a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chwissmuss Memowies and cawds

Tomowwow night is Chwissmuss Eve..it's the night we celebwate..
dinnew wif family and close fwiendses and exchange small pwessies
I thought I would shawe wif you some of Mmommi's Chwissmusses past

Of couwse aftew Chwissmuss, I'll pwobably have pictoowes of this yeaws that I'll show you,
in the meantime have a giggle fwom these

This silly pictoowe is of Mommi wif hew pawents in Budapest a few thousand yeaws ago .
Mommi was about two ow thwee yeaws old.  A neighbow  cameto play Santa Paws(he kind of looks like he's a Wienew Vewkstatte  vewsion, hehehehe)

aftew emigwating to Switzewland, Mommi met hew fiwst Wiwy love belonging to some wondewful fwiends..she nevew got ovew wanting one in hew family too

this was Mommi at hew fiwst Chwissmuss in Bewn Switzewland

and hewe she is all gwowed up in hew fiwst yeaw in NewYowk wif hew vewy own Wiwe Nikki
he was hew fiwstest doggie evew and she fell madly in love wif him
Thewe was no going back fow hew..fuwwkids have stolen hew heawt

Mommi and Daddi awe still in this same apawtment (fow the last 28 yeaws now) they just move the fuwnitoowe awound and pwetend they'we in a new place

this was bootiful Nowa wif hew Chwissmuss toy

and hewe I am on my fiwstest Chwissmuss

I wish I could be an angel and make evewyone's wishes come twoo
Mostly I wish that all illnesses would go away and fuwwkids and hoomans wouldn't have to evew suffew , ow be cold ow scawed  ow hungwy but living in a wawm loving healthy home

I hope all of you who celebwate tomowwow have a most wondewful, joyous Chwissmuss Eve 
full of the Peace , It's what it's supposed to be about

oh yes, of couwse some tweats and fwolicking too..but mostly I wish you all  to be sowwounded by love

I didn't know how else to show you my bootiful Cawds that wewe sent to me, so I made a smilebox..if  fow some weason youws is missing, pleez fowgive me
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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Thank you fow the many many Smileboxes and moving cawds that I couldn't post
I tweasoowe all of them.
Youw Fwiendship is the gweatest pwesent of all

smoochie Chwissmuss kisses


Gus said...

Asta: We love the pictures of Mommi and Daddi! They were always as bootiful together as they are now. We have my sissie E.Rabbit here with us, and tomorrow she is going to help me do my shopping.

Have a wonderful dinner, and don't forget to post pictures of the foods.


Zona said...

We loved the pictures, Asta!! Thank you for sharing them!! I hope you have a very merry Christmas Eve. We do most of our celebrating tomorrow too so I'll be thinking of you!


Barbara said...

Asta, thank you for taking us on a journey through your family pictures - they're wonderful! Merry Christmas to you! I hope you get everything you asked for!!

Unknown said...

Oh my dear Asta, that was a most wonderful Christmas post! We just LOVED seeing da fotos of Christmas' past! Your mom is so beautiful in all of them! Thank you both fur sharing them!

....and what a special way to share all you Christmas cards with us!

We are here in Texas, wishing you a most wonderful Christmas holiday with family and furrends!

MinnaK and family

Wyatt said...

We loved all of your pictures from Christmas past.
Happy Holidays to you and your family,
Wyatt and Stanzie

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta we wish you and your Mommi and Daddi a very Happy Christmas.

Enjoy all your yummies and we hope Santa Paws leaves you lots of pressies.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

K9 Katastrophie said...

merry Christmas Asta!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Fun pictures of the past. Merry Christmas.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Asta,

Dose family pictures were wunderful!
Merry Christmas my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

ThePainterPack said...

Such lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing! You have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!! I hope you get lots of presents!!!

Painter Pack

i said...

Hi Asta! Thanks for sharing your lovely memories in this post! LS says it's making her feeling nostalgic too.

Thank you for your lovely card!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a special special post!

Thanks fur sharing the great pikhs of your mommi, daddi, and siblings!

What a great khollekhtion of khards too!


Maxmom said...

Dear Asta...
Thank you for sharing such fond memories. Your humans certainly have gone through some fond times.

I would also like to wish you all the magic, joy and peace of this special season in your household this Christmas. Thank you for being such fabulous blogging friends...
With love and licks

Duke said...

The older photos are the best! They bring such wonderful memories.
Merry Christmas to you and your mommi and daddi, Asta! We treasure your friendship.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Your mommi was meant to have a wee little WFT for sure. I like those old photos. My momma used to be in black and white too.

Happy holiday!


Cocorue said...

thanks for sharing the wonderful pics of your hoomans and thankQ for the wonderful thoughts.....you are one special pooch

have a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and your pawrents

coco and tiffy

AFSS said...

Thank you for sharing all the pictures of your Mom. We loved the one when she was a baby and a neighbor was playing Santa. It made us smile. But then we loved the one with the doggie on a sled with your Mom and ..........well you get the idea we loved them all, especially the ones with you in them. Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Asta! Guess what I got for an early Christmas present? A bath at the Red Rover dog wash! This must mean I'm still on the naughty list for eating that pannetone of Karen's...hope you fare better!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family and friends. This was a beautiful post, loved the photos of your mommie and daddie from the olden times.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Merry Christmas Eve to all of you from uSSSSS!

Katie said...

Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! That's a really nice story with all the pictures. Great history!

Licks and wags
Katie the Border Collie, Libby the Golden Retriever and all the rest of the furries and two-leggeds in my household including Angels Tucker and Charmin!

Eric said...

Asta Sweetie Pea. Awww what wagging photo's. Brim full of the bestest stuff of all,love and laughter.That's what I wish for you and Mommi and Daddi too, with a bit of wealth and health on the side too.

Squillion of square kisses and a lot, a lot, a lot, of special love. Eric xxxxxx

Daisy said...

Oh Asta, we wish you a Merry Christmas full of peace and love and treats and toys!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

BeauTeeful phot-toes~
Tank yous for sharing~ they made us smile~

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmassy's~

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Homer said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post asta. Your mommy was a pretty little girl and she turns out to be one classy booti-ful lady.

Merry Christmas!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a lovely post, Asta, and we so enjoyed seeing the pics from years ago!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

Purrs, Woofs ad Hugs,
The Chans, Tommy and #1

Diana Chiew said...

Very nice Christmas memories there, Asta! Here's wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!

the many Bs said...

hey Asta, we love looking at your wonderful old photos.

we want you to know that your christmas wish for us came true. we are never hungry, we have lots of treats, toys, comfy beds, and everything a pup could ever want. and we have you for a friend!

we woof you a very merry and happy christmas!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for sharing all those lovely pictures! We always love to see pictures that are olders!!

Asta! You make a nice Christmas Angel!

Bocci said...

So beautiful, Asta. We love seeing those photos of your parents and prior Wire Foxes:-)

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Your buddy,

Bocci and his Parental Unit

The Thuglets said...

Asta what a lovely post. Thank you for sharing precious memories with us.

Wishing you A Happy Christmas...may all your dreams come true.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

They ate my comment...completely at the long and witting ramblings of the Lacie.

I fear I need to go rest...will talk to you tomorrow, dear....

Kisses, Lacie Do Nut Cakes