a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pawlimpics,NOMS DAY,GUSSIE's Pawty, Flight

I am supew happy to say that I was chosen fow the NewYowk City Section of the Intewnational Pawlimpic Bone Welay !!!
This is a gweat honow, and I would like to thank my fwiend Lenny..the owganisew of the pawlimpics..he has all the bone welay pawticipants wif a map of whewe they come fwom on his Bloggie..it's FAntastic!! You have to see it! thank you Lenny!!! ..let the games begin!!!

This is the first DWB Pawlimpics, and Lenny and his mom have been working hard advertising it. Go to his blog, see the pictures, and buy the t-shirt.

"For the first anniversary of the nomss friend Dare we will create an international public holiday and

declare August 5 to be Noms Day." Karl of the CatRealm

Last yeaw I was dawed by Sophia(Diva Kitty, and her Buns_ Orlando and Fiona) to be theiw NOMSSfwiend....of couwse I gladly accepted

hewe is a pictoowe of the thwee gowgeous NOMS fwiends who fiwst asked me
Fiona bun, Sophia Diva Kitty, and Orlando Bun

Since that time..I have met and become good fwiends wif soo many wondewful catses, bunnies , hammies, howses, and even hoomans, that I feel vewy fowtoonate..
I leawn fwom all of them and wevel in ouw diffewences and samenesses.

I've been on some fantastic adventoowes with my kitty fwiends this yeaw..I'm suwe you've seen them, and know them..(Karl,Mrs. Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, the Taylor Catsssss, Socks and his sistews Scylla and Charybdis, My sissies Momo and Sassy, just to name a few...as the yeaw went by I kept meeting and liking mowe and mowe)
I can't possibly name them all..pleeze fowgive me if you got left out..I love all of you and soo appweciate how you've wallied awound my sick fwiend Jackson, and given him youw encouwagement and puwws fow his wecovewy.

Yestewday I was asked by Socks ,Scylla and Charybdis to be theiw NOMS fwiend, and join them and othew fwiends fow a pawty to celebwate Noms day in theiw bootiful buttewfly gawden..they said since I like to swim, we should hold the pawty neaw theiw pond, and Myrna was invited too.

as you can see we had a wondewful day
fwom top left, clockwise:Myrna, Sassy ,Mercy,Momo. Asta,Charly,Samaritan,Scylla,Socks,Charybdis(dwinking fwom the fountain),Chawlotte(lowew left), and Buddy...othew fwiends joined us latew to help celebwate, but I wan out of film

then I got this most lovely lettew:
Dear Miss Asta,
May I be one of your NOMS friends? I am Georgie and Gordy's roommate and love most doggies. My first dog-well the one that was here when I moved in, was Maggie, the WFT. I loved to do kitten tricks like run up and bat her legs and run off-she didn't like it though.
kitty licks, Pesto

well of couwse Pesto ,I would be honowed!
..so now I have seven official NOMS fwiends..and two NOMS sissies, and then thewe is Petey's bwuvvew Mica..who is the onliest Kitty I've spent weal time wif..and he is a love!!!!!
This could get out of paw, hehehehe

Aftew my splendid aftewnoon by the pond..I wushed ovew to Gussie's house fow a pawty.

Gussie said it would be in the evening, outdoows, and I'm sick of being bitten by mosquitos..(they almost ate us alive in Lon Gisland)...so I invested in some netting to weaw fow pwotection

I will have Mommi tell you about the west of my weekend twip tomowwow...
as fow me,
I'm flying back to England and Jackson

as I looked out of the plane window..I made my final wish of the day to the dogstaw.....
night night evewyone..sweet dweams!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is one excellent Bone you got there, Asta! Go, Asta! Will be supporting you and fellow DWBers who are in the International Bone Relay...keep up the great job!


Simba and Jazzi said...

So many blogs to catch up on. Hope everyone is fit and well.

Simba x

Duke said...

What a sensational outfit you wore to Gussie's pawty, Asta! You're always the perfect lady!
You sure have lots of NOMS kitty friends!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Asta, I'm back and I missed you.
Looks like you had a pawsome weekend. Good thinking to pawtect yourself against the mozzies

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Asta, you look beautiful even with all the netting around you...very elegant.
We're really happy to be part of the bone relay too.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Congratulations on being part of the bone relay. Charlie did the Sydney section so we are doubly excited about it.

Thank you so much for taking the lovely picture Asta, we shall treasure it always.

In the spirit of NOMS Day we have been making friends with the doggies next door. They no longer bark at us when we go sit by the fence to visit with them.

Thanks for being our NOMSSF and thank you for coming to our party and taking the lovely picture. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

PS: we are very lucky we don't have many mosquitos here. Mommy thinks it is because of all the birds and dragonflies. Although Mommy says even one mosquito is one too many ~S, S & C

Daisy said...

Happy NOMS day! It is wonderful to be friends with dogs and cats and hamsters and goats and all species!

Unknown said...

Asta, you look like you're wearing a screened porch! Hee! I'll see you at Socks party as well.

Your Pal,


Asta - what am I? Chopped liver? (Actually, that sounds like what I had for breakfast..)

Thought I was your NOMS pal, too.


Sassy Kat said...

