you are such a special thing keeping them full of loves and warmths - loves and licks xxx

kissa-bull said...

brrr. we awe cold just looking at youw pictuwes . ush oinky pibbles are use to the humid texas weatherw and would just love to be in the snow one day soon. it has only snowed hewe once and it was not furry much. but we tried to colow all the snow yellow tee hee
we hopes you stay warm deawest and wemember that tooting keeps the humans warm

sugary pibble kisses
the pittie pack

Jake of Florida said...

Very stylin hat!!!

We watched the Smilebox with jelly thoughts about the good friends and conversation!!!

Hope your mommi and daddi feel better soon!!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Maggie Mae and Max said...


It is berry cold in upstate NY too! I am sending puppy prayers to your momma and poppa to helps dem get better.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Deb Cushman said...

What a great hat/scarf! You look beautiful in it.

Hope your mom and dad are better soon. That flu stuff is no fun.

Freckles and Deb

Golden Samantha said...

You are so stylin'!!! But so so sorries that Mommy and Daddy are so sick - that is so horrible. We are wishing that you get better soon. It looks like you had a wonderful time!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hear woo and The Beast did some shopping too!

Thanks fur sharing this great visit!

Sorry about the flu sikhkies fur your mommi and daddi -


Oskar said...

Well you look beautiful, as always, in your new scarf. What fun to meet new friends!

Nubbin wiggles,

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Asta

I do hope Mommi and Daddi will feel better soon.Flu is just so horrid. At least they have the best nurse in the business to sit one them.

We had been wondering what was going on with the Square family, not having heard from them for some time. No we realise that they have been buying you wonderful presents and coming to visit, so that's good news. Did flat Eric come to visit too?

Aren't friends wonderful?

Stay warm and cozy.

Toodle pip!

Duke said...

What a cool cap, Asta!
We hope your mommi and daddi feel better soon!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hope Mommi and Daddi feel better soon - we know they have an expert nurse.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Gus said...

You are doing the very best thing a doggie can do for colds and flu. You are keeping them warm and making them stay quiet. Now if you could just learn to make the coffee in the morning and fetch croissants, they would feel better in no time!

kisses to all of you, even the contagious ones.


The Black and Tans. said...

We thoroughly enjoyed watching your Smilebox presentation Asta, made the hooman feel quite envious!

It looked a wonderful weekend. We hope Mommi and Daddi are better very soon.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, you look so very cute, of course! We are sending some very loud purrs that your Mommy & Daddy feel better very soon!

Kelly said...

Oh Asta, it looks like you had such a fun time with friends! Exactly how the holidays should be spent- eating, drinking, laughing, and loving on our furbabies!

I hope mommi and daddi get better VERY soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how fun, Asta! I just LUVS having company come to visit. And I very much like your pretty scarf. I'm sure it'll keep you nice and WARM!

I'm sorry your mommi and daddi are sickies. That's no fun at all. But I'm very much relieved that you're there to take care of them. I hope they get better soon!

Wiggles & Wags,

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta! We are sorry your mom and dad are sick! We are sending lots of get well purrs for them and hope they are better soon! It sounds like you are doing the right thing for them by sitting on them and keeping them warm - we are sure that will help them feel better in no time!

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey does that bring back memories for D. Love the smile box. Thanks for sharing your wonderful time together with us and Tess says thanks for the birthday wishes Asta xx

Noah xx

The Black and Tans. said...

Thanks for popping by our blog ASta. You certainly come up with some excellent ideas. We may well seriously consider it next year!

MOlly, Taffy and Monty

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Flu Smooo...there won't be any flu germs in our house at least in the next minute cuz Scruffy just emitted the most 'noxious gas ever and we all fled the room including the germs and our pet stinkbugs...

I know it's hard to outstink a stinkbug, but Scruffy has this down to an art form.

Mumsie had the most fabbers time visiting....she's been flapping her trap and screeching tra la la la all about it....honestly, Asta, I don't think the hoomans ever shut up the whole time....

And I had glorious time window shopping with you for like the one minute we had off from the EAT A CAT lessons...Miss Enid was a total slave driver...but the field trip we took to the carob tearoom was amazing...I can't believe you knocked that table over bounding to your seat on the way in...and I don't know why Miss Enid went beserk when I made that call from my cell during tea...I had to make arrangements for my DATE with that NYFD Dalmation I met in your elevator....and dipping my sweet nose into the Schlag on my carob is something I do like all the time....I wonder if we should have left her in Clacie's care when she was in that dead faint...

How I do run on....

Lacie Teacakes with Carob Schlag with 6 Cups of Sugar

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
You take care of mommi and daddi. It is so very cold and not a good time to have the sickies. Perhaps a warm Mango smoothie...
