a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Angels among us and Eastew

As most of you know by now(being a pawt of the bloggie wowld), thewe awe angels all awound us,
of couwse we know about ouw fuwangels who awe thewe fow us always and give us unconditional love, but many of us have discovewed that thewe awe hooman angels too.
They awe thewe when life gets hawd and sometimes feels like it's too unbeawable.

Many of us have had pwoof of this wecently..bwightening ouw days, helping us thwough the hawdest of times..I have to tell you Mommi and Daddi have wecently had a visit fwom these angels.

Mommi is cwazy about You-wope(she was bowned thewe and hew pawents ashes awe thewe), and it's going to be Mommi and Daddi's 35th annivewsawy on Apwil 5th.
Things have been a little wough wecently  and they nevew dweamt that they could evew go to You-wope again......and then and angel called and said "I think you should go  to celebwate..I'm going to make it happen....."  and then othew angels joined in  and said "we want to make youw twip pawfect too" and all of a sudden it was a wealitly..
They awe going fow a twip to You-wope wif the love and genewosity of theiw angels

Mommi didn't believe it fow a long time..but it's twooo...angels awe among us and I think it has to do wif doggies and the powew of the paw

the main angel owganised it and they awe off tomowwow fow a week of heaven

that's what they looked like 35 yeaws ago..they don't look the same, but theiw love is even biggew than it was then
They awe vewy vewy lucky!

I can't go wif them, but don't wowwy about me
I will be staying wif my angel auntie Kawen and my baby bwuffuw Duffy

I hope all of you have a wondewful Passovew and Eastew
and don't fowget me cause I won't be able to wite you  fow a while

Mommi and Daddi pwomise to take jillions of pictoowes and tell all of us about theiw twip when they get back....(meantime, I just might sneak out wif my BFF Lacie fow some adventoowes   you might check hew bloggie)

smoochie kisses to all of you wif all my love

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jax is bettew!!!!!! and My Bwofuw Duffy stayed ovew

I got some pwetty good news about JAX!

he is making impwovements and I heawd he even went outside and twampeled his cwocuses!
WAY TO GO JAX!!!!!!!!
Please keep pwaying and sending ouw good vibes to Jax and all ouw fwiends who need ouw help
Thank you deew fwiends..the powew of the Paw wowks!!!!!!!

Little Duffy, my bwofuw stayed ovew at my house cause his Mommi Auntie Kawen was painting theiw apawtment

so Mommi took us out fow a walk  along the wivew

it was a foggie , cold day, but thewe was a hint of spwing in the aiw

i like westing my chinny chin ow leg on Mommi's leg

hewe is a video of ouw walk..its pwetty shabby quality as mommi hasn't had "time" to leawn how to edit yet, heeheheh

pleez excoose the pwivate stuff I was doing that she was supposed to edit out and didn't know how

All of this was befowe my haiwcut which happened the next day and now i'm not neawly this fuzzy

We usually had bof diwections covewed 

no one can get awound the tewwiew patwol, hehehehe

latew, we played wif my toys inside

we stay in the bedwoom while Mommi goes on the pootew

we tell tewwiew secwets to each othew

and pwetend all innocence when questioned about ouw plots

then we just flop on the bed and act weally boowed

Duffy pwetends to be alewt..he's so young,, hehehehehe..i just totally welax untill thewe is something fun to do again


smoochie kisses

Saturday, March 27, 2010


My Pwayew Flags awe up and flying again..I have been in Italy nuwsing my big bootiful fwiend Paco who has a tewwibull infection on his face and is huwting and sad

then this mowning, I heawd fwom my deew fwiend Ewic, that Jackson,  ouw pwemiew wiwy leadew has suffewed a hooge setback

I'm leaving Paco in the capable hands of his loving family and wushing to Jax's side along wif all the othew nuwsies

Jackson has had to ovewcome soooo many awful things in his life and has bwavely soldiewed on in the bestest bwave tewwiew twadition

Pwimawy hypewpawathywoidism, lung cancew, catawacts, kidney stones, Cushing's disease and degenewative disc disease, and now he has had a mild stwoke!

So faw he has made a quite good wecovewy, but we don't weally know the extent of the damage and since he has so many othew medical issoos, he can't take stewoids which would be the tweatment of choice.

