a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, August 9, 2013

twying to suwvive in Wecowd Bweaking HEAT

Hewo evewy pal,

this is a melted Asta coming to you fwom melted Boo da Pest

I don't know if you awe awawe, but Boo da Pest has tuwned into the hottest place on eawf in these last few weeks

at fiwst it was just high nineties, but as of monday we have been baking in  ovew a hundwed degwees evew day

hewe I am passed out at an outdoow cafe..even though I'm weawing my soopew speshul scawf fwom Tabifa's Mum, i just cooldn't jump ow be excited

ouw apawtment is oosually fine wifout AC, cause we have ceiling fans, many lawge windows and no diwect sun xept in the mowning, but aftew sevewal weeks..the heat builds up and we'we all melting.

Mommi and Daddi had guests to show awound the city..they wlaked Veeeeeeeewy slowly and mostly went out at night

this is up in the Castle Distwict

the added advantage of going in the evening is the masses of touwists awe not thewe

When the tempewatoowe got to 103 wif the pwomise of 104 the following day

the hoomans went to sit in the watew of Boo da Pest's many Bafing places

Fiwst day, they went to Hotel Gellert, it's been thewe since the eighteen hundweds and Mommi wemembews being a littol giwl and being delighted wif the wave machine in the big pool (that's why the watew looks so shallow, cause when the waves stawt (on evewy houw fow ten-fifteen minutes), they cum all the way to the top of the pool

The second day they went to 'Palatinus"...it's a hooge complex of pools on Mawgawet Island(it's in between Buda and Pest ) in the middle of the city

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sadly, I cooldn't go,but pleez don't wowwy..I was on the big bed , undew the fan westing comfowtabully while they wewe gone
(all these places awe close, so it only takes fifteen minutes to get thewe)

hope all of you awe cool and having fun and staying healthy
cwoss paws that ouw mad heatwave goes away

smoochie kisses


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Home Alone? NOT

Hewo Deew Fwiendses
My pawents went fo a twip to visit fwiends in Bewlin, but since they had to fly on Easy Jet, I cooldn't go along

they almost cancelled theiw twip cause they didn't want to leave me wif just anyone, but luckily, at the last minutes the soopew nice nuwsie fwom my vets office said she woold ba happy to have me stay wif hew.

I know hew well, and she had a sweet smoof foxy who cwossed the bwidge in Febuawy

she took me on long intewesting walks and tweated me wif love and cawe

 I gots to see sum cultoowe

we walked all the way down to the Palace of Awts along the Danoobe

 I kept finding sll thesehoomans who wewe hawd as wock

then we went to a nuwsewy to sniff the flowews

at hew house, I was allowed to sneep in hew foxy's bed

I saw a whole othew neighbowhood fwom mine

and found an owange bycicle, but it was too big fow me

this is the entwance to a botanicul Gawden

 aftew a while, I weely made myself at home (no teddyies wewe hawmed)

 I had my favowite Piggy(fwom Agatha and Awchie) along wif me fow company

and my ancient cown cob which I love to chew

 I even got to shawe the nice lady's bweakfast just like at home

 of couwse it took my vewy best behaviow and asking nicely to get that bweakfasts

we walked to the dogtow's office togethew when she had to wowk

 I got to be the wesident doggie and gweet all the pashunts

back at the lady's house, I snoozed contentedly
Mommi and Daddi wewe soo gwateful that I had such loving cawe

thank you Györgyi!

meantime hewe is a littol smileybox of what Mommi and Daddi did in Bewlin

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 I've missed all of you and hope that you awe well!!!!
we awe having a howwid heatwave hewe now, and awen't getting much accomplished except lying awound undew the fan

smoochie kisses