a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, August 9, 2013

twying to suwvive in Wecowd Bweaking HEAT

Hewo evewy pal,

this is a melted Asta coming to you fwom melted Boo da Pest

I don't know if you awe awawe, but Boo da Pest has tuwned into the hottest place on eawf in these last few weeks

at fiwst it was just high nineties, but as of monday we have been baking in  ovew a hundwed degwees evew day

hewe I am passed out at an outdoow cafe..even though I'm weawing my soopew speshul scawf fwom Tabifa's Mum, i just cooldn't jump ow be excited

ouw apawtment is oosually fine wifout AC, cause we have ceiling fans, many lawge windows and no diwect sun xept in the mowning, but aftew sevewal weeks..the heat builds up and we'we all melting.

Mommi and Daddi had guests to show awound the city..they wlaked Veeeeeeeewy slowly and mostly went out at night

this is up in the Castle Distwict

the added advantage of going in the evening is the masses of touwists awe not thewe

When the tempewatoowe got to 103 wif the pwomise of 104 the following day

the hoomans went to sit in the watew of Boo da Pest's many Bafing places

Fiwst day, they went to Hotel Gellert, it's been thewe since the eighteen hundweds and Mommi wemembews being a littol giwl and being delighted wif the wave machine in the big pool (that's why the watew looks so shallow, cause when the waves stawt (on evewy houw fow ten-fifteen minutes), they cum all the way to the top of the pool

The second day they went to 'Palatinus"...it's a hooge complex of pools on Mawgawet Island(it's in between Buda and Pest ) in the middle of the city

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sadly, I cooldn't go,but pleez don't wowwy..I was on the big bed , undew the fan westing comfowtabully while they wewe gone
(all these places awe close, so it only takes fifteen minutes to get thewe)

hope all of you awe cool and having fun and staying healthy
cwoss paws that ouw mad heatwave goes away

smoochie kisses



Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That is hot and it must be very wearing. I loved the smilebox and the waves looked a lot of fun and cool too. Try to stay as cool as possible. Thanks for showing us the gorgeous pictures. Hugs GJ x

Unknown said...

Lovely pix Asta of lovely Budapest. We saw on the news how hot it was. Try and stay cool as much as possible. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh, love the pools, bet that was just great for beating the heat, very pretty places. Hope you get cooler fast, your having our normal summer weather.
We have been having like 87 inches of rain and anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees below normal.
Eat some ice that works for us!

Your Pals
The Mad Scots

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We would have LOVED the wave pool thingy.. we could have SURFED on it..

So sorry that it is BEASTLY/Squirrellly hot fur you.

Love the pictures though.
Think Cool Cool thoughts..

Gus said...

Asta! Was that Mommi being silly in the water????

We would love the waves, and most pawticularly the fountain thingies (at the other pool?)

We hope you have a snowstorm soon

gussie n teka

da tabbies o trout towne said...

asta....ewe knead ta roll in sum perch N flounder ta stay kewl...toss sum slices on de floor...at leest 87....then roll....knot onlee will ewe beet de heet ewe will smell grate !! thanx for sharin de pick sures ~~~hope everee one haza grate flounder filled week oh end !

Ranger said...

OMD. Over 100 degrees in Budapest? I didn't know dat could happen. You're gonna have to drink your ice cream.

Castles? Now were talk'n. I'm sure dar are lots of great scent there.

Stay cool.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You need to get the city to put in a DOG POOL!!!

When it gets hot and SHE doesn't put the a/c on. We get dampened down with a face cloth and then lie under the ceiling fans.

XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

The Black and Tans. said...

We hope it cools down soon for you Asta. We thoroughly enjoyed your Smilebox, what a shame you couldn't go too.

Have a good weekend.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Ziggy Stardust said...

Sweet Asta, I hope you get some relief soon from all the heat. It looks like there were some pretty nice places to cool down, I am sorry you couldn't go. I am glad that you were comfortable while they were gone. I hope you are getting lots of popsicles

Loveys Sasha

Millie and Walter said...

We wish we could send our AC to you. Hope it cools off soon.

Millie & Walter

Two French Bulldogs said...

Where is your pool
Benny & Lily

White Dog Blog said...

You have heat AND humidity! How awful (we just have heat which is not so bad because all the sweatiness evaporates if you sit in the shade). The pools are lovely and it looks like everyone in the city has the same idea for cooling off. During the summer our favorite time to go on walkies is late at night...like around 10pm when everything has cooled down. Please try to stay comfortable, Dear Friends...drink LOTS of fluids and stay out of the sun.

Jo's World said...

Ohhh, Asta! We had our bad heat in July and now it is 70F and 50s at night. So we are very comfy and wish you were too!

Long distance hugs,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, we cannot even imagine temperatures of over 100 degrees. No wonder you were flat out on the ground under the cafe table (looking smashing in your special scarf, incidentally). But every cloud (or should that be lack of clouds?) has a silver lining and Budapest does look so beautiful at night, and also has some great places to for the humans to go for a dip.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed that your too hot heat goes away soon, Asta! We will send you cooling breezes from CT!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

We can not imagine dealing with that heat and no ac.....we would melt! The city does look beautiful at night time

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to the Palatinus bath, Asta. My mom was there in the 80s as she visited Boo daw pest (her first trip without her pawrents) and she loved this bath. She spent every afternoon there while her friends watched a boring car race on this Hirlap-thingy.

Ruby said...

Oh my sweet Pal ~ no A/C?? Holy cow! I will send you some of our Pacific Coast 'air conditioning' (sea breeze), it is so refreshin' and I thinks it will save you from meltin' aways. I can't believe how hot it is there gurl!
Everytime you post these wonderful pics of Budapest, Ma is just in awe of how beautifuls it is!! She just wants to walk through the puter screen and come join you on your adventures!
I knows, I send you some I-Scream!! Nothin' cools you down like I-Scream!!!
Stay cool my sweet pal!
Ruby ♥

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Stay cool!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

The weather has been peculiar everywhere, Asta! We had pretty high temps in France too but it is now quite a bit cooler, especially at night. We hope it cools down for you too.

We love the night-time photos!


Dexter said...

Have you had any relief yet? The hot and humid is awful. It takes the joy out of everything.


Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

oh noes Asta, I feel for you. Try to stay cool. The temperature has finally dropped a bit in the UK, maybe you should come for a visit?

Kari in Alaska said...

I sure hope it cools off soon

Stop on by for a visit

Pippa Sheltie said...

Hello Asta!
Your pictures of Budapest are lovely BUT I certainly don't like your first one - a melted Asta! I really feel sorry for you in that horrible heat! I'm sure some snow would be welcome in Budapest just now!
Pippa :)

Asta said...