You awe ouw leadew and hewo..pleez take ouw stwengf
and come back fwom this latest awfull twial.
I love you and thank you fow all that you awe  and have been to  all us tewwiews..
someone to admiwe and emoolate and bwing us togethew  in hope and love

I, along wif all youw pals awe wishing on the dogstaw

and the Gweat Ciwcle of Paws is at wowk

I am pwaying fow all ouw Fwiends..Paco, Snowball, Bella, MAX, and Jax
They awe all fighting  to ovewcome illness  and stay wif us and theiw loving families fow as long as they can

Pleez give them stwengf and all my Zen and stubbown healing smoochie kisses 

pleez visit them and give them youw healing vibes and love to get them thwough these tewwibully hawd times

love to all of you

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to meet youw Neighbows at night

I was hanging out on the bed watching TV wif my pawents when the fiwe alawm stawted making noise

we sowt of ignowed it, till one of ouw fwiends in the building called us on the phone and said "thewe's a fiwe , get out"

so Mommi and Daddi gwabbed me and thwew on some clothes and we walked down the staiws
We live on the seventh floow and thewe was nothing thewe, but by the time we got to the fifth, thewe was lots of smoke and it was stinky

ouw family is all togethew

Thewe wewe tons of fiweguys on the stweet

about twelve big twucks

Daddi  took pictoowes wif his phone while talking to one of ouw nice neighbows wif a baby and I talked to theiw doggie Pipew , who 
i know fwom my wun

it was all bwight and evewyone was out

some of the hoomans wif babies went into the building acwoss the stweet and sat in that lobby cause it was cold and windy

but many of us just hung out outside

evewyone got comfy and fwiendly
thewe wewe cats and doggies and bunnies and lots of hooman pups

this little kid was shaking a little (I don't know if it was the cold ow being scawed but his Mom held him tight)

as wecouwceful NewYawkews, many got wawm dwinks fwom the cownew delli
and took it in stwide

it was a good chance to catch up wif neighbows and gossip

It appeaws that style was not fowemost in hoomans minds as they left theiw apawtments

the fuwwkids looked lots bettew than the hoomans

of couwse , you can't go wong wif a oonifowm

they finally let us back into ouw lobby, but not upstaiws

those laddews awe weally tall..they went up to the woof to make soowe nothing was buwning up thewe

Mommi got hew pants sopping wet by getting too close to the watew, hehehe

mowe neighbow fuwwkids

a bwand new baby fuwwgiwl

some of the stuff the fiweguys wewe cawying  looked pwetty scaiwy, like hooks and chainsaws and hatchets and stuff

one of the fiwemen asked if it was a wequiwement to have a doggie in owdew to live in this building, hehehehehehe

ouw fwinds little Chawlie had a fwont wow seat on his Dad's shouldews

and of couwse Mommi cwadled me when I got sneepy and I was totally safe

No one was huwt, and aftew about two houws out of the building , we wewe allowed back in a little aftew midnight.
Mommi was angwy that she once again missed an evening of answewing fwiends on the blog..that was hew big gwumble, that , and the fact that Mywna and Womy wewe left behind and she was wowwied they would get smoke in theiw wheelie lungs.  Ouw apawtment was fine, and we only had a slight smoky smell that came thwough the vents in the kitchen and bafwoom.
Mommi put vinegaw mixed wif watew in bowls awound the apt. and it was almost clear by this mowning.

photo by Lacie

As a side effect to this event, Lacie is now dating this fiwefightew

(Unfowtoonately, I sent a photo of this buff hot fiwefightew to my BFF Lacie
well, befowe I could finish the convewsation, she was on hew way..she made a date wif him immediately and awwanged to meet him by the wivew..
sometimes i despaiw........)

The fiwe was stawted by a homeless man  making a fiwe next to the building on the highway side whewe no one sees..I think some of the spawks went into the vent and caught something..the damage was on the fiwst and second floow mostly smoke and the fiwefightews smashing things to pwevent  the fiwe.

at least that's what we've heawd fwom the doowman today.
My fwiend Kawen told me that a fiwefightew told hew it could have spwead up the side of the building in anothew ten minutes if they hadn't gotten thewe.

We'we vewy gwateful that evewyone is safe..NO ONE GOT HUWT!

but once again we have to apologize fow not coming awound to answew youw bloggies..we'll twy today and tomowwow.
smoochie kisses