Happy NOMS Day to my sissie! Left you a special post at my place.

Deb Cushman said...

Happy NOMS Day, ASTA! We're glad we got to know you this year!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we want to post about our bird friends. they don't like us much, but we want to be friends with them anyway.

we like that letter that you got from Pesto. we know Gordy and Georgie, but we didn't get to play with Pesto.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hey Asta, Mommy is back and so we are blogging again! We missed you.
Looks like you had a wonderful weekend.

Katherine and Pippa said...

I wonder if I should have mentioned NOMS Day when I wrote about Elfreda Beetle? I had forgotten.

Important to protect yourself against mosquitoes. That's why I like my fan.


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
Cool Pawlimpics bone!!
Wow! You're having a great NOMS day!
We hope the mosquitoes leave you alone!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Kyanite said...

I have posted re NOMS Day, like you suggested but I have soo many friends I didn't do them justice!
Love you lots, because you & Ami are so special to me.

Deetz said...

Thank you Asta so much for your thoughts and prayers for Charlottes safe return. Do not cry or be sad. Mum said she has faith and you can't actually see it, kinda like the wind, but it is there and it is powerful...just as powerful as the Power of Paw Prayers....
The relay is wonderful and I got to pass the bone to Gus in TX. I am on my way home now, I know the way.

Anonymous said...

Purrs Asta - we're prety happy to have the most fabulous NOMS friend in you! ~Sophia, Fiona Bun and Orlando

Eric said...

All those cool cats for friends, purrrfectly lovely... and how pretty you all look in the bootiful butterfly garden. Sad not to see you at Gussie's pawty but it was past my bedtime here.

Jackson will be so happy to see you, I think you are just the tonic he needs to keep his spirits up!

Wiry wags, Eric (who's just off to see Eric!)


Chrissie said...

You have some great friends, Asta. And I hope your wish upon the Dog Star comes true!

Georgeous said...

Lets hope nodog eats the limpic bone.
How amazing to get on sOooo well with all those other species. And even more amazing - to get a glimpse of that Dogstaw.
Snuffs George

PB 'n J said...

Happy NOMS Day Asta! We're purring for Jackson!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, Happy NOMS Day! Thank you for encouraging your cat pals to visit me, they've all been purring for me. Looking forward to seeing you again cos I've got to starve myself after eating my tea tonight until after the scan which isn't until 4.00 tomorrow. I'M STARVING ALREADY! Maybe you can distract me? J x

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Noms Day, Asta!
We are very happy to have you as a noms friend! You must be the dog with the most official nomss frineds in the blogopshere, hohoohohohohohoho, very good!!! Keep it going, hihihhihihi!
Mrs. OZ and Tintin, and Karl from his safari of course also.
That Pawlimpics are sooo awesome! We wanted to enter but the only category we would fit in was synchronized napping and then the maid didn't help us with entering!!!

Petra said...

Lenny's video is pawsome and you did your part well, Asta! Let the games begin!

Happy Noms Day and I'm glad the mosquitos didn't eat you alive. That would have been very scary to see.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy NOMS Day Asta. It looks like you have been having a great time.We are glad to have you as a friend. We have just been to see our new friend Eric, and now we are going to take some more purrs to Jackson.Our official NOMS friend is Gerald the goat, but it's fun to have more NOMS friends.
Purrrs furrom Eric and Flynn.

Mack said...

Hi Asta Bonita!

Thank you so much for your well wishes during our little storm.

I am so proud of my brother Mack for being a bone carrier for Texas.

I just feel so bad he gnawed on the end of the bone!

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!

You, my sweetpea, are going to be FABulous in the relay! Sadly, my lazy girl forgot to sign me up for the Pawlimpics, so now I will have time to cheer you and all of our buddies on!

Give Jax a big smooch from me before his test!

And, Happy Happy NOMS Day! I think you have more cat, bun, horse, and hammie buddies than any other pup around! (I'm not surprised!)

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

omdog Tanner tried to do the NOMS day thing but he is way too special and kind of didn't get it. but he tried, now he is really tired, so thanks!!!! you look great for Gus's party!

Kapp pack said...

Congratulations! That's a huge honor!

Kisses, Sky boy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Happy NOMS Day!
I like your picture with the pawlimpics bone!
I know about mosquitos... and my mom too!
Kisses and hugs

Juno said...

Asta sissy!! Happy NOMS Day to you and all our friends!! :) It's really great to celebrate such a special day with all our friends!

Seems like your trip to Lon Gisland was pawsome!! We're glad everyone looks happy and ... your daddy looks very healthy as well!!!

Momo & Pinot

Kirby said...

You sure look great carrying that bone through Mahnattan, Asta. No one could do NYC proud quite like you!!

Your pal,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sweet Asta...we have a pic of Scruffy wearin' ur skeeter netting...um...it was a lesson on "editing" by Bruvver for Mumsie...he said it was too advanced for her...that was right before he tossed the puter at her...just kiddin'...thank Dog he's NOT goin' into teaching....

That dog star is EVERYWHERE!! And so easily seen, too...we see it from our crates at night...on our walkies...in our yard....

Shine on, Dog Star and watch over Jackson on all of our sick or missing friends!
