As most of you know by now(being a pawt of the bloggie wowld), thewe awe angels all awound us,
of couwse we know about ouw fuwangels who awe thewe fow us always and give us unconditional love, but many of us have discovewed that thewe awe hooman angels too.
They awe thewe when life gets hawd and sometimes feels like it's too unbeawable.
Many of us have had pwoof of this wecently..bwightening ouw days, helping us thwough the hawdest of times..I have to tell you Mommi and Daddi have wecently had a visit fwom these angels.
Mommi is cwazy about You-wope(she was bowned thewe and hew pawents ashes awe thewe), and it's going to be Mommi and Daddi's 35th annivewsawy on Apwil 5th.
Things have been a little wough wecently and they nevew dweamt that they could evew go to You-wope again......and then and angel called and said "I think you should go to celebwate..I'm going to make it happen....." and then othew angels joined in and said "we want to make youw twip pawfect too" and all of a sudden it was a wealitly..
They awe going fow a twip to You-wope wif the love and genewosity of theiw angels
Mommi didn't believe it fow a long time..but it's twooo...angels awe among us and I think it has to do wif doggies and the powew of the paw
the main angel owganised it and they awe off tomowwow fow a week of heaven
that's what they looked like 35 yeaws ago..they don't look the same, but theiw love is even biggew than it was then
They awe vewy vewy lucky!
I can't go wif them, but don't wowwy about me
I will be staying wif my angel auntie Kawen and my baby bwuffuw Duffy
I hope all of you have a wondewful Passovew and Eastew
and don't fowget me cause I won't be able to wite you fow a while
Mommi and Daddi pwomise to take jillions of pictoowes and tell all of us about theiw twip when they get back....(meantime, I just might sneak out wif my BFF Lacie fow some adventoowes you might check hew bloggie)
smoochie kisses to all of you wif all my love