a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

latest tag

end run on the count of three
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Joe Stains said...

did you guys get a touchdown??

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hehehe, I love it!

Oscar x

Duke said...

Cool! You're playin' with the big boys!

Love ya lots,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Great photo! J x

Gus said...

Absolutely Great photo. Clearly you are in charge, as is only right. Go Girl


PerfectTosca said...

Now that's a funny shot. It's easy to see who is in charge there for sure!

Anonymous said...

ohh... I LOVE IT!!! I also love the running fox terrier at the top :)

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!

Are you getting some Aire time with those back paws? You kill me.

Goob love,

Maggie said...

wowie asta !! once at the dog beach there was a but sniffing chain , like 12 dogs all sniffing each others buts , and i was in the front !!

Juno said...

Hello Asta! You're the girl!! You're the star!

Momo xoxo

Hammer said...

Hey Asta

Was it an ear grabbing thing ? This is what us Setters do.

Thank you for your kind comments about my handsomeness.

Love from your friend, Hammer

PS I'm still trying to join your guestbook. I think it's because our computer is too slow

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Terrier in CHARGE~!

Bussie Kissies