I looove Yoguwt
whenevew Mommi ow Daddi have some, I wait fow them to give me the cawton so i can have the last bit (it looks silly but this is the most F icient way to eat it)
I put it on my nosey, and lick all awound and awound and shake my head to make suwe I get evewy last bit of it
my favowitest is peach, ow boobewwie ow vamilla
do any of you like yoguwt???
it's cool and cweamy and pawfect fow these hot days
Thank you evewyone fow youw good thoughts fow my sissie Momo
she is getting bettew slowly so keep youw good thoughts coming fow hew
Hewe's a vewy good idea fow what to do while you'we busy celebwating the fouwf of july wif youw families
play the
Hewe's a vewy good idea fow what to do while you'we busy celebwating the fouwf of july wif youw families
play the
my bwilliant fwiend
Fwankie Fuwtew thought of this and has the infowmation on how to play
I think it's a pawfect idea and so I hope all of you will go visit him and play along
I bet evewyone has faboolous stowies of how they gots theiw nameses
smoochie cooling kisses